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Treachery’s Devotion: Masters’ Admiralty, book 1 by Dubois, Lila, Carr, Mari (5)

Chapter Four

James took another picture with his cell phone, then gingerly lifted the first coin off the second stack. Beside him, Sophia held a clipboard and took notes as he spoke.

“Stack two, coin one. Modern coin. Canadian twenty-five-dollar piece. Silver. Faceup side has a mask or carving of a native entity.”


James placed the coin in a small plastic bag already labeled with “Stack Two, Coin One.”

Once they’d done their initial inspection of the coin shelf, he and Sophia had pre-labeled small bags for the twenty-seven stacked coins. He also had a larger bag for the other coins on the shelf. As much as he might want to document the position and relative position of every single coin, he wasn’t going to be able to stay down here that long. He’d have to settle for individually bagging the stacked coins and lumping all the others in together to be examined at a later time.

“Stack two, coin two. Another modern coin. Faceup side text reads ‘The Mask of Agamemnon 2007.’ Image is of the mask.”

Sophia leaned close to him to look at the coin he was holding. “It is not really a mask of Agamemnon.” She made a dismissive noise that might have been called a grunt if she weren’t such a beautiful woman. “Heinrich Schliemann’s wishful thinking.”

James grunted in agreement—when he did it, it was a grunt—and bagged the coin. “It’s a ten-dollar coin from the Republic of Liberia.”


James heard footsteps and turned to see Tristan walking up to them. Turning meant he could see some of the well-lit horror in the center of the cave, and he quickly turned back.

“Stack two, coin three. Ah, beautiful. Ancient coin.” He picked it up reverently between his gloved fingers. He would have preferred cotton gloves when handling ancient coins, but he was perfectly happy for the plastic gloves—he didn’t want to risk touching anything in this place with his bare skin. Though he knew it was psychosomatic, he was sure there was a layer of death clinging to his skin.

Shaking his head to banish that thought, he turned back to the coin. “It’s from Rhegion.”

“Truly? May I see?” He turned so Sophia could see the coin.

“What’s Rhegion?” Tristan asked.

“Not what, where.” James held the coin up so the shadow of his body didn’t block the light. “It was a place of learning in the time of Ancient Greece. It is where the Pythagorean School was.”

“As in triangles?” Tristan leaned forward to peer at the coin. He was well into James’s personal space, and James was suddenly aware of the other man in a way that went beyond physical.

“Rhegion was in the heart of the area first called Italia,” Sophia added.

“What does that mean?” Tristan asked.

“That the coin came from the south of Italy? I don’t know. Not yet. But I—” James stopped himself.

“What is it?” Sophia asked.

“Nothing. At least not yet. I want to wait and see.”

“James.” Tristan laid his hand on James’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “If you think you know anything that will help, tell us, please.”

“Let me finish, and then I will tell you what I think.” James looked at Sophia. “Faceup side is a lion scalp mask.”

He bagged that, trying to move more quickly now. “Stack two, coin four. Modern coin. One obol coin from the Ionian Islands. Faceup side is the lion of St. Mark, and it says Ionian State in Greek. 1819.”

Coins five and six were both smaller silver coins, most likely from a Babylonian mint, from 300–400 BCE, and so degraded he was surprised that the stack had stayed upright.

“Stack two, coin seven. Modern coin. A Vatican lira. Faceup side is…it’s badly damaged, but I think it’s Pope John Paul II.” The face of the coin was scarred and blackened.

The final two coins were both Vatican issue. One a gold zecchino, the other an oxidized coin bearing the Christogram of the Jesuits—“IHS” inside rays of light.

“That’s six catholic coins.” Sophia’s voice was tight.

“You think this has something to do with religion?” Tristan asked her.

“I hope not,” Sophia spoke softly, almost as if she feared the words.

Without thinking, James reached out and covered the hand in which she held the pen. Her head came up and she met his eyes.

Damn, but she was beautiful. It was her eyes, he decided. They were the eyes of a confident, smart woman. In another time, another place, she would have inspired men to go to war for her. No, she wasn’t just a lovely face and figure. She would have ridden at the head of her army, not necessarily a warrior, but a fearless leader, a goddess come to life who could inspire people to greatness.

And he wanted to kiss her. He wanted to kiss her with the same desperation that he wanted to get out of this godforsaken cave.

He looked away first. “Let’s finish and then we’ll talk about it.”

He started on the last stack. When they were down to the last two coins, there was a shout of alarm from behind them.

James, Sophia, and Tristan all turned, Tristan taking a step forward, placing himself squarely in front of them.

If James had been a shorter man, Tristan’s back might have blocked his view of what was happening. But he wasn’t that lucky.

Two of the white-garbed men working the crime scene had tried to pick up what seemed to be a leg. The limb came apart in their hands, falling onto the pile of no-longer-human bits. In an instant, the smell of rotting meat and putrid blood doubled.

James gagged, then pressed his fist against his mouth. Sophia turned toward him, her eyes bright with tears.

James reached out and jammed the last two coins into their respective bags, shoving them into his pockets with the others. He grabbed the large bag, holding it with both hands. Sophia took the cue and started scooping handfuls of the non-stacked coins into the bag. A few fell to the floor. He winced but didn’t comment.

Tristan stooped and picked up the fallen coins, tossing them into the bag. When the last one was in, James twirled the bag to close the top.

Tristan took both his elbow and Sophia’s and started leading them out of the cave. When Sophia turned to look at the horrific scene, Tristan moved up beside her, blocking her view.

Sophia stopped, frowning as if she were about to object.

James was barely holding on. He wouldn’t make it if he had to stand there waiting for them to hash out whose balls were bigger.

“Move, woman,” he growled.

Sophia turned toward James with surprise on her face—what he could see of it. And then the surprise turned to interest.

No, that couldn’t be right. Wishful thinking on his part.

“Come on.” Tristan put his hand under Sophia’s elbow and led her out. James was on her heels. They climbed the stone steps with more haste than grace. The instant they reached the top, James ripped off his mask, stumbled behind the van and was violently ill.

The fancy meal from the plane came back to visit, and even after that was gone, he dry heaved for a few minutes.

Tristan appeared at his side, handing him a wet wipe. James took it, cleaning his face, then accepted the proffered bottle of water, taking a big mouthful and then spitting it out. He repeated that several times before dumping the remaining water on the rock, washing away evidence of his body’s reaction to the horror.

James straightened. He still had the large bag of coins gripped in one hand, his pockets full of the smaller coins. The sun had set while they were in the cave, and the last rays of golden light painted the Italian countryside with lavender, blue, and gold.

“Are you all right?” Tristan asked.

“For now. That was…that was horrible.”

Tristan nodded grimly. “It was. What do you need?”

“What do you mean?”

“What do you need in order to figure out what the coins are supposed to say?”

“Someplace quiet and clean with Wi-Fi. I need to spread them out, check details on a few.”

“You mean you couldn’t identify every single one on sight?”

James was about to shoot back a hard reply when he saw the corners of Tristan’s eyes were crinkled with a smile that didn’t touch his lips.

“Be nice, or when we get back to London, I won’t show you our secret collection of dirty coins.” James passed Tristan the bag of coins to hold while he slipped out of the protective layers of plastic-lined fabric.


“Sex. Lots of sex happening on those coins. Mostly from behind.” James wiggled his eyebrows at Tristan, then checked to make sure all the smaller coins were safely tucked in the pockets of his pants. It was far from ideal—the thin metal of the coins would heat up being held so close to his body—but the coins were far better off in his pants pocket than in the cave with the dead bodies.

“Guy on guy?” Tristan asked.

“Some, and some with girls. What do you prefer?”

“In porn coins? I’m not sure. Haven’t seen one before.”

James barked out a laugh.

Sophia came over, frowning slightly. “Andiamo. Let’s go.”

Her accent had thickened, and her face was damp, as if she’d splashed water over it. Tristan and James shared a look, their gazes meeting for a second too long to be casually appropriate.

“I’ve booked us a hotel in Rome,” Tristan told Sophia as they walked to her car. “Can you give us a lift there, or to the closest place where we can call for a car?”

“No, no, no. No time. We will go to the villa.”

“The villa?” James looked at Tristan, who shrugged.

“Yes, yes. My father owns it.”

“Wait, do you mean to say he owns that palace?” James asked.

“Villa.” She yanked open her car door and got in.

Tristan and James both jumped into their seats. Tristan’s door wasn’t fully closed before she had the car in reverse.

James waited until she managed to get the car turned around and headed out the way they’d come in. “What’s wrong, Ms. Starabba?”

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. “How could you ask me that? Do you not think what we saw was wrong?”

“Of course I do. I just don’t understand the sudden urgency.”

She deflated slightly. “What if their souls are not yet at rest? What if they’re waiting there, in that horrible place, for justice?”

James touched her shoulder. “Are you Catholic?”

“Of course.”

“Then have faith that they’re at rest. That they’re with their Father.”

Sophia blinked and a tear slid down her cheek. “You are right. Now is not the time to let my faith falter.”

“We’ll go to the villa.” James twisted to check with Tristan, who nodded. “We can look at the coins and see if that helps them figure out who those people were.”

“We already know who they are. Were.”

Tristan’s words were so unexpected, Sophia nearly crashed the car.

“What?” she demanded. “Who?”

“All I got is first names. Christina, Lorena, and Nazario. But your brother said they’ve been missing.”

“No, no, no,” Sophia chanted. “Ah, their poor children!”

“They have kids?” Tristan asked.

James held his hand up. “Okay, hold on. First of all, Sophia, your brother was there?”

“Yes, he is in charge of the investigation.”

“Her brother is one of Rome’s security officers,” Tristan added darkly.

Oh shit.

“Oh shit.”

“Exactly my thoughts,” Tristan replied.

“Second question,” James continued. “You said they had kids. Does that mean the three bodies down there…”

“They were married, yes.” Sophia took out a bush as she rocketed back toward the villa at what had to be an unsafe speed for this terrain. “One of our trinities. Their children are all grown. All members.”

That meant they were at least eighteen. Legacy members of the Masters’ Admiralty were invited to join at age eighteen, and they had one year to accept that membership.

“Lorena was a finance officer.” Sophia maneuvered them out of the trees until they were once more on the road beside the manicured grounds. They reached the bottom of the small valley that separated the high ground where the villa stood from the high ground of the forested area and cave. The big car started up the incline. Once they were past the stables, rather than continuing along the side of the house, Sophia turned into a small paved area behind the villa. She turned off the car and they all climbed out.

They followed her to a large wooden door. On any other residence, it would have been an impressive front door, but for this grand place, it was relegated to the rear entrance.

Sophia opened the door and gestured them inside. “Benvenuti nella Villa Degli Dei.”

James’s Italian wasn’t great, but when he stepped in the back door into a grand central hall, the ceiling three stories above them arched and painted like that in the Basilica, he knew why the place was called Villa of the Gods.

“I think the furniture must come to life.” James draped one of his big, heavily muscled arms over Tristan’s shoulders. He didn’t tense at the contact—first off, it felt good, which was something he’d have to think about later. Second, Tristan was too busy gaping at the living room.

Five minutes ago, they’d stopped in here to drop off the coins, then Sophia had directed them all to different bathrooms and assigned them bedrooms. The room had transformed. The curtains lining one wall had all been pulled back. French balcony doors and tall windows showed off a panoramic view of the last moments of sunset.

The massive stone fireplace, which had been dark and cold, now held a cheerful fire, the faint scent of wood smoke mingling with the smells of food.

A round dining table had appeared. It was draped with a pale-gold cloth and set with gold candlesticks topped by fat white pillar candles. There were three place settings—the silverware gold, the plates creamy white with filigree rims. A sideboard near where the dining table had been placed had been cleared off, and silver and gold bowls and platters crowded together on the glossy wood surface, each one filled with delicious-looking dishes. The smell of the food and the wood smoke made Tristan’s mouth water.

“I have to agree,” Tristan told James. “The villa is enchanted and the furniture comes to life. And apparently cooks.”

“Enchanted? No, no, no.”

Sophia’s voice startled Tristan enough that he whipped around, placing himself between her and James, his fingers wrapped around the hilt of his sword.

Sophia raised a brow. She’d pulled her hair up into a ponytail and wore a long, thin sweater coat in place of the leather jacket. She looked younger than she had before, her face softer. She’d taken off her makeup.

James stepped up beside Tristan. “Sophia, are you cursed and living all alone in an enchanted palace?”

She smiled—no, not just smiled. She grinned, and he was struck again by how lovely she was.

James slapped Tristan on the back. “I just happen to have a handsome knight right here. He could break the spell.”

Tristan snorted, but some stupid romantic part of him wanted to grab Sophia and kiss her, just in case. Better safe than sorry.

As if he were the sort of knight who championed fair maidens, went on quests, and whose kisses could break spells. No. He was the bloodied soldier raised up to the status of knight, something far beyond his station, to serve the king.

“I’m just a soldier,” he said, though the words cost him something. “James is a legacy. Far more likely to be the man who’d break the spell.”

“Look at me.” James gestured to himself. “I’m the evil henchman.” He bared his teeth.

Sophia tipped her head to the side, then sighed. “You English are so strange.”

She walked past them into the room, not at all startled by the sudden appearance of the elegantly set table or feast.

“Seriously, where did all this come from?” Tristan asked.

“My father’s servants are masters of their craft.”

She ignored the table and the food, heading instead for the coffee table in front of the fire. That’s where they’d dumped the coins.

She dropped down to sit cross-legged on the floor. “Where should we start?”

James once more draped his arm over Tristan’s shoulders. “We should start with food.”

Tristan turned his head, careful not to push James away. “James, unless you’re starving, it would be best for you to look at the coins first. We need to get whatever information we have, whatever clues we’ve found, to Sophia’s brother.”

“I have a theory.” James dropped his arm from Tristan’s shoulders and his expression grew grim. “I’ll tell you while we eat.”

Sophia started to rise, bracing her hands on the table. Tristan hurried over and held out one hand, his other on the hilt of the sword to make sure it stayed out of his way as he bent forward to offer her assistance.

Sophia looked up in mild surprise, then placed her hand in his.

Tristan sucked in a breath—the skin-on-skin contact sent shivers of awareness and arousal up his arm and into his chest.

He pulled her gently to her feet. They were standing close together—close enough that when Sophia took a deep breath, her breasts brushed his chest.

Tristan took a hasty step back and gestured for Sophia to proceed him.

He stared at the carpet as he walked, fighting down the feelings Sophia’s touch had awakened.

He looked up as Sophia picked up a plate from the table and went to the buffet. James was watching them. His eyebrows were lowered over eyes that glittered with

Tristan first thought it was anger, but no, that wasn’t it.

The expression on James’s face was one of possession and lust.

Tristan picked up the remaining two plates, passing one to James.

“Nothing’s going to happen,” Tristan said sotto voce.

James’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Caught that, did you?”

Tristan clapped James on the back. “I’m glad I’m not the only one who was thinking about what it would be like…” Tristan cleared his throat but didn’t finish the sentence. He’d been about to say, “between the three of us together.”

They stepped up to the buffet, then stood in a reverent moment of silence, saying thanks for the spread laid out before them.

“You know, you never answered my question.” James used a silver-embossed, cake-knife type utensil to cut himself a piece of lasagna.

“What question?” Tristan asked.

“What you prefer. Guy on guy, guy on girl.”

“Before I joined, girls only. But I’ve been expanding my tastes.”

“Prepping for your trinity. Smart.”

Tristan and James looked at each other, and their gazes met. Another shiver of awareness and arousal shook Tristan. He grunted and stabbed a piece of eggplant parmesan, putting it onto his plate. “This is not the time or place.” He was speaking more to himself than anyone, but beside him, James stiffened.

You’re a bloody fucking wanker.

Tristan took his plate to the table, sitting across from Sophia. James joined them a moment later, taking the seat between them.

Sophia had a small mound of angel hair pasta tossed with basil, tomato, and olive oil. The rest of her plate was filled with salad.

Tristan’s and James’s plates were piled high with pasta and meat.

“Tell us, per favore,” Sophia said.

James finished chewing what was in his mouth and swallowed, then took a sip of the poured red wine. This place had to be enchanted.

“There were twenty-seven stacked coins, divided into three piles of nine.”

“Everything in multiples of three,” Tristan said. “There is no doubt that the killer knows about the Masters’ Admiralty—they took a trinity.”

There was silence while they absorbed that, and everyone took another bite.

James cleared his throat. “Within each stack of nine coins, there were three sets of similar coins.”

“What do you mean?” Sophia asked.

“Nine coins. The first three coins in each stack had a mask on them. The coins themselves were all different—some modern, some ancient, but each depicted a mask.”

Tristan frowned. A mask. That meant something, but he couldn’t remember why the word mask was making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

“The first trinity of coins within the stack is a maschera. What about the next?” Sophia asked.

“Coins four, five, and six, the second trinity, are a bit trickier. Again, it was a mix of ancient and modern coins. I think the clue is the modern coin from the Ionian Islands.”

“I don’t understand,” Tristan admitted.

“In the nineteenth century, the Ionian Islands currency included an obol coin.”

“Obol. They used that name?” Sophia asked with sharp interest.

“Yes. And the other coins are all small gold and silver Greek or Roman coins.”

“They could have been obols.”

Tristan took a bite of delicious, herby sausage, hoping they would explain. No explanation was forthcoming. James and Sophia were just grinning at each other.

Tristan sighed. “I still don’t understand.” He wished that once, just once, he could go for a whole day without being reminded just how outclassed he was. Members of the Masters’ Admiralty were chosen because of both who they were and what they could become. Except in his case. Who Tristan was when he’d joined wasn’t anything to brag about. But he’d changed since then. He strived to live up to the ideals of a knight, to be Tristan Knight.

But that couldn’t hide the fact that he hadn’t had a fancy classical education, or that he didn’t come from a long line of scholars, artists, or businessmen.

All that meant was he had no idea why James and Sophia, both legacies, were grinning at each other as if they’d just decoded the map to El Dorado.

“Obols were coins used in ancient Greece, and again in Rome, though not as widely. Think of obols the way you would, say, a penny.”

“An American penny?”

James pointed at Tristan with a breadstick. “That’s just it. The word ‘penny’ is used in many different countries. What you did was right. You were specific—an ‘American Penny.’”

Sophia took over. “The, the…what is the word? The criminal made sure we would know that the ancient coins were obols by including the modern coin.”

She raised her glass in a toast. “Intelligente, Mr. Rathmann. I would not have seen that.”

“Mask, then obol,” Tristan said. “What’s the last set?”

James’s smile vanished. “This one is both more obvious and more obscure.”

Tristan gave up. He knew it was bad manners, but he planted his elbows on the table and put his head in his hands. “Someday. Someday someone will give me a straight answer.”

James clapped him on the shoulder. “Not today.”

“Of course not.” Tristan sat up, reminded himself he was a knight, and looked at James. “What’s the deal with coins seven, eight, and nine?”

“They were all issued by the Vatican.”

James had mentioned that in the cave, but the implications of that started to sink in. Tense silence fell over the table. A log in the fireplace snapped, the sound like a crack of gunfire. Sophia and James both jumped, and Tristan’s fingers hurt, he was gripping the hilt of his sword so hard.

“The Vatican,” Sophia breathed. She crossed herself.

“And you’re Catholic.” Tristan remembered her comment from the car.

Sophia shrugged. “I’m Italian.”

James raised his eyebrows. “I’m Catholic.”

“If the church had something to do with this…” Tristan let the statement hang, unfinished.

The Masters’ Admiralty had been founded after the Black Plague, and one of the most important roles of the organization after its inception was to balance the influence of the church. Without the Masters’ Admiralty, the rulers of Europe would have ended up ceding their power to the church, and what was now dozens of different nations would have merged into an all-powerful Holy Roman Empire.

It had taken nearly a hundred years for the church to figure out who the Masters’ Admiralty were, though at the time they’d had another name—the Illuminati. The way Tristan had heard it, many of the founding members had been among the last handful of the remaining Illuminati.

The relationship between the church—first only the Catholic Church, and later many of the Orthodox churches—and the Masters’ Admiralty had existed in a state of tense detente.

“If the church has something to do with this,” Sophia said, “the time of peace is over.”

Tristan stiffened. “You think it would come to that?”

“Yes. Not war as we know it now—not tanks and planes—but assassinations, sabotage.” She shook her head. “My brother would…it would be a hard time for the security officers and for the knights of Rome…and the other territories.” She looked at Tristan. “I will pray that we are wrong.”

James shook his head. “I wish it were different. I will look at the coins again. We know what they are, but we still do not know their meaning.”

“What do you need?” Sophia rose as she spoke. “Cotton gloves?”

“Yes, and a piece of felt if you have it. I have a small piece in my bag. White lights.”

“I’ll get your bag from the car.” Tristan rose.

“Tristan,” James said. “I hope I’m wrong.”

“Are you?”

“About where the coins came from? No.”

“If I am needed to fight, then I will fight.” Tristan nodded once and walked out of the sitting room.

He kept his head high and did his best to ignore the dread knotting his stomach.




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