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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1) by Cilla Lee (6)

Chapter Seven




Helping Razor with the paper work Dover had was a nightmare, he'd been a member of the Devils Soldiers for over forty years and he done everything old school. It took Razor and I half of the morning trying to decipher his hand writing, let alone figure out his filing system which was none existent. He had boxes and files and papers that were coded, by mid-morning I had to ring him to understand most of it and he took me through his system. One set, was legitimate, the real numbers for the club only and the other was the ones for the IRS, which was why none of my numbers were adding up. Razor had, had enough and stormed out slamming doors and yelling at everyone in his path. Once I understood everything fell into place and I was working on two sets of books adding to my work and loving it.


“You ready sweetheart” Razor asks me from the door


“No, I'm good I'm ganna keep working Razor, got my flow going”


“Your flow” he asks smiling


“Yeah, my flow, you go I'll stay here tonight I'll see you in the morning”


“Ok darlin' see ya tomorrow”


“Night Razor” I was left alone to do the clubs books, It was around two when I was lifted up off of the desk my neck aching from leaning on it


“What the?” I say


“Shh baby it's just me you fell asleep” Colt says holding me


“Oh, I can walk”


“I've got you baby it's all good”


“I'm fine put me down”


“Ok babe come on I'll walk you to your room”


“Ok” I stretched my arms up and Colt watched me my yawn making me feel even more tired, my back aching from being slumped over the books all day. I look up at Colt who's watching me


“What?” I ask but he smiles shaking his head


“Nothing come on let’s get you to bed” I bite my lip (did he mean we were going to bed together)


“You’re being awfully sweet Colt, your romantic sides showing”


“Aw fuck babe, don't say shit like that I've got a cred to protect”


“If you say so” I say rolling my eyes, he leads me to my room and kisses my cheek (so no sleeping together)


“Night baby you know where my room is if you need me” (yeah right next to mine, just one wall between us)


“Night Colt”


“Night Niya” he says and I blush (god he’s so freaking gorgeous)




It takes me awhile to sleep that night knowing he's right on the other side of the wall, my heart racing just thinking about it (is he getting undressed does he sleep naked will he think of me, dream of me like I do about him god I should have went home) After tossing and turning for ages I finally fall asleep, I dream of numbers. profit and loss columns piles of papers IRS agents and then Colt, argh Colt Mr six-foot-two god with piercing green eyes and a body I'd love to lick everywhere bodies tangling moaning kisses so hot and UM...ARGH......OOH.... OOH...... shit I bolt upright in bed I'm sweating my heart racing and I think I just had my first wet dream god it felt so real my body tingling from the orgasm I had, my nipples are like stone and my pussy tingling with the memory of Colt between them (Oh shit) I start laughing when there's are knock at the door


“Yeah who is it” I call out


“Baby you ok I heard you moaning are you sick” (shit) I up and run to the door and open it slightly, Colt’s standing in all his shirtless glory, no shoes and jeans buttoned but not belted and I can see brown hair peeking through his zipper (holy mother of god)


“I'm good Colt” I say through the gap in the door blushing like crazy


“You sure, you’re not sick you look a bit flushed” he goes to put his hand on my head but I step back


“I'm fine Colt” I close the door with a huge smile on my face and head for the bathroom to cool down (defiantly a cold shower morning day.) By the time Razor comes in I've got half of the books done


“Wow darlin' good job” Razor says smiling


“Thanks, Razor it’s pretty easy once you know what you’re doing, I've never done books before but I think I'm in heaven maybe I should look into accounting”


“Hay darlin' if that's what you wanna do with your life you should” I watch as he leaves, is he letting me go, shit do I want to leave. I know I'm not locked up but would he let me go to college or do I have to stay until the debts all paid, maybe I could get a job and clear it off faster. But will I leave (shit I don't want to) a tear slides down my cheek and I swipe it away fast will they tell me to leave when the debts paid.




The rest of the day I stay in Dover's office finishing off the rest of the paper work and just hiding, but by six my stomach is turning in knots, just having a bagel for breakfast and nothing else my stomach is screaming at me for sustenance. Colt had been in a couple of times to check on me, but I just couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. Knowing if I did, I wouldn't be able to hide my embarrassment of him hearing me this morning. Heading out of the office I can smell something delicious coming out of the kitchen


“Oh, what's that smell its mouth-watering” Tank turns around with a big smile on his face


“Practising for my anniversary dinner I'm cooking Lena on Friday” Lena's Tank’s wife there the ultimate love story childhood sweet hearts, they've know each other since second grade, Lena said she loved him even back then and I swear when she told me that story, I swooned... true love every girls dream.


“What is it?” I asked


“Well seeing that I'm a steak and steak kind of guy, I went with sear grilled steak medium rare with mushroom sauce mashed potatoes and salad on the side something easy”


“Can I?”


“Sit your bony ass down and we'll try it together” I smile as Tank moves around the kitchen he has on one of those aprons that makes him look like he's wearing a hot pink bikini, he sets a plate in front of me the smell making my mouth water even more


“Dam Tank this looks good”


“Thanks, darlin' eat tell me what you think if it needs anything” the tenderness of the meat is out of this world and the potatoes are a fluffy cloud and god the sauce, I moan with the explosions of the combination


“Well I guess you like it than” he says and I smile nodding my head


“Holy shit Tank this is amazing it's perfect don’t change a thing, Lena’s ganna love it”


“what's perfect?” Stryker asks walking in Rochelle hanging on him like a leech (fucking bitch) she's always giving me the stink eye


“Tank’s cooking” I tell him with a mouth full of potato's, I never want it to end and I moan again


“That good huh” he says with a smile


“Just try it you'll see” I tell him, Stryker gets a plate for him and Rochelle, they sit next to Tank on the other side of the table and I watch as he puts the first mouthful in his mouth and his face looks surprised


“See” I say with a smile


“Yuck it has mushrooms on it Stryker I can't eat this” I look at Tank and he rolls his eyes and I smile. I’d met Rochelle a few weeks into being here and let me tell you the women is a first-class bitch


“Then don't eat it” Stryker tells her and Rochelle huffs pushing the plate away, Stryker takes a big mouthful


“Dam man this is fuckin' amazin’, where'd you learn to cook”


“I know how to follow a recipe” Tank says


“Well fuck maybe you should cook from now on this is good shit”


“What's good shit?” Colt asks as he walks in and I put my head down, still not able to look at him without being embarrassed


“Tank's cookin'”


“You cooked” Colt asks Tank


“Yes, fuckhead, I can cook”


“Ok let’s see” Colt sits next to me and eats off of my plate


“Hay get your own” I say pulling my plate away from him making him smile (god he has a great smile)


“I'd rather eat off yours” he wiggles his eyebrows at me


“Yeah, not a chance, get your own” he pulls the plate Stryker made for Rochelle over and starts to eat


“Dam this is good”


“Yeah well you two are doing the dishes so enjoy” he says as he's walking out laughing


“Night Niya girl”


“Night Tank” I yell out to him


“Stryker lets go back to your room” Rochelle whines


“Fuck woman shut the fuck up” Colt and I look at each other, no matter how rude Stryker is to her she seems to love it, gets off on it even


“Make Niya clean-up”


“Fuck women just go to my room and wait for me” Rochelle stands up and storms off towards Stryker's room


“Sorry Niya” Stryker says, I just smile


“Fuck man I don't know how you put up with that bitch” Colt says to him


“She's got a fuckin' vacuum for a mouth that's why” Stryker says and I throw up in my mouth a little


“I'd rather stick my dick in a real vacuum than that fuckin' bitches mouth” I hold in my laugh


“Ok that's me back to work” I take my plate to the sink and wash it, that's one thing I don't want to think about Colt dick, a blush creeps up my face and I head for the door looking down


“Fuck baby you not finished that shit yet” Colt says and I stop before I'm out the door


“No Colt this is important I can't rush it, I could get the club in trouble with the IRS if I do and Razor would be pissed and if you haven't forgotten I still have my asshole father’s debt hanging over me so whatever I can do for the club I'm doing it” I storm off down the hall back to Dover's office for another night of paperwork.


Since being at the club I had found myself even more, I'd come out of my shell. Razor and the guys making me feel safe, it took a while but I finally felt comfortable. Maggie has been a huge part of that, having a woman who is strong and encouraging is amazing. I felt safe for once in my life, if I didn’t agree with someone about something I wasn’t going to get a back hander for voicing my opinions. It was liberating to feel free, even though I still owed the club I wasn’t nothing which made my stay easier.




It took a good week to go through all the orders check balances and wages, last year’s taxes and everything that the IRS needed for the audit. Razor was a raging bull all week getting everything together from all of the businesses that the Devils Soldiers owned, from the strip club (Pink Slip) to the tattoo shop (Devils tattoo's) the auto body shop (Devils Repairs) and the Bar (Devils Den) every penny had to be accounted for. Every invoice, Razor didn't want anything left out. I never knew that a motorcycle club were so business orientated but Razor managed everything well, he kept everyone in order and had been trying to get the club to the legitimate side of the law. To the IRS the club were legitimate business owners that road bikes and partied.




Dover came back two days after we got everything ready, I'd already been over to his house to see him about how to hide somethings, for an old guy he was defiantly on the ball making numbers add up and showing me some tricks to use. His wife Sheryl was not what I had expected, when you think of women in their sixties you think of old women in cardigans knitting and sitting on the porch in a rocking chair, Sheryl was nothing like that. She looked like a woman in her forties with her fiery red hair, tight jeans and heels to all the silver jewellery. She was what a biker chick looked like, her and Maggie looked amazing for their ages and I only wish I look as good when I get older.


“Get me out of here girl please she's doing my head in”


“Dover, I can't do that”


“Come on please” he begged me


“I can't”


“Just tell Sheryl that I'm needed at the clubhouse, your desperate for my help” just than Sheryl walked in


“If he's trying to get you to save him” she says and I laugh, Dover slumped back in bed huffing


“I'm all better Sheryl the club needs me”


“Alexander Mason your sixty-nine years old, you've just had pneumonia and you’re not leaving this bed until Dr Tellon says you can move”


“Argh women I'm fine”


“I'll be the judge of that, sorry Niya sweetheart he needs his rest you can come back tomorrow”


“No problem Sheryl bye Alexander” I say shaking my head as I head out the door


“You hear that women now she's ganna blab my name to everyone at the club my cred's gone”


“Oh, shut up Dover and get some sleep” I hear her laugh and Dover curse just as the door opens and closes real fast


“Do you want some cookies Niya fresh out of the oven, Chocolate chip”


“Yum that's sounds great thanks Sheryl”


“You’re welcome dear”


“Is he ganna be ok”


“Oh, he's fine the doctor gave me the all clear yesterday, I just like looking after him, it’s the first time in years we've spent so much time together and I'm sort of enjoying it. Is it wicked that I want him to be sick again”?


“No” I say what else can I say to that, she obviously loves the Old Coot


“Here you go dear and some in there for the boys at the clubhouse” I kiss her on the check and head for the car delicious cookie in hand and container full of freshly baked cookies for the boys.




“How's the old man doing” Blaze asks me as I walk through the door at the clubhouse


“He's good Sheryl's looking after him brought cookies fresh out of the oven” before I know it Gunner, Cuff, Blaze and Chance all have their faces stuffed with cookies arguing over how many are left and not to put the dirty mits all of them, I swear it’s like a kindergarten around here most of the time, instead of a clubhouse full of grown ass scary bikers. I grab the container off of Cuff


“Hay I only had one”


“To bad there mine now, you boys don't know how to share so you lose, go over to Dover's if you want any more Sheryl's baked loads”


“No fair” he yells out


“Tough” I walk to Razors office to see what time he's leaving tonight.


(knock knock)


“Who is it?” Razor yells


“Its Niya”


“Oh, come in darlin' how'd Dover go”


“Yeah got everything I needed” I hand him the books


“Sheryl say when the doc's given the all clear”


“Yeah gave it yesterday but she's a bit worried so give him a couple more days”


“Ok darlin'”


“What time you headed home?”


“Around five you coming home tonight”




“Ok well head home together”


“Ok I'll go and see if Colt and Stryker need help with anything”


“You tell those two that Smokey's complaining about her bathroom sinks leakin'”


“Ok Razor”


I head out to the main room where Blaze and Gunner are playing pool, Cuff's got one of the whores Sunshine on his knee and she's moaning. I really don't want to see that so I ask Chance who has one of the other whore Pixie rubbing him up and down his arm whispering in his ear something ex-rated probably at the bar


“Hay Chance you seen Colt or Stryker”


“In the garages cleaning bikes darlin'”


“Thanks” I say walking off but as I look back I see Pixie giving me the evil eye, I swear that bitch needs a good slap, I make my way back to the garages and there's Stryker and Colt on their knees polishing Nash and Gunners bike.


“Hay baby what you doing?” he says when he sees me


“Razor told me to find you two, Smokey's bathroom taps leaking”


“I've got it” Stryker says “I'm finished here anyway” he heads into fix the tap leaving Colt and I alone


“So, how's the Old guy doing”


“He's good did you know his names Alexander”




“Yeah thinks you guys are ganna give him shit about it and he's ganna lose all his cred” Colt



“Nah all good baby I won’t say a word”


“Colt what's your real name” he taps his nose


“Trade secret baby”


“Ok how'd you get the road name Colt than”


“Nah baby that's not a good story either”


“Oh really”




“Ok how did Stryker get his”


“Sorry baby that's his story”


“God Colt, can't you tell me anything”


“You wanna talk baby how about you tell why I heard you moaning in you room last week”


“Ok I'm out see ya Colt”


“Oh, come on babe” I hear Colt yell as I walk back into the clubhouse and walk to Razors office


(knock knock)


“Yeah” I open the door


“I'm heading home now”


“You ok, that Old bastard hasn't made you sick has he”


“No, I'm good there's nothing to do here, thought I'd go and see if Maggie needs any help”


“Ok darlin' see ya at home later”