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Dark Horses: (Blood Brothers #5) by Manda Mellett (25)

Chapter 25


I’ve played with a lot of women, fucked them too. But the reactions of this woman beneath me take me by surprise for the second time. She’s no skilled sub with practiced responses, every reaction of her body is unrehearsed and unexpected. She tests my competence as a Dom every step of the way, needing me to watch her, to make sure I’m not pushing her too far, too fast, but her tactile encouragement urges me on to take her to different heights and torture her in any number of deviant ways.

And now, once again, she’s drifting in subspace, and I’m finding it hard to fight the urge to get lost in my own head. Quickly, I unfasten the handcuffs, rubbing her arms and wrists to make her comfortable once more. Before I turn her back over, I remove the butt plug, her compliance showing she’s got no idea what I’m doing. Going to the bathroom I dispense with the condom, and wash the plug. Then I’m back with her, removing the nipple clamps, using my mouth to relieve the soreness there. She moans as I take them off, but still isn’t completely aware.

And then I pull her into my arms, holding her close, my chin resting on the top of her head. She’s mine. We’re married. I could keep her forever.

Damn it.

At this precise moment, I’d give anything to be the right man for her. I’ve shown her the side of me I thought I’d need to keep hidden, but nothing I’ve done so far has frightened her off. She could have used her safe word at any time, but she hadn’t given any indication she’d wanted to stop me. I begin to wonder where her boundaries might be—the idea of having her under my whip causes my cock to twitch.

I can’t afford to pretend this is real, or to let her start believing it. Whether she might be able to match my demands or not, sooner or later I’ll get bored and want to move on. I know myself only too well. It’s just the newness that is giving me other ideas. Unlike other subs I’ve played with who already know the score, there’s so much I have to show her, and that will take more than just a few nights. The marriage gives me time to play and explore possibilities I never dreamed off, it’s not hard to resolve to enjoy it while it lasts. Nevertheless, it can only be a temporary arrangement that meets the needs of the moment. I’m not wired to be a man to be content settling down. At some point in the future, she won’t be enough.

But her submissive tendencies are so obvious, having affection for her, I need to consider her future. A vanilla relationship won’t work for her, not after the things I’ve introduced to her. When we’re back in London I’ll take her to the club, and let her get to know some other Doms, maybe one will take her fancy. There’s sufficient confidentiality there that she can perhaps try some out, under my watchful eye, and when the marriage ends, have someone else to lean on. Yes, that’s the sensible thing to do.

That’s a workable solution, my brain suggests, but my arms automatically tighten around her possessively at just the thought of seeing someone else playing with her.

Time, it’s just time, I reassure myself. I’m only naturally greedy and want to keep her for now as my own. Until I’ve taught her everything I can teach her. I covet her innocence, and once I’ve destroyed that, I’ll be able to move on.

A gentle snore makes me smile, and I slide down the bed, wrapping myself around her, once again spooning in the way we’d done that first night, as thought my body is programmed to protect her. It’s not long before I join her in sleep.

I wake before her with a smile of my face as I remember what we did the night before, already planning what I might do when she wakes. But a glance at my phone shows me I’ve overslept, and already I’m running out of time.

Gently, I shake her shoulder, “Janna, wake up.”

She stretches like a cat, her lithe limbs extending, her arms going up over her head, unintentionally offering her breasts for my examination, the tips still slightly reddened from the nipple clamps last night. My cock throbs, I press the heel of my palm to it. We’ve no time for such pleasure right now.

As her eyes at last open, I speak again. “Good morning, habiti. How are you feeling today?”

Her head turns to face me, “Amazing, Jasim. I feel amazing.”

I press my lips to her forehead, “We’re compatible in bed,” I tell her softly.

“We’re married.” A crease mars her brow as she remembers.

“It’s only a temporary arrangement,” I impress on her, “You won’t have to be tied to me for long.”

A dip of her head shows she understands. A slight frown as she bites her lip, “Jasim, yesterday, the wedding. Last night. I haven’t given a thought to Sally and what she’s going through.” Suddenly she sits up, unaware that she’s naked, and her hand comes up to cover her mouth. “Jas, I’m an awful person. While we were making… having sex. She might be suffering…”

“Hush,” I replace her hand with mine, feeling the softness of her lips beneath my palm, “We couldn’t attempt a rescue last night. There’s nothing to feel guilty about.” Then I realise she’d used the shortening of my name, which only my brothers have applied to date. And I find that I like it.

“Come. Breakfast will be ready, and I need to go and make plans.”

“Are we going to rescue her today?”

Smoothing her hair back with my fingers, I make a promise I hope I’ll be able to keep. “Yes.”

That gets her moving. Her bag has been brought into my brother’s suite which I’m using, and I watch as she selects her clothes and disappears into the bathroom. When I hear the shower running, I grab my robes for the day and use the facilities in the guest bedroom next door, knowing I’ll be too tempted to delay our departure if I join her. As I expected, in our absence a breakfast of pastries and coffee has been delivered to the living room. While we were preparing for the day, discreet servants had silently seen to our needs. As I pour a cup of the thick sticky brew, my mind plays over the night before. The consummation of our marriage.

And when she appears, again dressed in the tunic and trousers worn by the people of my country, it’s hard not to miss the well-satisfied look on her face. That had been my intention, a visible sign to help convince everyone this marriage is real.

While we both know it’s not.

I leave her after breakfast, going to the offices where Kadar, Nijad, and Rais are already waiting.

Nijad stands to greet me, and I grasp the hand he holds out. He examines me carefully, and then barks a laugh, “You had a good night, brother.”

Shit. Perhaps it’s not just her face that will give us away.

I shrug, “I have to thank you for the toys you provided, Nijad. And for the use of your suite.”

“Did you go to the dungeon?”

“No.” I’m not going to go into details.

Kadar’s looking at me strangely, one side of his mouth turned up.

Rais’s face is impassive. “Sheikhs, Emir,” he starts, “We should go over today’s course of action.”

I jerk my chin toward him as I take a seat, “You’ve been planning?” At Nijad’s nod, I raise my eyebrow, “And?”

Kadar leans forward, elbows on the table, his hands steepled. “We wanted to leave the girl out of it.”

Woman. I correct silently. Very much a woman now. And no, I want Janna kept safe and away from danger.

“But we’ve reached the conclusion that’s sadly impossible. We believe Fadi will want to see her. Will need to see the two of you together to be convinced that the marriage is genuine.”

“It needn’t be,” I refute, raising my chin toward Nijad, letting him know I’m thinking of his first marriage to Cara, “He wanted to force her, he’d understand if I’d used coercion as well.” It’s one of the primitive practices of our country that I detest. “Surely my word will be sufficient?”

Kadar’s shaking his head. “At the very least he’ll need to be convinced the marriage has been consummated.” Hmm, well it certainly was that. “And I think her behaviour, and yours, will go a long way to persuade him of it. Breaking off, he chuckles, “Your expression is worth more than any picture. It’s good, brother, that there’s a fire that blazes between the two of you.”

“As with any Dom and a new sub.” I stare at my older brother, wanting to nip any ideas of a permanent arrangement in the bud.

He doesn’t comment.

“I’m not happy involving her.”

“If you want to get the other woman back, we need to use everything to convince Fadi. She’s going along, brother. We’re agreed on that.

I’m not, but can’t be certain I’m thinking logically. As I quiet and keep further objection to myself, I realise I’m being asked a question.

“Does she ride?” Rais enquires, “We can’t approach other than on horseback.”

I frown as I’m reminded how little I know about her. “I have no idea.”

Kadar waves dismissively, “She can ride with Jasim if not.”

The desert sheikh continues, “Overnight we transported horses and men as far as we could drive. Fadi will have already been warned we’re on our way.”

“A show of force?” I draw in a breath, hollowing my cheeks, unsure what the rogue sheikh will think about that.

“He must know he’s in trouble. Which means he won’t be surprised.”

“But it’s impossible to mount an attack.”

“A siege?” Kadar reaches for the coffee pot, and tops up his cup.

“No, brother,” Nijad is fast to dismiss his suggestion, “He’ll be well stocked up, and we can’t leave the woman with him for too long, that will risk him harming her if only to make the point that he’s serious. Any rescue will need to be done fast.”

My coffee cup is empty, but I don’t fill it back up. Raising my eyes, I offer to play my part. “I’ll take the lead. Janna with me. We have copies of the documents and photos to prove we are wed.”

“You’re not going alone,” Rais growls, “I’ll have my men right behind you. And you’re not getting too close. We need to draw him out.”

“And take him prisoner.” Kadar’s not taking this insult to our country lightly. “He must know he’s sacrificed his liberty.”

“Which makes him dangerous,” Nijad states what I’m thinking.

“No harm must come to Janna.”

“Or to you, brother. A dead husband leaves her available again.” While Nijad might have a point, I hope even Fadi wouldn’t be so stupid as to kill a prince of the land. And if he is, hopefully his men will stop him. Retribution would fall on every man of his tribe.

Rais points to a map, and for a moment we study it. The castle in the clouds is reachable only by a single file horse track leading up to a small valley, where ancient accommodation has been built within a natural rock fortress surrounded by buttresses of solid stone.


Rais taps to the rear of the castle, “A spring.”

I feel a moment of sympathy for the primitive conditions the innocent videographer is being kept in. “How far have you’ve been able to take the trucks and horses?”

“They’re waiting here.” His finger’s resting on a plain not too far away.

Examining where Rais is indicating, I query. “And we’re flying in? And will meet up with the horses?”

He nods to confirm, “I’ve been in touch with my men, there’s been no movement from the fortress. We had hoped there was a chance, but it seems our presence isn’t drawing Fadi out.”

No, and it wouldn’t me either if I knew my life was on the line. Fadi will stay put, forcing me to go to him.

“Right,” Kadar bangs on the table. “Jasim, you go collect your, er, wife, and meet us at the helipad. We’ve done enough talking. Let’s get this mission underway.”

“Kadar, you should stay here.” My brother’s the emir. He shouldn’t be risking his life.

“Perhaps,” he gives a twisted grin, “But I’m not going to.”

Rais looks shocked, “Excellency, I must protest. You are risking the crown if you accompany your brothers.”

Kadar stands, sweeping his robes around him, and walks around the room.

“Rais is right, Kadar. We have to consider what will happen if this goes pear-shaped and Fadi gets the upper hand. We don’t know how many men he has with him.” I’m hoping we can carry out this rescue without bloodshed, but must consider the alternative. “You can’t come along.”

The emir swears, “Jasim, I feel guilty. If I hadn’t have called you back...”

I stop him there, “The wheels were put in motion the night I helped Janna. Allah took it from there. It’s not down to you, or me, that this has happened. It’s not on you, Kadar.”

He stops his pacing and stares at me, then comes over and rests his hand on my shoulder, reaching out he touches Nijad in just the same way, “Brothers, I love you, and would give anything to be by your side. But the fact I cannot is yet another unwanted burden upon the emir.” He pauses, and then continues with a growl, “But you both come back, you hear me? You take no unnecessary risks.”

“We could forfeit the woman.”

I round quickly on Rais at his unacceptable suggestion. Leave Janna with Fadi? Unthinkable. Seeing my face, he raises his hands in supplication.

Once I’m certain he’s got the message, I stand, and Kadar pulls me in for a hug, slapping my back, then kissing me on both cheeks. “Be safe,” he whispers, and for a second I see a glimmer of moisture in his eyes.

I step back and nod, and then leave to collect my wife.

Remembering that she’s not the best flyer, I take Janna’s hand as we step onto the helipad and approach the waiting helicopter. My brother has the controls, with Rais seated beside him. That leaves me free to give Janna my full attention. I help her into the back, taking some time to make sure she’s comfortable in her harness and has her headset on correctly.


“Yeah, Ni. We’re set.”

I hold her hand as we rise, and Nijad expertly turns the craft toward the open desert, leaving the palace of Z̧almā behind.

Once we’re flying straight, Janna turns to me, her brow furrowed, “What’s the plan, Jas? We turn up, tell Fadi we’re married, and he gives Sally back?”

“In a nutshell,” I agree.

“Or we hope it will be as simple as that,” Nijad adds, rather unhelpfully in my opinion, from the front seat.

“Do you ride, Sheikha?” Rais asks over his shoulder.

I have to give her a nudge, “That’s you, habiti.”

“What? Oh.”

I smile at her look of surprise, “While you’re my wife you have a title. You should get used to it and respond to it, habiti. It will help convince Fadi.”

She nibbles at her lip, and then remembers she’s been asked a question, “No, I don’t ride, Sheikh Rais. When I was a child, I was more interested in music than being out in the fresh air.”

The fact she’ll be in my arms on a horse again makes me recall the chase through the sands. My warrior blood boils, it’s the right place for my woman to be. “You’ll ride with me.”

An almost imperceptible shifting of her body suggests she’s remembering it too. Her eyes meet mine, there’s a sparkle there. “No tent today,” I say softly, cruelly bringing to both our minds the way I divested her of her virginity. Her mouth opens in a delightful O. I grin.




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