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Vegas Revenge Wedding (Nevada Bad Boys Book 2) by Kelli Callahan (6)

Chapter 6:  Grady

She’s probably just playing me—I might be a bigger fool than my brother was.

When I first met Monica, I was jealous that my brother had managed to get a girl that hot.  Once I got to know her, the jealousy faded.  I could sense that something wasn’t quite right between them in the early days.  She adapted to change too quickly.  She went from a poor girl who had never seen the inside of a church to quoting scripture with him almost overnight.  When she found out about his abstinence pledge, which I thought was pure insanity to begin with, she was ready to jump in with both feet and keep her legs tightly closed while doing so. 

It just didn’t add up.  I had seen gold diggers before and that seemed to be the only part of her that was transparent.  Laying there with her in my arms made things more confusing than they had been when I decided to go through with my plan.  I understood why she was trying to marry my brother and it wasn’t just greed.  She was trying to protect her family just like I had been trying to do.  She looked gorgeous in my arms and I was the first man to fuck her.  That bonded us more than the piece of paper we signed to become husband and wife.

Am I feeling something for her?  I should just go—this isn’t my problem.

I crawled out of bed and left her there in her slumber.  It only took me a couple of minutes to get dressed, but I still sat on the edge of the bed for a little longer watching her beautiful body curled up in the remnants of our lust.  I could have easily crawled between her legs and enjoyed another moment, but I didn’t want to wake her.  She looked like she needed sleep and after what we had done, she was completely exhausted. 

I walked into the living room and heard her father lightly snoring on the couch.  The pain pills had knocked him on his ass and he didn’t even stir when I entered the room.  The black SUV was gone from the front of the house, but the black sedan had returned.  In the light of the day, I could see the man’s sunglasses reflecting in the sunlight.  He wasn’t really trying to hide.  I made sure the door was locked before walking into the kitchen and starting a cup of coffee.  I was going to at least make good on my promise and stay there with them until she woke up again—I owed her that much.

What a fucking mess.

I couldn’t help but wonder why Walter Grant had changed his business model and started getting so aggressive with his debt collection practices.  Even though I didn’t want to get in the middle of what was going on between him and Monica’s father, I was curious to find out what was going on with my old boss. 

It had been a couple of years since he had called me for a job, but it was usually him putting the brakes on me when I wanted to get what was owed through violence.  I figured that was why he stopped calling, but it seemed like there might be more going on than that.  I didn’t push the issue or contact him, even though money had been tight once I went from having steady work to doing odd jobs just to make enough money to drink and tip the strippers.  If Walter Grant’s tactics had changed, he might have a place for me in his organization again.  I might even be able to buy a little time for Monica’s father, even if it wasn’t my problem.  The longer he stayed safe, the longer I could keep Monica’s sweet pussy wrapped around my cock on a regular basis—that was definitely a priority after having a taste.


“YOU LEFT ME...”  MONICA walked into the kitchen and started pouring a cup of coffee several hours after she had finally fallen asleep.

“We can go back to bed if you’re ready to stay awake for a little bit.”  I grinned and squeezed her ass when she walked by me.

“Dad will be waking up soon.” She pushed my hand away. 

“Yeah, well, we can feed him more pain pills.”  I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her into my lap before she could get too far away.

“Do you solve all your problems by drugging people?”  She narrowed her eyes at me.  “That is what you did to me isn’t it?  There’s no way I would have went that crazy without something more than alcohol.”

“Sorry it wasn’t the wedding of your dreams.”  I grinned and pulled her closer for a kiss.

Monica’s lips sent electricity through me, igniting the same spark I felt when I had her in my arms for the first time.  She kissed me with the same passion coating my lips and our tongues swirled together.  My cock started to get hard in my pants and I unbuttoned them quickly.  Monica hips shifted against me as I pushed my zipper down and pulled my cock out of my boxers.  My hands moved underneath the gown she had put on and I found that she wasn’t wearing any panties.  I pushed her leg across my lap until she was straddling me and her pussy was flush against my cock.  Our lips continued to twist in the seal of our kiss as I slowly started to enter her, feeling the same tight paradise that had made me explode a few hours earlier.  She was finally forced to pull away from our kiss just to gasp for air when I entered her.  Her head rolled back against her shoulder and she latched onto me as she started to descend on my cock. Once I was fully inside of her she moved against me, lifting up in the chair and slowly sliding down my shaft again.

“We shouldn’t do this—my father could wake up at any minute.”  Her body was saying yes, even if she was fighting against the pleasure she craved.

“You would have worn panties if you didn’t want to get fucked.”  I squeezed her hips and forced her to lift up again and descend on my cock.

“Just be quiet...”  She bit her lip to suppress a moan.

“I’ll be as loud as I want to be.”  I pulled her gown up slightly and slapped her ass which echoed through the kitchen.

“No!”  She grimaced and gritted her teeth at me.  “Don’t do that.”

“You liked it.”  I slapped her ass a little harder.

“Yeah...”  She moaned and started to move against me faster.

Her idea of a quiet fuck wasn’t going to be realized, because the faster she moved against me, the more the chair started to slide on the floor.  Her body jerked up and down on my cock and I could feel the excitement growing within her.  She might have been a virgin when I took her to bed the first time, but the sexual hyena lingering below the surface was definitely learning to love what she had never had before.  She rode my cock like her life depended on it, holding onto the back of my neck as she bounced in my lap, but every time the chair moved or the house creaked, she paused.  It was an amazing feeling but she wasn’t going to make me cum that way. 

When I finally couldn’t take anymore, I lifted her up and sat her on the edge of the table.  I needed to take control and I didn’t care if the house came crashing down around us—I was going to get the release I craved.  I hammered her pussy, making the table shake with every single thrust.

“Oh god!”  Her face tensed up and her concern about the noise faded as she started spiraling towards bliss.

I drove my cock deep inside her pussy until I could feel it throbbing.  She was so tight that it still took a lot of effort just to keep pounding her, but each thrust made it a little easier.  I felt her body start to tighten in my arms and she was close to an orgasm.  I knew feeling her pussy spasming with pleasure would send me over the edge.  I had to fight against it just to keep making her cum when we were in bed.  I started to keep my cock centered on her g-spot until I finally felt the first spasm start.  I fucked her orgasm as hard as I could, grunting as every clench made my balls tingle.  They tightened and I knew I was about to explode.  The cum surged through my shaft and then started to rush into her like a volcanic eruption of pleasure.  I kept hammering her as my seed was released, driving my cock deep each time another surge of cum started to spew from my glans.  I slowed my pace, keep the motion going until her orgasm was over and every drop was drained out of my balls.

“What is all that noise?”  I heard her father’s voice from the other room.

“Shit!”  She hopped off the table and pulled her gown down to her knees.

“What?  He’ll just see a husband and wife enjoying the pleasures of marriage.”  I shrugged and grinned.

“Put that away!”  She pointed at my cock and I reluctantly stuffed my dick back into my pants, zipping up as he walked into the kitchen.

“Sorry, Daddy.  We were just cleaning up.”  She grabbed a towel and put it over the spot we had left on the table.

“Right...”  He walked to the coffee pot and ignored us.  “You’re still here?”

“I was just leaving.”  I looked over at Mr. Adamson.  “How are your ribs?”

“They fucking hurt.”  He grunted and sipped his coffee.

“Take some more pain pills.”  I winked at Monica who gave me a death glare.  “They’ll help.”

“Yeah.”  He walked over and sat down at the table—thankfully on the opposite side of where we had just fucked.


MONICA’S SCENT WAS still on me when I hit the highway and felt the wind on my face.  The fact Monica didn’t ask for my help was motivation to give it.  If she was playing me, she would have asked for more than just a kiss and a promise to return when I left her house.  I didn’t tell her where I was going.  She didn’t need to know what I was going to do and she certainly didn’t need to know I was going to ask Walter Grant for my old job back. 

I turned my motorcycle into the parking lot of the club he owned and it was pretty clear that something had changed.  There was an armed guard at the door and a line of black sedans parked out front next to several black SUVs.  He had upgraded his business significantly if he needed that many people on his payroll and an armed guard at the door.  The guard stared at me as I got off of my motorcycle and approached the door.  He took a step forward and let his hand rest on his gun for a moment as he held up his other hand to motion for me to stop.

“Who are you and why are you here?”  His eyebrows came together and he stared at me with a fair bit of intensity.

“I’m here to see Walter Grant.”  I took a step closer and the man stepped back, unlatching the strap holding his gun in the holster.

“Mr. Grant isn’t seeing visitors right now.”  His hand seemed to have a nervous tick as it stayed pressed against the metal.  “If you need a loan, you’ll have to make an appointment.”

An appointment?  Nobody has ever needed an appointment to see Walter Grant.

“Tell him Grady Faulkner is here to see him and I don’t need a loan.”  I took a step back, which seemed to make the guard relax.

“Grady Faulkner.”  The guard tapped the door and spoke to someone on the other side.  “He’s here to see Mr. Grant.”

“One second.”  There was a muffled voice on the other side of the door.

“So what’s going on here?  Did he open a casino or something?”  I looked out at the line of cars and back to the guard, but he didn’t respond.

“Mr. Grant will see him.”  The door swung open and I saw another armed guard on the opposite side of the door.

“Nice to meet you...”  I glared at the guard as I stepped into the club.

“Grady!”  Walter walked towards me with his arms extended.  “How long has it been?  A year?  Two?”

“Yeah, about that.”  I nodded.  “You stopped calling me.”

“Eh, business was slow.  Let’s get a drink.”  He put a hand on my shoulder and motioned towards the bar.

“Business looks like it has picked up now.”  My eyes darted around the club and they stopped when I saw the man who was at Monica’s house the night before.

“It has!”  He sat down on a barstool and the bartender immediately put two beers in front of us.

“Mr. Grant.”  The man I had seen the night before walked over and leaned down, whispering something in the old man’s ear.

“Oh.”  Walter’s eyes got wide.  “I see.  Grady, I hear you’ve already met my associate, Ray Stone.”

“I have.”  I nodded and looked at the man who finally had a name.  “Taking a break from beating up old men?”

“Maybe I’ll practice on you.”  He turned his neck and I heard it crack several times.

“Now, now.”  Walter put up his hand.  “Ray, give me a few minutes with Grady.  He’s an old friend.”

“Sure thing.”  Ray stared at me for a moment and then walked away from us.

“What happened, Walter?  You used to tell me I was too pushy when I collected money for you—I barely threw a punch unless you told me to.”  I reached for my beer and took a sip.

“Times got tough.”  He shrugged.  “I guess I was just too nice back then.  You were right though—I was getting soft.”

“There’s being soft and then there’s this.”  I motioned to the room.  “This isn’t you.  You even helped one guy take a loan out at a bank so he could pay you back.”

“Vegas is a different world.  It has been changing for a long time and I was becoming a relic of a respectful world that just lost all respect for what I did.  Then I met Ray and he helped me finally realize that things needed to change.  You were a part of that though—you were telling me all of this several years ago.  I just finally started to listen.”  He lifted his beer and took a sip.  “I’ve actually been thinking about you recently.  I was wondering what you were up to.  Any chance you’re looking for work?  I could use a man like you.  You and Ray might even become friends.”

“I don’t think so.”  I shook my head.  “I was coming to see you about a job, but now that I’ve seen all this, I don’t think your new world is for me.  This isn’t what I had in mind when I told you things needed to change.  Sure, we needed to rough some people up, but this is some Mob level shit.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”  He grimaced and shrugged.  “I assume you’ll make sure Mr. Adamson pays his debt at the end of the week?  Ray tells me you’re married to his daughter.”

“Yeah.”  I took another drink from my beer and started to stand.  “You keep Ray away from my family or you’ll remember why you stopped calling me in the first place.”

My family—I fucking called them my family.

“Don’t threaten me, Grady.  You were just a shit stain on this town before I took you in.  Mr. Adamson has until the end of the week—and then Ray’s coming for Mr. Adamson if I don’t have every dollar he owes me in my hands.  He’s way worse than you ever were.”  Walter stood and patted me on the shoulder.  “Take care.”

Ray kept his eyes locked on me as I walked away from Walter and he followed me halfway to the door before he stopped.  Things had definitely changed.  Walter wasn’t the same man I remembered.  I certainly didn’t have fifty thousand dollars and I was fairly certain there was no way for Mr. Adamson or Monica to get it in less than a week.  If they could have pulled that off, they would have done it already. 

Even if it wasn’t my problem, Walter had crossed the line.  I wasn’t going to let him hurt Monica’s father, even if it meant going to war with my former boss.  I might have been a shit stain when he found me and took me in, but I was still the same man he stopped calling because he didn’t like how I handled business. 

I drove to a parking lot and started making some calls.  I had to get Monica’s father out of town and make sure Walter couldn’t find him.  There was no way for him to collect the money or hurt Monica’s father if he couldn’t find him, and that would at least give us more time to figure out how to pay the debt.

Here I go making this my problem...




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