The Novel Free


I move my lips to the pulse at her neck, kissing and biting her as I move my way down to her chest, kissing the soft swell of her breasts and sliding my tongue deep into her cleavage. I unclip the front clasp of her bra and push the dark fabric away, revealing the most perfect set of tits I've ever seen in my life. Round, firm, creamy pale mounds with tantalizing pink tips begging to be touched. I cup her left breast in my hand before lowering my head to lick a slow circle around her waiting nipple before sucking it into my mouth. Her sudden gasp and the hardening of her tip against my tongue makes my blood pump harder as I drag my tongue across her chest to her other breast, ravishing it with my mouth while I continue to tease the other with my hand, playing the damp pebbled bud with my calloused thumb as I wildly flick my tongue over her. She arches up to me, clutching handfuls of my hair, mewing like a kitten, losing control.

Standing, I reach down and grab her foot, quickly yanking one sexy little boot off, then the other, before going for the button and zipper of her jeans, my eyes on hers the entire time. Her breathing is heavy as she watches me with wide, lustful eyes, her fingers gripping the white comforter as I undress her. When she's naked on my bed, my heart races in my chest as I give myself a moment to take in her flawless skin and hourglass curves, wanting her more with each inch my gaze devours.

I kick off my own boots and unzip my jeans, entranced by her eyes and the way her breasts move up and down with each breath she takes. When her pink tongue darts out to lick her lips as I step out of my jeans and boxers, I'm completely unhinged for her mentally and physically.

Her body is engulfed by mine as I climb back on top of her, and I can feel her trembling beneath me now, either from fear or excitement or probably a mashup of both. My mouth is hard and demanding on hers as I move my body over her, the feeling of flesh on flesh making my cock like a rock between us, pressing against her, seeking her heat. Reaching down between us, I slide my hand between her thighs to gently stroke her pink lips and she's so fucking wet already that it obliterates any ideas of patience and gentleness I may have had. I want in, and I want it now.

Her nails dig into my spine and she gyrates against my hand as I finger her, our mouths clashing together, tongues dancing. We're caught up in a frenzy of kissing and groping, fighting to get closer and crawl inside each other, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"Are you still on the pill?" I ask against her lips, my fingers expertly strumming over her clit.

She nods and moves her hands down to my ass, trying to pull me between her legs. "Yes..." she says breathlessly. "For you."

"Good." I growl, moving between her thighs. She doesn't waver at all when I grab my cock and rub the head up and down between her wet lips and over her clit, coaxing her into that crazy place of wanting nothing but sweet release. Of wanting nothing but me. She writhes and wiggles beneath me, her eyes fluttering closed as she starts to shake and I know she's coming. I give her a few moments before sliding inside her with one deep, smooth thrust. She's incredibly wet and tight, moving her body perfectly with mine, curving her leg around my waist and pulling me deeper into her, letting out a small cry when I'm met with a brief moment of resistance followed by a flood of wet warmth that vaults me into a new realm of carnal desire.

She's mine.

I kiss her through the pain and whisper love to her as I drive into her harder and faster. She clings to me, arching up to meet my thrusts, echoing my whispers. I try to force myself to slow down but I can't take it anymore and finally let myself go, gripping her outer thigh to pull her tight against me as I explode inside her.

"I love you..." I murmur with my lips against her ear. "Forever and longer."

Time stands still as we rock against each other, our bodies slippery with sweat, her lips pressed against my chest, kissing that spot over my heart that's forever marked with her words.

And now, her kiss. Her touch. Her love.

After today, I can never deny the truth again. She completely owns me.



Kenzi ~ age eighteen months

Tor ~ age sixteen

I stroll into Asher's parents’ kitchen and set my guitar off to the side before I join Ash, Ember, and the baby at the table where they're eating lunch.

"Tor!" Kenzi shrieks from her high chair, pointing at me with an excited smile.

"Holy shit, did she just say your name?" Asher asks.

Ember shakes her head and wipes the baby's face. "No." She says. "Your name is not going to be my daughter’s first word. She said door."

"Pretty sure she said Tor." I say, grabbing Kenzi's little chubby hand that's reaching out for me.

"Tor!" She yells again, kicking her legs and giggling.

Asher leans back in his chair and shakes his head. "She's definitely saying Tor, hon."

Ember lifts the baby out of her chair and sits her on her lap. "Great." She says, glaring at me, but with a playful smile on her face. "That's because you spoil her, Toren. And your name is easy for her to say."

Kenzi's green eyes lock onto mine and I wink at her. Anyone who can make me smile like she does deserves to be spoiled. And I can't lie, knowing her very first word is my name is the coolest thing that's ever happened to me.


His kisses are so soft and tender as our breathing slows back to normal that it almost makes me fall apart from emotional overload. He leans up on his arms to stare down at me, gently pushing my hair away from my face. His eyes are darker than I've ever seen them, scanning mine like I'm ancient hieroglyphics he's trying to decipher.

"Are you okay?" He asks after a few long moments.

"Yes." I'm really not sure if I'm okay or not. I feel lightheaded and my body is humming and quivering beneath his. He's still inside me, my insides contracting involuntarily around him. Everything happened so fast. I spent the entire night last night mentally coaching myself to get my shit together and act like a woman with him today. To be sexually assertive and confident. But all the erotica books I've read and the short soft porn movies I was able to view on the internet hadn't prepared me for how it would all actually feel to have him on top of me, so huge and muscular, or how long and hard he would feel thrusting inside me, spreading and tearing me open to take him. I didn't know an orgasm could feel so amazing, or that feeling him shudder and come would make me feel like the entire world just stopped and only we existed, as one continuously joined, unbreakable heart.

And nothing could have prepared me for the torrid expression and emotion I'm seeing in his eyes right now.

"I love you." There's a faint vulnerability in his voice, unlike any other time he's said those words to me. This is no longer friend or you're-almost-family to me love. No. This is heart-pounding, you-have-the-power-to-gut-me, I-can't-get-enough-of-you romantic love. I feel it, too.

Reaching up, I push a lock of his hair behind his ear and touch his cheek.

"I love you, too."

He slowly eases out of me, causing a tiny bit of pain, and moves to sit on the end of the bed with his back to me, running his hands through his long hair. I feel wet and sticky and unsure of what comes next, so I sit up and crawl closer to him, lightly touching his back.


He nods and turns slightly towards me. "I just need a minute, Angel." His voice is low and the anguish radiating off of him is palpable.

"Okay..." I reply. I want to hug him and tell him everything is perfect. That I've never been happier. That this was meant to be. That I'm so in love with him that I can't even put it into words. But I know that won't fix whatever he's feeling right now, and guilt eats at me. I led him down this path today. I hadn't expected it to end up here in his bed, though. I thought we'd kiss and make out on the couch, maybe take our shirts off and touch each other. I didn't know I'd unleash a sexual animal in him that wouldn't stop until it had its fill. I don't regret that we made love, but I do regret that what we just did could be tearing him up inside. I want him to be happy, not tormented.

"Can I take a shower?" I ask, respecting his need for a little space. "I feel a kind of sweaty and sticky."

"Of course, Angel. You can use my shower. I'll wait here for you." He reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze, then picks my clothes up off the floor where he threw them and hands them to me, his hands shaking. "I think your shirt is in the kitchen." He stands and walks over to his dresser and comes back with one of his t-shirts for me to wear. I try not to stare at his body as he stands there completely naked, but it's hard not to look when he's all muscles and ink and so damn beautiful.

"Thanks. I won't be long."

"Take as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere." He pulls me to him and kisses my lips before I disappear into his private bathroom, which I've actually never used before today. I've always used the bathroom and shower in the main hallway of the house. It feels intimate being alone in his bathroom, using his soap and shampoo, but I like it because it all smells like him. The warm shower water feels soothing, and I briefly wonder if I'm supposed to somehow clean my insides since he came inside me or if it just comes out on its own or stays there or what. I feel clueless and stupid. Why doesn't anyone ever talk about things like this? Did I space out in sex ed and miss the parts that covered all this? I know I can ask Tor anything but that seems like plastering a big I HAVE ZERO EXPERIENCE across my forehead. And even though he knows I'm a virgin (or was until a few minutes ago), I don't feel like I should make it even more obvious. I'm going to have to talk to Chloe or Rayne about this sex stuff. I can just tell them I'm curious or dating someone they don't know and hope they don't grill me for too many details.

Oh God. I'm going to have to keep a huge part of my life a secret from my friends and family. For how long?

I rinse the conditioner out of my hair and turn the water off. I can't think about all of that right now and let my mind start racing out of control with questions and worries. My mom always told me to take things day-by-day and step-by-step and not worry about things until it was the right time to worry about it.