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Resident Billionaire (Billionaire Knights Book 5) by Cheryl Phipps (4)

Chapter Four

Andy felt anger bubble as he watched Caris dancing with the groper. His hands clenched. In that moment, he knew he was capable of doing the doctor bodily harm.

“Want to dance, Andy?”

The leggy brunette who ran a hand up his arm was a distant cousin of the Knights, and rather attractive. He’d find her advances tempting if it wasn’t for the diminutive blonde commanding the dance floor.

She’d shaken off Kane and was dancing, eyes closed, far too sexily for his liking. The smooth looking dude who obviously had a thing for Caris, was looking a little put out as he tried to insinuate himself into her rhythm. Andy almost laughed at his pathetic attempts. Almost.

Caris had never been needy. Never had. Even with four older siblings, she’d fought all their mollycoddling until every single one of them had backed off. Ben hadn’t been easy, but eventually, he too capitulated. This gave Andy the ability to quietly take over protecting her, without ever having to say a word about it. It was a double-edged sword because it meant she was constantly on his mind, but he had to keep her safe because he couldn’t live with himself if something happened to her.

He took the hand of the woman whose name he couldn’t remember, and who was waiting impatiently for an answer. “Why not.”

She turned out to be the female version of the groper. Although her hands were not in the slightest way discrete, which was incredibly embarrassing in front of the family. It wasn’t as if they were in a crowded pub full of strangers, or that he was too drunk to care.

In the background, the twins, Evan and Matthew, were almost crying with laughter at his discomfort, while their girlfriends danced together nearby egging his partner on. Melanie, they called her. At least he knew her name now.

Everyone was having fun, except him. He led Melanie over to Kane, who was on the edge of the group, unamused by his inability to get Caris’s attention.

“Hey, Kane. This lovely lady is looking for someone to dance with, and I’ve got to get going.” Andy handed his would-be dance partner over with a gentle push in the right direction. The dude’s eyes fairly popped out of his skull when he took in the surgically enhanced chest pressed against him.

Melanie was naturally startled and took a step back, so Andy tossed a carrot into the mix. “Kane’s a doctor and a friend of Caris’s.” A lot of women Caris knew were decidedly jealous, and he was pretty sure this one would be in that camp. He wasn’t mistaken.

On cue, the fake eyelashes fluttered, and her hands ran over Kane’s chest. “Oh. A doctor. How nice. I’m Melanie.”

“Melanie? What a lovely name. Shall we?” Kane held his hand out and before Andy had found a piece of gum to chew, they were wrapped around each other like vines, hands and pelvis’s thrusting in all directions.

Caris had teamed up with her brothers’ partners and they were going crazy. Then Sarah decided to join them, and it was all on.

“Looks like it’s going to be a long night.” Ben shook his head at the women.

“You said it.”

“Nice job with Melanie. She’s crazy hard to handle, though many have tried.”

Andy snorted at his friend. “Doctor Kane is doing okay, by the looks of it.”

They roared with laughter, and Caris, who was close to them, gave them a ‘what now?’ look, but continued shaking her booty.

And what a booty it was. Her face was flushed, and there was a slight sheen to her brow and the top of those perfect, natural breasts. Now he was the one sweating. Caris was right about the two of them. They should sort this attraction out once and for all. Then, if that’s all it turned out to be, they could both move on.

It was a nice thought and would be so much easier to bring to fruition if his best friend wasn’t also her brother.

After a while, the women left the floor in search of refreshments, and Ben headed over to Jenna, while Caris came to collect hers. He dubiously handed it to her.

“It’s probably flat by now. Can I get you a fresh one?”

“Trying to get me drunk?”

“Never,” he said, shocked she would think so.

She grinned. “I was joking.”

“Yeah? Well, it’s not funny. I would never take advantage of you.”

The grin slipped. “I know that, and a part of me wishes you would,”

She was dead serious, and something clicked in his head. He looked around for Ben, who was now slow dancing with Jenna. Here was the moment he’d been dreaming of for years, and this time he wasn’t backing down from her challenge.

He bent down and breathed into her ear. “If you mean it, then come with me to Texas. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

She jumped back as if he’d scalded her. “What? Why?”

“Why should you come, or why am I going?”


He might have told white lies about his feelings for her, but he couldn’t lie about this. “I have to see a family lawyer and sign some stuff pertaining to my mother’s estate.”

Her eyes widened. “Wow. It sounds like a great story, but we’ll discuss how it’s come up after all these years later. Tell me why I should come with you.”

He was really doing this, surrounded by the Knight family. It was stupid, yet it was still happening. “You called it. Let’s see what’s between us without embarrassing the family or getting them pissed with us.”

She bit her lip for a moment. “Are we talking sex?”

“We’re talking whatever you find acceptable. I’m open to anything, but make no mistake, I want you, Caris.”

He saw her gulp, and he saw the moment her decision was made. Her eyes twinkled up at him and she gave him one hell of a sassy smile.

“Give me a time to be ready.”

If he could have kissed her then, he might not have stopped. “I’ve booked the private jet for ten in the morning. I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“Guess I’d better slow down on the drinking then.”

“You go ahead and enjoy yourself. You earned this night and I like to see you having fun.” For the first time he could remember, he openly admired her body and was rewarded with a blush, which made him want her more.

“I’m glad you do. It could bode well for the nights to come.”

Then she sashayed back to the dance floor and began her sensuous maneuvers as if she hadn’t already left him in a highly aroused state. She was a lot of woman in a small frame, and he couldn’t wait for their adventure to begin.