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CAIN (Hell's Lovers MC, #4) by Crimson Syn (8)


Hi,” I whispered, as I sat down next to him at the bar. Cain looked over at me, once again his stoicism made me hold my breath in anticipation.

“I thought you were done for the night.”

“So, you were paying attention to me.”

His eyes met mine, assessing me. “I pay attention to everything, sweetheart.”

“I see,” I nodded.

I don’t know why, maybe it was my newfound taste of freedom, or maybe it was the last couple shots of tequila I had downed with Jade, but I couldn’t keep away from him anymore. I needed to talk to him, needed to feel him close to me, even if it was only for a few seconds.

He turned to face me. “What are you doing here, Sophia?”

“What?” I asked, surprised. A sense of unease travelled along my spine, and fear lingered on my senses.

He leaned into me, the coarseness of his beard brushing against my shoulder, sending delicious licks of pleasure down my back. “What are you hiding, Sophia?”

I turned to him and his lips grazed mine lightly. His soft groan made my pussy throb with desire. “Nothing. I’m just here to dance.”

He grazed his nose against mine and my lips parted. “I hope you’re telling me the truth, sweetheart.”

I trembled slightly, not from the fear, but from a deep arousal that only he was able to produce in me.

“I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you if you break any rules. You break my rules baby, and you answer to me.”

I swallowed, but couldn’t help but ask. “And what would you do to me if I do break your rules? Are you going to spank me?”

He growled and pressed his hands on my thigh, squeezing the flesh. I whimpered and gripped his arms. “Don’t tempt me, Sophia. I’m a lot more dangerous than you think.”

“What if I told you danger doesn’t bother me?” I teased. Feeling courageous, I placed a hand on his thick thigh.

His eyes travelled down to my hand and I brushed my hand across the growing bulge in his pants, gaining a groan in response. “I don’t know what you’re playing at Sophia, but I don’t think you know what you’re getting into.”

I pressed my forehead to his, feeling his hands roam my waist. “I love your hands on me, Cain.”

“I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight,” he stated as he gently took away the glass in my hand.

I didn’t move as his arm grazed my breast, but I bit my lip as a jolt of warmth ran through me. “I miss your hands on me,” I whispered.

He stared at me hard, gripping my hips. “I suggest you get Jade to take you home now.”

With that said, he released me and walked away. I sat there, staring at his back, still having that lingering feeling of his touch on my body.

He was dangerous alright, but he was also the only man who could invoke such need in me. I needed Cain Scardino, and I was about to do anything to be his again.

RAMON WAS PISSED, and why wouldn’t he be? I hadn’t reported to him in nearly three weeks. He was waiting for me in his shitty office, if you could call it that, at the back of the bar. I hated the place. It was dingy and dirty, nothing like Ravenous. Ravenous was what it was, but at least the floors were clean.

“What the fuck, Sophia? I’ve been waiting for you for days!”

I slammed the door shut behind me and sauntered up to his desk. “I haven’t been able to get away. The Hell’s Lovers have surveillance everywhere.”

I could give him that. I wanted him to know how protected they were.

“It’s been nearly a month since you got there, what have you found out?”

I narrowed my eyes on him. He didn’t bother to show any care for me. There was no asking how I was, or if I was okay. With him, I was just a pawn in his twisted game.

I sat down and eyed him. “Nothing.”

“What!” He slammed his fists on his desk. I didn’t flinch, I was expecting this macho outburst of his. “I sent you to do a job and you come back to me with this shit!”

I shrugged. “They’re tight lipped. They don’t have private meetings around us. Their Sargent at Arms makes sure everyone is out before anything between the Hell’s Lovers is spoken. They’re smart.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he shook his head and propped his hands on the desk. “What about that surveillance?”

“All I can tell you is that they’re heavily armed. Every one of them carries a gun on them at all times and there’s always someone around to protect us.”

“How many cameras do they have?”

“I counted at least seventeen. They also have alarms.”

“Fuck! Que puta madre!” He ran a hand through his hair and grunted. “Where are they located?”

“They’re all over the place…”

“The ones outside! Where are they located?”

I swallowed, being careful of what I told him. My loyalty to Ramon was held in our marriage vows. But there was Cain, and what I had felt with him was a lot stronger than any vows. Not only him, but Jade and even Rahyne. They were all good people. The Hell’s Lovers were decent men and they didn’t deserve what Tuco wanted to do to them.

“Well…” he stared.

“Umm…I saw three outside. One at each corner of the building and one right above the door.”

“That’s it?”

I nodded, but I was lying. Riggs, the Hell’s Lovers Road Captain, handled surveillance for the club and he was a smart man. There were sensors set up all along the building and he had surveillance cameras across the street as well, but I didn’t tell Ramon all that. Jade had told me that in confidence, trying to reassure me that we were safe. And if I was about to do what I had in mind, then I needed to make sure that the Hell’s Lovers MC remained protected.

“It’s not going to be easy, Ramon. I don’t know what you were thinking getting involved with the Hell’s Lovers. You should see the men who are helping them. They look mean. I heard they were from the Death Row Shooters MC. That’s Ryan Simon’s men. They’re beyond dangerous. You don’t fuck with him or his men.”

“Ryan Simon can kiss my ass, and so can Wolf Stone! Did you forget what he did to my baby brother? Ojo por ojo around my turf, linda.”

I shook my head and looked down. “I guess my job is done?”

“Fuck, no! I want you there. Shit! Seduce one of them! I want you to presence at least one of those meetings. I need to know what their next move is going to be.”


“You do as I tell you, Sophia. It’s about time you paid your dues to me. Your pussy isn’t doing me any favors anymore. Now you have to earn your keep.”

My anger finally boiled over. “Hijo de puta! I’m your fucking wife, maricon! I’m not just some bitch off the streets you can prostitute!”

He stood up and rounded his desk. I knew he was mad, but I didn’t care. He was an asshole and I was going to let him know it.

He stood toe to toe with me. He narrowed his eyes and without warning, he slapped me.

I stumbled back and then he grabbed me and shook me. “Why? Why do you question me? Why can’t you just do what I tell you? Is it so fucking hard to listen?” He roared.

I closed my eyes, trying to breathe through my nostrils. When Tuco got this way, there was no telling what he would do to me.

He gripped me tightly by the arms, and I knew he was going to leave a bruise. He pressed his face against mine and gritted the next words out. “Go! Fuck one of them if you have to, but get me what I want!”

“You’re a piece of shit! One of these days you’re going to pay for all you’ve done Ramon Moreno. And when that day comes, I’ll be the first in line to watch, smiling as they drag your ass to hell.”

“Keep fucking with me, Sophia, and you’ll know the true wrath of Los Perdidos. I want you back here in three days or I’m coming after you!”

I turned and stormed out. I was never coming back. He’d have to kill me first.