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UNCAGED: Steel Gods MC by Heather West (21)



Just as I was starting to get comfortable, I heard someone knocking on the door.


“Charlie, someone’s at the door,” I whispered. Instinctively, I panicked. “You better get up and check who it is.”


Charlie stroked my hair and pulled me closer. “Probably one of those asshole Mormons, selling their religion,” he said. He snorted. “Just relax, babe. We should try to catch a little bit of sleep. Later on, I’ll go out and get a new phone.” He planted a kiss on my forehead and I felt love radiate through my body. “You gonna cook tonight?”


I burst out laughing. “I think I’ll finally teach you how to make spaghetti without turning into a lump of paste,” I said through a hail of giggles.


“Oh, you’re gonna teach me somethin’, huh?” Charlie got to his knees and started tickling me until I couldn’t breathe.


“Stop, stop!” I howled. Charlie kept tickling and eventually I squealed with laughter and flopped on top of him. For a moment, we lay like that, not moving. Then Charlie pulled me into his arms and planted his lips on my forehead.


“I love you, Nicolette,” Charlie whispered. “I never imagined this would happen, but I’m so happy it did.” He reached down and stroked my belly. “And you’re seven months pregnant tomorrow.” He snickered. “I didn’t think you could get any bigger, but I guess we’re gonna see.”


I snuggled close. “I can’t wait to meet our baby,” I said softly.


There was another knock on the door, even more loud and insistent than before. I felt a stab of cold fear pierce my belly.


“Charlie, you should really get up and check,” I said softly. “What if it’s something bad?”


Charlie laughed. “Those Mormons are fuckin’ pushy,” he said. He scoffed. “I fixed one of their trucks the other day, and he was talkin’ to me the whole goddamn time about the Book of Mormon. They don’t get it, I mean, I didn’t want to be an asshole, but—”


We both looked at each other as we heard a loud bang from the living room.


“I’ll get up,” Charlie whispered. “You stay here.”


Suddenly, I was too afraid to be alone. “No,” I hissed. “Get back here and hold me, Charlie, please!”


Charlie looked at me and for the first time, I saw real fear in his eyes.


That’s when the bedroom door burst open and Jack stormed through. I’ll never forget the look I saw in his eyes. It was like nothing I’d ever seen before – he was like a madman, a crazed villain from the books I never read in school.


I shrieked and screamed and tried to climb backwards off the bed, pulling Charlie with me.


“Surprise, bitch,” Jack said. He grinned, his rotten teeth reflecting off the dim light in the room.


“Get behind me, Nicolette,” Charlie yelled. He yanked his jeans on in a half second and walked towards Jack with his hand balled in a fist. “Nicolette, run!”


“Don’t even think about goin’ anywhere, you cunt,” Jack snarled at me. “I gotta take care of your little boyfriend, but don’t you worry, I’ll get to you.”


He swung at Charlie and I screamed again as Jack’s fist connected with Charlie’s jaw. It was too much to watch as Charlie crumpled to the ground, breaking his fall with the heels of his hands.


“Nicolette, run!” Charlie yelled again. “Don’t worry about me, I—”


“You better shut the fuck up!” Jack screamed. He kicked Charlie in the stomach and I shrieked as his body flew up off the ground and landed again with a sickening thud. Charlie opened his eyes and winced. I felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. I never would have imagined it, but watching the man I loved get beaten to a pulp was more painful than being beaten myself.


“Nicolette, go!” Charlie screamed. “Go! It’s okay! Go!” Jack swung another savage punch towards Charlie’s prone body and Charlie somehow managed to dodge it. He pulled himself up and threw a punch at Jack’s face, but missed and only hit air.


Jack grinned and laughed. “You’re a fucking asshole, Charlie,” he hissed. “And you’re a fucking shitty fighter. Good thing you’re fucking dead now!”


“Nicolette, run!” Charlie’s scream was so loud that it pierced my ears. “Nicolette, go! He’s going to kill you! Go! Now!”


This time, I listened. Somehow, I managed to bolt past Charlie and Jack, wrapped only in a sheet from the bed. Tears blurred my vision as I darted out of the front door. There was a strange car parked in the driveway but I didn’t look twice as I bolted down the street. The blood was pounding in my ears and I was more frightened than I’d ever been in my life as I ran, my bare feet slapping against the hot asphalt. My heart was pounding so quickly in my chest that I feared it would burst, and I was having a hard time breathing. The baby was kicking in my belly and suddenly, I knew with certainty that I’d never see Charlie again.


No, I thought as I ran down the street. My legs were aching by the time I’d gone one block, but I knew that I had to keep going. No, why did this have to happen? Why did he have to come back? Charlie, help me! I need you!


“Help!” I screamed loudly. I had no idea what to do. We were miles away from the hospital, and we had no neighbors for miles. I let out another wild scream, then darted down the road, away from the cottage, without looking back.