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Theon Untamed: First Contact (Untamed World Book 1) by Hannah Davenport (3)




What feels like an hour or so later, they are resting on the opulent couch. Alan sits at the end while Catalina leans against his chest, stretching her legs the entire length.

“I can’t believe we made it out alive,” she says with awe. She tilts her head back and smiles up at Alan. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

His fingers thread through her clean, silky hair. “I didn’t do anything, Catalina. You are a very strong woman.”

“Not true. Well, I am strong, but having you with me made me feel better. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

“Anytime,” he smiles down at her.

Catalina can see the distance in his eyes, the wheels spinning in his head. He’s vowed to find his sister, and now that he is free, this is his chance. Dread pools in her stomach when she realizes the inevitable is coming.

But not today.

“What do you think will happen to us now?”

“I don’t know.” Alan lets out a heavy sigh. “I hope Toran will share some insight at—what did he call it, last meal?”

No sooner does Alan speak than a bell chimes, and the door slides open. Toran fills the entrance with his massive size.

His gaze lands on Catalina. She can feel it, although his eyes give nothing away. Squirming, she sits up and tugs at the hem of her shirt.

Toran stands frozen as he stares at the two of them. No doubt they not only look better, they smell better. His presence still makes her uncomfortable, the silence a little awkward. Coming out of a trance-like state, he shakes his head and clears his throat. “Ahem,” he swallows. “I’m here to escort you to last meal. If you would follow me.” He dips his hand toward the open door in what seems like a polite gesture and waits.

Catalina and Alan follow Toran to a private dining area. Nothing fancy, just efficient. Two others bring up the back, each taking a seat on the opposite end of a dark, teal-colored, oval table. The color green is obviously important to their culture.

“This is Jarek,” Toran points to his right and then motions to the one on his left, “and this is Sans.”

Catalina stares at the newcomers, not even acknowledging when someone places a tray of food on the table in front of her. Her eyes dart between the three of them. They are all large, muscled men who look so similar, yet different. Some ridges on the foreheads are longer, some shorter in length. Sans has long hair tied at his nape with a leather strap, whereas Toran has a buzz cut, all varying shades of silver. So alike, yet she can easily tell them apart.

“My name is Alan. Thank you for rescuing us.” The sound of Alan’s voice brings her back to her senses. Her eyes dart to their faces, touching on each one, and heat rushes to her cheeks. They’ve caught her staring, studying each one of them, at least she thinks they have.

“I…” she clears her throat, “I’m Catalina.”

Silence grows while they each study one another. Catalina can see that Sans is also a little darker blue than the other two, and when she pushes the uneasiness away, the nurse in her wonders about the color of their blood. Does it make their skin blue? Her eyes roam Sans’ massive chest as she tries to imagine the placement of his organs. Does his heart sit just to the left in his chest?

Leaning over, Alan whispers in her ear. “Catalina, are you all right?” It’s then she realizes that she is doing it again. Staring.

She shuts her gaping mouth and flushes. “I’m so sorry…” she says, horrified. How could she be so inconsiderate? She knows better than to do that in any culture.

Toran’s voice interrupts. “No worries,” he smiles, and his face transforms from a fierce warrior to a softer, friendlier version. “I know you must be hungry.” He nods to the plate that sits in front of her.

She doesn’t recognize anything on the plate, not that she expects to, but it is real food. She reaches for a long yellow spear and gracefully takes a bite. After her last display, she doesn’t want them to think she lacks manners.

“Oh, this is so good.” Catalina closes her eyes and savors the sweetness that pops in her mouth. Its heavenly taste flows over her tongue. She chews slowly, letting out little moans of pleasure until she swallows the last bite. She is reaching for another when she freezes.

Everyone, including Alan, is staring at her. Quickly, she pulls her arm back, afraid she’s done something wrong. “What?” she asks, her heart racing, afraid under their heavy gaze.

“Nothing,” Alan clears his throat, “Sorry.” When he looks away, she waits for the others to start eating before grabbing something else to put into her mouth.

When everyone finishes their meal, Toran leans back in his chair and folds his arms across his chest. “We have never encountered your species before.”

Maybe it is because she is clean and for the first time in months, she has a full belly. But whatever the reason, Catalina feels more like herself.

Before she can stop it, she snorts loudly and immediately slaps a hand over her mouth. Red stains her cheeks, and she mumbles through her hand, “Sorry.”

Alan glances down at her, his face wide with a genuine smile before he turns back and addresses Toran. “The…”

“Tureis,” Toran supplies.

“The Tureis kidnapped us from our planet and held us prisoner. We are from a planet called Earth.”

“I have never heard of this planet.” Toran glances to the other two, and they shake their heads no.

Catalina shrugs, “As far as I know, we haven’t traveled very far yet.” Her eyebrows draw close, and she looks at Alan. “The moon. Maybe Mars?”

“I’m not sure if anyone’s traveled to Mars,” Alan supplies. “I think they’ve sent drones, but I don’t really know.”

“Me either,” her face scrunches in thought before she turns back toward Toran and shrugs again. “Sorry, we’re not very helpful.”

“So, you can’t tell me where your planet is located?”

“Nope. But I wish I could.” To set foot back on Earth would be comforting. Catalina didn’t leave it under the best circumstances. Dirty and hungry all the time, while trying to hide from the aliens. Not knowing where the next meal would come from, if it would come at all. But at least there, she knew the rules. Here, she’s fumbling like an idiot trying to catch up. It’s like foster care all over again, but to the nth degree.

Jarek leans forward, his elbows on the table, but he focuses on Toran. “We should have them examined.” Catalina stiffens before she grabs Alan’s hand under the table.

Toran narrows his eyes when he sees her reaction and is quick to reassure. “He means an examination to make sure the Tureis did not do any damage.”

“And to make sure you do not have any pathogens to contaminate us with,” Sans interjects.

Toran faces the two of them. “With your permission, of course.”

Wait. What? Is he really asking for their consent? The Tureis did whatever they wanted, when they wanted, without a thought for either of them. Catalina’s tears want to spring forward, and the nonexistent respect she held for aliens in general just grew for the Curazins.

“What do you think, Catalina?”

She turns fearful eyes toward Alan, and in a small voice, she says, “I don’t want to.” She widens her eyes, trying to convey how badly she disagrees with anyone examining her ever again.

Alan turns toward their host and shakes his head. “Sorry, but after what we’ve just endured, Catalina is not ready for another examination, and neither am I.”

“Rest assured, we hold females in the highest regard…”

“We said no.”