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Claiming His Virgin In the Ring: The Filthy Wrestling Club by Cassandra Dee, Sarah May (25)



I didn’t even know why I said yes to my friends about going out to the bar.

Denise and Jenna, professional freshmen partiers and my best friends, are forever trying to get me to go out with them to one club or another on the weekends.  But I usually say no.  Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem going to the movies with them or the coffee shop where that tatted and pierced hipster guy works behind the counter.  Bars and clubs though, are not my scene.

“Come on, relax and have a drink,” Denise practically screamed over the loud music. She bumped my hip with her own and grinned, already two beers and one shot down the hatch.  Her tight tube dress showed off a shape so curvy that a pumpkin would give its right arm to be her.

“More shots!” Jenna danced over from the bar and through the crowd. With a slick smile, she slid a little tray of rainbow colored drinks onto our high top table.  Oh no, the rainbow colored ones are always the worst, sure to be filled with the purest alcohol, mixed with only a tiny bit of fruit juice.

But no matter.  The music pumped hard and energetic around us and Jenna wiggled her tiny backside to the beat. “The bartender made them just for us,” she called.  “They’re special.”  Of course, there were at least nine shots on the tray.

She looked over her shoulder and winked at the bartender, a sleazy looking dude in a beanie, with tats on his face.  Really?  I love tats as much as the next girl, but the one square on his right cheek pretty much eliminated him from most jobs.  Sheesh.  Shaking my head, I stayed silent.  Jenna’s taste in men has always been bizarre.

“Here, Lacey. Your first shot of the night.” Denise shoved the drink towards me and took one for herself.  She quickly downed one and then threw her head back with a wild yelp.

“Shit! These are strong.”  Another shriek, then another shot. She was going to be so wasted.

“Hell yeah, they’re strong.” Jenna jumped up and down to the dub step beat, blonde hair flying. “My boy totally hooked us up.”

I was cringing and taking sips of my drink, trying to force it down when suddenly Denise grabbed my arm in mid-air.  What in the world?  These girls always want me to imbibe more, so this was weird.

But her attention was elsewhere, laser-focused and awestruck.

“Oh my God. You won’t believe what I’m looking at.”  The brunette already had a third glass in her hand but it hovered near her mouth as she stared at something over my shoulder. “That VIP monster is ridiculous.”

“What?” Jenna turned around so fast I was surprised she didn’t get whiplash.

But I downed my drink and looked too. Why not? If I was supposed to be having college girl fun instead of being my usual boring self, I could play the part completely.  Turning around, I just about dropped my empty shot glass, fingers numb and limp.

Because ridiculous was right.

Jenna didn’t even have to point out who she was talking about.  Sure, I’m a virgin and haven’t seen any dicks outside of magazines and porn, but for sure, the tall guy sitting alone in the upstairs VIP lounge had an anaconda in his pants. Even in the suit and tie—who the hell wore a suit and tie to a club like this anyways?—I could see the clear outline of a heavy cock that went down practically to his damn knee. Oh god!

“You think it’s real?” Jenna asked with a giggle.

Denise snorted. “Who walks around a club with a fake dick?”

“Some guy on a reality show did it to get chicks,” Jenna purred coyly, eyeing the stranger hungrily. “Once he got them in bed, he’d only do them from behind so they wouldn’t see that it was a strap on.”

Holy shit, really?  Guys go to lengths like that?  My eyes went wide, mouth hanging open. 

But neither of my friends were fazed.

“That’s dumb,” Denise shouted back over the music. “Then he didn’t even get to feel what it was like to fuck them.”

“Yeah,” I said, piping up in a small voice.  “Guys can be so lame,” was my comment, though I didn’t have any real experience.

By now, all three of us were staring at the anaconda guy. Because how could we not? The VIP area was full but he was only one sitting alone. The white cloth over the table in front of him had a champagne bucket with an open bottle and one glass next to it.

In contrast, the rest of the VIP area was full, a few couples but mostly what looked like a bunch of college kids spending daddy’s money on bottle service. There was a lot of big hair, gold chains, and muscle shirts.

“I bet his dick is real though,” Jenna said and shoved me toward the VIP. “You should go find out, Lacey,” the blonde giggled.  Even though she and Denise went out every weekend and hooked up with any guys they wanted, I wasn’t like that. She knew it too.

“What? Why me?” came my gasp.  But my stomach twisted in knots at the idea. This guy didn’t just have a big dick, he was hot in that older guy way. From what I could see from across the room, his dark hair was brushed with silver at the temples and his body under the suit looked tight and fit. No steak belly on him.

“Yeah, you should,” Denise chimed in, playfully pinching my butt.  “This is the perfect chance for you to have a little fun before you lock yourself back up in the library. He’s hot and you look totally cute tonight.”

I sighed.  Sometimes, I don’t even know why or how these girls and I are friends.  We’re so different in every way.  They love to party and have sex while barely getting by in school, while I’m focused on my books, intent on graduating with honors.

But somehow it works. I love them and they love me. And right now, they were set on proving their love by siccing me on some stranger in a suit.

“Come on, guys,” I protested. “You know that’s not me.” But the longer I stared at the stranger, the more my pussy tingled. What would that giant piece of meat look like outside of his pants?

Denise pinched my butt again, making me jerk.

“I see that look on your face, Lacey. You totally want him.”

Jenna passed me another shot. “Liquid courage, baby doll.” She grabbed my hand and practically forced the liquor into my mouth. The shot slid hot and quick down my throat, warming me on its way down and settling in my belly like a small flame.  My body flushed and I was already starting to feel the effect of the drinks, getting spacey and loose, head swimming.

“Go get him, Lace!” Denise nudged me again in the direction of the VIP.

But not so quick because a smarmy voice blared in back of us.

“Hey, what are you girls doing?”

Oh no, what the hell?  Mister tattoo-face bartender appeared at the table and draped an arm each around Denise and Jenna, grinning at them and leering at me. That was all the excuse I needed to get away.  I didn’t want to be near the bartender, especially since up close, I could see that he was totally soused and already grabbing my friends’ private parts.  Gross. 

So taking a deep breath, I made my way over to the guy, ass swaying in Jenna’s four inch stilettos.  My dress brushed the tops of my knees and was one of my sexier outfits even though Jenna said I looked like a librarian in it.  At least I’d left my glasses at home.

Concentrating on walking in the unfamiliar heels, I made my way through the crowd and up the flight of stairs to the VIP area where the guy sat alone watching dancers gyrate under strobe lights.

“Hey,” I said when I arrived after what felt like forever.  Oh no.  What a lame greeting.  Maybe I should have said something sexier and coy, like “Heeey,” or “Heyyyy?”

But the damage was done, and besides, liquor was now running like a river through my veins. Looking at the alpha, my body tingled, sizzling with a burn.

Because up close, he was even hotter than before.  Like crazy, mind-blowingly hot. Definitely over forty, with more gray in his hair than I saw from across the room. He had a wicked cleft in his chin and gleaming blue eyes.

And whaddya know, but the alpha was expecting me.

“Hey, princess,” came a low, smooth rumble.  Bright blue laser beams ran all over my body, touching me everywhere.  My tits, my waist, and even under my skirt where I felt myself getting wet just from his focused attention.  “What can I do for you?”

Oh god.  He was the kind of guy you’d see in GQ with his suit and handsome face, an expensive watch that might have been a Rolex on a thick, masculine wrist.  His hands were big and powerful, fingernails manicured and clean. I shivered and imagined him running those palms all over my body, touching everywhere.

But what was I thinking?  This guy was way out of my league.  He probably had a girlfriend nearby or something.  Or at least a hundred other girls prettier than me ready to do anything he wanted.

So I mumbled and looked down, words tripping out of my mouth.

“ you want to dance?” came my blurted question.  Oh god, oh god, how lame!  It was like we were at a Sadie Hawkins dance, and I was the tongue-tied awkward teenage girl asking out the hunky football player.

Even in the low light, I could see his blue eyes glitter with laughter.

“No, baby. I don’t want to dance. At least not the kind of dancing you’re after.” He moved over on the wide velvet bench, making room for me. “Have a seat?”

Well at least he hadn’t kicked me out on the spot, and taking a deep breath, I maneuvered my curvy form down on the cushion next to him, hoping that I didn’t make the whole thing jounce up and down.

But I was overwhelmed by Mr. VIP immediately.  He smelled so good. Clean and cool, with an underlying masculine musk that made the pulse drum in my neck and between my legs. I just about melted, blushing, thinking anyone could see how he made me burn. But no one seemed to be paying attention.

Because each VIP booth was separate and semi-private. Even though we could see down to the dance floor and the people down there could see us if they really looked, it felt like we were in our own mini-world. The music thumped like a runaway heartbeat. The booth next to us was loud with the laughter of a half dozen or so people, but I couldn’t see them and I was sure they couldn’t see us.

Hesitantly, I bit my lip.

“Hi, I’m Lacey,” was my low murmur.

He turned completely to face me then, putting his back to the rest of the club, and braced a massive arm against the table.  I felt trapped between his big, warm body and the velvet of the bench.  A good kind of trapped.

“That doesn’t really matter, does it?” came his low, smooth growl again.

What in the world?  Was he insulting my name?  Gulping, I stared at him again.

“What do you mean?” was my murmur, tentatively licking my lips. What did I just get myself into?

I shifted against the bench, squirming uncomfortably at the heat between my thighs.  And those piercing blue eyes took it all in knowingly, like he could read my mind.  Just like before, he shot a long, appraising look at my boobs, mentally weighing them, before dropping his gaze to the vee between my legs, shadowy and secret.

Oh god, the air was so hot, my cunt already creaming moistly.  Could he smell it?  Was my wet pussy scent evident?  I twisted uncomfortably again, boobs heaving and falling even as I tried to look casual.

Those male nostrils flared slightly, the gleam in his eyes becoming deeper as he sniffed.  But Mr. VIP didn’t mention it, to my eternal thanks.  Instead, he asked me a question.

“Did you come all the way over here for conversation?”

I stammered.

“I just came to ask you to dance,” was my reply.

He moved then, thigh brushing mine. It was the same thigh that had his hard dick pressed alongside it, the ridge impossible to miss.  Barely able to speak, my eyes flitted to the bulging mass before meeting his again.  How did he manage to fit that thing into his pants, much less into a woman?

But the alpha was still in control.

“And I told you I don’t dance,” came his smooth reply.  “My turn to ask you a question then.” He pressed in closer, that whiskey-laced breath warm and sweet on my cheek.  “Do you want to fuck?”

I gasped, unable to hide my shock at his boldness.

“Wh- what?  I’m sorry?”

No way I could have heard right.  But the gleam in his eyes only grew deeper and darker, turning the ice blue a pitch black.

“You heard me, princess.”

I couldn’t help but notice his dick getting harder and filling out in those slacks. “If you’re game, I want to fuck,” he said. “Your tits look hot in that dress and I’d love to feel them on my face.” A finger reached over the already small space between us and flicked at the shadow between my breasts. “I’d love to rub my cock between them and fuck them until I come.” His hand slid over my knee and under the dress. “You’d look so fucking good with my cum dripping around your neck like pearls.”

Oh my god. A shiver took over my entire body. All I wanted to do was say yes to him. Yes to his dick ramming between my tits until it spurted hot and wet all over me. Yes to his semen dribbling down my neck, bubbly and sticky. Yes to just about anything he wanted.

But still, this was reality.  We were in a crowded club, and there wasn’t any way to get down.

“I don’t think—” and I had to lick my lips again because they were so dry from me being nervous. “I don’t think you can give me a pearl necklace here in front of all these people.” But the image had already burned itself into my mind’s eye, tantalizing and hot.

“Maybe not, but I could fuck you here though.” His hand reached the crotch of my panties and I gasped, shivering as his fingers rubbed my already swollen clit through the cloth. “What do you think about that?”

“Right here?” I was tipsy, but not drunk enough to let a stranger do me in a public place. At least I didn’t think I was.

But the gorgeous alpha leaned into me enough so that that masculine musk filled my nostrils again.  Oh god, oh god.  Virgin or not, I sighed with pleasure, insides loosening.  My panties were drenched, shamefully so, and he could feel it all.  Those clever fingers stroked me through the sopping lace, niggling my clit and making me gasp.

He smirked.

“Do you want it, princess?”

His other hand briefly stroked his dick through the straining fabric of his pants.

“Do you want this hard cock stuffed in that tiny cunt?”

I didn’t say anything, but my body knew the answer.  My pussy was soaked enough for him to slide deep into me without any preparation.  I’d seen it in the pornos, watching all those slutty girls get slammed in the cunt and ass by giant cocks.  But I’m a good girl.  There was too much to lose by getting involved with some boy and getting distracted.

But the thing is this wasn’t some boy. This was a stranger, someone I’d never see again.  I could have a one-night stand, and walk away unscathed, right?

My thighs opened and his fingers slid under the edge of my panties, skimming lightly over my bare snatch.  Oh god!  Head falling back, I whimpered and opened my legs wider like a slut.  I wanted his fingers on me.  In me.  I wanted his tongue. His giant dong, everywhere.

And Mr. VIP wasn’t immune either.

“Fuck, you’re wet,” came a harsh rasp.  Emotions slid across his face too fast for me to catch but with his thick fingers toying under the edge of my panties and rubbing my wet snatch, I didn’t care. 

“Climb on, princess.” He patted the big bulge in his lap. “I promise you’ll enjoy the ride.”

I stared down at his cloth-covered dick.  Like a monster, that bulge got bigger and bigger until the front of his pants was completely obscene, tenting in a distorted vee.  Growling, the big man stroked it while watching my reaction.

“Like what you see, baby girl?” came that low, smooth voice again.  “You wanna climb on?”

I jolted.  Oh my god.  I still couldn’t believe that he wanted to fuck me in the club.  This was absolutely mindblowing, like my brain was about to burst.

Because what about my friends? What about the other people at the venue?  Would they be able to see?  I looked away from the thick prick straining against the front of his pants, expecting my friends to be staring at us or for the other people to be watching me with shock and disgust.

But my friends were nowhere in sight, and neither was that sleazy bartender.  Oh god.  Jenna and Denise were probably off having a threesome with him, letting him rotate between their pussies.  They were gone and nobody else paid any attention to me and the stranger.

The music pulsed loud and hard in the club and the dim lighting turned shapes into shadows.  People ground against one another on the dance floor, practically having sex.  In fact, I’d bet there were people getting it on, or at least some fingers snaking into wet twat.  And that’s exactly what this guy wanted to do, here in the VIP lounge.

So why not?  People were already doing it, and I didn’t want to be boring old Lacey anymore.  Licking my lips, I scooted closer.  My head swam from the alcohol even as my pussy throbbed, empty and aching to be filled.

“Okay,” came my soft reply.

And before I could give my saner self the chance to change its mind, I pulled off my panties and climbed on the stranger’s lap with my back to him, facing the dance floor.  I expected the billionaire to grunt about how heavy I was, but instead, he only groaned with obvious excitement and gripped my thighs and my hips. The hand in my panties cupped my pussy and squeezed harder, making my clit jump.  Oh my god, was this really happening?

But it was. 

The billionaire grunted and squeezed my private place again, fingers slipping and sliding over my snatch, eliciting a moan.

“I like a girl with a little meat on her bones,” came that low, throaty growl in my ear.  His hands stroked my belly and up to my boobs. “I’d love to bend you over and slam into your big ass and see all this juiciness jiggle while I fuck you.” He pinched my nipple and I moaned, so turned on I could scream. “Are you ready for me, princess?” With another grunt of excitement, he yanked my dress out of the way.

His dick was thick and hard under my ass.  And god, oh so bare.  I shivered and squirmed on top of it, pussy dripping wildly. I hadn’t even noticed when he unzipped and took his cock out, but it was here now, pressing insistently between my ass cheeks.

I wanted it so bad. Sweat flowed down between my breasts and my thighs were sticky with need. Still shaking, I looked at him over my shoulder.

“I’ve never done this before,” I whispered. “I…I’m a virgin.”

“Fuck…” He groaned, those blue burning even brighter with lust. “Don’t worry, princess.  I’m not.  I know just how to take care of you.”

He reached in front of me and slipped his fingers between my thighs and rubbed my clit, first slow and easy.  That masculine breath was hot in my ear, fat cock demanding under my ass.

“I’m going to make this good for you, baby doll.”

He stroked harder and I nearly bucked with the sensation, throwing my head back as electricity sparked through my entire body from the touch of his fingers on my clit.  My slit dripped as I panted wildly, getting desperate.

“You want it bad, don’t you?” he growled, intensifying the hard rub on my private spot, orgasm winding up tight in my cunt.

“Yes,” I moaned although I wasn’t sure he heard me above the music. “Please fuck me, please!”

I moved my hips by instinct, sliding back when he lifted me up with his other hand, working to get that slick pussy into position.

But he slid his fingers inside my cunt instead of his dick, making shallow strokes with those thick fingers before moving back to touch my asshole and spread the juices from my pussy back there.

“What are you doing?” was my gasp, twisting around to look at the big man as best I could.  “Oh god!”

My butthole clenched and spasmed wildly, unused to being touched at all.  But the billionaire just grinned wolfishly, breath hot and fast in my ear.

“Trust me, you’ll love it,” he rasped.  “Just relax.”

And incredibly, the relentless firm rub to my clit had me opening up my ass for him then, readying myself to take his massive man meat in my bottom.   

“Good girl!” he grunted into the back of my neck.  “I knew you’d be game.”

The juices from my pussy slicked my butt and I felt the smooth heat of his fuckrod nudging at that tender taboo spot.

“I’m going to fuck your ass, baby.  It’s goin’ in here.”  Slowly, he eased that dicktip against my tiny pucker, the pressure unstoppable.

“Oh!” I squealed, grabbing his knees with both hands, trying not to struggle.  “Oh god, oh god!”  It felt like my butt was being opened by a giant club, something Fred Flintstone would use to beat down a dinosaur.

“Oh!” I screamed again.  “God!”

Because it wasn’t going to fit.  That massive monster cock wasn’t going to squeeze into my back end, and I clenched my hands on his knees again and panted, groaning from the heavy hardness pressing urgently against my back hole.

“You can take it, sweetheart,” he hissed, never letting up.  “You want this dick don’t you?”

And the truth was, I did.  So I closed my eyes, throwing my head back.

“Yes!” I panted through the pain, the throb in my butt dissipating as he stroked my clit and fucked my pussy with light thrusts of his fingers.  Moaning and squirming helplessly, my cunt streamed juices, lubing up my back hole.

“Fuck me! Fuck me!” was my helpless mewl.

But as much as I wanted it, nothing came so easy.  Slowly, my rim edged open, that fat dickhead slipping in.  Unnh!  It was so good, his cockpole prying me open slowly, stretching me as more man meat made its way in.

“Unnnh!” came my involuntary moan, eyes closed as I focused every ounce of energy on my back end.  “Oh god.”

And slowly, that heavy rod pushed in further, sliding a couple inches up my rectum.  Oh my god, I had something in my back hole!  My anus, heretofore untouched, was getting breached by the biggest, hardest dick I’d ever seen.

“Fuck little girl,” the alpha rasped harshly in my ear.  “Fuck you’re so tiny.”

But with a jerk and heavy push, he was in.  That meat slammed up into my ass as he pinched my clit again and again, stopping only to lightly stroke my streaming vag.

“Unnnh!” came my wild scream, unbidden and uncontrolled.  “Unnnh!”

I was full on both ends, and like a rocket ship, the explosion happened all over his hand.  My cunt shook from the pleasure, swollen flesh squeezing tight as a fist and juicing everywhere.  The massive quakes just wouldn’t stop, and by the time I could breathe again, all the pain was gone and he was balls deep in my butt.

“Now hold on to the table, princess. I’m about to ram this luscious ass of yours until you can’t see straight,” came that hoarse rasp behind me.

And trembling, my breath coming in harsh pants, I leaned over and grabbed the glass table top.  Oh god, this was so wrong.  I had a man’s dick up my butt and he was telling me to grab on tight for the pummeling ahead.  Oh god, this buttfucking was so dirty.

But the billionaire always delivers.  Grabbing onto my hips, he slid into me in one smooth stroke.

“Oh!” came my breathy wail.  “Oh oh oh!”

Then another and another until I was bouncing up and down in his lap. If anybody saw us, they would immediately know what we were doing. There was no hiding the way my tits jumped under my dress with each ram of his tool or the gasps and groans flying from my mouth.

But I didn’t care. Even though I’d come already, the hard pounding of his rod in my butt and the relentless pressure of his fingers on my clit had me flying again.  And somehow, I screamed in time to the music while his hands gripped my hips hard.  The alpha grunted in my ear, rough and animalistic, hot and furious at once.

“Come on, baby,” he ground out, panting hard.  “That’s it.  I knew this pretty butt could take my meat.”  The sweat dripped between my breasts and my asshole hurt so good.  “Yeah, baby. That’s right,” came the words.  “Unnh, fuck you feel good!”  This time, the words were ragged, excitement building in the big man’s balls.

And doing my best, I squeezed my ass cheeks hard on that big dick, forcing him over the edge.  That massive body froze for one moment then shuddered wildly, shooting cum, showering my hole from the inside.  Oh fuck, oh fuck!  It was so goopy and hot, semen lashing my rectum again and again, coating my insides.  I’d never felt anything so primal, animalistic and mind-blowing in my life.

A scream escaped my lungs, full volume as my butthole clenched.

“Unnh!” was my wild cry, anus and pussy clamping again and again, pulsing on the huge piece of man meat.  “Unnh, unnh!”

And the alpha just kept pumping.  A big hand curved around my throat and my pulse felt like it was going to jump right out of my skin and leap into his hand.

“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned roughly.  “So fucking good.”

I panted hard, hanging on for dear life to the edge of the table.  Oh my god, oh my god.  Had I really just done that?  Had I really let a man take my ass cherry, running a big dick into my behind?

But it was true because even as I squirmed, that big dick squirted again, the remnants of his hot bubbly cum painting my insides.  Oh shit!  My mouth was dry, like I’d just come off a rollercoaster, and I rubbed my thighs together deliciously, still barely able to compute.

But the alpha pushed my back down then, pulling out slowly.  Bent over, a moan escaped my lips as I shut my eyes.  Because that fat cock felt just as good coming out going in, and my pleats flared before clamping down once more.

A low chuckle sounded behind me.

“Princess, you liked it, didn’t you?” came that deep rumble.  “You love that shit.”

And sure enough, a thick finger reached out to stroke my anus again, the pucker tightening reflexively.  “You sure were tiny down there.”

But before I could say anything, he dragged my dress down to cover my otherwise bare butt.

“Up you go, sweetheart.”

I staggered off his lap and to my feet. My legs were shaking as I gripped the table to get my bearings, cum dribbling from my behind and down my thighs.  It was the dirtiest, hottest feeling, like I was in the best sex dream ever, bar none.

My head swam wildly, and when my eyes managed to focus, I saw that the billionaire had my panties in one big fist.  He was wiping down his cock with the soft square of cloth, and in a flash, those damp panties were into his pocket and out of sight.

“Thanks, princess. That was real good,” came his dismissive reply.

“Um …” was my stunned mumble.

Still reeling, I didn’t realize I’d been dismissed.

But those blue eyes flickered again.

“Waiting for something?” he asked casually, leaning forward to pour a drink, and then relaxing back against the couch again.  “Something you want to say?”

I stared at him.  In fact, yes, I had something to say.  Something along the lines of, I just had anal for the first time in my life.  You just took my ass cherry.  I’ve never even given anyone my pussy cherry before.

But I couldn’t say any of those things, so smoothing my dress down I hobbled away, anus still aching, stretched so hard.  Staggering down the stairs from the VIP area, my mind whirled, unable to believe what I’d done.

But the sting in my bottom and the thick cream sliding between my cheeks and down my legs was more than enough to convince me none of this was a dream. I’d done all that with a man whose name I didn’t even know. Me, quiet and mousy Lacey Jones.

My friends would never believe what happened.

But when I went to find Jenna and Denise, neither of them were at our table. The shot glasses were gone and a bunch of frat guys sat on our stools with nearly a dozen beer bottles scattered on the table between them.

At the bar, I asked about the other bartender, the sleazy one, figuring he would at least know where Jenna was.  His co-worker jerked a thumb toward a wooden door at the back at the bar and grunted something incomprehensible.

As I pushed the door open, my head was still woozy.  Oh my god, I had an amazing story to share, something that would blow their socks off. 

But instead, a cacophony of grunts and moans filled my ears.  Of course, it was the bartender. And he was in there with both Jenna and Denise. In the back of the storage room, the man was flat on his back with Jenna sitting on his face. He moaned into her pussy while she dirty talked him through eating her.

“Lick my pussy harder,” she cooed, yanking his hair so hard it looked like it hurt. But the bartender didn’t seem to mind. He moaned and worked his mouth furiously between her legs. “Make me cum!” Jenna cried out. She shoved her cunt into his face and tittered then, riding his face like it was a hobby horse.

Meanwhile Denise was on her knees between the bartender’s spread legs, sucking his dick like it was the best lollipop ever.  The noises were loud and obscene, the smacks almost echoing in the small room as her hand moved like crazy between her legs.  Holy cow.  The room smelled of fragrant juices, cardboard boxes, and alcohol.  A heady stew, if there ever was one.

I jumped back, shocked and even a little bit turned on. It was like a live porno. My friends were so dirty! Blushing, I backed away and closed the door behind me, hoping that whoever came into the storeroom after me didn’t mind getting a full on show along with whatever they went in there for.

So shaking my head, I walked in a daze out of the bar, hopping into a cab.  And once home, my empty dorm suite greeted me.  Thank god, Denise and Jenna were busy.  After all, I just wanted to be alone to marvel at what had happened.  Oh god, gentle aches radiated from my ass.  My arms were tense from how I’d grabbed the table as the stranger rammed his dick into my behind.

And yet, all of me felt so good, relaxed and alive at once.  Should I shower?  Call me dirty, but I didn’t want to wash it away.  The goopy semen was still trailing from my anus, caking a bit around the hole.  And I liked it.  I liked the tantalizing squishiness, a nasty reminder of the taboo fuck.

So in my room, I got naked, clothes dropping carelessly on the floor.  Squeezing my thighs together, my pussy pulsed again reflexively, with an answering clench from my ass.  Oh yeah, there was business back there, sticky and sweet.

And smiling privately, I climbed into bed.  Even though pajamas are usually the name of the game, tonight it was all about being nude, the slick sheets caressing my curves and lulling me into sleep. 

But the feeling between my legs was so wet and sticky, making it impossible to doze off. I groaned and rolled over in the sheets, imagining I’d pass out right away from exhaustion. But as soon as my eyes closed, there was the stranger’s face again, the thick ridge of his dick in his pants. 

And the way he’d wiped off his fuckshaft with my panties while grinning at me shamelessly made me squirm deliciously.  Oh god, what was he gonna do with them?  Was he gonna sniff my dirty panties?  Wrap them around that stiff cock and jerk off?

Please yes.

Please let him remember me.

I should’ve gotten his number.

I should have gotten his name at the very least.

But then what? It wasn’t like an alpha male would have anything to do with a curvy girl.  He probably had a woman set up in a condo someplace, a big office with plenty of sophisticated ladies swanning about, and a private jet for his personal Mile High Club.  So who was I?  A plump nobody who’d given him my bottom without even knowing his name.

Oh shit.

I was such a slut.

But even if I was a slut … it felt good.

And as sleep claimed me, my pussy tingled again, the sensation causing my ass to clench reflexively.  Because I wanted to be the one to suck the alpha’s dick. I wanted to milk his thick knob with my mouth and swallow that sweet cream, gulping with pleasure.  I wanted to give him my ass, again and again, holding it open for his pleasure.

But I’d never see him again.

My chance was gone.

It was too late.

And now … I had nothing but memories.




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