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Evander (Immortal Highlander Book 3): A Scottish Time Travel Romance by Hazel Hunter (16)

Chapter Sixteen

KINLEY MCDONNEL LEANED over her sleeping husband and nuzzled the serpent inked across his chest. The skinwork responded to her with a lazy ripple of its lines, and a flicker of its forked tongue against her fingers.

“Brash wench, to wake your laird from the only good sleep he’s had in days,” Lachlan grumbled. “Why did you no’ do it sooner?”

“I was thinking.” She climbed atop him, her slender, naked body soaking up the warmth of his body heat. “Not about this.” She shifted to cradle his morning erection between her thighs. “I want to go and visit Lady Gordon, and see the baby.”

“Aye, that can be arranged.” His big hands splayed over her bottom. “She enjoys your company, but that isnae why you wish to go.”

“I heard an interesting rumor,” Kinley said. She rose up on her knees, teasing the engorged head of his cock with the slick seam it wanted to delve into. “Laird Gordon is often seen riding at night around his woods and tenant farms.”

Lachlan’s brows arched. “I ride at night. In fact, you ride at night. What of it?”

“He doesn’t ride alone.” She let herself sink down just enough to lodge the curve of his dome inside her opening. “He always takes his bodyguard with him. Just the bodyguard, no one else.”

Lachlan’s jaw tightened. “He’s a laird, and one of the king’s men, and no’ a fool.”

“Or he’s up to no good somehow, and has the bodyguard, well, stand guard.” She wriggled as he tried to urge her down on him. “Stop being so impatient for sex. We’re having a conversation here.”

“You’re talking.” He flipped her onto her back and plowed into her. “I’m facking you.”

Kinley shivered as he began thrusting deep and hard, his thick cock filling and emptying her, and then his mouth came down on hers and she forgot everything but him. He pinned her down and worked inside until she came twice, and then shuddered and jerked as he pumped her full of his cream. When he fell beside her she curled up against him, and stroked the sweat-sheened vault of his chest.

“Gordon does naught wrong on his night rides,” Lachlan finally said. “I cannae say more than that, but I am sure of it.”

“Okay,” she said simply and climbed out of bed. She went to wash, and then pulled on a gown so Meg wouldn’t give her any grief. When her husband came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she stiffened. “Hey, sorry. You cannae say more, I cannae go for round two.”

Lachlan sighed. “Gordon is an ally, and a private man. I have few secrets that I keep from you, but this ’tis one.” He turned her to face him. “Tell me your suspicions, and I will dispense with them.”

“Lady Gordon has asked for Cailean Lusk to visit her, about a dozen times, and yet he never shows.” She draped her damp linen towel around his neck. “She thinks he’s avoiding her, and it has something to do with Gordon. Then I heard Raen mention how often he sees the laird riding at night.” She let out a breath. “Do we need to be worried about him? Could he be an undead thrall or something?”

Her husband smiled fondly. “No, love. Of that I can assure you. Since Cailean helped arrange the Gordon’s marriage, I doubt he is dodging the lady. Perhaps ’twas some simple misunderstanding, or he is much occupied with other duties.”

“He spent two days here last week playing checkers with Neac. Meanwhile, Lady Gordon is birding me about him like every other day.” Kinley reached into the cabinet and showed him the sheaf of messages she’d received from Lady Gordon. “What do I say to her?”

Lachlan kissed the tip of her nose. “Give her messages on to Cailean. ’Tis his doing, so should be his remedy.”

“So I’m his answering service now?” she said and nipped his chin. “All right, it’s a good idea. You may have sex with me again.”

He gave her his laird look. “I may have you whenever I wish.”

“Prove it,” Kinley said and then shrieked with laughter as he scooped her up and tossed her onto their bed. “Now that’s more like it.”