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Cold As Ice by Piper Rayne (25)

Chapter Twenty-Six

The train is loud, everyone talking to someone and the sound echoing around the small space.

Demi gets up from playing bodyguard to Mia. My time has finally arrived.

I get up and slide down next to her. She stands up, but I put my foot on the seat in front of me to hold her in place.

We have about a half hour before we get to Seoul to do a piece with the press where our team will be trying the local food and shopping.

She plops back down, picking up a magazine, pretending to read it.

“I’m an idiot,” I start.

“So I’ve heard.” Another flip of the page.

“I’m falling for the most challenging woman ever.” She slowly glances over, just her eyes, not turning her head. She flips another page and unless she’s some champion speed-reader, she’s still very focused on my words.

“Well, I don’t think she’s too keen on you anyway,” she snips.

“I don’t think that’s true.”

“Oh, it is.” Her voice holds more conviction than I would have hoped.

“Do you think if I grovel it would make a difference?”

She crinkles the magazine in her hands. “No.”

“Beg...pleaded. Because I know we’re meant to be.”

She closes the magazine and tosses it on the seat next to her.

“No. You left her.”

“And I’m really sorry.”

She shrugs. “How does she know you won’t do it again?”

“She doesn’t, but I think I’m a good bet.”

She huffs. “She already bet on you.”

“I know. Oh, wait.” I pretend to get an idea. “Hold on one second.”

Demi returns from the bathroom. “Get out, Grady,” she says with authority.

“Demi baby, come sit with me.” Dax appears, swinging his arm around her shoulders and detouring her toward his seat.

“You’re kidding, right?” She glares at him but doesn’t circle out of his hold like she could if she really wanted to.

Maybe I was wrong about those two.

Demi peers over the back of the train seat. “If I punish myself by sitting next to this asshole, you better take this one back.” She thumbs my way and I smile, holding my hands out in a ‘see, even your friends are on my side.’

Mia shakes her head.

“You want it all, right?” I ask.

She turns her head finally and stares blankly back at me.

“The medal, the love, the happily ever after?”

“Doesn’t every girl?” she asks.

“I’m not nearly the perfect man you deserve. I’m probably going to piss you off—a lot. You may scream as much out of the bedroom as you do in it. But, I’ll make a promise if you take me back.”

She waits patiently, her eyes curious.

“They’ll be just as many ohhs and ahhs outside the bedroom as inside. I promise to beg for your forgiveness with every move I make. Actually, hold on.” I stand up. “Everyone!” I scream before using my fingers and mouth to whistle.

All the commotion stops and eyes focus in on us. She pulls on my coat sleeve to get me to sit back down, but I ignore her.

“I’m about to make a promise and I want you to all hear it.”

Mumblings begin and I let my gaze fall to the woman I can’t live without.

“I promise to love Mia Salter with my entire heart. I promise to adore her, to seduce her, to pleasure her, to challenge her.”

Hoots ring out, mostly from the guys.

“I promise to make sure she’s fully satisfied at all times and to admit when I’m being a dickhead.”

Mia’s cheeks pink.

“What do you think? Should she take me back?”

There’s a mixture of yes’s and no’s, but there’s only one answer I really care about.

“What do you say, Mia? Will you snowboard into happily ever after with me?”

She says nothing for a moment and I hold my breath, hoping this works. If it doesn’t, I’ll think of something else because I won’t stop trying. I’m not going anywhere again.

Finally, she seems to come to some decision in her head and she opens her mouth to speak. “How can a girl refuse that?”

I smile wide, the weight lifting off my shoulders. My lips land on hers as we fall to the bench seat.

She breaks the kiss. “Be gentle with me, Kale.”

“Always and forever.”