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Anonymous by LP Dover (20)



This place is gorgeous,” I gasp as I get out of Owen’s truck. As far as I can see, there are mountains and rolling hills, all covered in white. Wearing only a dark green T-shirt and jeans in the frigid temperatures, Owen grabs our bags and starts toward the old, two-story, gray stone house with a navy-blue tin roof. There’s a barn in the back, surrounded by wide open fields. “Did you find this on Airbnb or something?”

Owen opens the door and laughs. “Not exactly. Now hurry up, it’s cold.”

“Maybe you should’ve worn more clothes.” Giggling, I walk inside, and the house is amazing. It’s wide open, with dark cherry hardwood floors, and a kitchen with marble countertops that match the color of the gray stone outside. Mouth gaping, I slide my hand over the counters, feeling the coolness of the marble. “This kitchen puts mine to shame, and that’s saying something. Mine kicks ass.”

Chuckling, Owen marches up the stairs. “You’re more than welcome to use it. Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

I follow him up the stairs to a room with a queen size bed, covered in a white lace duvet and a white canopy. “I know I’m too old for this, but I’ve always wanted a canopy.” The windows in my room overlook the field behind the house, with a majestic mountain in the distance.

He joins me by the window. A sly grin spreads across his face. “Want to take a walk?”

“Sure. Just make sure you put on a coat. I don’t want my bodyguard freezing to death. What use would you be to me as a frozen cop-sicle in the snow?”

Chuckling, he starts for the door. “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”

Boots already on, I grab my thicker coat out of my bag and slip inside of it. Owen is by the front door, wearing his coat, when I get downstairs. “Where are we walking to?”

That mischievous smile is back. “You’ll see.”

The snow glitters in the sunlight, almost like diamonds scattered across the field. Our footprints are the first ones to make a dent in the snowy landscape as we head toward the barn. We walk inside, but it’s empty of animals.

I lean over one of the stalls and sigh. “I wish I had horses. I’ve always wanted one.”

Owen winks. “There’ll be some in here this coming spring. There will also be cows, chickens, pigs, and maybe even a goat.”

“How do you know? Are you friends with the owners?”

Taking my arm, he pulls me out of the barn and lets me go when we reach the wooden fence. He ignores my questions and just smiles as he takes in the view. “There are forty acres out there to explore. We might have to wait until the snow melts first though.”

I snort. “As much as I’d like to do that, I’m hoping I won’t be here that long. I have my bakery to think of, and our move to Arizona.”

A small snicker escapes his lips. “Even then, you still might be able to.”

I jerk my attention to him. “What do you mean by that? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

With the biggest smile on his face, he waves out toward the field. “This is all mine, Ellie. The house, the barn, the land, everything.”

“What?” I squeal. “You can’t be serious.”

He glances at me over his shoulder. “I bought it months ago. I was going to tell you and Jake by flying you up here at Christmas. One day, I’ll retire here.”

Excitement bubbles in my veins. “Owen, this is amazing. Jake’s going to flip when he finds out tomorrow.”

Turning away from the mountains, he leans against the fence, his serious gaze on mine. “Speaking of Jake, did you know he’s been spending time with Bryan? Apparently, he was released from the hospital this morning.”

Eyes wide, the news shocks me. “What do you mean spending time with him? How do you know this?”

“Detective Bradshaw has been keeping me in the loop. Jake and Bryan went out searching for clues today, even though Bryan’s request to join the case was denied.”

“Guess I’m not surprised, since he was a former suspect,” I state. “But I know it has to be killing him not being able to help.”

Owen’s brows furrow and he shakes his head. “I don’t know, Ells. I can’t help but think he’s still a part of this somehow. He’s already been proven innocent of killing Samantha, but what if he had someone to help him?”

“Seriously? You really think that?” I ask. “Do you honestly think Bryan would intentionally drug himself for days, pissing and shitting on himself?”

He shrugs. “The guy was obsessed with you for years. He tried to get you to call off your wedding. That’s how delusional he was about your relationship.”

I shake my head. “What are you getting at?”

Grabbing my arms, he pulls me in front of him. “Maybe Bryan has an accomplice, one who made it look like he didn’t kill Samantha. She suffered two blows to the head, not one. He could’ve been the one to deliver the final blow.”

“If that were true, what’s his game plan now?”

“To work on the case. Who knows, he might get wind of where we’re at. Now that he’s not a suspect, he can walk around freely.”

What he says sounds like a possibility I’d never considered, but is Bryan really that screwed up in the head? I don’t know what to believe anymore. “Seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to get to me. Very risky too.”

“You’d be surprised what people do when they want something, Ells.” His phone rings and he hands it to me. “It’s Jake. Mention to him what I said. I don’t think it’s a good idea for him to be near Snyder.”

Now he’s got me worried. Owen walks back to the barn until he’s out of view.

“Hey, Jake,” I answer.

“Hey, babe. How’s Canada?”

I look out at the mountains. “Gorgeous and cold. I’m ready for you to get here tomorrow.”

He sighs. “I’m ready to get there too.”

“So . . . I heard you hung out with Bryan today?” I ask, gliding my hands across the soft snow on the fence.

“How did you hear that?”

“Owen’s been keeping in touch with Detective Bradshaw. He told him that you two went to look for evidence together.”

The line goes silent for a second. “We did. Why does it sound like you’re not happy about that? I thought it’d make you happy that Bryan’s innocent.”

“Is he though?” I retort.

“What’s that supposed to mean? I saw the video. It wasn’t him who killed Samantha.”

Releasing a heavy sigh, there are so many emotions warring inside me. I wish I knew what to believe. “Owen said he doesn’t think you should get involved with Bryan. It’s not safe.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t forgotten about him trying to sabotage our wedding, but he’s fucked up right now. He lost the love of his life, and he’s trying to help figure out who did it.”

“That’s the thing,” I say cautiously. “Owen thinks he might still be a part in this, that he has an accomplice. All I’m saying is, you might want to keep your guard up. I don’t think I want you anywhere near him.”

He huffs incredulously. “Seriously, Ellie? Owen’s up there and I’m down here. I might not be a detective, but I can see what’s right in front of me.”

It kills me to doubt him. “Still. Can you please just stay away from him, for me?” The line goes silent again. Just the sound of his breathing is all I can hear. “Jake?”

“Okay, I’ll stay away from him,” he says, giving in. “Does that make you happy?”

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Yes. What makes me even happier is knowing you’ll be here tomorrow night.”

“Same here, cupcake. We have a lot of time to make up for.”

“Yes, we do. I don’t want to think of anything other than that.”