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Barbarian Blood: An Alien Romance by Abella Ward (36)

Chapter Nine


By the time I got back to the battle, more trolls had arrived and the elves were in a bad spot. Several of them were crumpled on the ground. My stomach churned, but Victor was still standing. His graceful movements had waned, though. Now he and the rest of the elves stood in a tight knot, standing solidly and blocking the attacks coming at them.

I glanced around, looking for a weapon that would serve me better than the small knife I had. My eyes landed on a folding chair. Better than nothing. I smashed it against the side of a camper until the joints broke, then took two pipes and tested them in my hands. Not exactly Escrima stick fighting material, but they would do. I filled my lungs with air, knowing that half the battle was intimidation.

If I got out of this alive, I was going to quit the guild. I was going to find something I actually enjoyed doing, and I was going to take my life into my own hands. I'd go into the mines if I had to. Enough with proving people who thought I couldn’t be good enough for this job wrong. Time to start proving to people that I could do whatever I wanted.

I charged, screeching. Half the trolls turned. I don't know what I must have looked like to them, screaming my head off as I came at them. A few of them backed away, but three rushed to meet me. I ducked under their arms and snapped my wrists out. The rods struck them squarely in the ribs, making them double over. The third punched at my face; I struck his fist away with a rod and whacked him across the face with the other. Blood spurted over his nose. I transferred both rods to one hand and struck him soundly across the back of his head.

It stumbled into one of the other trolls, allowing me to turn my attention to the third. A snarl was on its lips as I jumped at it. It struck aside my first blow, but I got in a second strike. By that time the other trolls had regained their feet, although the one I'd hit looked like it was about to collapse. I smashed one rod into its face; the aluminum wrapped around its head, bent uselessly.

As I turned to the others, a blaring horn shattered through the air. I flinched, as did the trolls. We all turned, and the trolls attacking the group of elves shouted and scattered. The delivery van barreled over their ranks, sending half of them flying. Owen twisted the wheel sharply, knocking into another group.

The two trolls attacking me redoubled their efforts, but a well of rage rose in me, bursting out with renewed energy.

I told him to leave. What was he doing here, putting himself in danger? That dumb dwarf!

As I smashed my rod over the one troll's head and broke the nose of the second, Owen leaped from the van. He charged right into the thick of the trolls, swinging a sledgehammer over his head. With his wild hair and a missing arm, he looked like a relic from a barbaric era. The sledgehammer swooped through the air, knocking several trolls off their feet.

I made sure my trolls were down before following Owen into the fray. Victor soon found me, and we stood back-to-back as we fought against the trolls. His energy was back, and I felt like the clumsy-footed partner in a dance. But my gritted determination made up for the lack of grace. Damien joined Owen in his driving assault, and bit by back we drove the trolls back.

"To me," a voice called out. I glanced back to see Charlotte in the back of the delivery van. She gestured frantically.

I cursed. When this was over, I was going to take off Owen's head. He was supposed to get her out of here!

Damien rammed into the group of trolls Victor and I fought. Victor grabbed my hand and pulled me away, charging for the van. Around us, the elves were fleeing as well. Damien and Owen held the trolls off. They were like two unstoppable forces of nature. Maybe I wouldn't kill Owen... I'd never seen him look this scary before!

Victor and I didn't get into the back of the van. He stopped at the doors and pushed me towards the front while he helped in the elves. I hesitated a moment, wanting to have something to say or do before we parted.

"I—" What could I say? "Don't get killed."

"You, too," he replied.

I dashed up to the driver's seat and scrambled in. The engine was still idling, and I waited anxiously while the elves loaded. Damien and Owen still fought, but they were bring driven back step by step. My hands tightened on the wheel and my heart hammered. Victor slammed the back door closed and ran up along the passenger side. He jumped into the van and left the door open.

I stomped on the gas, jerking the wheel around. The trolls fled as I drove at them. Damien fell back a step, but Owen seized him by the collar and all but threw him into the van as we passed. I slowed just enough for my partner to jump in after before I stomped on the gas and charged out of there.

The trolls chased after us, but we were too fast for them to catch up. We were free.

I reached around the two elves to punch Owen's shoulder. "What do you think you were doing? I told you to leave. Instead, you bring Charlotte right back into the battle? What is wrong with you?"


"What's wrong with him?" Victor cut Owen off. "I told you to get Charlotte and leave. Instead, you come running back. You were supposed to stay safe!"

"I got Charlotte out of there."

"You were supposed to—"

"Hey, I couldn't leave you," I interrupted.

"You should have."

Before I could reply, Damien rolled his eyes. "You two really are going to be married, aren’t you?"

"What?" Owen yelped. "When did this happen? You've only known each other for two days!"

"Didn't you know? They're going to be married and she's carrying his child," Damien replied matter-of-factly. "Isn't that right, Victor?"

Owen stared slack-jawed at the two of us.

"Drop it," I said sharply as Victor opened his mouth. "Owen, I'll explain later.

"You'd better."

I ground my teeth together. Once this was over, I was going to have to have a long talk with him. I'd never even mentioned leaving the guild before. I just hoped he would understand when I told him I was going to quit.


Flowerpetal was much more organic than Raindrop. There was nothing made from metal or brick, and the palace was more like a mansion. It sprawled out rather than up. We had arrived a few days ago, bloody, bruised and in need of some serious bathing. The elves of Flowerpetal had taken us in without question. A great deal of attention was given to me, so I figured they had been told about my supposed pregnancy as well.

The pampering was nice, though, and when Charlotte and her prince asked me to stay for the wedding, I couldn't say no. Damien and his men slipped away shortly after our arrival, and Victor assured me that they would not be interfering in the wedding. Ten of their number had been killed, and Damien was going to lead their mourning rituals.

My work wasn't done yet, though. I'd told the guild what had happened as soon as we were in cell range, and now they had called back with an update.

"We have spoken with the troll authorities," my direct superior, Zoe, said. "They've been looking for that group you fought for a while. They're known for going into other troll camps and driving them out, sacrificing the leaders in an attempt to summon their demon-goddess."

I shuddered. "So they picked Charlotte and Victor because their own people weren't doing the trick?"

"It appears so." Zoe's voice was cold. "We are sending our own people to investigate alongside the trolls. We had to include human moderators, but we will find those trolls that tried to kill you."

"Thanks," I said, then hesitated. "I quit."

Silence answered me.

"I quit," I repeated. "I don't want to work for the guild anymore. I never wanted this life, and I am not going to live a life that I don't want to live."

Zoe sighed. "Your father won't be happy to hear it."

"Yeah, I know. But I'll deal with it."

"Okay. I will hand in your resignation, then. I'll miss working with you."

A weight I never knew was on my shoulders lifted. I hung up as Victor slipped into my room. There were a few bruises on his face, but I didn't think it was any worse than my state. I grinned at him when he wrapped his arms around my waist. Things were finally calming down and I could concentrate on what our relationship was. Or was turning into, at least.

"Well, I'm glad that's over," I said. "I've had enough of all that nonsense. I'll be glad when I get all that great money that you're paying me."

"Money?" Victor purred. "I've promised to marry you. Why do you need money as well?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Please. We barely know each other. I think we have to wait at least a month before we can get married. Besides, you haven't even met my father." I flinched at the thought. "Scratch that, you're never meeting my father. Now, where's that check? I'm going to need every dime while I look for a new job."

A frown furrowed Victor's brow. "New job? You weren't fired, were you?"

"No. I quit," I said proudly. "No more violence for me. I'm going to… I don't know. Take up knitting or something. I'll figure it out. But I'm finally free."

"Does Owen know you quit?"

I nodded. "Yeah. He's good with it… I think, at least. He just said that he wants what's best for me. Maybe we can open a flower shop together. Dwarves gardening. We'd be a novelty at least."

Victor laughed and nodded. "That you would be. And now that I am no longer your client, we are going on a date."

"Are we?" I arched a brow. "What if I said no?"

"You won't. Especially not when you hear the plans I have. I have so many things that I am going to show you. So many, many things."

His lips inched towards mine. Heat flared through me as I imagined what sort of things he could show me. "There's more than what you've already shown me?"

"Of course. That was the very basics." He grinned as he kissed me. I melted against him, kissing him deeply, eager to learn all his moves.





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