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Decadent Desires by Tawny Weber (12)

Check out the second book in my Karma Cafe







Karma Café: Sweet Nothings




Bianca blinked when she saw everyone at the table was staring at her.

“I think Bianca’s eyeing herself a different kind of dessert.” Joy gave a little head tilt toward the hottie.

“Oooh,” the other six women said in unison.

“Stop,” Bianca muttered as her cheeks heated. Once they all got going, the teasing would last for days.

“I can see why you’d be hungry for him instead of Gramma Odette’s apple tarts,” Anja said, giving Bianca’s shoulder an encouraging pat. It was like being zapped by an electrical current. Sparks flashed so strong through her body she was surprised she didn’t glow blue. Shivering, Bianca reached up to check her hair to see if it’d curled.

What the heck?

“Did you want an introduction?” Anja offered quietly as she glanced across the room. “Or just a little inside information?”

“Information,” chorused seven women.

“Introduction,” Bianca insisted, surprising even herself at the brave request. She ignored the worried frowns around the table. They were too over-protective. She knew it was only because they cared so much, but jeez already. Enough was enough. She was twenty-four. A big girl. Maybe not brave enough to face her past, but dammit, she was strong enough to date a sexy guy.

Wasn’t she?

The last three guys they’d set her up with had been nice enough. Nice jobs, nice looks, but holy cow, they’d been uptight bores. Didn’t she deserve a little fun? A little wild times with the kind of guy she always read about? Her eyes sought the hottie again and she sighed. A few orgasms while her body was still young. Was that too much to ask for?

Maybe it was the intense stares of the other women around the table, or maybe Anja didn’t think Bianca could handle a guy who hadn’t passed a background check. But instead of leading the way across the room, the dark-haired gypsy leaned one slender hip against an empty chair and tapped her finger against her chin.

“Let’s see... He’s single, I know because my mother has been trying to get me to wait on him all week. Since she’s still obsessed with marrying me off, I’ve been avoiding him like the plague. From what I’ve heard of his accent, I think he’s probably east coast. Mother told Gramma Odette that he’s just visiting, not moving this way. He prefers soup over salad, fruit over chocolate and drinks black coffee by the gallon.”

“He’s just visiting?” Bianca repeated, biting her lip. The first guy to ever inspire her to move outside her comfort zone, and he lived outside her zip code, too.

Was that good?

Or bad?

“Oh, please,” Joy dismissed. “Like it’d matter if he lived across the street. C’mon, Bianca. You’re not going to hit on some guy in a café. You’re too smart for that.”

Smart, as in she should know she couldn’t handle a guy like that, Joy’s meant.

“But she’s obviously interested,” Grace argued. Bianca perked up, smiling at the support. Then Grace continued, “Maybe one of us can go talk to him. Get some information and decide if he’s okay, then Anja can make an introduction.”

Bianca’s shoulders drooped.

Why didn’t they fingerprint him and run a credit check, too?

“This is silly. Bianca, I know the perfect guy for you,” Serenity said, leaning around the arguing women to peer down the table. “He’s a preschool teacher.”

Be still my heart. Bianca almost groaned aloud.

“Drinking that much coffee can cause erectile issues, you know,” Rue pointed out helpfully.


She decided to ignore them all.

So did Anja, who was watching Bianca with an odd light in her eyes.

Unable to meet Anja’s gaze for long. The other woman always looked like she was peering into her soul, so Bianca looked back at the hottie again. He was smiling as he talked to Natalia. And oh, what a smile. It made her tummy do a roller coaster style loop-di-loop.

Suddenly, more than anything, she wanted to be the type of woman who could attract—and handle—a guy like that. The type who went after what she wanted instead of waiting around and wishing. The type a man would want, would even crave because she was so fascinating.

And there was nothing fascinating about sitting quietly in the corner, wondering what it was like to live an exciting life. She was never going to get what she wanted, in life or in bed, just sitting around wishing for some fluttery fairy to wave a wand and change her life. If she wanted those wishes to come true, she was going to have to get her butt in gear and start making them happen.

Even if the idea of doing all of that was a little scary.

Her eyes locked on the hot guy across the room again. He was perfect.



Easygoing, if his chatting with Natalia was any indication.

And an out-of-towner.

Temporary yumminess.

What better guy to try to experiment with.

With that in mind, Bianca pushed back her chair. She was doing it. She was going to introduce herself.





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