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Unbound by Lauren Hawkeye (5)

Chapter Five

Excitement pulsed through me as I looked up at Jasper. “Care to explain?”

“Let’s go inside.” Jasper urged me forward with the slightest bit of pressure on my back; Jackson stood aside to let me in. As I brushed past him and felt his heat, arousal started to hum.

“Want a drink?” Jackson grinned at me, gesturing me forward to a plush-looking leather sofa.

“Hell, yes.” Sinking down to the couch, I wrapped my arms around my knees and looked around.

The room was larger than I’d expected it to be, with a spacious living area and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a fantastic view of the sunset gilding the city. Jackson crossed to a bar of polished wood, and I heard the tinkle of ice on glass as he pulled a bottle of champagne from its bucket.

“How’s this?” He waved the bottle in my direction. I nodded, my attention caught by Jasper as he tossed his sunglasses onto a small table and sank into the couch beside me.

“You two know each other. From before the bar, I mean.” I wasn’t asking a question. No matter how kinky he was, I just couldn’t see Jasper looking up some guy we’d played with at the bar for a bit of follow-up nookie. “Want to let me in on the secret?”

Jackson smirked as he filled a champagne flute to the top with pale, frothy liquid. Tucking two bottles of beer dripping with condensation under his arm, he carried the wine to me, handing Jackson a beer before seating himself on the couch across from us.

I watched his movements, the precise control in them. I hadn’t noticed it before because I hadn’t been looking for it, but now I saw the similarity to the way Jasper carried himself. “You were in the Marines together.”

“Give the lady a doctorate.” Jackson smirked, toasting me with his own beer before twisting off the cap and taking a deep sip.

I turned back to Jasper, who was watching me intently, waiting to pick up on any sign of discomfort. “Do you work together now?”

“Jackson left the Marines not long after I did. Since he worships me so much, he decided to follow me into the world of protection.” Jasper drank, and I was distracted by the sensual line of his throat as he swallowed. “And since his services are not nearly as in demand as mine, he had nothing better to do than follow me out to freaking Meadow Ridge, Georgia, on assignment.”

“Wait.” I gulped down half of my drink before setting it on the coffee table in front of us. I pinned Jackson with a hard stare. “You must have known who I was when you approached me, then. Did you do it just to piss him off?”

Beside me, Jasper huffed out a breath; Jackson laughed.

“Sure, I knew who you were. I like your show.” Draining his beer, he set the bottle down beside my half-full champagne flute. “I approached you because you’re hot. It was my shitty luck that you’d already attached yourself to Jasper’s ugly-ass self.”

Beside me, Jasper snorted, and I sat back, evaluating my feelings. I felt like I should have been a little upset that neither man had let on that they knew each other that night. Instead, I found it kind of sexy. “You guys get handsy with each other’s women all the time?”

I tensed as soon as I spoke; I’d just referred to myself as Jasper’s woman. What would he think of that?

When I cast him a nervous glance, he was watching me intently, but he didn’t look like he was going to run screaming off into the night. Instead, he was focused on me entirely, and if I had to label the emotion I saw on his face, it would have been possessive.

“Jackson can’t help wanting what’s mine.” Jasper’s smile was dark and sexy. “But if we’re feeling nice, maybe we’ll let him play for a bit.”

Blood rushed through my head. This was it. I’d known, as soon as Jackson had opened the door, where this was leading, but here it was, out in the open.

“What do you think?” Dipping his head, Jasper whispered the words into my ear. His warm breath on my neck woke my senses, aroused, and I tilted my head back with a slight moan. “If you want, you can have us both tonight. Touching you, tasting you, giving you pleasure.”

“And if I don’t?” Turning my head, my nose brushed against his cheek. I followed it with a light kiss, keeping my voice low, even though I knew Jackson could hear me.

“If you don’t, then he leaves, and it will be just me fucking you all night.” He pressed a kiss to my forehead. “You say no at any time. Now, or in five minutes, or three seconds before he slides his cock into you. You say no, and it all stops. No questions asked.”

Staring down at my feet, I considered. There was no denying how aroused I was from just the idea. Jasper alone could make me wet with one look, and there was a little spark of chemistry between Jackson and me, too. If I did this, if I let myself have sex with them both at once, I had no doubt that it would be the hottest night of my life.

But could I do it? Was I really that wild?

I cast a sidelong glance at Jasper, who was still watching me intently. Never mind all of his warnings—I knew that the interest I felt when I looked at him was about more than just sex. Could he really watch me be with another man and not let it eat him from the inside out if we continued along this path together?

As if sensing my thoughts, he nodded once, slowly, and I understood.

He wasn’t the kind of man to say one thing and mean another. He wanted this—wanted to watch me with another man.

But only if it was what I wanted, too.

I did. I really, really did.

Not sure how to express this with words, I instead reached up, pressing my hands to Jasper’s cheeks. I traced the high cheekbones, feathered the stubble with the palms of my hands, then pulled him to me for a kiss.

I pressed my lips to his softly, testing and teasing as if I was still making sure that this was okay. When he kissed me back, it was with the same intensity that he applied to everything. His fingers fisted in my hair, holding me in place, and I parted my lips when his tongue swept softly over the seam.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when a new hand landed on my back, rubbing in slow circles. I broke the kiss, craning my neck to see, even though I knew it could only be Jackson.

“Easy, girl.” He smiled before sinking down on my other side. “You don’t have to worry. Just let us make you feel good.”

The hand on my back slid down lower, lower until it brushed over the swells of my ass. I whipped my head back to look at Jasper, asking him with my eyes if this was really okay.

The flare of heat was all the answer that I needed. He not only wanted this for me, he got off on it.

“I have one question before we do this.” Running my tongue over my lips, I looked at first one man, then the other. “Are you two going to make out? Because I think I could really get behind that.”

Both men broke out into laughter. Jackson palmed my ass, squeezing, and Jasper wrapped his hand in my hair again, forcing me to look back at him.

He smiled wickedly, and my stomach did a slow roll of anticipation. “If it turns you on, you never know.”

Behind me Jackson snorted out a laugh, but I couldn’t find the humor, too consumed by the thought of all that maleness to even smile. It hit me then, how overwhelming it was to be pressed between two such large men, hard planes and lean muscles brushing against me every time I moved.

Jasper stood then, pulling me to my feet as well. His hands found my breasts, stroking them gently through the silky fabric of my top as Jackson watched. They looked at each other, exchanging some unspoken communication before Jasper lifted the hem of my shirt and Jackson’s hands stroked over my waist from behind, fingers finding the button on my shorts and pulling it loose.

“Oh.” A soft sigh escaped me as the men undressed me like I was a doll. Jasper tugged my shirt up and over my head, Jackson tugged my shorts down my legs. I felt the warmth of his breath mist over my skin before he pressed a kiss to the curve of my hip.

“Beautiful.” He trailed his lips across my back to my spine. I’d thought his beard would feel coarse, would scratch my skin, but instead the strands were soft and silky as it teased.

“Wait until you see her tits.” Reaching behind me, Jasper unhooked my bra, my last article of clothing since he’d commanded that I forgo panties. “Fucking gorgeous. And her nipples turn the sexiest shade of red after they’ve been in your mouth.”

“Take her to the bed,” Jackson growled, standing. He was fully clothed, and the sensation of denim and cotton at my back was heightened, every brush of his body against mine awakening new nerves.

Placing his hands at my hips, he pulled me back against him. I could feel him, fully erect and pressing against the small of my back, and when Jasper did the same at my front, a shiver wracked my body.

I was a greedy girl, because in that moment I wanted them both—I wanted it all.

Scooping me up with an arm beneath my knees, in the way that he’d already made a habit of, Jasper carried me to the bed. He set me down gently, shedding his shirt before crawling onto the bed after me.

Looking back over my shoulder, I watched as he undid the zipper of his fly and tugged his jeans down far enough to free his cock. He was fully erect, and if I’d had any doubts that he was really into this, they would have disappeared when I saw him leak a bit from the tip as he adjusted himself then pulled me back against him.

“Eyes on me, girl.” Jackson stood at the end of the bed as Jasper arranged me against him, his front to my back, his cock sliding against my tailbone. “He gets to have you anytime. It’s my turn.”

“I’m watching.” I whimpered when Jasper cupped my breasts in his hands, stroking his thumbs idly over the nipples, as though we were back in one of our motel rooms about to watch a movie while we fooled around.

Jackson grinned down at me wickedly before whipping his T-shirt off. He tossed it across the room, and I sighed with appreciation as I got an eyeful of his flat stomach and his defined abs. He had tattoos inked across his pecs, ocean waves and a mountain range, and a silver bar pierced his left nipple.

“See anything you like?” He flexed, and I knew he meant it to be silly, but the ripple of his biceps had my mouth going dry. I squirmed against Jasper, who plucked at my nipples hard enough to get my attention.

“You heard him, babe. Eyes on him,” Jasper whispered into my ear. My head fell back even as my heels dug into the bed. I was already aroused beyond belief, needing more, needing to be filled. I liked having him at my back, his arms around me, anchoring me when desire might otherwise have taken me under.

When I looked at him again, Jackson’s fingers had dropped to his waistband. He undid his jeans, sliding them and what appeared to be plaid boxers down to the floor in one smooth movement. Then he was naked, an impressive erection jutting forward from its nest of chestnut curls, and my fingers were itching to touch.

“What do you want him to do?” Jasper spoke in my ear, rolling my nipples in his fingers as Jackson knelt on the bed, my feet brushing against thighs almost as massive as Jasper’s. “This is all for you, so tell us what you want.”

“I want…I need…touch me.” I pushed back against Jasper as Jackson shifted forward. Wrapping his large hands around my ankles, he started to slide them up my legs, his thumbs tracing a seam up my inner calves, then my thighs.

“Please…” I bowed back against Jasper. He released one of my breasts, sliding his hand down across the naked plane of my stomach at the same leisurely pace Jackson was using. Their fingers found my center at the same time, and I let out a sharp cry.

They shared another one of those glances in which they seemed to communicate, and then Jasper used his fingers to circle over my clit. He dipped them inside, then used my own slickness to increase the pace.

“Fuck, that’s hot.” Looking at me questioningly, Jackson cupped my mound in his palm, then slid one finger inside. “Oh man, she’s tight, Jasper. Tight and wet. You’re so fucking lucky.”

“I know it.” Jasper knew my body so well already, knew how hard to press, how fast to go. I felt myself drawing up tight, pleasure building, but he pulled his hand away before it could peak. “Treat her right, and you’ll get lucky, too.”

Strangely, I didn’t mind that they were talking to each other about me as though I wasn’t right there. They were both focused on me, and yet it made me feel like a tool that was there simply for their pleasure. Even though I didn’t know what it said about me, I liked it. Craved it.

Jackson slid a second finger inside to join the first, working them in and out the way he would soon use his cock. I spread my legs wide, arched my hips, pushed into the touch.

Behind me, Jasper sucked in a harsh breath, and I felt his erection jerk against my back, felt a small spurt of dampness. My movements were taking him up, giving him pleasure, and I reached for Jackson, wanting to share it with him.

He shook his head, batting my hand away. “None of that until you come all over my fingers. But don’t worry, you’ll get it good.”

My breath gasps as I writhed against Jasper, who resumed the pressure on my clit. As soon as he did, need coiled again, tight and fast. When Jackson scissored his fingers inside of me, one rough finger rubbing over that spot deep inside, I was gone. My back arched, sweat broke out over my skin, and my mouth opened in a wordless cry as pleasure took me over.

When I opened my eyes, Jackson was kneeling right in front of me, and a condom covered his cock. I thought that maybe I should be nervous, knowing he was about to fuck me when Jasper’s own erection was still pressing against my back, but I was too high on the moment.

“She’s pretty when she comes,” Jackson said over my shoulder to Jasper as he lined the head of his cock up with my slickness. In response, Jasper fisted his fingers in my hair, tugging until I had no choice but to look up at him. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes half-mast, yet still full of that possessive intentness.

“She’s the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Something rippled in the air between us, and I was looking at Jasper when Jackson thrust inside of me.

“Oh fuck.” Like Jasper, he was big, and my inner walls had to stretch to accommodate him, but the sting felt so good. He kept his gaze down, watching as my body took him in, sweat beading on his brow and his arms trembling.

When he had fully seated himself inside of me, he pushed himself up on those arms, bringing his face level with my own, grinning with those sexy lips of his before stealing my own in a hot kiss. “Hey, girl.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, the sound breathless. “Hey, yourself.”

He looked over my shoulder at Jasper, and his grin increased in wattage. “Too late now, you fucker. She’s going to discover how much she likes my cock and leave your sorry ass.”

In response, Jasper dipped his head and sank his teeth into my neck. I yelped at the sharp bite of pain, though as soon as he smoothed his tongue over it, the sting melted into need. “Mine.”

Oh, I liked that. Just that one little word turned me on so hard, so hot that I bucked between both men.

“Easy.” Jackson kissed me again as Jasper threaded his arms through my own. He held me in place as Jackson began to move, pushing into my wetness again and again.

He fucked with more abandon than Jasper did, Jasper with his rigid control. Still, the combination of the two had me flying high, stretching toward another release that hovered just out of reach.

“May I come inside you?” Jackson asked me, but looked at Jasper. Behind me, I felt his body jerk, felt him thrust, his cock pushing up against me.

He liked that idea, liked the idea of Jackson losing himself inside of me, which meant there was only one answer.

“Do it.” I twisted around again to watch Jasper as Jackson’s pace increased, his thrusts coming shorter and harder. Those pale green eyes of Jasper’s locked onto mine, and it was that connection, knowing that this was turning him on, that sent me flying again, clenching around Jackson’s cock.

“Shit!” Jackson seated himself inside of me, and I felt the pulses as he lost himself—one, two, three. The smell of salt hit the air, and I pushed back against Jasper, rubbing myself against his cock.

“Cari.” He said my name as he, too, came. His face contorted as his liquid heat spilled over the small of my back, and when I felt that, I shuddered my way through a second, smaller wave, and then one more.

Through it all, I was anchored by the intensity in Jasper’s eyes. With him to hold me, I was not afraid.

I woke with a start, blinking at the neon numbers on the alarm clock that announced it was five a.m. My body immediately whined that it was sore, but in a delicious way. I stretched languidly, brushing against Jasper as I did.

Unlike me, he did not wake up slowly. Instantly alert, he reached for his phone, the ringing of which had woken us both. It reminded me of all that we’d come to Atlanta to forget, and I sat up, too, brushing the tangles of my hair from my face.

I listened as Jasper had a short, tense conversation with whoever was on the other end of the phone. I blinked, trying wake up fully, wondering at what point in the night Jackson had left.

Jasper hung up the phone, then pulled me to him to press a kiss to the top of my head.

“What is it?” I didn’t like the look on his face.”

“That was Margot. Someone trashed your room last night. Russ Daly was there, and now he is in the hospital. He was attacked.” Shock acted like ten cups of coffee, jolting me into alertness. “We have to leave right now. The sheriff needs to ask you some questions.”

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