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Crush: A Single Dad Hockey Romance by June Winters (15)


Chapter 15



Shea looked so dashing and distinguished in a suit. Walking into that convention center on his arm, I should've felt like I was a fairy tale princess on top of the world—but instead, a sickening feeling lingered in my stomach.

I thought I could manage to hide that fact from Shea—that something was bothering me—but I could tell on the drive over that he knew something was wrong.

It was obvious.

I felt awful about it. I had to let him know what Chloe had said—but I figured I'd wait until the event was over and done with. I wanted him to be able to enjoy himself. I didn't want to ruin his night.

Once there, Shea led me to the fountain and introduced me to his teammates. They were goofy, and I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched by them. Not in a bad way. More like—they were sizing me up. As if they were trying to gauge what my intentions were with Shea.

Or am I just projecting …?

When Shea went off to get me a glass of wine, Ella and Paige pulled me into a small circle while their husbands joked around with their teammates.

“So what do you think?” Paige asked, her arms encircling the whole of the place. She had just a touch of a southern accent. “Wild, isn't it?”

“This place is incredible,” I said.

“Isn't it?” Ella asked, eyeing a massive Roman column. “I am geeking out so hard over this place. Talk about going all in on an idea, eh?”

I remembered what Shea had told me about Ella. “Ella, you're the interior decorator, right?”

“Sure am,” Ella said.

Shea had also told me that Ella was Lance's little sister. They hadn't always gotten along—but now that Ella was married to Radar, who was Lance's best friend, things between the siblings were a lot easier.

I looked around the breath-taking venue, and at all the strapping athletes and their gorgeous wives. Everyone was dressed so fancy and looked so important.

“I have to admit, I feel like I don't belong here,” I said with a nervous chuckle. “Everyone looks so fancy and amazing.”

“Oh, stop it, Brynn! You look beautiful and you absolutely belong here,” Ella said.

“Ella's right, you're gorgeous,” Paige said as she laid a sympathetic hand on my arm. “But pst. I know exactly what you mean. I feel the same way. Probably more than you do, in fact.”

I remembered what Shea had told me about Lance's whirlwind romance with Paige. She'd had a baby girl with Lance two years ago, but never knew who Lance really was, because they had a one-night-stand. Luckily, the two ended up finding each other earlier this season and were now married and raising their baby daughter, Irie, together at last.

“Yeah, it still feels like a dream,” Paige reflected as she glanced at her husband, who was regaling his buddies with a story that had them roaring with laughter. She gave me a big, genuine smile. “What can you say? Life has a funny way of working out sometimes!”

“So what's it like, nannying for Shea?” Ella asked.

“Oh, it's been a dream job. I'll be honest, I've never nannied for kids as old as Shea's, but they're all so much fun. I've also never done the whole live-in-nanny thing before, but really, it's surprisingly nice. When Shea's on the road and his kids are with their mom, I stay at my apartment. You'd think I'd be relieved to go back to my own life, but honestly? Being back in my empty apartment? Those are the times when I feel lonely, like something's missing.”

“Aw!” Paige mewled. “That's so sweet.”

“Yeah, sounds like you've really meshed right in with the family,” Ella agreed. “Speaking of Shea's kids, why'd Chloe bail tonight?”

I smiled. “You know how teen girls are.”

“Oh yeah,” Paige channeled her inner teen and rolled her eyes. “I never would've gone with my dad to something like this.”

“Yeah, same,” Ella agreed. She swirled the wine in her glass before she took a gulp. “Although I am a little sad that Shea and Chloe's six-year reign is coming to an end.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, reign?”

“Shea didn't tell you? At the end of the night, everyone votes on a couple and crowns them the Brawler King and Queen. It's pretty cringe-worthy, but I think that's half the appeal. If you know anything about hockey players, lemme tell ya, these guys seriously get off on giving each other a hard time. I'm pretty sure that's why the gala exists in the first place, in fact. But it is for charity, so at least there's a good cause behind the joke. Anyway, Shea's won the award every single year since his divorce, when he started bringing Chloe instead of his wife.”

I winced. “Shea didn't tell me that, no.” And neither did Chloe.

“Although I have a funny feeling that, with you at his side, Shea's going to take the title home again!”

I held up my hands. “Whoa, whoa. We're not a couple. I'm just his nanny, and I only came because Chloe canceled.”

“I know, I know.” Ella finished off the rest of her wine and wiggled her eyebrows at me. “But with how good you are with his kids? And how much Shea talks about you? Let's just say that plenty of people here are pulling for you two.”

Oh, that's just great, I thought to myself. First Chloe, now the entire Boston Brawlers hockey team are expecting something to happen?

Paige discreetly bumped her hip against Ella's and quietly reprimanded her. “Ella!

“Sorry,” Ella giggled. “That's the wine speaking. It really hit me all of a sudden! Empty stomach, that's why! I'm probably saying more than I should, mm?”

“Just a touch,” Paige agreed with a polite smile.

But Ella's wine had more to say.

“You know, Shea's teammates like to joke around and give him a hard time—they make all those 'old' jokes, call him Boomer, and all that. But the truth is, you won't find a single player in that room that they respect more than Shea. He's been with Boston since day one of his career, and he's helped all those boys through so much—on the ice, off the ice, you name it. He helped Radar get his head straight when we met. He shaped Lance into the player he is today. But when it comes to Shea's own life?” Ella let out a contemplative sigh. “His teammates, they all want him to find someone and be happy. Especially now that he's about to retire. Wouldn't it be nice for Shea to retire, and find new love, and maybe start a new fam—”

“Okay, Ella, that's definitely enough!” Paige laughed uncomfortably. On the sly, Paige gestured for Lance to come over to help out.

Ella shook her head. “Gosh, after what Shea's ex-wife did to him …? I mean, are you kidding me? He's such a sweet guy! Who could do that?”

Lance rushed over, grabbed his sister by the shoulders, and tried to haul her away. “Oh, sis! Wasted on one glass of wine again, are we? You're such a lightweight, Honey Badger. Some things never change, eh?”

Ella whimpered. “Yeah, but only because I didn't eat anything!”

“Come on then, let's get you something to nosh on.” Lance swept his sister away.

I turned to Paige. “Did he just call her Honey Badger?”

“Yeah. Long story. It's a brother-sister thing.”

“But what was Ella talking about just then—about Shea's ex-wife? All Shea has told me about her was that she was his 'biggest fan' and that she lied to him. What exactly did she do …?”

Paige shook her head somberly. “Sounds like you know more than me. If you really wanted to know, you'd have to ask Shea.”