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An Alien To Die For (Zerconian Warriors Book 10) by Sadie Carter (10)

Chapter Ten


Alice watched Jaxan pace up and down the small room in medical. She’d woken up an hour ago feeling achy and drained, but basically okay. Racar had put some sort of cooling gel on her skin, and it wasn’t even red this morning. She was rehydrated.

She sat and swung her legs to the side of the masic. She loved sleeping on these things. So much more comfortable than the thin, old mattress she’d slept on in her parents’ house.

“What are you doing?” he asked urgently, moving quickly to her side and swinging her legs back. “You must not move until Racar has checked you.”

“Jaxan, I feel fine. I need the bathroom.”

“I will carry you.”

He scooped her up before she could protest. And she didn’t feel like protesting much anyway. She enjoyed being in his arms. He carried her into the attached bathroom and set her gently down.

“Do you need help?”

“No. Thank you.”

She waited until he left to take care of business. She peered into the mirror, gasping at how terrible she looked. The gel had taken care of the redness, but her skin was now so pale she looked sickly. Her hair lay lank and lifeless around her face, and she looked as though she’d lost five pounds overnight.

She breathed into the palm of her hand and sniffed. Oh, that wasn’t good. Bad morning breath. Her hands shook as she ran the water and splashed some over her face. She suddenly realized that she could see really well considering she hadn’t put drops in her eyes in over twenty-four hours.


“Yes?” He suddenly appeared next to her. Wow, he moved fast for a big guy. “What is wrong? Are you feeling light-headed?”

She always felt a little light-headed when she was around him, but that had more to do with his effect on her than anything else. “How come I can see?”

“Racar placed drops in your eyes. He thought your eyes would pain you otherwise.”

She remembered how dry and scratchy they’d grown in the desert. She shivered slightly then turned and hugged Jaxan tightly. Well, as tightly as she could manage. Her arms felt like wet noodles. “Thank you. Thank you for finding me. I was scared.”

Jaxan hugged her to him. “I was worried we would not find you. If you had spent the night out there…” He trailed off with a shudder. “I was scared also.”

For such a big, strong warrior to admit that she knew he must have been terrified. How must he have felt? Worrying about her. Wondering where she was. She’d been so reckless.

“I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot.”

He pulled back with a glare. “Do not call yourself that.”

“But I was. I am. I put you through so much worry, not to mention everyone else. I promise I shall take more care. Be more cautious. I don’t want to cause anyone any trouble. You won’t have any cause to fear for me again. I’ll be the mate you deserve.”


Jaxan stared down at her in surprise. She had completely pre-empted the stern lecture he had been intent on giving her. He nearly urged her not to be so hard on herself. Instead, he pulled her up, so they were face to face, her feet dangling in the air. He leaned in but was shocked as she turned her head away.

Did she not want him?

“Don’t come close.”

“You do not wish my kiss?”

She turned back, placing her hand partially over her mouth. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. “What? No. I mean, of course, I do. It’s just…”

He struggled to hear her with her hand over her mouth. “What is it?”

“I’ve got morning breath. Really bad morning breath. I didn’t brush my teeth last night or this morning.”

He set her down on the counter then gently removed her hand. Pressing both of her hands against the counter, he leaned in and kissed her. The kiss soon morphed from something gentle into something hot and heated. His need for her completely overrode his awareness of where they were, of any reasons why he shouldn’t take her right here.

Claim her. Make her yours.

He cupped her breast, lightly pinching the nipple that pressed against the green top she wore. He slid his hand beneath her top, pulling down the constricting item that bound her breasts. What was it called? A bra? Annoying thing.

She groaned as he rubbed at the nipple, pressing her heat against his shaft. He needed to be inside her. Now.

“Oh dear Lord. Are you kidding me? Do you really think I need to see you pawing my baby cousin? Jesus, I’m scarred for life. I need to burn my eyeballs, maybe that will erase this nightmare.”

Jaxan turned as the voice penetrated the haze surrounding him. Rich glared at him, looking slightly ill.

“You could have knocked, Rich,” Alice told him.

He turned to look at her as she pulled at his hand. What was she doing? Oh. His hand was still beneath her top. He quickly removed it. Alice, her face so red she still looked sun burned, climbed down from the counter.

“I did. Repeatedly and loudly.”

Alice slipped by him then Rich. He followed her, ignoring the look Rich sent him.

The door opened, and Racar stepped in. He glanced at them all before moving to Alice. With a frown, he gently raised her face. “I thought the cooling gel had taken care of most of the burns.”

“It did,” Alice answered. “It’s just a little hot in here, maybe you could turn up the air or something.”

“I see. How are you feeling, Alice?”

“Fine. I have a bit of a headache.”

“Most likely a lingering effect from being dehydrated, but I would suggest you rest. No stress. No strenuous exercise.”

“Sure thing, doc. I’ll eat all my vegies too. Promise.”

“Ah, okay. That is good.”

“So can I get out of here now?”

“Yes. You are released.”

“I came to get you, Alice,” Rich said stepping forward. “I’ll take you home.”

“No.” Jaxan blocked him. “That will not be necessary.”

“I’m here now. No need for us both to escort her home.”

“No, I mean that your escort is not necessary because Alice is coming home with me.”


Alice looked at her cousin and her mate worried they were about to come to blows. She knew who would come off worst. Rich might be a good fighter, and lord knew, he wasn’t afraid to fight dirty. But Jaxan outweighed him, and she knew he could overpower him easily.

Racar cleared his throat. “No stress, remember?”

Jaxan looked over at her in concern.

“And nothing strenuous,” Rich added, making her blush harder. Sugar, it was bad enough that Rich had walked in while Jaxan had his hand on her breast, but now they were talking about her sex life. Not that she had a sex life exactly. Not yet, anyway.

“I will take care of Alice. She is my mate.”

“And my cousin.”

Okay, someone was going to have to be the voice of reason here. And as much as she didn’t want to choose between the two of them, she knew the time had come to move on with her life.

“Rich, thanks for coming for me.”

Rich sent Jaxan a triumphant smile. “That’s because you’re family. I take care of my family.”

“Yes. You have done a wonderful job of that so far,” Jaxan told him.

Rich’s face darkened.

“But I’m going home with Jaxan.”

“What?” Rich turned to her, his expression shocked. “You want to go home with this Neanderthal?”

Even Jaxan was looking at her in surprise.

“Yes, I do. It’s time. He’s my mate. I want to go home with him. It doesn’t mean I’m not grateful to you, Rich. For everything. But I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

“I will take care of you,” Jaxan stated, looking offended.

“Yes, of course, you will,” she said soothingly. But she kept her gaze on her cousin. She couldn’t bear it if he was upset or angry with her, but this was something she had to do. It felt right.

Rich was frowning slightly, but there was no anger present as he turned to her. “You’re sure?”

“I’m sure.”

He sighed. “Fine. Guess it’s up to you what you do. But if you change your mind, you always have a place to live with me, kid.”

“I know. I love you.”

He grunted. She figured that was Rich for ‘I love you too.’ He turned to scowl at Jaxan. “Take care of my cousin. Or you answer to me.”

“I will.”

It was the first time they’d actually agreed on something. Perhaps miracles did exist.


She studied Jaxan’s place in interest. It looked pretty sparse. He didn’t seem to own much furniture. She wondered if he just didn’t care about his comfort or whether he couldn’t afford to furnish his house. A bodyguard couldn’t make that much, could he? The living area and kitchen were open plan. A half-circular couch sat in the middle of the living room. There was a large screen on the far wall. It was a bachelor pad.

She moved further into the room, drawn to the doors at the other end. They led out onto a large balcony. But it was the view that captivated her. The ocean glistened, immediately soothing the tension and nerves that had been building inside her.

“I had never seen the sea before I came here,” she commented as she felt Jaxan come up beside her.

“Never?” There was shock in his voice.

She glanced up at him with a small smile. “No, the furtherest I ever went was to Cincinnati a few times a year with my father. The sea is so beautiful, I don’t think I will ever grow tired of staring out at it.”

“I find it calming,” he admitted.

“You do?”

“Yes. Our race can be aggressive. Doing something physical helps ease that aggression. But the ocean helps me also.”

“I’m really nervous,” she admitted.

He turned towards her, but she wasn’t quite brave enough to face him.

“You are nervous of me?”


“You think I would harm you?”

“No,” she told him immediately, turning to lay her hand on his arm. “No, not at all. The thing is I’ve, um, I’ve never been with a man before.” Could this get any more awkward?

“I had guessed as much.”

“Really?” Sugar. And she thought she had hidden her inexperience well.

“You do not need to fear what is coming. I would never hurt you.”

“I know, but you see, gosh this is embarrassing. My mother had the talk with me, but I realize she left quite a bit of detail out.”

“The talk?”

Really? Did she have to go into detail? It seemed from the confused look on his face that she did.

Well, shoot.

“Yes, the talk. Didn’t one of your parents have it with you? About sex.” She whispered the last word.

“Your parents are expected to have such a talk with you?” He looked surprised.

“Yes, who else? Who told you about sex?”

“I learned how to pleasure and care for a woman at the academy.”

“The academy? What academy?”

“All of our males attend the academy once they reach twenty years. Usually, we spend a year there, learning how to pleasure a woman. How to care for them.”

“A year? Seriously? How much is there to learn?”

“Quite a bit. Although we also spend time training and studying in our chosen field. For example, a healer might spend three years at the academy, as their studies are more intense.”

She gulped. How was she going to compete with someone who had spent a year learning about sex? She barely knew the basics and that was only because she’d done some research while on the Mariana.

This was a disaster.

“Alice? You look very pale. You should lie down.”

“No. No.” She shook her head and held up a hand to stop him. “I need to get this over with. If I don’t do this now, I’m going to spend all my time worrying about it. It has to be now.”

Before she lost what little courage she had.

“Get what over with?”

“Sex!” she screeched, then slammed her hand over her mouth, totally mortified that she’d screamed the word. But did he need this spelled out? Wasn’t it obvious what she was talking about?

He frowned. “Alice, you seem to fear joining. I will not hurt you. I will bring you pleasure.”

“My mother said it hurts a lot.”

He watched her for a moment. Then he took her hand and led her inside and over to his couch. He settled on the seat and pulled her onto his lap. Alice stiffened, unused to being held this way. Jaxan tucked her in close to his chest and started rubbing his hand up and down her back. Gradually, she relaxed.

“I think that you should tell me everything that your mother told you about joining.”

She stiffened once more, but he kept rubbing her back. “Well, she didn’t say much.”

Jaxan remained silent, waiting. She had the impression that he’d happily sit here and wait for her to talk for as long as it took.

She blurted it out in one big breath. “She told me that sex was painful and that I should just lie there and submit and if I was lucky I would get a child out of the ordeal and then my husband would leave me alone until the baby was born.”

“And what else?”

“That’s it. She left quite a bit out.”

“Yes, she did. Is this what all girls are told about sex?”

“No, most other girls—and boys—are taught about this stuff at school. But I went to a special school run by the church. We weren’t taught anything about sex other than it was sinful to engage in sex outside wedlock. But that within the sanctity of marriage, sex could result in a child if you’re blessed by God. Once I arrived on the transporter, well, I overheard some things, and I did some research, so I know more than I did. I mean, I know what goes where but I don’t really know how to do anything.”


That was it? That was all he had to say? Was he disappointed?

She leaned back to look up at him. “Well? Don’t you have anything to say?”

“Yes. I had a much better education on joining.”

“I gathered that,” she muttered.

“You have no reason to fear the joining.” He tipped her face up. “You will enjoy it, and you will want more.”

“What if I disappoint you?”

“You will not disappoint me.”

“You say that now…”

“Alice, if any part of our joining is not fully pleasurable for both of us, then I will be at fault as I am the one with experience.”

“How much experience?” she asked suspiciously.

“What do you mean?”

“How many women have you joined with?”

“I have never mated before.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

He was quiet for a long moment.

“Dear Lord, if you have to think about it this hard, I’m pretty sure I’m not going to like the answer.”

“Why does it matter how many women I have joined with if every experience only means I can give you more pleasure?”

“Because, well…” She didn’t want to admit to being jealous. Especially over women he’d had in his past.

His gaze turned thoughtful. “Are you jealous that I have touched other women?”

“Are you saying you wouldn’t be jealous if I had been with other men?” She knew she was being silly. She was so out of her depth.

“But you have not. You will only be with me. Just as I will only ever be with you.” He stood, cradling her against his chest then strode out of the room and down a passage.

“Uh, maybe I ought to rest for a bit. Get my strength up.” Her nerves had hit full force.

“No. You were right. Best we see to this now. Then you will have no need to fear it any longer.”

He placed her on the masic, and she rolled to the side, climbing off. “I really don’t think this is a good idea.”

He moved over to her so quickly she didn’t even have time to think about avoiding him. Clasping her around the waist, he raised her up then took her mouth with his. He ravished her. Devoured her. Her body grew so limp, she was thankful for his support as he continued to kiss her.

When she could scarcely remember her name, he pulled away then placed her on the masic. He reached out and grasped hold of her top. Alice grabbed hold of his hands.

“Please, could you strip first?” She thought she might feel less vulnerable that way.

He didn’t answer, but he quickly stripped himself bare. Her body went into overload. He was too gorgeous to be true. Smooth, tanned skin. Muscles upon muscles. Maybe all that strength should have been frightening, especially considering what they were about to do, but she knew he’d never harm her.

It was his very strength that helped make her feel safe.

She sat up. “Can I touch you?”


So she stood on the masic. They were almost perfectly at eye level. She ran her hands over his shoulders, enjoying the silky feel of his skin. He didn’t have any chest hair, and his skin was just as smooth over his pecs. She avoided his nipples for the moment, unsure whether he’d like her touching them. She brushed her fingertips down his undulating abs.

Holy moly.

Leaning in, she kissed across his jaw. Light, fleeting touches of her lips against his skin. She kissed along his collarbone then down his chest.

“Take my nipples into your mouth. Flick them with your tongue. That is it.” He hissed, and she pulled back suddenly.

“Did I hurt you?”

He snorted. “No. I enjoyed it. Be rougher. Bite them with your teeth.”

Nervously, she bit down.

“Oh. Yes.”

She stared up at him as his eyes seemed to roll back in his head. He really did enjoy having his nipples bitten.

And she was the one giving him that pleasure. It was a heady feeling, and it gave her the confidence to look down at the thick, hot erection prodding her stomach.

Oh. Heaven help her.

Alice thought she might have whimpered a little as she took in his penis. It was enormous.

“That is really not going to fit.”

“It will fit very perfectly inside your hot, wet passage.”

Did he know how wet she was? Every time she was around Jaxan, the folds between her legs grew slick and moist and her body stirred in ways she hadn’t believed possible.

“You were made for me, Alice. My mate. All mine.”

Yes, but he was thick and long, and…she really wanted to touch him. She reached out, then looked up at him hesitantly.

“You won’t hurt me. Well, not without exerting a lot of force or if you bite down hard.”

Biting? He wanted her to take him into her mouth?

“Shall I place it in my mouth?”

He groaned, staring down at her with eyes that glowed amber. He was very aroused. “Only if you wish to, little one.”

“You’d enjoy it?”


She crouched on all fours and studied his cock. It wasn’t smooth as she’d first thought, but had little ridges along it. The head was rounded and had a slit across the top. She opened her mouth and took as much of him as she could into her mouth. Jaxan let out a deep shout, and she jumped, staring up at him.

“Did that hurt?”

“Stars, no. It was almost too good. Your mouth is warm and silky.”

“Could you tell me what to do?” She wanted to make him cry out again. Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing, but if she could cause him to shout in pleasure then she couldn’t be going that wrong, right?

“Wrap your hand around the base. Firmer. Good girl.”

A flush of warmth filled her at his praise.

“Now lick the head. Press your tongue into the slit. Yes, that feels so good.”

Something salty-sweet hit her taste buds, and suddenly she needed more. Craved it. She pressed her tongue back into his slit.

“Enough, enough, little one. You will have me embarrassing myself and with you still fully dressed.”

Huh, she’d forgotten about herself. She’d been too focused on his pleasure.

“Take the shaft into your mouth. That is it. As much as you can. You do not know how good that feels. Now pull back slowly. Good. Back and forth. Quick then slow. Suck as you come back up my shaft. Alice! Alice!”

Suddenly, he pulled her back. She stared up at him in surprise. “Are you okay, Jaxan?”

He was breathing heavily, sweat coating his skin. “You are too good at that.”

“I am?” She smiled, pleased with herself.

“Now it is my turn.”


Jaxan took great pleasure in slowly stripping Alice. He knew she was still nervous, but there was no need. And soon she would realize that.

He pulled off her top then tugged at her bra. “How does this contraption come undone?”

She sat up and reached behind her. Blushing delightfully, she pulled the bra from her breasts.

“I will learn how to do that,” he promised in a low growl. But not now. Right now, he was far too impatient to touch her, taste her.

“You have the most beautiful breasts.”

“You don’t think they’re too small?” She reached up to cup them, but he grabbed her hands, moving them away.

“Do not cover yourself. And no, they are not too small.” He pressed her hands to the mattress. “Keep your hands there.”

Leaning in, he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked strongly. She arched off the masic with a cry.

“Do you like that?”

“Yes,” she panted.

“Have you ever touched your nipples? Played with them?”

“No.” There was such shock on her face that it brought him back into focus. He remembered that she had no experience.

“Did your research tell you that when a male spills his seed inside a woman, that is how a baby is created?” he asked.

“Oh, sugar. Yes, I know that. Do we have to speak of this now? We’re in the middle of sex. I’m naked.” A look of vulnerability crossed her face.

“You are not naked yet.” He reached for her skirt, pulled it off, then ran a finger over her white undergarments. Zerconian women didn’t wear underwear, but they intrigued him. He liked unwrapping her. A special gift only for his eyes.

“They’re not exactly sexy, I know.”

“They do not need to be. If my need for you were any greater, I might not survive.

She blushed bright red. “You flatterer, you.”

“Not flattery. Truth.” He squeezed her nipple.

“My mother told me sex hurts and was only for making a baby. But the women on the ship, the way they talked about sex, well, they seemed to enjoy it.” She couldn’t meet his gaze.

“Ah, you wish to know how they could find pleasure in it when your mother did not?”


“Do you like what everything I have done to you? Or do you find it painful?”


Why had she started this conversation? She really wanted it to end. “You know how I feel,” she muttered.

“But I wish you to tell me. With words.” He gave her a stern look.

“I-I’m enjoying it.”

“You like when I touch your nipples? Lick them? Suckle them?” He went on to demonstrate.

She gasped as her need for him grew wild. Her nipples were stiff and aching. Each time he touched them, a corresponding ache grew between her legs.


“Yes. Yes, all of those things.”

“What if I bite a little?”

Bite? Oh no, he couldn’t…oh heavens above. She cried out, panting heavily as he bit her nipple then suckled gently, easing the ache.

“Did you enjoy that, Alice?”

Why did he want her to talk? She didn’t want to talk. She wanted him to keep going. But he didn’t move. Instead, he just watched her closely.

“Yes,” she told him.

He smiled slightly. Then he lay on his side beside her, running his hand down her body. “How does it make you feel?”

“Jaxan, must we talk about this? It’s embarrassing.”

“Nothing should be embarrassing between mates. I wish to pleasure you, to make you crazy, to make you crave my touch. This is how joining should be. Not how it was between your father and mother. I could mount you without pleasuring you first. Without playing with your nipples, kissing you, touching you here.”

He pressed a finger between her slick folds. “This is your pleasure nub.” He swirled his finger around her swollen clit. “I could ignore this little nub. I could enter you when you were dry. That would cause you great pain. It is inexcusable for any male to treat a female this way. Especially his female. If your father did this, it is no wonder your mother found the act painful.”

“Please,” she panted. “I know I started this conversation, but can we please stop talking about my parents?”

He smiled at her. “Certainly. There are other things we can discuss. Like what else you enjoy. What makes you wet and slick.” He swirled his finger up and down her damp folds. “Although you are certainly very wet now. That pleases me.”

She groaned. “What about what you enjoy? What do I do for you? What makes you a-aroused?”


He loved the little hitch in her voice. Knew from the fiery red covering her cheeks how hard she found it to discuss this with him. Her reactions were so fresh and honest. Leaning in, he kissed her, cupping her cheek, he swept his tongue into her mouth to torment her.

Pulling back, he breathed heavily. “I look at you, and I want you. Anything you wish to do to me, I enjoy. Particularly what we just did.”

“When I took you into my mouth?”

His cock seemed to harden further, and he hadn’t thought that possible.

“Yes. Alice, what do you do to me?”

“The same thing you do to me, I’m guessing.”

He kissed her beautiful, reddish-brown nipples. Enveloping one with his mouth, he suckled, while pinching her other nipple between his fingers. She writhed beneath him, soft whimpers filling the room.

He didn’t think he could last much longer. Where had all the control he prided himself on fled to? But then, he had never held his mate in his arms.

Jaxan slid his hand over her slim stomach, down to the thatch of red curls hiding her folds from him. He slid one long finger through her juices then flicked her swollen clit.

Alice arched her back, letting out a cry. He had to taste her. Had to possess all of her. Moving between her legs, he spread them wide.

“Jaxan?” she asked, sounding surprised. She started to sit.

“Lie still,” he growled, trying to temper his voice. “I wish to taste you.”

“Y-you what? Oh, ohhh,” the sound erupted like a moan from her as he licked her clit then circled it with his tongue.

Her taste exploded on his tongue. Like the sweetest of berries mixed with Sleva. Creamy. Delicious. He lapped at her, pressing his tongue into her passage until he encountered a barrier. Mila had taught them about this in the classes she’d held about human culture and anatomy. He prodded at the barrier, delighting in the way his mate’s passage rippled around him. She was so close to coming. He removed his tongue, returning to her nub. He pressed one finger inside her as far as he could. He lapped at her nub, loving her cries as her body writhed. Like in everything else, Alice was unguarded in her response to him. He added another finger, stretching her.

Stars, she was tight.

For the first time, he worried that he might not fit. Hearing her cries reach a pitch, feeling her passage clench down on him, he flicked her clit faster and faster until she crashed over into orgasm.


Alice lay on the masic, her eyes closed, drifting on a sea of blissful delight. She could scarcely remember to breathe, she felt so relaxed. So happy.

“Alice? Are you well?”

She opened her eyes, looking up at Jaxan who stared down at her, a hint of concern on his handsome face.

“That was incredible. Amazing. I’m surprised anybody gets out of bed when they could spend all day and night doing that.”

He chuckled. “I am glad you enjoyed it, little one.”

Enjoyed? That wasn’t the right word. It had been exhilarating, a little frightening, but completely and utterly stupendous.

Yes, stupendous. That was a pretty good word to describe it.

Something pressed against her hip. Something warm and hard and silky. She reached down and ran her fingers over his cock. “You haven’t come.”

“All in good time, my own. I must make certain you are ready for me.” A small frown crossed his forehead. “You are very tight, and your barrier is in place. I do not like it, but there may be some pain in this first joining. But only this first time.”

She nodded, trepidation filling her. “I understand.”

He cupped her breast, rubbing his thumb over her nipple. Shockingly, she felt her body react. How was it possible to still want him again so soon?

“I do not like hurting you.”

She could see the reluctance on his face. The worry. Did he think she would blame him? Yes, she was worried about the pain, but she wanted to give him as much pleasure as he had her.

“We have to do this to truly become mates, right?” she asked, cupping his face between her hands.

“Yes, but—”

“And I’ll like it after this first time?”

“Yes. I will make certain of that. It is just the breaking of the barrier that will hurt.”

“And you’ll find pleasure.”

He scowled. “Yes, but I do not wish my pleasure to come from causing you pain.”

He was the sweetest man in the universe. She was certain of that. He really didn’t want to hurt her, even though it was necessary.

“Do it, Jaxan. I want to be your mate. For real. Please. Don’t make me wait.”

After studying her for a moment, he finally relaxed slightly. “I ache for you.”

“Me too.” She ran her hand over his shoulder, loving the smooth, muscular feel of him. She brushed a finger around his nipple, and he took in a sharp breath.

“You are so gorgeous,” she told him.

“It is you who are the beautiful one.” He kissed each nipple, before tugging on the right one with his teeth. A sharp shaft of delight sung through her body. He then soothed the nipple with his tongue, playing with it until it was swollen and hard.

He played with her other nipple. Tugging and soothing in turns. She rubbed her thighs together, slick with her juices. He moved down her stomach, kissing her lightly until he reached her mound. Moving back between her legs, he grasped them, pulling them up against her chest, so she was completely exposed.

“Jaxan,” she groaned with embarrassment as he stared down at her.

“Yes, you are definitely the beautiful one.” The sheer wonder of his face stilled any further protest, and as he dropped his mouth to her clit once more, all words fled as need flooded her. He lapped at her, like a starving man feasting. His tongue circled her entrance.

“Jaxan! Jaxan!” she cried out.

Suddenly, he let her legs go and rose above her, his weight supported by his arms. His hungry gaze devoured her as his eyes shone amber with need.

“Please, please.”

“Yes, my own. It is time. I am sorry for this.” His cock nudged her entrance then he pressed forward.

Fiery pain engulfed her and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. She was so full, stretched painfully tight and her arousal left her in a shocking rush.

“Breathe, little one. Please breathe. I am sorry. I am sorry.” His words slowly penetrate, and she gazed up into the worry on his face. He reached up, brushing her hair from her face. Then he peppered soft kisses on her face. “I am sorry.”

“Don’t.” She grimaced at the harshness of her voice. Clearing her throat, she started again. “Don’t apologize. Not your fault.”

“I caused you this pain. I should have waited. Perhaps Racar could have removed the barrier first.”

“Yeah, that’s a conversation I’d really want to have,” she said dryly, shifting slightly beneath him, trying to ease the ache that still throbbed deep in her pussy.

“Lie still,” he told her with a groan.

She froze immediately. “I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

“No.” He shook his head. “No. It is just that I am trying very hard not to move until you adjust to my size and I very much want to move.”

“You can move. It’s much better now.”

“I do not like you lying to me, Alice,” he growled.

Great. Now she’d upset him. Tears filled her eyes. “I’m terrible at this, aren’t I?”

“What? If you were any better, you would kill me. You erode my control.” He sounded almost bewildered. She wasn’t entirely sure that was a compliment.

Leaning in, he kissed her. Gentle at first, then with more passion. His chest rubbed against her sensitive nipples, and she whimpered at the sensations assaulting her. Gradually, the pain of his penetration eased to a dull ache. And she became aware of other needs.

She needed him to move. To take her fully.

“Jaxan, please, I want you to move.” She ran her hands through his light-brown hair, loving the silken feel. “Please, don’t make me beg.”

“I plan to have you beg often. But not right now.”

Slowly he pulled out then pushed back inside her. It was still tight, she still felt stretched, but as he moved pleasure grew deep inside her.

“Play with your nipples,” he commanded.

Her eyes widened. “I can’t.”

“You can. You will.”

“You’re very bossy,” she told him, disgruntled. Did he really expect her to touch herself in front of him?

“Yes. I am. And you will be very obedient, won’t you, little one?”

“Not sure I like the word obedient,” she grumbled, even as she found herself rubbing her nipples between her fingers.

Oh dear lord that felt good.

He moved quicker, each stroke sending her higher and higher. He shifted his weight to one hand then reached down with his free hand to stroke her clit.

“Jaxan. Jaxan.” His name became a chant on her lips.

“You feel so good. So hot. So silken. Find your release, my mate. Find it now!”

She screamed as she flew over the edge. Then he paused above her, his own shout mingling with hers as he flooded her with his seed. Blackness encroached the edge of her vision as her head spun.

She fought it, but it was too overwhelming, and she slumped into unconsciousness.




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