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Station Commander's Surrogate: Olympus Station #1 (In The Stars) by Aurelia Skye, Kit Tunstall (7)

Chapter 8

Somehow, even in the midst of an alien envoy visiting to establish new ties and integrate an ambassador on the station, Weston had managed to mostly clear his schedule to stay by her side the last two days. Now, she walked with him back to Medical, having finally persuaded him she was up for the trip, so Gretel could perform an exam to ensure everything was stable.

She expected a clean bill of health, since she was feeling fine now. She still had an occasional moment of lightheadedness, probably from blood loss, or maybe even a side effect of the antitoxin or other medication that had maintained the pregnancy, but Piper was certain Gretel would clear her for resumption of normal activities.

A half-hour later, her prediction was correct as Gretel showed them a scan of the child, who was moving her arms and legs. Thanks to the incredible detail of the scan, she could see the most minute detail, including the tiny fingernails on the ends of her fingers. A jolt went through Piper when she had an unexpected emotional connection.

Physically knowing the child was there, and even seeing it, hadn’t done anything to help her bond with the pregnancy, but something had shifted in the last couple of days. Was it the almost loss of the baby, or Weston’s revelations? For some reason, knowing he wasn’t the father left her feeling closer to the baby forming inside her. Perhaps it was because she knew that Weston hadn’t been with her sister to create the child, or maybe she was moved by his act of selflessness enough that it bolstered her own. She was suddenly convinced there was no way she would walk away after the child was born.

“Let me walk you back to the quarters, and then I have things to attend to.”

She frowned. “I’m not ready to go back there. I’m sick of staring at the walls for two days and going slightly insane for weeks in that room. I need to get out and about.”

Weston frowned, his displeasure obvious. “It’s probably not safe.”

Piper rolled her eyes. “You heard Gretel. She said I’m just fine now, and I’m going to walk around and stretch my legs. I’m sure there’s a lot I haven’t reacquainted myself with on the station, so I should be able to find something to entertain myself for a while.”

He let out a heavy sigh. “In that case, you’ll come with me.”

She frowned. “Don’t you have some big alien thing?”

He grinned. “I’m not sure that the Jrojan prince and his ambassador would appreciate being called an alien thing, but yes, I do.”

“In that case, I don’t see how you have time.”

He shrugged. “You can come with me and act as my assistant. First, I think I’ll take you on a quick tour of the station and show you some of the things you haven’t seen. I’m not due to meet the delegation for another forty-five minutes.”

She smiled at him. “In that case, lead the way, Commander. I’m your dutiful assistant and will follow behind.”

* * *

Weston knew he was cutting it close, but he couldn’t resist the urge to show off Olympus Station and elicit several smiles from Piper in the process. She seemed impressed with the newly renovated gymnasium, and her eyes lit up with pleasure when he took her to the observation deck so that she could see the stars laid out before them, commenting they looked bigger and brighter than she remembered.

She was most impressed with the little things, like the unexpected light show from the fountain in the center of the central meeting point. She was particularly delighted by little white flowers creeping up the side of one dank corner of the station, where no plants had been designated to grow. He listened to her speak enthusiastically about the hardy nature of the Lushan dragonflower, and her expression and excitement made it difficult for him to breathe for a moment.

As he stared at her, he understood he was falling in love with Piper. That should’ve alarmed him, but it only prompted him to move closer and take her hand. They were standing in the middle of one of the busiest areas of the station, but he didn’t care who saw.

He doubted anyone who’d been on the station for long would’ve had the illusion that he and Pippa had a happy marriage, and he couldn’t care less if they had a negative opinion of him choosing to move on with her sister. It wouldn’t take long for anyone to realize Piper was nothing like Pippa, and that would surely be a positive to almost everyone who’d known his former wife.

As they moved away from the shadowed area where she’d noticed the flowers, he still didn’t release her hand. She shot him a curious look as she tried to pull away her fingers, but he tightened his grasp and shook his head. He waited to see if she would protest, but she simply gave him a half-shrug and kept her hand in his.

They walked down the concourse, approaching the meeting point with the prince and the diplomat, who were currently entrusted to Hadley’s capable care, so he could focus on the crisis of the past two days with Piper and the baby. He paused abruptly in front of the stall that sold a profusion of fresh flowers and live plants. Her gaze lit up, and he wasn’t surprised. After all, she was an exobotanist, and this was clearly her passion. He wanted to do everything he could to indulge her passion.

And spark new passions. His groin ached furiously for a moment as he imagined entering her and joining their bodies as one. It had been such a long time that he’d even mildly entertained the thought of sex with anyone besides his own hand that he was briefly certain he wouldn’t remember how to show his interest.

“Pick whatever you’d like, and we’ll have it delivered to our quarters.” The our slipped out easily, but he held his breath to see if she would notice.

She was clearly enthralled by the plants, but appeared to be holding herself back. “I couldn’t. I mean, what happens when…” Her eyes clouded as she trailed off.

“Whatever you want, or I’ll just have them send everything.” He saw the shopkeeper grin at the idea, but then the man’s face fell when Piper started pointing to various plants.

Soon enough, the man’s orange countenance brightened again when she picked several items that must’ve been costly or rare. He thanked them profusely in English and his native language, which was garbled through the translator, so he must be a newer species, since his complete language hadn’t yet been uploaded into the central matrix of the Coalition. He bore a resemblance to the Jrojan prince’s race, so Weston tentatively identified him as hailing from Jroj.

After that, he proceeded onward, pausing once more as he neared the delegation. Her hand was still in his, and he regretfully released it, needing to give the appearance of professionalism. “You might want to skip this part, but you’re welcome to join me.”

She hesitated for a moment, casting a glance at the orange aliens assembled near Hadley. “I think I might check out other parts of Olympus Station instead.”

He let out a small sigh. “That’s probably the wise decision. These sorts of things to be tedious and dull. However, we’re having an official function tonight, and I’d appreciate it if you would act as my hostess.”

She frowned for a moment, licking her lips. “What kind of message does that send?”

He shrugged. “That you’re someone important in my life, and I don’t care who receives that message. Or what they think.”

Her expression softened. “In that case, I suppose I’d better find a dress for some kind of fancy official function.”

“That sounds like a plan.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “Be careful.”

With a nod, she started to walk away, but then turned and came back, pressing herself against him for a moment. It wasn’t exactly a discreet embrace, but he couldn’t find the energy to care, even with the gaze of the alien prince and ambassador probably focused squarely on him now that Hadley had turned in their direction. He bent his head as she lifted hers, tempting her to try to kiss him.

Instead, her lips moved closer to his ear, and she whispered, “Pippa targeted you because of me.”

A shudder went through him as he pulled away to look down into her gaze. “What’re you talking about?”

She licked her lips, looking nervous. “She figured out I was in lo…attracted to you, so she decided to steal you away, though you were never mine. That was why. You asked last night. It’s my fault she went after you.”

He wanted to deny her words, but simply because of the pain in her eyes. Unfortunately, it would fit with the Pippa he knew, who could be vindictive and cruel, and would pursue any course that gave her what she wanted. If she wanted to hurt Piper, she would’ve found the most effective way, though he couldn’t understand her hatred of her sister.

He let all that go as he realized what her words revealed. Years ago, Piper had wanted him, and he’d been too oblivious to realize it. For a moment, a surge of bitterness eviscerated him as he imagined how different life could have been if he had noticed the right sister back then.

But that would’ve meant no Wesley. As much as he’d been miserable with Pippa, he couldn’t regret the few years he’d had with his beautiful son, and he had to let go of the acrimony. Instead, he embraced the knowledge that she’d wanted him then, and she seemed to want him now. “I have to go, but we’re going to discuss this later.”

She shrugged a shoulder. “There’s really nothing much left to discuss, is there? I want you, and you want me.” With a saucy wink in his direction, she spun on her heel faster than he would’ve liked in her current condition and scurried away before he could call her back. Not that he had time to anyway, especially when he saw Hadley separating from the group and drifting in his direction.

He clung to happiness as he walked to meet Hadley. In the back of his mind, he wondered if he was rushing Piper, but she seemed enthusiastic about the idea. He knew it was too soon to suggest they become lovers, and she deserved more wooing than that, but he was optimistic about his future for the first time in a long time.