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Untouchable: A Dark Bad Boy Romance by Kathryn Thomas (8)





Dante: one. Quinn: zero.


The girl thought she was hot shit, but who was laughing now? Me. That was who.


She was mine now. I had her.


What could she do? What could she say now? Nothing.


Too bad the locker room didn’t have cameras. We picked the one place in the whole facility that doesn’t have cameras to finally have sex, but that didn’t matter. That was okay. All that matters is that it happened.


It happened and it felt fucking fantastic.


That smart mouth tasted amazing. She wasn’t so sassy when she had my cock inside her. Nope. She just turned to mush. She just writhed and moaned and called out my name. I liked her better like that. Maybe she just needed to get dicked down one time to stop being so uptight and bitchy. Her mouth wasn’t just good for talking. It was good for sucking, too. I had wanted her to get back down on those knees and give me the full experience, what she was really working with. I wanted to feel it hit the back of her throat and fuck her face. She didn’t, but that didn’t matter. She would. The little preview had been just enough to let me fill in the blanks myself. I would save that mental image away for later when I wanted to fuck but couldn’t because she wouldn’t let me.


I wanted to taste that pussy. It had felt… it was something else. I was in so deep, raw. On one hand, I maybe shouldn’t have fucked her bareback, but on the other, I had a feeling that she wasn’t the crazy kind. The way she talked to me, I knew she wanted me, but there was no way of knowing how much. She was mean, but not bitchy mean, bossy mean. Sexy mean. Her sugar walls squeezed down on me so tight it was like a fucking fist, strangling the shit out of me.


I still had her panties in my locker, too. They were white, a thong which was one of those lacy see-through numbers that girls liked to wear. That meant that she wasn’t wearing any right now. I had to thank her formally. I felt great. I felt amazing. I had been sharp and quick on the court. Her pussy was like magic. We would have to fuck every time I needed to play.


She tried to talk tough afterward, but there wasn’t a lot she could say when I had just bust my nut inside her. It had been exactly like I thought it would be. No, it had been better than I thought it would be. She was so wet and hot. The only thing that would have made it better would be if I could have peeled that whole outfit off of her. I didn’t get my hands on her tits the way I wanted. The way her pussy squeezed the hell out of me, I wanted to eat her out. That would shut her up.


If she has anything slick to say to me, I just need to remind her whose game we were playing now. She thought she had something on me? I had something on her, too. This was way worse for her than it was for me. If it ever came out, you know, by accident, or on purpose, that we were fucking, it would be her who would get in trouble. Not me.


It would be her professionalism that was in question. Not mine. I would be the victim. Not her. All I had to do was tell someone that we were banging, and she might even get taken off the story. Then someone frumpier, not as sexy, or a dude could cover it instead.


It would be sad to see her go, but at least she’d be off my fucking back.


I wondered about her. She was just another chick. Literally. So many of the relationships I had had with women were ones that started and ended like the one I had had with this girl. We would meet, we would bang, and then we would never see each other again. I thought about the way it had happened. She was resisting, but that was probably just because she didn’t want me to think she was a slut. Girls were funny like that.


In the end, something I did must have convinced her. I wasn’t sure about that one, to be honest. There was the chance that she would come easily and quickly, as she had, but there was also the chance that she was going to make me work a bit harder and wait much longer.


That interview though.


That was… that was something else. The girl was like a pit bull or something; she just kept attacking. I don’t know how the hell she got it out of me. All the shit about my mom and my dad and Gabbie… all that was not supposed to come out just then, but I almost had no choice. I had to tell her what had happened so she understood and didn’t keep holding against me that thing that she was holding against me.


I had never told that to a woman I was sleeping with. We usually never got that far in the conversation to discuss that. A lot of them were likely also not that interested in hearing about me and the events that had happened in my childhood.


I liked that thing she had said to me…that it was a safe space. Even if you asked me, I couldn’t tell you when, but at some point, sitting there with Quinn, it had stopped feeling like an interview and had just started feeling like therapy. I had tried that shit in the past; my mom had begged me to go, so I had, but I could never get on board with it.


How was I supposed to open up like that to a stranger? It was that safe space thing that Quinn had said. Being around her felt safe…and being in the locker room felt safe, too. That whole shrink's office thing, I couldn’t do it. I didn’t know Quinn that well, but she didn’t have that douchey, I-know-everything look on her face when I was talking to her. I didn’t feel like she was analyzing and judging everything I was saying so she could diagnose me with some sort of disorder.


She was just listening. She just let me talk about it, so it was like this knot in my throat that I couldn’t swallow anymore.  She looked at me and listened like she fucking cared. Sure, she was there to write a story at the end of the day, but I didn’t just feel like a story to her. I felt like me.


It wasn’t that big of a secret that my mom had been abused by my dad, not in my life anyway. Some of my teammates knew because I had told them, but it was never something that people brought up in interviews to me because that wasn’t something I just blabbed about to everyone who put a mic in my face.


My father, that piece of shit, hadn’t come forward and tried to sell the story either, which was honestly something I expected him to at least threaten to do. The statute of limitations was over, and there was no way he could be prosecuted for it, but then again, he was a monster. He was capable of anything.


I felt on top of the world during the game. It must have been something to do with Quinn’s pussy. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, but I was just dominating. I sunk every shot that I took. I made good passes; I sunk the free throw I was rewarded when I was fouled. I wasn’t even mad when it had happened. It had been a hard foul, like the last. The guy had shoved me when I was airborne and I had come down. I wasn’t even pissed; I just called him a motherfucker and went about on my way. The fans had been keeping control of their urges, which was good, too. I hadn’t had to do anything against the rules all game long.


Coach hadn’t fired me, or beaten my ass or anything. I told him about the story that Quinn was going to write and he was gravy. Just like that.


The last whistle blew just after the ball sunk smoothly into the hoop. My team swarmed. We had gotten the win…eight-six to forty-seven. Pretty damn good if I did say so myself. There was one person I wanted congratulations from the most.


I walked up to her.


“Good game, hotshot,” she said, smiling. I smiled back. Her smile was beautiful. Her teeth were straight and nice. She looked like a fan who was happy their team had just won.


“The trick is warming up thoroughly. I had this great, great session in the locker room with this hot chick who left before we could really get hot.”


“Hm. I don’t know about that. It was a good game, but you aren’t paid to play bad games.”


“Some guys have these pregame rituals. I think I need one, too.”


“You don’t have a lucky pair of boxers you wear?”


“Hm, I’m thinking about just totally going commando when there is a game because you will be there and I know what that means.”


“Do you want to concentrate on what it actually is that we have to do together?”


“Drop it, Quinn. You don’t have to try and keep hiding from me. You can’t. I’ve been inside of you, and I know what you sound like when the cock inside of you is rubbing so good that you can’t form whole words anymore.”


She paused then, and she swallowed slowly. I could see it in her face. It was not embarrassment over what we had done. It was desire. She wanted me again. She wanted me, and I was ready to give it to her. Fuck, if there hadn’t been so many people around us just then, she could have just raised her skirt right there and we could have gone again. She wasn’t wearing any panties. I knew that because I fucking had them.


“I would suggest not playing games with me. I won’t play nice with people who don’t deserve it.”


“I won’t either,” I said easily.


“This is not a game.”


“Yes it is, Quinn.”


She crossed her arms over her chest. If she had done it to push her tits up and distract me, then it had worked.


“You are going to lose.”


“I’ve got more game than you, TMZ,” I told her. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. I felt her whole body go stiff. A couple of people had had to see it. Her face turned red in the cheeks. It was on. Me and Quinn. We had just had the tip-off and she was already down one. She had had the upper hand before, but I had come in with the equalizer and now she was fighting for supremacy once more. She wasn’t going to get it.