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Karik (Weredragons Of Tuviso) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) by Maia Starr (21)


King Karik Korinth


I was a happy king. Not just because I was feeling the euphoria that I experienced when being with Vanessa, but because we had successfully helped the humans. It was true that Vanessa was the key to defeating the Clenok cyborgs. But she also needed us to help her in her mission. We were connected in that we needed each other in order to be successful. It seemed to make sense. It was part of what was going on between us.


Having victory sex with her was by far the best sex of my life. There was nothing to worry about. There was no cyborg threat on the horizon for now, and we could just relax and be with each other. There was no threat of someone walking in on us like there was in the forest the first time we were together. We could just relax and enjoy each other.



“My soldiers! My Veruka! I have news for you. The humans of Haven Brook Village wish to extend an invitation to us. They want us to stay!”


There were cheers all around from both the humans and my troops. Everyone was happy. My dragons had proved themselves on the battlefield, and the humans were grateful.


“I have humbly accepted this invitation. There is much work ahead of us. But now we have a home. Now, together with the humans, we can help to defeat the enemy, the Clenok Clenok cyborgs. There are plenty of empty homes in this village. They are open to us. We will also build a military installation in an empty field. There is a lot of work to do, and I must congratulate you on a victory. As you know, Dr. Vanessa Lopez successfully implanted a virus inside the keddle. We are going to work on replicating that virus in getting it to armies across the world to help fight the good fight.”


There were cheers all around. I looked at Vanessa. I was very proud of her. I was proud that she was mine as well. We had decided to keep the blackness a secret for now. It would not do well to tell the humans that we were sick. We did not want them to think that they could get it from us. So my army had promised to keep it a secret. None of them were infected as of yet anyway. But if they did, we knew the cure. It would take some secret love connecting on our part, but it would be a better way of going about the solution. Judging from the human females that I met, many of them were eager to take on the task anyway.


There were two phases of this plan of occupying Haven Brook. But we thought it best to only tell them this first phase for now. The second phase would be happening in six months. But we weren't going to tell anyone until a month before. For now, we were going to concentrate on mixing our two races in peace and harmony.



“Well, you've really done it now, haven't you? You have all these people fooled. I know what you're up to,” I heard a voice say. Dr. Bradley Douglas was beside me.



“Of course you would want that. I am surprised that you did not have one of your soldiers kill me and make it look like a cyborg incident,” he said.


“I would not waste the energy of any of my soldiers for that. Now go bother someone else,” I said. I began to move away from him. He grabbed my arm to stop me. I turned to him and growled. He stepped back in fear. I wasn't going to let him bully me or Vanessa anymore. Then I heard a little trickle.


“Oh my God,” I heard Vanessa say. I looked at her, and she was looking at his crotch. I looked. The man was pissing all over himself. I roared with laughter. I could not help myself. He ran off in the other direction. People were pointing at him as he did so.




“Maybe we should work on building you your own lab far away from the other one so that you don't have to work with him. This town could use more than one,” I said.



“Absolutely. I would do anything for you,” I said, pulling her to me. She gasped and looked around.



“I think now is the perfect time to let everyone know that I love you,” I said as I pulled her to me and placed a kiss on her mouth. She kissed me back. Suddenly I could hear whispers around us. Some people were approving others were disapproving, as it always was. People were always divided. But that was the way of things. If everyone was the same, it would be a boring Earth. I liked it just the way it was.


Her arms went up around my neck, and I knew that she was accepting this new position as the human female lover of a Veruka king. I was glad. I wanted her to be comfortable. I wanted everyone to know that it was all right to be with a Veruka. This was going to open the doors for many happy encounters between humans and the Veruka and save so many lives.


A month later, Vanessa had successfully replicated the virus. We had stored it on many jump drives. We now had a new mission: to spread the word about this to as many human camps as we could. We knew it was possible that the Clenok cyborgs would eventually learn to not be affected by this virus. So we needed to act fast. I knew exactly what I needed to do.


“Azlo, Jex, I leave this in your hands. Each of you will go separate ways with a group of soldiers. You will take a couple of humans with you. The brave that have volunteered to go. You must watch after them. They are the key to getting inside these camps. As you know, it is hard when we show up alone. But if we show up with humans to explain, more humans would be likely to listen to what we had to say. You have a mission to take this virus to as many camps as you can. We trust you with this mission, and I know that you will make me proud. You are my most trusted confidant,” I said to them as we sat around a table.


“I will not let you down, my king. I am excited to go on this adventure,” Azlo said.



“Good. Then you shall be on your way in a week. You will be given coordinates of the human camps that Haven Brook knows of. That should be helpful to you. But it is a very dangerous mission. You should fly the ship as high as possible in the atmosphere until you reach your destination. It is the best way,” I said.




They both left the table and went to work. I was excited that they would be going on their own journeys. I knew they would be a success. They always were when they journeyed across galaxies for me. This would be no different. They would show the humans how to use the virus. But it was another matter altogether if they would be able to upload it. We knew that it was a tricky situation altogether. Vanessa was key to doing it because she had already been hooked up to the keddle. Maybe humans in other parts of the Earth had the same experience that she did. But if they did, would they be brave enough to do what she did? Only time would tell.


After my meeting with my soldiers, I went to meet with Vanessa. We had come up with plans of our own. Time was passing quickly now that I was with her. I was in a state of extreme happiness almost every morning. I had the great privilege of being able to mate with her. She had allowed me to claim her as my own. It was exactly what I needed.


But we had plans, and they were secret plans kept from the humans. I had only told Azlo and Jex. No one else would know until one month before we were putting it into action. The plan was that I was to go back to Tivoso. Vanessa would be joining me on the journey. I was going to leave my army in Haven Brook with the exception of a small squad of soldiers that would travel with me. It was essential. The king was never to travel alone. One never knew what kind of violence you would find in space on a journey across the galaxies.


We were going to invite a couple of human females along. It was their choice to go. But we did hope that we could find a few human females that would eventually allow a Veruka weredragon to claim them. Specifically, those that were infected with the blackness on my home planet. It was the best that we could do for now. But it was also the reason I had Azlo and Jex seeking out the other human colonies. Perhaps in exchange for defending them and sharing the virus, more human females would want to allow the claiming of a Veruka.


So Vanessa and I were preparing for a journey back to my planet. We were only going to stay on Tivoso for six months. We were going to rally more of my army and bring them back to Earth. Especially those that were sick with the blackness. They would have a better chance of claiming a human female on Earth. Vanessa was eager to go. She had never been in space, and she wanted to see my planet. I wanted her to see it. I wanted her to know my kingdom. I was very excited about all of it. Time was going by quickly. But there was one thing that we absolutely had to do before we left Earth. But I had to ask her first.