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To Tempt a Scoundrel (The Heart of a Duke Book 15) by Christi Caldwell (19)

It was coming.

After all, it was inevitable.

Just as it had been a certainty following Alice’s storming of St. George’s.

The Scandal.

Or what happened when a lady found herself embroiled in not one, but two of the greatest public disgraces of the Season?

Would the ton create one name for the two events? Or would they simply ascribe a moniker to Alice herself?

Alice’s previous fall from grace had been swift and complete, which was why five days after she’d fled Lord and Lady Guilford’s country estate, she was so blasted confused.

There hadn’t been so much as a word whispered among servants or written in the papers and Alice would know. She’d spent the past five mornings scouring those pages for a hint of a mention.

Uncaring about what was printed about her, the greater worry came from Daniel, who’d developed an older brother’s worry twenty years too late.

It was only a matter of time until he learned of Alice’s latest scandal… and with his business partner. And then, she would tell him and Daphne everything—well, not everything, but something.

For now, she opted for the coward’s way—delaying.

Her nephew perched on her hip, Alice rushed into the foyer. “Haply,” she greeted, with a forced smile. “Has the…?”

“Nothing yet, my lady,” the ancient butler, Haply, murmured from his post by the front door.

Alex caught one of Alice’s curls and yanked hard. “You’re certain?” she pressed, gently disentangling the strand from his determined little fingers.

A twinkle lit the loyal servant’s gaze. “My vision and hearing are not what they once were but I promise I will know when it arrives.”

The thump of a cane striking marble announced the arrival of Alice’s sister-in-law. “There you are.”

She bit the inside of her cheek. Must Daphne be one who rose before the morning sun made its ascent? It rather complicated all this subterfuge business. “I was unable to sleep,” she lied, her voice creeping up an octave.

Limping over, Daphne eyed her peculiarly. “Uh… I was not referring to you.” She tipped her head.

Alice followed her stare to the plump bundle in her arms. “Of course,” she said on a rush, making to hand her nephew over to his devoted mama.

He fidgeted, squirming away from Daphne. Twining his arms about Alice’s neck, he clung tight.

“It appears my son has other ideas.”

“That is just because your Aunt Alice sneaks you her dessert every night. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that right?” she cooed, bouncing him in her arms.

The babe squealed and clapped excitedly.

Alice cradled his plump body close and buried her head into his riotous curls. Only in these moments when she held her beloved nephew, did the misery abate. Even those reprieves, however, were fleeting and gave way to a fantasy she saw in her mind: Rhys’ babe with luscious, golden curls and a dimpled smile, being carried about on his doting papa’s shoulders.

A sheen of tears filled her eyes. Using her nephew’s frame to shield herself, she dusted her eyes along his linen gown. Her sister-in-law leveled a clever gaze on Alice.

Please do not let her pry. Please let her be content with the illusion of Alice as a happy, doting aunt and not the woebegone creature who’d consistently read through the scandal sheets each morn.

“You are waiting for the newspapers,” Daphne murmured, the unexpectedness of that observation jolted Alice.

Her cheeks warming, she rocked Alex.

“Bab,” Alex pouted, thumping his fist in the air. “Ba-ba-ba.”

She caught a tiny blow to her head. “You are going to be a brilliant pugilist someday,” she vowed in a sing-song voice. “Better than Gentleman Jackson. Better than anyone in all of England.” His lower lip quivered. “In the whole of England,” she corrected, spinning him in a quick circle until laughter spilled from his lips. Reluctantly, she placed him in Daphne’s arms. As the other woman adjusted her cane, she shifted the boy into the crook of her opposite shoulder. Despite his earlier protestations, he snuggled against his mother’s breast. Daphne brushed her lips over his brow.

The pair presented an idyllic image as glorious in its beauty as the Mother Mary with Jesus cradled in her arms. And Alice hated herself for envying her sister-in-law that joy. I want that… I want it all… with Rhys…

Her heart spasmed.

Do not think of him. Think of the latest scandal about to ensue which was vastly less painful than thoughts of how very happy she’d been with Rhys.

A footman strode into the hall with a silver tray in hand. “Your papers, my lady,” he murmured, the way one might when presenting the crown to the king.

Alice raced over and plucked the first scandal sheet to arrive that morn. Unfolding it, she frantically skimmed the front page. Scandals such as hers invariably found themselves on the front of those useless rags, not buried several pages in at some obscure location.

Releasing a painful breath, she snapped it closed and glanced over.

Daphne pointed to the copy in Alice’s hands. “You were never one to read scandal sheets.”

No, she hadn’t been. So how to explain her inordinate fascination with them now without revealing her latest scandal? Alice shifted on her feet.

Her sister-in-law didn’t again speak until the footman and butler took their leave.

“But here you are,” Daphne persisted, limping closer. “Each morning, waiting for the latest columns.”

“You know that?” she squawked, wanting to call that revealing query back.

The ghost of a smile played at her sister-in-law’s lips. “I know that.”

Bloody, bloody hell. If Daphne had gathered the reason Alice rushed belowstairs each morning then surely Daniel also had.

Daphne cleared her throat. “Is your frantic search for the morning gossip columns perhaps at all connected to your early return from Lord and Lady Guilford’s?”

Alice winced, letting her silence answer for her.

Her sister-in-law sighed. “I see.”

“You don’t,” she whispered. “Not truly.”

And what will you tell your brother? That she was dragged into a scandal by the pompous arse she’d been betrothed to? Oh, and there was the whole matter of her make-believe courtship with Rhys—her brother’s most recent partner in business. “Does Daniel know?” she squeezed out the dreaded question.

“Does Daniel know what?”

Blast, damn, and double-damn.

The two women looked to the tall figure striding forward. Her brother stopped alongside his wife and dropped a kiss on her lips, before scooping his son up.

Feeling like an interloper on that beautiful moment, she glanced to the opposite corridor. Slinking off, Alice made her escape.

She made it no more than four steps.

“Stop,” Daniel instructed and she froze, her slipper suspended.

Alice forced herself to complete the step.

“What is this all about?”

This?” She searched her mind for a diversionary reply.

His brow lowered, shadowing his face with suspicion.

Daphne, as she had so often done in the years she’d been part of Alice’s life, rescued her. “She was taking Alex to the breakfast room.”

Her brother frowned. “By way of the foyer?”

Alice gritted her teeth. It had been vastly easier to go on with her own affairs when he’d been the detached sibling. Alas, it appeared there was no happy medium of loving brother… and one who allowed her a life of her own. “I was speaking to Haply about…” From just beyond her husband’s shoulder, Daphne held a palm aloft, urging that thought to cessation. Alice cleared her throat.

The suspicion deepened in her brother’s eyes and he took a step closer. “What were you speaking to Haply about at this hour?”

“I was… I was…” Alice frantically searched for a response and then annoyance slipped in. Daniel had lived the life of a black-hearted scoundrel more years than he hadn’t. What right did he have to question any of her actions or decisions? She brought her shoulders back. “I was waiting for the newspaper.”

His mouth opened and closed several times. “The newspaper?” he echoed. “That merits secrecy?” As soon as the words left him, Daniel’s face shuttered. “What is it?” he asked gruffly.

Alex squirmed in his father’s arms.

“Here, I will take him,” Alice insisted, gathering her nephew.

Another footman rushed forward, with several papers upon his tray. He stopped, and looked between the assembled Winterbournes. “Uh, these have arrived.”

Daniel reached for the latest scandal sheets.

Darting over, Alice intercepted them, plucking them from the tray. “I’ll take those.”

“What in the blazes?” her brother muttered.

A hard knock at the doorway brought their attention to the door.

“Who’s come to call now?” Daniel muttered. “The bloody King of England?”

Slightly winded, Haply ambled forward and drew the door open.

A charge of awareness coursed through Alice and she drank in the sight of the towering, broad-bear of a figure framed in the doorway. Afraid these past days missing him as she had, that she’d conjured him out of the air.

For he was here. Now.

Rhys, as devastatingly beautiful in the flesh as he’d been in her remembrances of him this week.

Doffing his hat, he took in the crowded foyer, before settling his gaze briefly on Alice.

Her arms tightened reflexively around her nephew and he squirmed, batting at her head in protest. She immediately lightened her grip.

Rhys’ stare locked with hers. The piercing intensity of it sucked the breath from her lungs.

“Brookfield?” Daniel shattered that pull. “I believed our meeting was not until later this afternoon.”

A bitter cold chased away the thrill of seeing him.

Of course. “You’re here on business,” she whispered, the revelation slipped out.

Everyone swiveled their heads in Alice’s direction.

Her brother puzzled his brow. “Do you know… Brookfield?”

Striding through the entranceway, Rhys approached with long, sleek steps that set his black, wool cloak swirling about his ankles. Ignoring her brother entirely, Rhys stopped before Alice. “I am here on business,” he confirmed, dashing the last sliver of hope responsible for her still frantically pounding heart.

“Oh,” she managed through bitterness stinging her throat. She hugged her nephew close. “I will leave you and my brother to your… affairs.”

“You misunderstand, Alice,” Rhys called after her and she came to a jerky halt.

“Alice?” Daniel echoed, his expression darkening at Rhys’ intimate use of her Christian name.

“I came to speak with you,” he said somberly.

Alice’s heart jumped and she dimly registered Daphne rushing over and scooping up Alex.

He is here for me…

Until Rhys drew his last breath and took his leave for the great hereafter, he would always remember Alice as she’d been when Montfort’s door had been opened: a babe cradled close to her chest, as natural as if the boy himself had been born to her.

And he hungered for that life with her.

“What do you mean you’ve come to speak with my sister?” Lord Montfort growled. He took a threatening step forward, jerking Rhys back from those tempting musings.

The pretty, redheaded young woman at his side, laid a staying hand on his sleeve. She murmured something in hushed tones.

“I would like to speak to your sister, Montfort,” Rhys said quietly.

“I’ll ask you one more time before I throw you out on your damned arse,” his business partner gritted out. “How do you know my sister?”

Given the vein bulging at the earl’s temple, it wouldn’t do for Rhys to point out that he, in fact, hadn’t asked that same question. Rather, Montfort had wondered about the business Rhys had with his sister. The other man was rightfully suspicious. If a wicked scoundrel like Rhys had shown up for one of his sisters, he’d do far worse than throw the bugger out on his arse. As such, the earl was deserving of some explanation. He cleared his throat. “I—”

“You needn’t explain yourself to my brother,” Alice interjected in brusque tones. Wholly in command, asserting herself over her brother, there was nothing meek, mild, or demure about her. And how he loved her for her spirit.

“Yes, yes, he does.” Seething, Montfort took another step closer.

The other woman stepped between the earl and Rhys, and thrust the squirming babe in her arms into Montfort’s arms.

The tension immediately left the earl, as he folded the boy in a tender embrace.

“Forgive my husband,” she said, confirming her identity. “I’m Daphne Winterbourne, the Countess of Montfort.”

Rhys sketched a bow. “My lady.” The lady was an ally. That much was clear.

The countess smiled. “Allow me to accompany you and Alice to the parlor.” She paused to favor her husband with a stern look. “Will you bring Alex to the nursery.”

A silent battle waged between husband and wife; some unspoken language that only they two understood. Over the tops of their heads, Rhys’ gaze caught Alice’s.

She offered him a tentative smile, and the hope that had sent him here breathed to life. For the first time since she’d gone, he grinned.

“Shall we?” Lady Montfort interjected, ending that silent connection. Without awaiting to see whether anyone followed, she started forward. The bottom of her cane marked an incessant beat upon the floor as she led the way, her pace made slow by the slight drag of her left leg. Casting a glance back at him, Alice fell into step alongside her sister-in-law.

“I’ll have answers, Brookfield,” Montfort vowed on a steely whisper that contained the threat of death.

He lifted his head in acknowledgement. “After I speak with the lady.” The earl’s gaze burning into his back, Rhys strode after the pair of ladies.

Perhaps if he were the respectable gent like Pup Pratt who’d snagged Alice’s heart, Rhys would have done the honorable thing and spoken to her brother. He would have asked the other man for her hand in marriage and had a proper courtship, betrothal, and then a staid marriage.

But Rhys was not, nor would he ever be one of those sorts. He didn’t know a bloody thing about being proper, and he knew even less about marriage and courtship. They were anathema to everything he’d vowed.

“Here we are,” the countess murmured, bringing them to a stop outside a cheerfully lit parlor. She motioned them inside. “I’ll remain on guard for my husband,” she whispered, a mischievous twinkle glittered in her eyes.

Nor could there be any question that, even now, Montfort was, no doubt, racing through the stucco townhouse to hand the babe off so he might listen at the keyhole.

After Alice and Rhys had entered, the countess drew the door closed behind them.

He’d thought of nothing but her these past five days. Nay, she’d been all that had consumed him since he’d found her in The Copse. And yet, in this instant, all the carefully crafted words, questions, and thoughts he’d assembled in his mind melted.

Alice clasped her hands before her. “I trust you are… well?” she asked, breaking the impasse, proving herself, once again, more brave with her forthrightness than he’d ever been in the whole of his roguish existence.

“I am… well,” his voice emerged garbled. Fingers shaking, he reached inside his cloak and fished around. “You left this.” He pressed the small leather tome into her palm.

Alice stared at the cover, briefly tracing the title etched in gold. “Oh.”

Did he imagine the disappointment in that single syllable? Was it merely crafted of his own yearning?

Folding his hands behind him, Rhys rocked on his heels. “I had this planned.”

“Planned?” she repeated, slowly lifting her head from the book. Her golden lashes veiled her eyes, shielding her thoughts.

Terror rattled around his chest.

He managed an unsteady nod. “What I was going to say when I came here. I’ve thought of nothing else since I set out. I had it scripted in my mind.”

The pink tip of her tongue darted out and traced the seam of her lips. “What were you going to say?”

“I don’t know,” he explained hoarsely, turning his palms up. “Everything in here,” he touched his head and then moved his fingers to his chest. “And here. It is all jumbled. It has been that way since you entered my life… and then left.”

Alice set her book down slowly on a rose-inlaid sidetable. “Try.”


“My heart was broken,” he said quietly. “Badly. After Lillian, I never wanted to love again but, more, I thought I was unable to love—until you, Alice.”

She sucked in a shuddery breath. “You… love me?”

How could she not know?

“My life was empty—until you. You reminded me what it was to laugh and smile.” An agonized laugh rumbled from his chest. “I never knew there was a woman like you. You are clever and spirited and you throw a snowball, Alice. And skate.”

She cocked her head.

He scrubbed a hand over his face. “My God, I’m blundering this.” Rhys began to pace, his cloak snapping angrily about his legs. “I always knew what to say. I would have once had pretty words for you, perfect ones, and they came easy to me.” He took her hands in his, lightly squeezing them. The warmth of her palms was a balm to his trembling ones. They gave him strength, allowing him to continue. “Those roguish words once came easy because I didn’t feel. You made me feel.” His throat spasmed. He released her hands. “The night I saw you with Pratt… I was destroyed in ways that even Lillian’s betrayal hadn’t left me.”

“Oh, Rhys,” she whispered, brushing her fingers over his cheek.

He leaned into that caress, craving more of her tender touch.

She let her hands fall to her sides. “Is that why you didn’t come sooner?”

The hurt there shredded him, but also stirred hope within him.

“No,” he shook his head. “That is not why.”

Alice bit at her lower lip.

“I know you love him and I’ve accepted that you always will, b-but…” His voice broke. “I love you so very desperately, I will take even the smallest piece of your heart, if you’ll but trust it to me.” He sank to a knee.

Alice slapped a hand to her mouth, catching the gasp that filtered from her lips. “What are you doing?” she breathed, backing up a step.

Rhys withdrew the thick ivory velum; marked, inked, and sealed. “I wanted to come sooner but I wanted to have this with me.” He set it down. “It is special license from the Archbishop.”

“You want me to marry you?”

“It is all I want,” he said hoarsely. It was all he’d never known he wanted. “But my desires are secondary.” Her happiness was everything and, even as it would break his soul to lose Alice, if that brought her joy, he’d set her free.

The clock ticked away atop the mantel, stretching the silence into a never-ending beat that drilled a slow, hollow wall of emptiness inside.

And when she spoke, hers was not the simple “yes” he longed for.

“You would marry me, Rhys, even believing I’m in love with Henry.”

How he despised that name and all it represented. “I would,” he said unequivocally.

Then, one word contained within that string of others, penetrated his misery, and he replayed that statement over in his head.

…You would marry me, even believing I’m in love with Henry…

“I do not love him, Rhys.”

His heart slowed to a stop. “You do not?” It had been that thought that had eaten him alive since he’d come upon her and Pratt together.

“I do not.” She took a hesitant step closer, when there had never been anything tentative about Alice Winterbourne.

“I saw you—”

“You saw him kissing me.”

What was she saying? Rhys’ mind raced and then slowed to a stop. “I saw—”

“He was drunk,” she said bluntly. “And jealous… because of my feelings for you.”

“And it was not a display to sever our pretend courtship?” he breathed that revelation out on a slow exhale.

She gave her head a tight shake. “Certainly not. Your sister-in-law paid me a visit. We spoke, and she encouraged me to follow my heart.”

It was as Philippa had said. A lightness suffused his chest… and then as quick as it flickered to life, died as the implications settled around his mind. An animalistic growl started low and climbed to his throat. Primal rage consumed him. “Then Pratt’s embrace?”

“He forced on me.”

The air exploded from his lungs on a sharp hiss. He closed his eyes briefly, forcing his mind back to that night. Rhys had been so consumed by his own grief and heartache, he’d failed to see that which was before him. Hatred consumed him; for himself for failing to see and protect her as she’d deserved and loathing for Pratt who’d dared put his hands upon her.

I’ll kill him.

“You won’t.”

Unaware he’d uttered that threat aloud, his eyes flew open. She’d defend a cur who’d never deserved her and who was long overdue for a good thrashing?

Alice continued. “You won’t kill him because he’s a pathetic man who’ll suffer an empty life with a woman he does not love because of his lust for power. That’s punishment enough. No, I never loved Henry,” she said softly, drifting closer and then stopping when a mere handsbreadth separated them. “I loved the idea of love. I loved the idea of someone I could sit and read with; a man who didn’t try to change me but accepted me as one who’d forever challenge Societal conventions. And I found him.” She cupped his face. “In you.” Alice lowered her brow to his. “I love you, Rhys Brookfield.”

“You love me?” he asked hoarsely.

“Only you. It has only ever been you.” She smiled a watery smile. “I just did not know it until you rescued me in The Copse, and then you saved me in every way.”

His heart sped up. “Nay, we rescued one another.” Gathering her hands in his, he raised them to his mouth, placing a lingering kiss on the inside of her wrist. “Is that a yes, Alice?”

Her grin widened. “That is a yes.” She hurled herself into his arms and he caught her, holding her close.

Montfort’s steady stream of black curses filtered through the oak panel. Alice and Rhys’ laughter melded together as they let go of their pasts and embraced the future that awaited them—together.

The End

Book 1 in the “Brethren” Series by Christi Caldwell

A widow with a past… The last thing Victoria Barrett, the Viscountess Waters, has any interest in is romance. When the only man she’s ever loved was killed she endured an arranged marriage to a cruel man in order to survive. Now widowed, her only focus is on clearing her son’s name from the charge of murder. That is until the love of her life returns from the grave.

A leader of a once great agency… Nathaniel Archer, the Earl of Exeter head of the Crown’s elite organization, The Brethren, is back on British soil. Captured and tortured 20 years ago, he clung to memories of his first love until he could escape. Discovering she has married whilst he was captive, Nathaniel sets aside the distractions of love…until an unexpected case is thrust upon him—to solve the murder of the Viscount Waters. There is just one complication: the prime suspect’s mother is none other than Victoria, the woman he once loved with his very soul.

Secrets will be uncovered and passions rekindled. Victoria and Nathaniel must trust one another if they hope to start anew—in love and life. But will duty destroy their last chance?

Book 14 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

A Lady with a Secret… Partially deaf, with a birthmark marring her face, Bridget Hamilton is content with her life, even if she’s been cast out of her family. But her peaceful existence—expanding her mind with her study of rare books—is threatened with an ultimatum from her evil brother—steal a valuable book or give up her son. Bridget has no choice; her son is her world.

A Lord with a Purpose… Vail Basingstoke, Baron Chilton is known throughout London as the Bastard Baron. After battling at Waterloo, he establishes himself as the foremost dealer in rare books and builds a fortune, determined to never be like the self-serving duke who sired him. He devotes his life to growing his fortune to care for his illegitimate siblings, also fathered by the duke. The chance to sell a highly coveted book for a financial windfall is his only thought.

Two Paths Collide… When Bridget masquerades as the baron’s newest housekeeper, he’s hopelessly intrigued by her quick wit and her skill with antique tomes. Wary from having his heart broken in the past, it should be easy enough to keep Bridget at arm’s length, yet desire for her dogs his steps. As they spend time in each other’s company, understanding for life grows as does love, but when Bridget’s integrity is called into question, Vail’s world is shattered—as is his heart again. Now Bridget and Vail will have to overcome the horrendous secrets and lies between them to grasp a love—and life—together.

Book 13 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

A Devil in Disguise

Years ago, when Nick Tallings, the recent Duke of Huntly, watched his family destroyed at the hands of a merciless nobleman, he vowed revenge. But his efforts had been futile, as his enemy, Lord Rutland is without weakness.

Until now…

With his rival finally happily married, Nick is able to set his ruthless scheme into motion. His plot hinges upon Lord Rutland’s innocent, empty-headed sister-in-law, Justina Barrett. Nick will ruin her, marry her, and then leave her brokenhearted.

A Lady Dreaming of Love

From the moment Justina Barrett makes her Come Out, she is labeled a Diamond. Even with her ruthless father determined to sell her off to the highest bidder, Justina never gives up on her hope for a good, honorable gentleman who values her wit more than her looks.

A Not-So-Chance Meeting

Nick’s ploy to ensnare Justina falls neatly into place in the streets of London. With each carefully orchestrated encounter, he slips further and further inside the lady’s heart, never anticipating that Justina, with her quick wit and strength, will break down his own defenses. As Nick’s plans begins to unravel, he’s left to determine which is more important—Justina’s love or his vow for vengeance. But can Justina ever forgive the duke who deceived her?

Book 12 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

A clever spinster:

Content with her spinster lifestyle, Miss Sybil Cunning wants to prove that a future as an unmarried woman is the only life for her. As a bluestocking who values hard, empirical data, Sybil needs help with her research. Nolan Pratt, Baron Webb, one of society’s most scandalous rakes, is the perfect gentleman to help her. After all, he inspires fear in proper mothers and desire within their daughters.

A notorious rake:

Society may be aware of Nolan Pratt, Baron’s Webb’s wicked ways, but what he has carefully hidden is his miserable handling of his family’s finances. When Sybil presents him the opportunity to earn much-needed funds, he can’t refuse.

A winter to remember:

However, what begins as a business arrangement becomes something more and with every meeting, Sybil slips inside his heart. Can this clever woman look beneath the veneer of a coldhearted rake to see the man Nolan truly is?

Book 11 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

He’s spent years scandalizing society.

Now, this rake must change his ways.

Society’s most infamous scoundrel, Daniel Winterbourne, the Earl of Montfort, has been promised a small fortune if he can relinquish his wayward, carousing lifestyle. And behaving means he must also help find a respectable companion for his youngest sister—someone who will guide her and whom she can emulate. However, Daniel knows no such woman. But when he encounters a childhood friend, Daniel believes she may just be the answer to all of his problems.

Having been secretly humiliated by an unscrupulous blackguard years earlier, Miss Daphne Smith dreams of finding work at Ladies of Hope, an institution that provides an education for disabled women. With her sordid past and a disfigured leg, few opportunities arise for a woman such as she. Knowing Daniel’s history, she wishes to avoid him, but working for his sister is exactly the stepping stone she needs.

Their attraction intensifies as Daniel and Daphne grow closer, preparing his sister for the London Season. But Daniel must resist his desire for a woman tarnished by scandal while Daphne is reminded of the boy she once knew. Can society’s most notorious rake redeem his reputation and become the man Daphne deserves?

Book 10 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

They see a brokenhearted widow.

She’s far from shattered.

Lady Philippa Winston is never marrying again. After her late husband’s cruelty that she kept so well hidden, she has no desire to search for love.

Years ago, Miles Brookfield, the Marquess of Guilford, made a frivolous vow he never thought would come to fruition—he promised to marry his mother’s goddaughter if he was unwed by the age of thirty. Now, to his dismay, he’s faced with honoring that pledge. But when he encounters the beautiful and intriguing Lady Philippa, Miles knows his true path in life. It’s up to him to break down every belief Philippa carries about gentlemen, proving that not only is love real, but that he is the man deserving of her sheltered heart.

Will Philippa let down her guard and allow Miles to woo a widow in desperate need of his love?

Book 9 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

A Lady Dreaming of Love

Lady Genevieve Farendale has a scandalous past. Jilted at the altar years earlier and exiled by her family, she’s now returned to London to prove she can be a proper lady. Even though she’s not given up on the hope of marrying for love, she’s wary of trusting again. Then she meets Cedric Falcot, the Marquess of St. Albans whose seductive ways set her heart aflutter. But with her sordid history, Genevieve knows a rake can also easily destroy her.

An Unlikely Pairing

What begins as a chance encounter between Cedric and Genevieve becomes something more. As they continue to meet, passions stir. But with Genevieve’s hope for true love, she fears Cedric will be unable to give up his wayward lifestyle. After all, Cedric has spent years protecting his heart, and keeping everyone out. Slowly, she chips away at all the walls he’s built, but when he falters, Genevieve can’t offer him redemption. Now, it’s up to Cedric to prove to Genevieve that the love of a man is far more powerful than the lure of a rake.

Book 8 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

A rogue

Marcus, the Viscount Wessex has carefully crafted the image of rogue and charmer for Polite Society. Under that façade, however, dwells a man whose dreams were shattered almost eight years earlier by a young lady who captured his heart, pledged her love, and then left him, with nothing more than a curt note.

A widow

Eight years earlier, faced with no other choice, Mrs. Eleanor Collins, fled London and the only man she ever loved, Marcus, Viscount Wessex. She has now returned to serve as a companion for her elderly aunt with a daughter in tow. Even though they’re next door neighbors, there is little reason for her to move in the same circles as Marcus, just in case, she vows to avoid him, for he reminds her of all she lost when she left.


As their paths continue to cross, Marcus finds his desire for Eleanor just as strong, but he learned long ago she’s not to be trusted. He will offer her a place in his bed, but not anything more. Only, Eleanor has no interest in this new, roguish man. The more time they spend together, the protective wall they’ve constructed to keep the other out, begin to break. With all the betrayals and secrets between them, Marcus has to open his heart again. And Eleanor must decide if it’s ever safe to trust a rogue.

Book 7 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

She’s longing to be loved:

Lady Cara Falcot has only served one purpose to her loathsome father—to increase his power through a marriage to the future Duke of Billingsley. As such, she’s built protective walls about her heart, and presents an icy facade to the world around her. Journeying home from her finishing school for the Christmas holidays, Cara’s carriage is stranded during a winter storm. She’s forced to tarry at a ramshackle inn, where she immediately antagonizes another patron—William.

He’s avoiding his duty in favor of one last adventure:

William Hargrove, the Marquess of Grafton has wanted only one thing in life—to avoid the future match his parents would have him make to a cold, duke’s daughter. He’s returning home from a blissful eight years of traveling the world to see to his responsibilities. But when a winter storm interrupts his trip and lands him at a falling-down inn, he’s forced to share company with a commanding Lady Cara who initially reminds him exactly of the woman he so desperately wants to avoid.

A Christmas snowstorm ushers in the spirit of the season:

At the holiday time, these two people who despise each other due to first perceptions are offered renewed beginnings and fresh starts. As this gruff stranger breaks down the walls she’s built about herself, Cara has to determine whether she can truly open her heart to trusting that any man is capable of good and that she herself is capable of love. And William has to set aside all previous thoughts he’s carried of the polished ladies like Cara, to be the man to show her that love.

Book 6 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

Ruthless, wicked, and dark, the Marquess of Rutland rouses terror in the breast of ladies and nobleman alike. All Edmund wants in life is power. After he was publically humiliated by his one love Lady Margaret, he vowed vengeance, using Margaret’s niece, as his pawn. Except, he’s thwarted by another, more enticing target—Miss Phoebe Barrett.

Miss Phoebe Barrett knows precisely the shame she’s been born to. Because her father is a shocking letch she’s learned to form her own opinions on a person’s worth. After a chance meeting with the Marquess of Rutland, she is captivated by the mysterious man. He, too, is a victim of society’s scorn, but the more encounters she has with Edmund, the more she knows there is powerful depth and emotion to the jaded marquess.

The lady wreaks havoc on Edmund’s plans for revenge and he finds he wants Phoebe, at all costs. As she’s drawn into the darkness of his world, Phoebe risks being destroyed by Edmund’s ruthlessness. And Phoebe who desires love at all costs, has to determine if she can ever truly trust the heart of a scoundrel.

Book 5 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

All she wants is security:

The last place finishing school instructor Mrs. Jane Munroe belongs, is in polite Society. Vowing to never wed, she’s been scuttled around from post to post. Now she finds herself in the Marquess of Waverly’s household. She’s never met a nobleman she liked, and when she meets the pompous, arrogant marquess, she remembers why. But soon, she discovers Gabriel is unlike any gentleman she’s ever known.

All he wants is a companion for his sister:

What Gabriel finds himself with instead, is a fiery spirited, bespectacled woman who entices him at every corner and challenges his age-old vow to never trust his heart to a woman. But…there is something suspicious about his sister’s companion. And he is determined to find out just what it is.

All they need is each other:

As Gabriel and Jane confront the truth of their feelings, the lies and secrets between them begin to unravel. And Jane is left to decide whether or not it is ever truly safe to love a lord.

Book 4 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

For ten years, Lady Daisy Meadows has been in love with Auric, the Duke of Crawford. Ever since his gallant rescue years earlier, Daisy knew she was destined to be his Duchess. Unfortunately, Auric sees her as his best friend’s sister and nothing more. But perhaps, if she can manage to find the fabled heart of a duke pendant, she will win over the heart of her duke.

Auric, the Duke of Crawford enjoys Daisy’s company. The last thing he is interested in however, is pursuing a romance with a woman he’s known since she was in leading strings. This season, Daisy is turning up in the oddest places and he cannot help but notice that she is no longer a girl. But Auric wouldn’t do something as foolhardy as to fall in love with Daisy. He couldn’t. Not with the guilt he carries over his past sins… Not when he has no right to her heart…But perhaps, just perhaps, she can forgive the past and trust that he’d forever cherish her heart—but will she let him?

Book 3 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

Lady Imogen Moore hasn’t had an easy time of it since she made her Come Out. With her betrothed, a powerful duke breaking it off to wed her sister, she’s become the tons favorite piece of gossip. Never again wanting to experience the pain of a broken heart, she’s resolved to make a match with a polite, respectable gentleman. The last thing she wants is another reckless rogue.

Lord Alex Edgerton has a problem. His brother, tired of Alex’s carousing has charged him with chaperoning their remaining, unwed sister about ton events. Shopping? No, thank you. Attending the theatre? He’d rather be at Forbidden Pleasures with a scantily clad beauty upon his lap. The task of chaperone becomes even more of a bother when his sister drags along her dearest friend, Lady Imogen to social functions. The last thing he wants in his life is a young, innocent English miss.

Except, as Alex and Imogen are thrown together, passions flare and Alex comes to find he not only wants Imogen in his bed, but also in his heart. Yet now he must convince Imogen to risk all, on the heart of a rogue.

Book 2 in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

Polite Society doesn’t take Lady Anne Adamson seriously. However, Anne isn’t just another pretty young miss. When she discovers her father betrayed her mother’s love and her family descended into poverty, Anne comes up with a plan to marry a respectable, powerful, and honorable gentleman—a man nothing like her philandering father.

Armed with the heart of a duke pendant, fabled to land the wearer a duke’s heart, she decides to enlist the aid of the notorious Harry, 6th Earl of Stanhope. A scoundrel with a scandalous past, he is the last gentleman she’d ever wed…however, his reputation marks him the perfect man to school her in the art of seduction so she might ensnare the illustrious Duke of Crawford.

Harry, the Earl of Stanhope is a jaded, cynical rogue who lives for his own pleasures. Having been thrown over by the only woman he ever loved so she could wed a duke, he’s not at all surprised when Lady Anne approaches him with her scheme to capture another duke’s affection. He’s come to appreciate that all women are in fact greedy, title-grasping, self-indulgent creatures. And with Anne’s history of grating on his every last nerve, she is the last woman he’d ever agree to school in the art of seduction. Only his friendship with the lady’s sister compels him to help.

What begins as a pretend courtship, born of lessons on seduction, becomes something more leaving Anne to decide if she can give her heart to a reckless rogue, and Harry must decide if he’s willing to again trust in a lady’s love.

First Full-Length Book in the “Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

After the tragic death of his wife, Jasper, the 8th Duke of Bainbridge buried himself away in the dark cold walls of his home, Castle Blackwood. When he’s coaxed out of his self-imposed exile to attend the amusements of the Frost Fair, his life is irrevocably changed by his fateful meeting with Lady Katherine Adamson.

With her tight brown ringlets and silly white-ruffled gowns, Lady Katherine Adamson has found her dance card empty for two Seasons. After her father’s passing, Katherine learned the unreliability of men, and is determined to depend on no one, except herself. Until she meets Jasper…

In a desperate bid to avoid a match arranged by her family, Katherine makes the Duke of Bainbridge a shocking proposition—one that he accepts.

Only, as Katherine begins to love Jasper, she finds the arrangement agreed upon is not enough. And Jasper is left to decide if protecting his heart is more important than fighting for Katherine’s love.

A Prequel Novella to “The Heart of a Duke” Series by Christi Caldwell

In Need of a Duke: (Author’s Note: This is a prequel novella to “The Heart of a Duke” series by Christi Caldwell. It was originally available in “The Heart of a Duke” Collection and is now being published as an individual novella.


It features a new prologue and epilogue.

Years earlier, a gypsy woman passed to Lady Aldora Adamson and her friends a heart pendant that promised them each the heart of a duke.

Now, a young lady, with her family facing ruin and scandal, Lady Aldora doesn’t have time for mythical stories about cheap baubles. She needs to save her sisters and brother by marrying a titled gentleman with wealth and power to his name. She sets her bespectacled sights upon the Marquess of St. James.

Turned out by his father after a tragic scandal, Lord Michael Knightly has grown into a powerful, but self-made man. With the whispers and stares that still follow him, he would rather be anywhere but London…

Until he meets Lady Aldora, a young woman who mistakes him for his brother, the Marquess of St. James. The connection between Aldora and Michael is immediate and as they come to know one another, Aldora’s feelings for Michael war with her sisterly responsibilities. With her family’s dire situation, a man of Michael’s scandalous past will never do.

Ultimately, Aldora must choose between her responsibilities as a sister and her love for Michael.

Book 6 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Responsible, practical Miss Hermione Rogers, has been crafting stories as the notorious Mr. Michael Michaelmas and selling them for a meager wage to support her siblings. The only real way to ensure her family’s ruinous debts are paid, however, is to marry. Tall, thin, and plain, she has no expectation of success. In London for her first Season she seizes the chance to write the tale of a brooding duke. In her research, she finds Sebastian Fitzhugh, the 5th Duke of Mallen, who unfortunately is perfectly affable, charming, and so nicely… configured… he takes her breath away. He lacks all the character traits she needs for her story, but alas, any duke will have to do.

Sebastian Fitzhugh, the 5th Duke of Mallen has been deceived so many times during the high-stakes game of courtship, he’s lost faith in Society women. Yet, after a chance encounter with Hermione, he finds himself intrigued. Not a woman he’d normally consider beautiful, the young lady’s practical bent, her forthright nature and her tendency to turn up in the oddest places has his interests… roused. He’d like to trust her, he’d like to do a whole lot more with her too, but should he?

Book 5 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Lady Patrina Tidemore gave up on the ridiculous notion of true love after having her heart shattered and her trust destroyed by a black-hearted cad. Used as a pawn in a game of revenge against her brother, Patrina returns to London from a failed elopement with a tattered reputation and little hope for a respectable match. The only peace she finds is in her solitude on the cold winter days at Hyde Park. And even that is yanked from her by two little hellions who just happen to have a devastatingly handsome, but coldly aloof father, the Marquess of Beaufort. Something about the lord stirs the dreams she’d once carried for an honorable gentleman’s love.

Weston Aldridge, the 4th Marquess of Beaufort was deceived and betrayed by his late wife. In her faithlessness, he’s come to view women as self-serving, indulgent creatures. Except, after a series of chance encounters with Patrina, he comes to appreciate how uniquely different she is than all women he’s ever known.

At the Christmastide season, a time of hope and new beginnings, Patrina and Weston, unexpectedly learn true love in one another. However, as Patrina’s scandalous past threatens their future and the happiness of his children, they are both left to determine if love is enough.

Book 4 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Miss Juliet Marshville is spitting mad. With one guardian missing, and the other singularly uninterested in her fate, she is at the mercy of her wastrel brother who loses her beloved childhood home to a man known as Sin. Determined to reclaim control of Rosecliff Cottage and her own fate, Juliet arranges a meeting with the notorious rogue and demands the return of her property.

Jonathan Tidemore, 5th Earl of Sinclair, known to the ton as Sin, is exceptionally lucky in life and at the gaming tables. He has just one problem. Well…four, really. His incorrigible sisters have driven off yet another governess. This time, however, his mother demands he find an appropriate replacement.

When Miss Juliet Marshville boldly demands the return of her precious cottage, he takes advantage of his sudden good fortune and puts an offer to her; turn his sisters into proper English ladies, and he’ll return Rosecliff Cottage to Juliet’s possession.

Jonathan comes to appreciate Juliet’s spirit, courage, and clever wit, and decides to claim the fiery beauty as his mistress. Juliet, however, will be mistress for no man. Nor could she ever love a man who callously stole her home in a game of cards. As Jonathan begins to see Juliet as more than a spirited beauty to warm his bed, he realizes she could be a lady he could love the rest of his life, if only he can convince the proud Juliet that he’s worthy of her hand and heart.

Book 3 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Geoffrey Winters, Viscount Redbrooke was not always the hard, unrelenting lord driven by propriety. After a tragic mistake, he resolved to honor his responsibility to the Redbrooke line and live a life, free of scandal. Knowing his duty is to wed a proper, respectable English miss, he selects Lady Beatrice Dennington, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, the perfect woman for him. Until he meets Miss Abigail Stone…

To distance herself from a personal scandal, Abigail Stone flees America to visit her uncle, the Duke of Somerset. Determined to never trust a man again, she is helplessly intrigued by the hard, too-proper Geoffrey. With his strict appreciation for decorum and order, he is nothing like the man’ she’s always dreamed of.

Abigail is everything Geoffrey does not need. She upends his carefully ordered world at every encounter. As they begin to care for one another, Abigail carefully guards the secret that resulted in her journey to England.

Only, if Geoffrey learns the truth about Abigail, he must decide which he holds most dear: his place in Society or Abigail’s place in his heart.

Book 2 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Christopher Ansley, Earl of Waxham, has constructed a perfect image for the ton–the ladies love him and his company is desired by all. Only two people know the truth about Waxham’s secret. Unfortunately, one of them is Miss Sophie Winters.

Sophie Winters has known Christopher since she was in leading strings. As children, they delighted in tormenting each other. Now at two and twenty, she still has a tendency to find herself in scrapes, and her marital prospects are slim.

When his father threatens to expose his shame to the ton, unless he weds Sophie for her dowry, Christopher concocts a plan to remain a bachelor. What he didn’t plan on was falling in love with the lively, impetuous Sophie. As secrets are exposed, will Christopher’s love be enough when she discovers his role in his father’s scheme?

Book 1 in the Scandalous Seasons Series

Hopeless romantic Lady Emmaline Fitzhugh is tired of sitting with the wallflowers, waiting for her betrothed to come to his senses and marry her. When Emmaline reads one too many reports of his scandalous liaisons in the gossip rags, she takes matters into her own hands.

War-torn veteran Lord Drake devotes himself to forgetting his days on the Peninsula through an endless round of meaningless associations. He no longer wants to feel anything, but Lady Emmaline is making it hard to maintain a state of numbness. With her zest for life, she awakens his passion and desire for love.

The one woman Drake has spent the better part of his life avoiding is now the only woman he needs, but he is no longer a man worthy of his Emmaline. It is up to her to show him the healing power of love.

A Danby Novella

Five years ago when her love, Marcus Wheatley, failed to return from fighting Napoleon’s forces, Lady Olivia Foster buried her heart. Unable to betray Marcus’s memory, Olivia has gone out of her way to run off prospective suitors. At three and twenty she considers herself firmly on the shelf. Her father, however, disagrees and accepts an offer for Olivia’s hand in marriage. Yet it’s Christmas, when anything can happen…

Olivia receives a well-timed summons from her grandfather, the Duke of Danby, and eagerly embraces the reprieve from her betrothal.

Only, when Olivia arrives at Danby Castle she realizes the Christmas season represents hope, second chances, and even miracles.

A Danby Novella

Author’s Note: This is a novella that was originally available in A Summons From The Castle (The Regency Christmas Summons Collection). It is being published as an individual novella.

For Lady Alexandra, being the source of a cold, calculated wager is bad enough…but when it is waged by Nathaniel Michael Winters, 5th Earl of Pembroke, the man she’s in love with, it results in a broken heart, the scandal of the season, and a summons from her grandfather – the Duke of Danby.

To escape Society’s gossip, she hurries to her meeting with the duke, determined to put memories of the earl far behind. Except the duke has other plans for Alexandra…plans which include the 5th Earl of Pembroke!

Book 4 in the “Lords of Honor” Series

Richard Jonas has loved but one woman—a woman who belongs to his brother. Refusing to suffer any longer, he evades his family in order to barricade his heart from unrequited love. While attending a friend’s summer party, Richard’s approach to love is changed after sharing a passionate and life-altering kiss with a vibrant and mysterious woman. Believing he was incapable of loving again, Richard finds himself tempted by a young lady determined to marry his best friend.

Gemma Reed has not been treated kindly by the ton. Often disregarded for her appearance and interests unlike those of a proper lady, Gemma heads to house party to win the heart of Lord Westfield, the man she’s loved for years. But her plan is set off course by the tempting and intriguing, Richard Jonas.

A chance meeting creates a new path for Richard and Gemma to forage—but can two people, scorned and shunned by those they’ve loved from afar, let down their guards to find true happiness?

Book 3 in the “Lords of Honor” Series

Destitute and determined to finally be free of any man’s shackles, Lily Benedict sets out to salvage her honor. With no choice but to commit a crime that will save her from her past, she enters the home of the recluse, Derek Winters, the new Duke of Blackthorne. But entering the “Beast of Blackthorne’s” lair proves more threatening than she ever imagined.

With half a face and a mangled leg, Derek—once rugged and charming—only exists within the confines of his home. Shunned by society, Derek is leery of the hauntingly beautiful Lily Benedict. As time passes, she slips past his defenses, reminding him how to live again. But when Lily’s sordid past comes back, threatening her life, it’s up to Derek to find the strength to become the hero he once was. Can they overcome the darkness of their sins to find a life of love and redemption?

Book 2 in the “Lords of Honor” Series

In need of a wife…

Christian Villiers, the Marquess of St. Cyr, despises the role he’s been cast into as fortune hunter but requires the funds to keep his marquisate solvent. Yet, the sins of his past cloud his future, preventing him from seeing beyond his fateful actions at the Battle of Toulouse. For he knows inevitably it will catch up with him, and everyone will remember his actions on the battlefield that cost so many so much—particularly his best friend.

In want of a husband…

Lady Prudence Tidemore’s life is plagued by familial scandals, which makes her own marital prospects rather grim. Surely there is one gentleman of the ton who can look past her family and see just her and all she has to offer?

When Prudence runs into Christian on a London street, the charming, roguish gentleman immediately captures her attention. But then a chance meeting becomes a waltz, and now…

A Perfect Match…

All she must do is convince Christian to forget the cold requirements he has for his future marchioness. But the demons in his past prevent him from turning himself over to love. One thing is certain—Prudence wants the marquess and is determined to have him in her life, now and forever. It’s just a matter of convincing Christian he wants the same.

Book 1 in the “Lords of Honor” Series

You met Lieutenant Lucien Jones in “Forever Betrothed, Never the Bride” when he was a broken soldier returned from fighting Boney’s forces. This is his story of triumph and happily-ever-after!

Lieutenant Lucien Jones, son of a viscount, returned from war, to find his wife and child dead. Blaming his father for the commission that sent him off to fight Boney’s forces, he was content to languish at London Hospital… until offered employment on the Marquess of Drake’s staff. Through his position, Lucien found purpose in life and is content to keep his past buried.

Lady Eloise Yardley has loved Lucien since they were children. Having long ago given up on the dream of him, she married another. Years later, she is a young, lonely widow who does not fit in with the ton. When Lucien’s family enlists her aid to reunite father and son, she leaps at the opportunity to not only aid her former friend, but to also escape London.

Lucien doesn’t know what scheme Eloise has concocted, but knowing her as he does, when she pays a visit to his employer, he knows she’s up to something. The last thing he wants is the temptation that this new, older, mature Eloise presents; a tantalizing reminder of happier times and peace.

Yet Eloise is determined to win Lucien’s love once and for all…if only Lucien can set aside the pain of his past and risk all on a lady’s heart.

Book 3 in the “The Theodosia Sword” Series

Miss Carol Cresswall bore witness to her parents’ loveless union and is determined to avoid that same miserable fate. Her mother has altogether different plans—plans that include a match between Carol and Lord Gregory Renshaw. Despite his wealth and power, Carol has no interest in marrying a pompous man who goes out of his way to ignore her. Now, with their families coming together for the Christmastide season it’s her mother’s last-ditch effort to get them together. And Carol plans to avoid Gregory at all costs.

Lord Gregory Renshaw has no intentions of falling prey to his mother’s schemes to marry him off to a proper debutante she’s picked out. Over the years, he has carefully sidestepped all endeavors to be matched with any of the grasping ladies.

But a sudden Christmastide Scandal has the potential show Carol and Gregory that they’ve spent years running from the one thing they’ve always needed.

Book 2 in the “The Theodosia Sword” Series

A wounded soldier:

When Captain Lucas Rayne returned from fighting Boney’s forces, he was a shell of a man. A recluse who doesn’t leave his family’s estate, he’s content to shut himself away. Until he meets Eve…

A woman alone in the world:

Eve Ormond spent most of her life following the drum alongside her late father. When his shameful actions bring death and pain to English soldiers, Eve is forced back to England, an outcast. With no family or marital prospects she needs employment and finds it in Captain Lucas Rayne’s home. A man whose life was ruined by her father, Eve has no place inside his household. With few options available, however, Eve takes the post. What she never anticipates is how with their every meeting, this honorable, hurting soldier slips inside her heart.

The Secrets Between Them:

The more time Lucas spends with Eve, he remembers what it is to be alive and he lets the walls protecting his heart down. When the secrets between them come to light will their love be enough? Or are they two destined for heartbreak?

Book 1 in the “The Theodosia Sword” Series

A curse. A sword. And the thief who stole her heart.

The Rayne family is trapped in a rut of bad luck. And now, it’s up to Lady Theodosia Rayne to steal back the Theodosia sword, a gladius that was pilfered by the rival, loathed Renshaw family. Hopefully, recovering the stolen sword will break the cycle and reverse her family’s fate.

Damian Renshaw, the Duke of Devlin, is feared by all—all, that is, except Lady Theodosia, the brazen spitfire who enters his home and wrestles an ancient relic from his wall. Intrigued by the vivacious woman, Devlin has no intentions of relinquishing the sword to her.

As Theodosia and Damian battle for ownership, passion ignites. Now, they are torn between their age-old feud and the fire that burns between them. Can two forbidden lovers find a way to make amends before their families’ war tears them apart?

Book 1 in the “Brethren of the Lords” Series

***This dark, sweeping Regency novel was previously only offered as part of the limited edition box sets: “From the Ballroom and Beyond”, “Romancing the Rogue”, and “Dark Deceptions”. Now, available for the first time on its own, exclusively through Amazon is “My Lady of Deception”.

Everybody has a secret. Some are more dangerous than others.

For Georgina Wilcox, only child of the notorious traitor known as “The Fox”, there are too many secrets to count. However, after her interference results in great tragedy, she resolves to never help another… until she meets Adam Markham.

Lord Adam Markham is captured by The Fox. Imprisoned, Adam loses everything he holds dear. As his days in captivity grow, he finds himself fascinated by the young maid, Georgina, who cares for him.

When the carefully crafted lies she’s built between them begin to crumble, Georgina realizes she will do anything to prove her love and loyalty to Adam—even it means at the expense of her own life.

Non-Fiction Works by Christi Caldwell

The following journey was never intended for publication. It was written from a mother, to her unborn child. The words detailed her struggle through infertility and the joy of finally being pregnant. A stunning revelation at her son’s birth opened a world of both fear and discovery. This is the story of one mother’s love and hope and…her quest for uninterrupted joy.