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The Conquest (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 1) by Jessie Donovan (25)


Two weeks later

Taryn shuffled her feet as the shuttle made its way to Jasvar’s surface. “Why are they taking so long? We should’ve landed by now.”

Kason slowly stroked his hand up and down her back. “The shuttle is taking the normal amount of time to land.”

She frowned up at him. “Are you sure?”

He smiled. “Yes, zyla. Maybe carrying my child has made you lose all sense of time.”

“You only had me tested because of my impatience. It’s odd, though, knowing so early. I’m not the only one who’s going to have to get used to your technology.” She paused and lowered her voice, “My only hesitation about returning to Jasvar is that if I’m carrying a boy, he’ll be taken from us.”

He hauled her against his side and cupped her jaw. “The scientists have been working nonstop to find a cure to the doom virus. You’ve already been given everything deemed safe.” He kissed her gently. “Besides, if there was anyone who could fend off the virus, it would be you, my bride. Your stubbornness has its merits.”

She lightly slapped his chest. “I wouldn’t tease me right at this moment, Kason. I’m impatient, homesick, and pregnant with a probably stubborn child warrior. That combination doesn’t bode well for your soft bits.”

He chuckled. “I’ve already designed special armor, just in case.”


He stroked her cheek with his thumb, and some of her tension eased. “I believe our child will live and be born healthy. I refuse to accept anything else.” He pulled her against his chest, and she melted into him. “Whatever may come, we can face it together.”

She sighed and wrapped her arms around him. “I know. It’s just been hard the past two weeks. While the initial reports from Jasvar have been promising, I’m anxious to see it with my own eyes.”

“And you will. We’re here.”

Amidst her discussion with Kason, Taryn hadn’t noticed the shuttle touching down. She turned and Kason released her.

Grabbing his hand, she tugged him toward the rear hatch and waited for the light to blink twice. The second it did, Kason typed in a command on a flat panel and the hatch opened at the same time as the stairs lowered to the ground.

As she waited for the stairs to finish descending, she noticed Nova, Kalahn, Jerrick, and a Kelderan warrior she didn’t recognize waiting a safe distance away. Nova and Kalahn waved, and Taryn did the same. Once the stairs were ready, she released Kason’s hand and raced down them. 

She rushed into Nova’s arms first and then Kalahn’s. “I’ve missed you both.”

Nova’s voice was full of amusement. “Me most of all, I hope. Otherwise, the wine I’ve been holding back I’m going to share with Kalahn instead.”

She and Kason had decided earlier to keep the news of her pregnancy a secret until they could inform their most trusted friends in private. Taryn didn’t want any of the Kelderan warriors to think she was weaker because of the child growing inside her.

As much as it pained her to keep it from her friends, she merely raised her brows and said, “Maybe I’ve given up drinking wine. The Kelderan equivalent isn’t that palatable.”

Kalahn spoke up. “That isn’t fair. Once you grow accustomed to it, you can’t live without it.”

Nova looked to Kalahn. “But you have for the past few weeks. And consumed quite a bit of Jasvarian wine in the meantime.”

Kalahn shrugged. “I was just trying to follow your customs.”

The three of them chuckled. Nova was the first to speak again. “So it looks like things have worked out between you and the sexy alien. Does he have any friends or brothers? I haven’t had any luck with the lot here.”

“In time, Nova. We might, I don’t know, want to prepare for the colonists first? That’ll increase your choices, so you should be willing to work day and night to get everything ready,” Taryn stated.

“I’ve been working already. I could just use a little release, if you know what I mean,” Nova said as she winked.

Kalahn’s cheeks turned pink. As Nova teased the princess about being innocent, Taryn noticed Kason talking with the unknown warrior. She caught her prince’s eye and he walked toward her, his friend right behind him. As soon as Kason was close enough, she put an arm around his waist. “Nova, may I introduce my husband, Prince Kason tro el Vallen of Keldera? Kason, this is Nova Drakven, my best friend and chief strategist.”

Kason bowed his head. “Nice to meet you.”

Nova smiled. “That’s a bit formal. Taryn is my sister in all but blood. Come here.”

Nova hugged Kason’s free side, and Taryn bit her lip to keep from laughing at Kason’s startled expression. Once Nova released him, Taryn decided to ask, “Who’s your friend, zylar? We haven’t been formally introduced.”

Kason cleared his throat and motioned toward the Kelderan male with silver hair and lavender-tinged skin. “This is my oldest friend and best trainer, Ryven Xanna. Ryven, this is my bride, Taryn Demara.”

Ryven’s CEL accent was thick but understandable. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Taryn. Kalahn speaks highly of you.”

She looked to Kalahn. “Good things, I hope.”

Ryven answered, “By Jasvar’s standards, of course. I’m still dubious about your dagger wielding capabilities.”

Kason grunted. “Don’t challenge her, Ryven. It’s not worth it.”

Taryn ignored him. “We could hold a contest right now if you like?”

Kason squeezed her gently. “Later. First, you need to show me our home and introduce me to your people. There’s a lot to learn before the colony ship arrives in a few weeks.”

Remembering her duty, Taryn nodded. “Then let’s hurry. As much as I enjoy the replicator on your ship, I can’t wait for a home-cooked meal. Once you try it, you’ll never want to go back.”

“All I remember is the cold, tasteless food I ate here as a prisoner.”

“Are you really going to keep reminding me about that?” Taryn asked.

“Of course.” Kason winked. “But I may forget if I have a good meal and can spend the rest of my nights in your bed.”

Despite her best efforts to resist, her cheeks heated. “Kason.”

He chuckled. “Come, zyla. Show me our new home.”

At hearing “our home,” Taryn’s eyes prickled.

However, she was aware of everyone’s gazes on her, so she cleared her throat and held her head high. “Well, if Keldera’s official governor on Jasvar asks, I should oblige. I need him on my side if our people are to live together in peace.”

Kason leaned down and whispered, “And I’m sure you’ll find many creative ways to keep me on your side, zyla.”

Ignoring his innuendo, Taryn motioned toward the entrance to the mountain settlement in the distance. “We’d better hurry or the entire settlement will ambush us. Word travels fast here.”

As they made their way toward the entrance, Taryn leaned against Kason’s side. Between the familiar purple trees and pink sky, as well as the comforting presence of Kason and her friends, Taryn was truly home. The future might be challenging, but as long as she had her friends and family at her side, she would be able to face anything.

And as Kason kissed the top of her head, she resisted placing a hand over her lower abdomen. She had much to fight for and damn anyone who tried to stand in the way of her happiness.


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The next story in this series will be called The Barren and it’s about Vala Yarlen and Thorin Jarrell. It takes place during the colony ship’s journey to Jasvar. I hope to have it out sometime in 2017. If you wish to stay up-to-date on the release and book’s progress, . In the meantime, you may enjoy one of my other series. Please turn the page for an excerpt.