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Trial of a Warrior (Legends of the Fenian Warriors Book 3) by Mary Morgan (31)

Chapter Thirty-One

“As we venture forth on a new journey, our greatest trials will not be endured alone. We are determined to safeguard each other, bound by the laws of love for all eternity.”

~Memoirs of Liam MacGregor and his wife, Abela

“Do you hear the whisper of the songbird calling your name, princess?” inquired High Priestess, Meena, as she draped the small cloak woven with feathers willingly donated from all the birds in the realm over her shoulders.

“Yes, High Priestess. She greeted me as the first light of dawn danced across the valley floor of the kingdom.”

Abela brushed her hand across the delicate softness, marveling at the intricate pattern of colors. Only the palest were chosen, so they would shimmer in the soft morning light. They added a contrast to her ivory gown with amethysts magically sewn around the edges of her sleeves and hem. The back of the gown dipped low, so that all would see her new markings from the priestesses. Ancient Celtic patterns spiraled down her spine, each with a whispered blessing from all the women. Her long tresses were braided and woven around her head in an elegant crown. She allowed one long curl to lie gracefully over the front of her right shoulder, knowing how much Liam adored them.

The High Priestess reached for Abela’s circlet, fashioned with seed pearls and crystals. The woman secured it firmly on her head and stepped back. “The songbird sings a melody fit for traveling. Your destiny awaits outside of this realm. Your time here was part of your journey. You have served us well.”

Turning toward the woman, Abela bowed her head. “I ask for your blessing on this new path in my life.”

The woman stunned Abela by cupping her face and placed a kiss on each cheek. “A blessing from me and Mother Danu. May light and love grace your life, princess. We were honored by your presence during your time within the temple.”

Abela reached for her bouquet of violets and star jasmine. She had plucked the flowers from the garden by the temple earlier as she watched the new day begin. Slowly allowing her gaze to travel over the valley below the temple, her heart constricted. Never would she be allowed back inside. Once she stepped across the threshold, the doors would be sealed.

She had asked and been granted one last night within the sacred temple and would treasure every moment. A special feast had been prepared and each of the priestesses bestowed a blessing over her. The lore of the teachings of Mother Danu was safely tucked inside her mind and heart.

Bringing the flowers to her face, she inhaled their heady floral scent.

When the bells chimed in the distance, Abela lifted her head and smiled. One by one, the priestesses appeared in front of her. They would escort her to the steps of the Cathedral of Trees. From there Abela would walk the crystal steps to the top. Ninety steps for each of the nine dragons who were among the first that accompanied the Fae to the human world.

Taking a deep breath in, she released it slowly. “You may proceed.”

“I shall meet you at the fountain,” stated the High Priestess, and in a whisper of light, she vanished.

Stepping forward, Abela glanced behind her one last time. Silently, the doors to the temple closed, never to be opened for her again.

Returning her attention to the path in front of her, she moved along the smooth polished stones down the side of the hill. The procession led her past gardens, teeming with lush foliage. Onward they traveled through the arches and several bridges by the royal palace. She angled her head to view the swans gliding peacefully down the river, oblivious to her or the others. Their feathers of gold, silver, rose, and white glistened in the sunlight. With each step she took, Abela’s heart raced in anticipation.

“Liam MacGregor.” She uttered his name on a prayer. Earlier she had sealed off her thoughts from him. The time was one of preparation in solitude.

Her warrior. The only man who had the ability to stir her anger and joy all at the same time. From the moment his lips touched hers, she had given him her heart forever. Yet the journey took much longer than she had anticipated. Once he was lost to her, Liam had gone to another world and path as a Fenian Warrior.

Now he belonged to her. Heart, mind, body, and soul.

As they neared the Cathedral of Trees, she noted the banners fluttering in the warm early spring breeze. Winter had thawed in time to welcome the spring growth, and a variety of bluebells, primroses, foxgloves, and sweet peas waved in greeting. Halting before the first step, she slowly lifted her head and watched the priestesses ascend into the cathedral.

When the first trumpet blared, Abela started forward. Though they were hidden in daylight, she felt the ancient guardians of the night sky surround her. They whispered blessings and brushed warmth over her. The power continued to lift her, and as she made it to the open doors of the cathedral, her skin tingled. Striding down a path littered with rose petals, she acknowledged those who dipped their head as she passed by them.

The massive oak, pine, and rowan trees towered inside, each illuminated with glittering lights on their branches. In the center was the huge fountain on a moss-covered mound. Generation after generation of Fae had come to this fountain to proclaim their union with another. Some chose to bathe in the waters, others sought to dip their fingers. It was the source of water from their homeland. A sacred place of bonding.

Abela observed the interior, seeking, searching for one particular Fae warrior.

Her breath caught, and she clutched her bouquet to her chest when Liam appeared from the side of one of the trees. He gave her a smile that sent her pulse racing.

She drank in the sensuality of his physique. His pants and sleeveless tunic were also in ivory, yet, the edges were trimmed in silver and green patterns, denoting his royal family of Avieon. His hair hung in soft waves past his shoulders, and she yearned to run into his arms. Abela's gaze roamed his features, taking in the seductive glint within his eyes and full lips that contained a smile only for her. Her face heated, and she fought to keep her hands from touching her cheeks. He was perfection in every way.

Immediately, she released the barrier between them within her mind.

“You are a vision that makes my blood burn like the fires of Caldron.” The soft burr of his voice inside her mind had her trembling.

“With one kiss I can quench your fire, warrior.”

“No. The satiny softness of your lips will only ignite a firestorm more powerful than you have witnessed. And I will demand more than one.”

As her strides led her closer to him, she continued to keep her focus on Liam. “Have you missed me?”

His growl came swift. “You tortured me all night long with your silence.”

Abela bit her lower lip. “Absence makes the desire grow stronger, does it not?”

“You’re teasing me, mo ghrá.”

“I have yet to begin, my husband.”

Extending her hand to him, Liam grasped it firmly. He loomed dark and powerful over her. “This will be a quick ceremony.”

She chuckled low. “Not according to my mother and father who are glaring at us on our left.”

“You are already my wife. This is merely a formality.”

Abela regarded him with a speculative gaze. “Then let us proceed, before our king intercedes.”

Taking her hand, Liam tucked it in the crook of his arm and led her up the steps to the fountain. From the moment he noted Abela striding regally forth through the trees, his heart had slammed against his chest. Her beauty radiated all around her, and he was unable to contain himself. Liam had tried to remain patient, but when his body could no longer stay rooted to one spot, he bolted past his brother and Conn to fetch his beloved.

He steered her toward the side of the fountain, never releasing his hold on her. As she bent to place her bouquet of flowers on the crystal ledge, Liam’s mouth became dry. Did she understand the markings that traveled from her upper to lower back? “Are you aware of the sensual design within these knots?” he whispered against her ear.

Her smile was as intimate as a kiss. “Yes, because I asked for that particular marking. It denotes sensuality for my one true love.”

“I will enjoy feasting my way down your back.”

A rosy glow splashed across her cheeks. “My skin is already aching for your touch.”

High Priestess Meena emerged on the other side of the fountain and all passionate discussion ceased. Liam squeezed her hand.

“You have both come freely to the Mother and to the Fae. We, your people, rejoice in your union. Fenian Warrior and princess stand before us. This is a time of renewal and change. Our world is growing, evolving, and with your unification a new door opens. Each will venture out into the human world.”

The High Priestess inclined her head toward Abela. “Royal daughter of King Ansgar and Queen Nuala, you were born under the ninth star, of the ninth month, in the ninth year of your parents’ reign. Though you were born second, your path will lead to greatness. As for you Fenian Warrior, your strength and wisdom shall exceed those within the Brotherhood. With this marriage bond, a new responsibility is tasked upon you. Though this woman is no longer a priestess, she is a favored one by the Goddess. May you both visit the sacred waters near the temple for guidance.”

Liam glanced at Abela, trying to discern if she knew anything about this special gift. “Did you know?”

She shook her head, confusion marring her features. “I understood I would never be allowed near the temple again.”

High Priestess Meena gave a slight smile. “It is our wedding gift to you both.”

Fisting a hand over his chest, Liam bowed. “My thanks.”

“With mine, as well,” uttered Abela softly.

They watched as the High Priestess departed from the area, making her way to the other priestesses.

Turning Abela around to face him, Liam placed her hand over his heart. “Do you feel the beat of my heart? This is where my love for you resides. Safe, warm, secure. We were fated so many moons ago, but were not ready for the journey. I now ask you to walk beside me. My body will shield and protect you. My heart shall forever cherish and love you. And my soul will seek yours at the gates of Tir na Og, only when it is time.”

He lifted his hand high, whispering the ancient words of star fire. In a flash, a tiny star crystal appeared inside his palm. Presenting it to her, he said, “From the nine ancient guardians who grace the night sky. I asked and they have graciously given you this gem as protection on all your travels—be it in the human or Fae realm.”

Abela let out an audible gasp, as she took the gift. “It is warm.”

“To always remind you of the breath of fire and that you are never alone.”

Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. “A treasured keepsake.” She blew across the crystal and a silver chain magically appeared, securing the gem in place. “Once I place this around my neck, it shall never be parted from me.” Slipping the chain over her head, she gazed up at him.

After removing her hand from his chest, Abela took his and placed it centered to her heart. Her gaze never wavered as she spoke, “My warrior, my husband, my lover, my friend. It was our friendship in the beginning that built the foundation of our love. My soul called out to yours in a spark of light. I kept my love hidden until it was time for it to mature and blossom. The candle of my love for you will never extinguish. It shines as bright as the stars in the cosmos. Even when their light fades, mine shall continue to illuminate. May our roots grow deep in love and the branches of our journey reach out in harmony as one.”

She took another step closer. “In front of all these witnesses, I present you with the obsidian dagger of light and dark.” Abela removed her hand from his chest and blew across her palm. The blade appeared magically. “You now possess the royal dagger, passed down to each generation within the royal family.”

“I am not royalty, Abela,” he argued softly. “It belongs to Conn. The power it contains should only be in the hands of the king or prince. It can only be used in times of war, though it cannot thwart the Dark One from entering our realm again.”

Presenting the blade outward to him, she shook her head. “This was given to me on my 100th birthday by my father. If you recall, it was a rare occurrence for twins to be born in the realm. Therefore, the king deemed it wise that my future husband and children should carry the obsidian dagger. Two royal lines were formed on the day of our births. You are now part of that royal line with me.”

Overcome with emotions, Liam found himself unable to speak. When his fingers made contact with the dagger, cold and heat surged through his skin. He regarded it for a few moments, understanding the power it contained—the ability to bring forth destruction as well as rebirth to the land. After securing it firmly under his belt on his tunic, he grasped Abela around the waist. “Two souls…”

“One love.”

Liam brushed his fingers across her cheek. “A lifetime to cherish.”

“Until we surrender to the mists.”

Taking her hand in his, he submerged them in the bubbling water. A spray of water misted over their joined hands, and they both smiled. Liam released her hand, and they knelt on the soft ground. Mother Danu’s whispered blessing poured through them, and the warmth of her love enveloped Liam.

Love, hope, renewal. A trial of fire they both endured. Regardless of their journey, their love had endured their trials together. Liam would gladly do it all over again for the woman who was now his wife.

As they both stood, he glanced around at those who were gathered. His brother, Rory and wife, Erina. Their daughter, Angelica, waved to him from her father’s arms. He swept his gaze to Conn. Warrior, leader, prince, and his friend. There he stood with his wife, Ivy, and their daughter, Sorcha, tucked against his chest, fast asleep.

If anyone had professed their futures several years ago, he deemed they would have all fled to the outer reaches of the cosmos of time. Love had been their paths, though arduous and treacherous at times. He nodded and smiled at both of the warriors.

Three destinies fulfilled.

Abela’s fingers grazed across his chin, snapping him out of his thoughts. He grasped her hand and kissed each scented, delicate finger. “I love you fiercely.”

Her smile was a moonbeam of promises yet to be rewarded. “As you should, my husband.”

Taking her in his arms, Liam placed feather-like kisses over her face between each whispered word of endearment. Her body trembled against him, and when her lips parted on a sigh, he captured her mouth with savage intensity.

They barely registered the shouts of elation from those within the cathedral. When someone nudged him on the back, he finally broke free from his wife’s embrace.

“Welcome to the family,” Conn pronounced.

Liam gazed down at Abela. “A beautiful family, indeed.”

Others started forward, but Liam kept a firm arm around his wife. He had no desire to part from her. Each person acknowledged them with a kiss or bow in passing. Some of the Fae dusted stardust over them as they swept past them in a procession, and his heart swelled.

And as the trumpets heralded the wedding celebration of Liam MacGregor and Princess Abela, he bent near his beloved and whispered, “I have made arrangements to leave the feasting early.”

“How is that possible?” She smiled and nodded to another Fae. “Wonderful, here comes my mother and father.” Abela darted a glance at him. “Quick, get that mischievous glint out of your eyes. My father will understand its meaning instantly.”


She rolled her eyes. “Sweet Goddess, you’re now in a playful mood?”


“Can’t you wait until these formalities are over?”

He winked at her. “Be careful, wife, or I may whisk you away.”

She looked aghast at him. “You would not dare.”

“Ahh…A challenge has been tossed out and I accept.”

“If you move a muscle, I will freeze you where you stand,” she hissed out.

Liam roared with laughter. When she started to protest, he silenced any further outburst with a searing kiss.