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Surviving Love: Saints Protection & Investigations by Maryann Jordan (28)

Chapter 28

Leaning her hips against the counter in Marc’s kitchen, Kendall could not hold the grin back as she viewed him standing at the stove, stirring the marinara sauce. Now in a short-sleeve, black t-shirt and worn jeans with his bare feet sticking out from the bottom, her eyes enjoyed their feast. But the growl of her stomach reminded her she needed to eat.

“What can I do to help?”

Grinning over his shoulder at her, he said, “Just grab some plates. The bread’s in the oven and the noodles are ready.” Looking at her wrist, he asked, “How’s your wrist?”

“It’s good as long as I don’t bend it too much.” Dropping her gaze to his feet, she asked, “How’s your ankle?”

“Not bad,” he grinned. “I’m not gonna lie and say it’s perfect. Blaise says it can take weeks for a sprain to heal, but it’s all good.” Turning around with a platter in his hand, he kissed her nose on the way to the table. “Still can’t believe you pulled my ass outta that ditch.”

Chuckling, she sat down and replied, “Well, it wasn’t easy. But I was desperate.” Looking over at him, she said, “I definitely discovered I was stronger than I ever thought possible. And I don’t mean just physically.”

“Babe, you were fuckin’ amazing during the whole ordeal.”

Ducking her head, the pleasure of his words flowed over her as the scent of the spaghetti teased her senses. “I have to admit, even though we were only trapped for a few days, I don’t think I’ll ever take food for granted again!” Taking a bite, she moaned as her tongue flicked out to lick the sauce from the side of her mouth.

Casting a glance toward Marc, she noticed his fork was halted halfway to his open mouth, a pained expression on his face.

“What? What is it?” she asked, concern filling her voice.

Swallowing as he blinked, Marc shook his head. “Damn, girl. Hearing you moan like that shot straight to my dick.”

Eyes wide, she burst out laughing. “I’m not sure what to say to that!”

Leaning forward, he took her mouth in an open, hard, wet kiss, stealing her breath. Pulling back, he grinned as she mewed at the loss of his lips. “There,” he pronounced. “Now, let’s get through this meal so we can get on to better things.”

“Better things?”

“Oh, yeah, sweet girl. Better things.”

His voice held promise and she squeezed her legs tightly to ease the ache.


Kendall’s last bite was barely finished when Marc leaped from his chair, grabbing her plate. As he tossed it into the sink she winced, hearing the clatter. He chuckled as he stalked back to her.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got the non-breakable shit.”

“Only a man would call dinnerware ‘shit’—”

Her quip was interrupted by his lips claiming hers. The kiss was possessive as he held the back of her head with his large hand, angling it so he had maximum contact. His tongue thrust inside her mouth, searching her warmth, tangling with hers. She tasted of spice, wine, and woman. He realized that he rarely kissed…not like this. With casual hookups, kissing was too intimate. For a man, action with their dick could somehow be separated from emotion. But kissing like this…pure heaven.

Hearing her moan, he captured the sound with his mouth as his arm banded tightly around her. Her breasts crushed against his broad chest as her arms wound their way around his neck. Lifting her in his arms, he whirled around so her back was against the wall as she wrapped her legs around his waist. His erection pressed against her core and he knew they needed to get to the bedroom soon.

Carrying her, he backed away from the wall only to have tighten her arms around him even more. Mewling in distress, she grabbed his head, fusing her lips to his.

He mumbled against her mouth as he banged into a chair on his way out of the kitchen. She weighed nothing to him, but he still managed to hit her back against the stair rail-post as he rounded the bottom of the steps.

Giggles erupted and he felt them travel from her lips down to his chest. Lifting his head, he noted her bright, lust-filled eyes as he confessed, “Never taken a woman in my arms upstairs before. Guess you can tell that.”

Her giggles melted into a deep smile as she replied, “Does it make me sound needy if I said I was glad?”

“Glad I just ran you into the stairs?” he asked, a chuckle dying in his throat as he searched her eyes deeply.

“No…but that you’re telling me in a round-about way that you’ve never had a woman in your bed here.” She hesitated for a second, moving her lips to a whisper from his, before adding, “It makes me feel special.”

As he ascended the steps with her still tightly in his embrace, he said, “Kendall, you are special.” At the top of the stairs, he turned into his bedroom, his lips once more on hers. With a gentle heft he indicated for her to loosen her legs. Holding her as her feet slid to the floor, he thrust his tongue inside her mouth, continuing to plunder her essence.

Unsure her legs would hold her, Kendall gripped his shirt in her fists, not wanting to lose his mouth. Dark beer mingled with spices and something completely masculine, filling her senses. Her fingers continued to move from his hair down his thickly muscled back and up again. From the moment she had first laid eyes on him in Alaska she knew he was huge, but every time she had her hands on him, she was awed at the strength in his body. Thick muscles bunched under her fingers, but with the t-shirt in the way, she felt deprived.

Grabbing the bottom with her good hand, she began lifting his shirt upwards but was too short to make it all the way. He took pity on her as she lifted to her toes to reach and jerked the offensive material away. Her hands stilled for a moment, hovering over his chest but not touching. Raking her gaze over his chest and abs, she suddenly felt unworthy of the man in front of her.

Sensing a hesitation, Marc lifted her chin, raising her gaze to his. Cocking his head, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she replied honestly. “You’re perfect.”

Grinning in response, he leaned down, his tongue flicking out to lightly trace her lips. “Then we’re well suited, ‘cause you’re as perfect as they come.”

Having never been called perfect before, except when acing a test in school, his words moved over her slowly, filling every part of her.

His hands moved to her sweater, lifting it upward. It caught on her breasts for just a second before he slid it the rest of the way over her head and tossed it onto the floor. She loved the idea of her clothes lying on the floor next to his and was surprised when he asked if it needed to be hung up.

As his fingers unsnapped her bra, she shook her head. “No. I don’t own any fussy clothes.”

Freeing her breasts, he grinned as his eyes devoured her pink-tipped mounds. “I like that. Non-fussy clothes.”

Laughing, she felt his eyes hot on her breasts just before he bent to take one nipple deeply into his mouth. She no longer felt mirth as the jolt shot from her breast to her core. Gasping as he continued his assault, moving from one nipple to the other, she clutched his shoulders, her fingers digging in tightly. Her nails, normally short for the work in the lab, had grown in the past week and now left tiny marks.

Lost in the feel and taste of her skin, Marc unfastened her pants and slipped them down her legs far enough for her to kick them off, landing in the ever-growing pile of clothes. Her silky panties were now the only thing between him and the prize.

Stepping forward, he backed her toward the bed until her legs hit the mattress and with his palm planted on her chest he gave a little push, grinning as she bounced. Grabbing her ankles, he dragged her toward him until her ass hit the edge and her legs were wrapped around his neck.

Leaning over, he kissed his way from her breasts down her stomach, chuckling as she squirmed.

“Ticklish,” she gasped, caught between wanting his lips to move down and wanting to prolong every sensation.

He acquiesced to her first desire and slowly dragged his tongue to the edge of her panties. Slipping his hands in the elastic, he lifted her up just enough to slide the satin over her ass before shifting to the side, allowing them to fall off the end of her legs and onto the floor. Now, with her completely exposed to his view, he raked his gaze over her beauty as the scent of her arousal filled his nostrils.

Kendall had never felt so exposed or so beautiful in her life. Every inch of skin he perused felt warm and began to tingle. This was not a man who was simply trapped with her, but a man who wanted to cherish…and devour her. His eyes were dark as they dropped to between her legs and, before she could beg, he licked her folds before latching onto her clit.

What had been tingles erupted into bolts of electricity as he licked and sucked until she was writhing underneath his ministrations. One large palm placed on her tummy held her firmly in place as his lips and tongue continued their assault. Tighter and tighter her inner muscles coiled. He added a finger to move deep inside and, with one last suck on her sensitive bud, she cried out his name as her fingers clutched the bedspread.

Waves of pleasure crashed over her as her orgasm slowly ebbed. Her breathing ragged, she managed to lift her head and found his penetrating eyes staring at her. A slow grin moved across his face as he licked his lips while standing.

Unbuttoning his jeans, he slid the zipper over his aching erection, quickly shucking the denim down his legs. His boxers followed and the pile of clothes on the wooden floor grew. Leaning over her once again, he slid his hand underneath her body as he flipped the bedspread downward. Shifting her in the bed, he crawled over the top.

The cool sheets now underneath her back helped to tamp down the heat that had built in her body. Watching the play of muscles as he rested his bulk on his forearms, she eagerly spread her legs, her feet resting against his tight ass.

“Take me now, Marc,” she begged, desperate to have him inside.

With a desperation that matched hers, he plunged into her warm body after rolling on a condom, stretching her inner core as it tightly grabbed his cock. Slowly at first and then with more vigor, he thrust deeply as he held her cheeks in his hands. She had adoration mixed with ecstasy in her gaze and he closed his eyes in awe of the beauty that was all her. His fingers clutched her face, careful not to bruise, but desiring to crush her lips to him.

She reveled in the exquisite torture of tightness as her slick channel grabbed him, causing her entire body to tingle. As the friction increased her fingers clutched his shoulders, moving over the play of muscles, attempting hold her body in place. As his thrusts pushed her backwards she dug her heels into his ass, going along for whatever ride he wanted to take her on. The movements were hard, but not harsh, tying ownership and sensuality into one package.

His balls tightened as he was close to coming. With a final thrust, he powered through his orgasm as his thumb pressed on her clit, pulling her along with him. Emptying into her, he thrusted until every drop was gone, emotion mingling with the physical release he needed. Rolling to the side, taking her with him, he observed her tousled hair, her kiss-swollen lips, her sated gaze and, her flushed body as he moved his hand over her curves. Hell yeah! Acknowledging the caveman emotions filling his chest, his heart pounded knowing he had fallen for this woman who would soon be going back to her life in Louisiana.

Marc’s breathing patterned had morphed from gasps to a much slower pace and as Kendall watched him closely, she noticed the change in his expression from one of intense power to concern.

“Hey,” she whispered, her fingers gliding over the stubble of his jaw. “Where’d you go?”

Smiling, just inches from her face, he replied, “Nowhere. I’m still right here, sweet girl.”

Her thoughts tangled as they rolled around and, without thinking, she blurted, “I love being here with you.” Not one for spontaneous outbursts, she immediately blushed, wondering how to pull the words back into her mouth.

His brows drew down as he repeated, “You love being here…with me?”

Deciding it was too late to retreat and knowing she did not want to, she nodded. “I know I’ve only been here a day, but…” offering a delicate shrug, she continued, “I just love being with you.”

“Kendall, I need you to speak plainly because I don’t want to misunderstand what you’re saying,” he said, brushing her hair back from her sweat-slicked forehead.

Now unsure, she sucked in her lips, dropping her gaze to his chin. He lifted her still-wrapped wrist and placed a soft kiss on the bandage before cupping her cheek and lifting her face to his. “Just say it…whatever it is, just say it.”

“I’ve been thinking we would try a long-distance relationship, but every time I think about it my heart sinks.” Sitting up on the bed, she tucked the sheet over her breasts as she rested her forearms on her drawn up knees. “Working in Louisiana with Dad was all I’ve wanted to do, but I realize my life was boring. I had some friends, but nothing like the groups of women I was with earlier at Jack and Bethany’s place. I dated, but nothing like this. Nothing that made me really feel beautiful or…or…or alive!”

She turned her gaze to his, determined to face whatever he was thinking, even if it was going to be rejection. Deeply inhaling a fortifying breath before letting it out slowly, she said, “Then I came here, to this beautiful place. What you’ve built here is a home, not just a place to hang out and sleep. Your friends are real and supportive. They’re like family.”

“So…” Marc began tentatively, his fingers tracing a path along her arm, “are you saying you want to stay in Virginia?”

Assessing his eyes, noting the warmth permeating from them, she groaned. “Yeah. I mean, maybe.” Rolling her eyes, she huffed, “What if all this is just the whole we saved each other’s lives and killed a grizzly together—”

Placing his fingers on her lips, he shushed her. “What does your heart tell you?”

Letting out a long sigh, she admitted, “That I’m interested…in you…and in staying. That is, if you’re interested. I’m scared to death to leave Dad and I don’t know where I’d work, but I’d really love to consider the possibility of staying.”

Chuckling, he ran his thumb over her lips, the skin petal-soft against his work-worn finger. “Consider the possibility? That’s sounds like you’re fearful.”

“Honestly? I am. We’ve only known each other a little over a week and I’m thinking of turning my life around completely for you. Is that crazy?” Shaking her head, she moaned, “I must be crazy! Nobody falls for someone that fast!”

Marc moved his thumb over her cheek now, feeling the warmth of her blush. “If you’re crazy, then so am I. I was wondering if I could be a long-distance Saint.”

Gasping, eyes wide, she exclaimed, “You were?” The pair smiled wordlessly for a moment at each other, knowing whatever was happening was larger than either had ever experienced before. Shaking her head slightly, she said, “No, Marc. Your world is here. With your friends. With your work.” Her gaze roamed around the comfortable room as she added, “With your beautiful home.”

Sitting up in the bed next to her, he kissed her forehead before pulling back to peer deeply into her eyes. “Sweet girl, I want you here with me, no doubt. But we can put this on hold until we sort out who’s after you.”

Nodding, her eyes twinkling, she agreed. “Then let’s hope you catch them fast!”