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Pepper (Freedom MC) by Ren Parris (11)







The sound of the door closing pulls me from my haze. I touch my fingers to my mouth and realize just how much Wolf turns me on. It might help to take a quick shower to cool down since I’ve gotten so hot. Locking the door, I get my toiletries and go into the bathroom. I notice the huge tub and decide it would be better to just soak in a bubble bath instead. I can think in the quiet for a while. Sometimes I get my best book ideas that way.

I run the bath water hot and add some bath beads, then grab my iPad, just in case I get any great ideas while I’m relaxing. Stripping out of my clothes, I step into the tub. The water is just right; I can tell it’s going to help my tired muscles from yesterday’s drama, and not getting a very good night’s sleep. The bed just was unfamiliar, and I didn’t have my pillow that I always sleep with. Tanya was all over the place and putting her feet in my back.

With a sigh, I lie back into the water.

Never mind brainstorming—all I can think about is Wolf. His kiss did wonderful things to my body. My pussy got so wet, I would have had to change my panties if I wasn’t already taking them off for my bath. When I felt his hard cock pressing into my belly, I knew if he told me to take off my clothes I would’ve torn them from my body. I want him so bad.

I’m startled from a lull of sleep when I hear someone come into the bedroom, and I sit up in the tub to listen. I hear Wolf and another man talking.

“Pepper?” Wolf calls out, but I remain quiet. I know I should answer and tell him I’m in the bathroom, but I’m uncomfortable with the men knowing I’m naked.

“Okay, man. Shoot. I think we’re alone.”

“I just got through talking to Crystal, and I need to tell you about what she told me.”

That sounds like Shooter.

“Go ahead.”

“She told me about Hitch’s plan of having her here to snoop around. I just found out she's related to Hitch. She's a good girl, innocent in this mess with the Dwellers.”

“Tank and I will need to question her, then we can decide on what we’re going to do. Most likely, if she's innocent, we’ll use her to feed them wrong information. We’ll keep it close to the truth as possible in case they can get intel somewhere else,” Wolf says.

“I don’t want her in danger. I want a brother watching her at all times,” growls Shooter.

“Yeah, we can have someone tail her, but we’re on lockdown. That will be easy."

"She told me she needs to see her mother soon—the woman’s in a nursing home—and the plan for her to meet guys from the Dwellers there to give them information,” Shooter adds.

“We’ll speak with Crystal after supper tonight before we get started with our regular Friday night party. Keep quiet until then so it won’t spook her. We can use the nursing home visit to our advantage.”

“I'll keep quiet, but if we're going to do this, she has to be safe."

"You said that already. Like I'd let anything happen to the female. We’ll meet in my office,” Wolf responds.

I hear the bedroom door shut, and I quickly jump out of the bath. All I can think about is how poor Crystal has ended up in this situation because of the Dwellers, much like myself. I for one am tired of being manipulated by dangerous and mean men. I need to find Crystal so we can talk; maybe together we can do something to bring this chaos to an end.

Throwing on a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and some flip flops, I leave Wolf’s bedroom. I check Shooter’s room first, then head down to the bar.

“Have you seen Crystal?” I ask Travis, who’s working behind the bar.

“Not lately. Last time I saw her, she was on her way upstairs.”

“’K, thanks.”

In the kitchen, I find only Cook, who hasn’t seen Crystal, either. As I make my way to the laundry room, I run into Roxie coming out of one of the bedrooms by Wolf’s office.

Even though I’m not fond of her, I still ask, “Have you seen Crystal?”

“No, bitch, she’s probably stuck up under Shooter somewhere. He seems to only want that blonde bimbo.”

A wave of raw rage washes over me and my inner bitch claws to the surface.

“Oh my God, Roxie! You mean there’s another brother who doesn’t want to fuck you anymore. I guess there must be something wrong with you lately. Maybe it’s the new meat in town as opposed to old meat.” Obviously it's not only my erotic side that's getting brought out around these people. Though I think Roxie can bring out the bitch side of any saint.

“You better shut the fuck up, or I will shut you up.”

“Bring it on, I’m so scared.” If she really thinks she can bully me, she's got another thing coming.

Roxie’s face turns all shades of red, and I think I’ve pushed her a little too far. My bad! Before she can come after me, Cherry comes out of the laundry room and quickly takes in the situation.

“Hi ladies. Roxie, I believe Dog is looking for you.”

Roxie nods and turns to walk away, leaving us standing there. She pauses and looks back with warning. “You better watch your back, bitch, because I’m coming after you.”

Cherry touches my arm and draws my attention back to her. “Pepper, honey, you shouldn’t talk to her. She’s not a very nice person.”

“I know, Cherry, but I’m not going to let her run all over me either. Does she get along with anyone around here?” The idea is laughable.

“She seems to like all the men, of course, but she used to be friends with Brenda, Bull’s ex girl.”

“Well, it seems she should like Tanya then?”

“Yes, she loved that little girl to death, but something happened and she hasn’t been friendly with Tanya for a while now."

“I don’t see how anyone could not love that little girl." There's nothing that could happen to me to make me not care about a beautiful child anymore. "Anyways, before I was so rudely sidetracked, I was looking for Crystal. Have you seen her?”

“Yes, she said she was going outside to sit in the shade for a little while.”

“Thanks, Cherry.” I head out the back door. Crystal is sitting under a big oak tree with her head down on her knees. I walk up quietly so as not to startle her. I sit down beside her, and when Crystal looks up at me, I can tell she’s been crying. Her eyes are all puffy and red, looking like they’re swollen together. I put my arm around her, holding her like I would want to be held, and she leans her head on my shoulder as she softly cries. Ten minutes later, she straightens up. Maybe ready to talk.

“Sweetie, I overheard Wolf and Shooter talking in Wolf’s room. They didn’t know I was in the bathroom, and I kind of listened in. I know about your mother. I’m so sorry.”

She pinches her eyes closed as another tear rolls down her cheek.

“I know you're supposed to let them know what you've found out. I’m so tired of men who think they can tell women what to do. I think we need to take this into our own hands.”

Sniffing, she dries her tears and looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “What do you have in mind?”

“First off, I think we need to move your mother to another nursing facility.”

“That would be a good idea if Hitch hadn’t thought of that first. He found out where she was staying before he came to me. He had her moved, and fixed it where only I can see her. He paid a lot of money to her old and new home so he has control over everything. He at least let me still make the medical decisions.”

“Oh, well that does change things a bit. We’ll need to come up with a plan. When do you need to see her again?”

“I’m supposed to go tomorrow. The problem is all I can tell them is a prospect was caught. And we're under lockdown now.”

"I'll try and make sure you're able to go." I can't stop myself from wanting to help her. It's not our fault we're getting caught up in their business. It sucks to have no control over your own life.

"They won't let me—"

I keep it to myself that they want to send her. "I'll talk to Wolf. Maybe I can go with you."

"No!" She covers her mouth after her outburst. "Sorry. It's just, I don't see Wolf letting you anyways, but I won't let you put yourself in that kind of danger."

She's probably right about Wolf not letting me, but if he's going to send someone to watch her, then what would be the problem with me going? I don't have to meet the men she's supposed to see. "Okay, but we'll get you and your mother out of this."

“Girl, I’ve never had someone to want to help my family before. Thanks,” Crystal says in disbelief.

“You’re welcome. I’ll be there for you as much as I can. They’re going to want to have a meeting with you sometime. If we can get someone to let you go, or at least take you, then maybe you can talk them into letting you go shopping so you can get a burner phone."

“I feel better with this knowing someone else knows,” Crystal says, her voice lighter, and it seems like a load has been lifted off her.

“Well, the first thing we need is to get that prepaid cell phone. We’ll make some calls anonymously to find a new nursing facility. I think we should find something about three to four hours toward Mississippi or Louisiana. I got some money put up in a savings account we can use to pay off the nursing home to let us take her.”

“I can’t take your money. I have some put up, too.”

“Okay, we’ll start with what you got, but if you need more you can use mine.”

“Thanks, but why would you help me? You don’t even really know me.”

“Because I know what it’s like to feel like someone else is running your life.” I sigh.

“Well, thank you. When I came here, I never thought I might find a friend and kindred spirit. We should probably go back in before someone starts looking for us. I don’t want to get caught plotting right now.” She seems a little happier, but fidgets with her nails and looks around her often.

“Okay, I’ll see you tonight at the party.” I really hope I can help.