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Washington DC (International Guy Book 9) by Audrey Carlan (12)


“Birdie, I know we sent that press release out regarding your moving to Boston, but are you really sure this is the right decision? I mean, you’re an action girl, a city girl,” Tracey says.

I frown. Actually I’m not really, at the heart of me. It’s just that the job has always taken me to big cities, from Los Angeles to New York. Once Tracey settled her business in New York, it made sense for me to live there too. Plus, it’s a five-hour plane ride to LA or seven to eight from New York to Paris and the other locations in Europe I may be filming.

“It’s doesn’t really change much, my living in Boston, not that it’s a small city,” I tease.

“It changes everything.”

“How so? I’m still on the East Coast. The same flight time away, plus it’s way easier for the A-Lister series—and big hello? My boyfriend lives here, and we’re moving on to the next step. I’m so excited! I can’t believe he was pretty much the one to suggest it.”

She makes a gagging sound. “That surprises you? He’s dating Skyler Paige, the world’s most sought-after actress. Everyone wants a piece of you.”

Her words settle uncomfortably in my gut and leave a sour taste in my mouth. “He doesn’t want a piece of me, Flower. He wants all of me. Body and soul. This is serious.”

“Hmm, I guess I’ll believe it when I’ve spent more time with him and the two of you together.”

“Totally!” I grin, liking her tone changing from a Debbie Downer to a more pleasant sound. “You’ll have to come out for the movie anyway, so we’ll spend a lot of time together.”

My dogs rush into my bedroom and follow me into the bathroom, squirming around and making whimpering noises.

“Hey, Trace, I gotta go. The babies need to go outside.”

“Ugh, I still can’t believe you rescued two dogs. Crazy woman. Like you have the time for dogs.”

“Well, hopefully in the very near future, I’ll have a lot more time.” I pet my pooches and ponder the idea of a new acting academy I had. Still want to talk to Parker about it, though.

“What does that mean?” Tracey says with a note of strain in her voice.

The dogs bang into my legs again. “Trace, I can’t talk about it right now. I’ve gotta take the babies out soon. We’ll talk later. Love you, bye!” I cut the connection and call out to Rachel, who’s somewhere in the house. “Rach, I gotta go take the pups to piddle again!”

I stare up at the empty mirror in front of me and fluff my hair while thinking about the case Parker was on and how he took down Pure Beauty Pharmaceuticals and PB Resources. What they did was risky, and after hearing the full details, I was scared he or his company would be caught in the backlash, but the severity of what was found in that facility and the ties to Pure Beauty were astronomical.

It reminds me to check all the brands of my makeup to ensure I’m not using one of their products. Opening my cosmetics drawer, I scan a few of the tubes and packs of eyeshadows and lotions. I immediately recognize some of the names that were on the extensive list I’d seen on the TV the other night. I toss the few pieces straight into the trash. I’ll buy new, organic makeup. Spying a tube of lipstick, I grab it and note it’s a cherry red, but it comes from one of the brands that were cited. I grimace and plan to toss it when an idea comes to me. I look up at myself in the mirror.

Brown eyes not too far apart or close together. Long, crazy blonde hair that could use some taming. Full bow-shaped lips. Arched eyebrows and high rounded cheekbones. What price would I pay to stay young and feel beautiful?

I wince at my image, uncap the lipstick, and touch the mirror with the red tip.


I write the three words on my personal mirror in order to remind myself never to take for granted what I have right in front of me. Any price is too high to contort what genetics and the Lord above have given me. I mean, I understand the pressure to stay young and look young, but more than that, I appreciate that aging shows I’ve experienced life. Laugh lines mean I smile all the time. Wrinkles between my brows and at the creases of my eyes mean I’ve grown older, learned more, changed, and lived every day to the fullest. Right then and there, I make a promise to myself not to get swept up in the trap of not being good enough, young enough, or pretty enough for the people around me, my fans, or my man. I live for me. My beauty lies within as much as I hope it shows on the outside.

Decision made, I pat my legs and holler for my pups. “Come on, guys, let’s go piddle and then pick up Daddy for lunch. How about it?” I say as my babies bounce around my legs.

Aside from Parker, there’s nothing I love more on this earth than these two dogs. They’ve already completely owned my soul in three days.

Midnight sits properly like a good boy as I latch his collar. Sunny spins a circle around my legs a few times before copying her brother.

“Good girl, good boy.” I pet both of their heads as Rachel approaches.

“I’ve been thinking. What if we put some grass out on one of the patios?” she suggests.

I frown. “Like Astroturf?”

She shakes her head. “No, like a patch of grass. Nate could build you a platform almost like a gardening planter box, but instead we could put sod down, and the pups will have a place to go potty that’s not in front of the building, all the way down the elevator, and where the paps can get shots of you every thirty minutes.”

My heart beats hard, and I glance over at the second patio. There’s not much on it but a small dinette and a few plants with my yoga mats. “That could totally work. How fast do you think he could do it?”

Rachel smiles, her blonde ponytail curled over one shoulder. “Pretty fast since I already sent him to the hardware store to pick up the stuff and get the help.”

“Awesome,” I say. “You are the shit, Rach.”

“Don’t I know it!” She winks. “Come on, for now we’re still on dog training.”

“Cool. And when we’re done I need to stop and get Parker for lunch.”

“How about I drop you off at his office and take the dogs down. Then ring me when you’re headed down, and I’ll meet you at the front of the building. As long as you’re with Park, you’re fine.”

I grin. Yes, I am. Having that man on my arm is like walking eye candy. I’m one lucky duck, for sure. “Good plan.”

We get in the elevator, and she lets me off at the IG offices. I enter and find Annie on the phone. I point to Parker’s office, and she nods and waves me in.

When I get to his office, I’m surprised to find the door open. He usually wants quiet and privacy when he works.

As I approach, I hear his voice, softened and sweet as if he’s cooing at someone. I stop at the edge of the door and peek in. He’s at his desk, and on top of his blotter right in front of him is an orange cat. He’s so focused on the cat he doesn’t realize that I’m there.

“Zeus, now I understand that you want to sleep all day in my lap or on my desk. You need to pick a new spot, brother, or this thing between us isn’t going to work out.”

I chuckle, and my man’s blue-eyed gaze lifts to meet mine. “Hey, baby . . .”

“Who do you have there?” I enter, gesturing to the new cat.

“A present from Bo. He rescued this guy for me when he took home Snowflake. I’ve named him Zeus.”

I run my hand over his head and down his fur. “He’s even softer than our pups.”

He grins. “I know. And he’s a total lap kitty. Wants to just hang out with me.”

“Well, you wanted a ginger cat, and looks like you’ve got one, but what about our babies? I’m not sure how that’s going to work out with us training the new dogs.”

He grabs the cat and puts him on the floor. Zeus promptly walks over to a two-foot slice of sunlight on the carpet near Parker’s desk and drapes his body along it. His fur gleams a burnished red gold.

“The team decided he could be an office kitty.”

“Yay!” I clap my hands, but not too loud so as not to disturb Zeus and his sunbathing, while I lean my booty against Parker’s desk. “I love everyone here. We all have fur babies and now an office cat.”

Parker stands up, wedges himself between my knees, and cups the sides of my neck, lifting up my chin with his thumbs. “Me too. But you know what I love more than all of that combined?” He cocks a sexy sculpted brow and grins.

I bite down on my lip and then lick it slowly. His gaze clocks the move, and his nostrils flare a tiny bit before he leans closer.

“What?” The word comes out breathless at his nearness. His citrus-and-woodsy scent invades my senses. I loop my arms around his back and my legs around his hips, locking my ankles at his thighs.

“You know . . . ,” he taunts.

I smile and press closer to his mouth. “Tell me anyway.”

“I love you more than anything.”

“Mmm.” I sigh into his mouth as he kisses me, taking away any thoughts of fur babies, kitties, potty training, patio boxes, and anything in between.

His tongue dips in, and I can taste the richness of his coffee along with his own unique flavor. I sit up and plunge my own tongue in, wanting a deeper taste. Parker runs his hands down my back until his fingers reach the hem of my shirt. He lifts it up a few inches so he can tease the bare flesh he’s found. He loves to touch me skin to skin.

When he’s thoroughly explored my mouth, nibbled on my lips to distraction, and run his lips down the column of my neck where he repeatedly inhales my scent, I finally sigh and push at his chest. “Rachel is waiting for us with Sunny and Midnight. I thought we could pick up some sandwiches at the café and take them to a park. The paparazzi have gotten a lot of pics of me and the dogs, so they’re kind of bored and not as many are there. We should be able to trick them by getting the sammies, getting into the car, and having Rachel take us to the park. What do you say?”

“Sounds perfect, Peaches. Let me make sure Zeus is settled.”

As I stand in front of his body, I feel a buzzing sensation against my belly. I chuckle as he backs up and pulls out his phone. He reads the display, and his jaw goes tight, his gaze narrowing in on the phone.

“What is it?”

I can hear him grind his teeth. “Nothing.”

I place my hand on his chest. “Don’t hide things from me. You’re upset. I want to know why.”

He inhales long and slow before he shows me the text.

From: Unknown

To: Parker Ellis


A foreboding tickle picks up at the base of my neck. “I thought the freak had given up. We had a good break, and the last text seemed nicer. What do you think it means?” I swallow around the sudden dryness in my throat and wring my hands together, an electric energy nipping at my nerve endings, making me feel unsteady.

Parker’s voice is tight and his words measured when he replies, “Obviously, whoever it is has gotten word that you’re staying in Boston. Did you tell anyone in particular?”

“Yeah, the entire world!” I say with a hint of panic. “I met with Tracey a few days ago in New York while you were in DC. We had dinner, and I told her I was moving here and we were going to start house hunting and animal rescuing. Tracey sent out a press release regarding my official involvement in the A-Lister movies along with my quote regarding how I was excited to be moving to Boston and would be closer to my friends and boyfriend.”

“Apparently, our little friend”—he shakes the phone mockingly—“doesn’t like the idea of your moving. That could mean the person lives in New York or somewhere close enough to follow you there.”

I shake my head and run my hand through my hair. “Or it could be someone who’s mad that we adopted pets together. We just talked to the press this morning. Maybe the guy saw that we were a serious couple. Add in the fact the press release went out to the masses, and we’re back to square one.”

He lets out a tortured breath as his phone buzzes again. This time we both look at the screen when he opens it.

From: Unknown

To: Parker Ellis


“Oh my God.” I cover my mouth with my hand. “He’s going to hurt you. I just know it. He’s mad, and he’s going to hurt you!” Tears prick my eyes, but they don’t have a chance to fall before Parker has me in his arms.

“Shhh . . . nothing is going to happen to me. We’re fine. We’ll handle this. Sure, the tension may have ramped up, but that doesn’t mean the person is going to strike. We haven’t had anything in the way of physical ramifications.”

I swallow, and my voice cracks with emotion. “Yet! He hasn’t done anything to us yet! It’s only a matter of time. I can’t bear to lose you, Parker.”

He dips his face into my neck, pressing my body tightly to his. Each of his arms is like a secure barrier from anything and everything that might be out to get me.


I feel safe in his arms.

“Just breathe, baby. Nothing’s going to happen. We’ll get Nate and Wendy on this right away.” His hands smooth up and down my spine.

“Honey . . .” The word scrapes out between my lips. “I can’t lose you.”

He holds me at arm’s length until our gazes meet. “You are not going to lose me. This is a prankster. A loser who’s attached to you in an unhealthy way. They have done nothing but taunt us. Right?”

I lick my salty lips and nod.

“Right. Which means the person is a coward. We just have to be smart, and we are. Now come on. Our dogs want to go to the park, and I need to feed my woman a sandwich since she’s not making me her specialty.”

“We can have them for dinner?” I suggest.

“Anything you want.” He pulls me against his chest.

“I only want you, our pups, and our friends . . . and Zeus.”

He chuckles, and it takes away some of the fear and anxiety. “Absolutely Zeus.”

He dips his head, kisses my lips, and wipes away the few tears I shed. “No more worrying your pretty head about this. I’m on it. Okay?”

“Okay. Just don’t keep things from me. I need to know what’s going on or I’ll be more afraid.”

Parker hooks me around the waist and urges me toward the door. “Let’s go chat with Wendy really quick, and then we’re off to the park. It’s nothing but blue skies, green grass, and our new babies.” He squeezes my shoulder lovingly.

“It’s just us. Against the world.”

“That’s right. You, me, and our pups.” He winks, and I smile knowing that he’ll stop at nothing to find this person. I just have to hold tight and trust him to take care of me and our new little family.

The end . . . for now.