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Love in a Sandstorm (Pine Harbour Book 6) by Zoe York (9)

Chapter Nine

It was still dark out when he woke, although he’d left a lamp on. His book was gone, having fallen away maybe. In its place, he was holding Jenna—definitely an improvement, although his sleeping self had taken some liberties with her body. He was plastered against her back, and he’d cupped her breast under her shirt.

Her nipple was hard and tight and growing against his palm.

He was pretty sure he’d been groping her in his sleep. Hot embarrassment crashed through him, but before he could extract himself and apologize, she covered his hand with hers and squeezed.

“Don’t stop,” she whispered.

Well, hot damn.

“Nice way to wake up,” he said, his voice thick with equal parts sleep and lust.

The best.”

He bowed his head and kissed the bare skin where her neck met her shoulder. She tugged her shirt up, baring more of her chest to his fingers, and he resumed his caress, exploring her naked flesh for the first time. Soft, responsive flesh that pebbled under his touch. He traced a path of goosebumps all the way around her breast then swept his circles in tighter and tighter until he got to the peaked, hard nipple in the middle, standing proud from her body.

He pulled it between his fingertips, and she sighed.

Like that?”

“Little harder.”

He pinched her gently, then not so gently, and she pushed her hips back against him.

“I fell asleep on you last night.” She twisted in his arms and he shifted with her, climbing on top of her as he stripped off her shirt.

He grinned. “You were tired. And it’s still technically last night.”

“But after those kisses…” God, she was sweet, the way she gave him a wide-eyed look that said she’d known he wanted her and she didn’t want to disappoint.

She never could.

Because he was a dirty dog.

“You got me worked up, all right.” He pressed his hips into her, rubbing his erection against her core. “Want to know a secret?”

Her breath hitched. “Always.”

“I was so ready to jump you that I had to jerk off in the shower. Three strokes and I was done.” There was no shame in telling her that. He wanted to tell her all sorts of confidences he’d never shared with anyone else.

“You didn’t!” She gasped in delight then reached for him, palming his erection through his boxer briefs. “Because you wanted to last longer?”

“Of course.” He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. “I wanted to last all night.”

“But I fell asleep.”

“I’d let lust cloud my judgement. You needed your rest.”

“I’m awake now.” She grinned like the cat who’d caught the canary.

He pushed his dick into her hand. “So you are. And I took that edge off earlier…”

She squeezed. “You said that. Super hot, by the way. I want to watch you next time.”

Sweet hell. “Yeah?”

She dragged her fingers up his body, lighting a path of sparks across his skin in her wake. “Definitely.”

He lowered himself against her, catching her mouth for a thorough kiss before he tangled his fingers into her hair and gave her a serious look. “I got a box of condoms in Italy.”

She gave him a matching solemn look. “Excellent.”

They both burst into laughter and he rolled onto his side then sat up, pulling her into his lap. She straddled him, both of them naked from the waist up, and she held his head as he kissed her collarbone, then lower, over the skin he’d explored with his fingers. He loved the way she shivered, so sensitive, but rose up on her knees eagerly at the same time and pulled his hair like a warrior goddess eager to fight for what she wanted.

“Get back here,” he growled, tugging her hips back down. He craved the firm press of her thighs against his legs, her sex against his cock. Instead of her rising up to meet his mouth, he bent her back, leaning over her to capture her nipples in his mouth.

He couldn’t sort out which got him more worked up—the scent of her, the taste of her skin, or the breathy sounds that kept sliding across her gorgeous lips. His name, pleas for more, and when he opened his mouth wide and swallowed as much of her flesh as he could, a single, beautiful, “Yes…”

He needed more.

He pressed his face into her chest, then replaced his mouth with his hands there and kissed his way back up her neck. Biting, licking, sucking. His appetite for Jenna was growing by the second, turning him ravenous.

He’d been starved, clearly. Deprived of this woman his entire adult life.

“I want to taste all of you,” he said as she grabbed his hair and pulled their mouths together.

She whimpered into their hot, open-mouthed kiss, and he took that for her consent.

Another flip put her on her back beneath him again.

Sex with Jenna was a workout, and he loved it. He wanted them to roll and twist and fight to be on top, on the bottom, sideways and upside down.

But right now, he wanted her to hold still for him because he didn’t just want to taste all of her, he wanted to see her, too. Consume her with his eyes, his fingers, his mouth.

“Let me make you feel good.”

She shivered beneath him, and he slowed his caresses. He kissed her neck and tasted the sweet dip above her collarbone. With each unsteady breath, her chest rose and fell against him, and he put his mouth there again, but not for long.

Her pussy waited for him. He told her that, and she groaned.

“Is that a yes?” He moved lower, rubbing his nose along the waistband of her soft cotton pants. “Do you want more?”

“I want everything,” she whispered.

He hooked his fingers over the waistband and tugged them down, finding her bare beneath. Her hips, like the rest of her, were lean and muscular, curving into her thighs. Her belly had a soft, sweet swell that dipped just above her mound. He kissed her there and the delicate scent of her swirled into his brain and made him stupid.

He whispered her name in awe as he shouldered his way between her thighs. She moved languidly now, like she knew he was going to worship her. He liked this side of Jenna, too. A queen who knew her own worth.

And worship was exactly what he wanted to do. He stroked the insides of her thighs and the sensitive crease where legs met torso. Then with the tips of his fingers, he got acquainted with her swelling sex.

She felt amazing, soft and wet, and as responsive here as she was with her breasts. When she began to move against his hand, he let himself taste her, too. Each lick, each inhale of her scent, drove him a little further out of his mind. He wanted to bury himself between her legs and never come up for air, and that was crazy, because there was so much more sex still to be had.


He was busy right now.

He found a pattern she liked, his thumb on her clit, his tongue sliding everywhere else—up and around and down, then back again—and when she asked for more, he was happy to give it.

“You want my fingers?” he asked, teasing her entrance.

She answered by lifting her hips and pulling his index and middle fingers into her up to the first knuckle.

Fuck, she was tight. And hot. He pressed inside, matching the speed of his thumb, still rolling lazily over her clit. They were in no hurry.

She chased him again with her hips.

Correction. He was in no hurry. She seemed mighty eager to come on his face and fingers. He was a fool to not get her there as quickly as she wanted. Later, he could play. Tease her and stretch it out, make it even better for having waited.

Now, he gave her what she wanted. He curved his fingers and tightened his tongue, finding all the spots that made her shiver and shake. When she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his head, he doubled his efforts, until she found the crest of her orgasm and every part of her tightened and trembled.


“God, that was good,” she breathed, flopping back against the bed.

He rose onto his knees, and she reached for him.

“My turn,” she whispered, kissing his mouth quickly before she pushed him back against the bed.

She didn’t need to, he thought as she tugged down his boxers. He hadn’t gone down on her expecting reciprocity. But his heart was going to leap out of his chest, so oh God, yes please

Her mouth covered the head of his cock. Hot, wet, sucking perfection.

He rolled his head back and groaned. “Yes, Jesus, that…” His hands flailed in the air then he dropped them to the bed and fisted the blankets on both sides.

She grinned up at him before bobbing down again, and he was powerless to hold back. His hips pumped on their own accord, thrusting his dick in shallow, desperate little begs for more. Lick me, suck me, kill me dead.

It didn’t take long for her to do just that. Her nimble, clever fingers wrapped around the base of him, teasing his balls as they pulled tight to his body. He groaned then reached for her. He was going to come. “Jenna…”

“It’s okay,” she whispered, her breath hot on his cock before she sucked him deep again.

The edges of his vision started to dance and he let himself go. With another pull of her mouth and a tight squeeze from her hand, he came so hard he saw stars.

She slid away from him, and he heard water running in the bathroom, then she returned, sipping from a glass. “Want some?” She held it out, and he pushed himself up to lean back against the headboard.

“My legs are like jelly,” he admitted, and she beamed.


He took the water from her and she climbed back onto the bed. His gaze tangled in her bare legs and the sway of her breasts, turning his thoughts into single, simple words. Want. Need. Perfect.

She sat beside him and leaned her head back against the wall. Before he could address round two, she yawned, and he tamped down that desire for more. Taking one last sip of water, he handed her the glass, and she drained it.

“Back to sleep,” he told her, and she turned her face to give him a tired smile.

“That was really hot,” she whispered as she leaned in to kiss him. “Best vacation ever and we haven’t even left the hotel yet.”

They turned out the light and Jenna lay down on her side, pulling him against her back. He lifted his head and watched her lace her fingers through his. She tugged his hand back to her breast, where it had been when they’d woken up.

“Mmm, yes. Just like that. I want to wake up the same way in the morning,” she said softly, her eyelids drifting shut.

He squeezed his arm around her. As if there were any chance of him letting go.

* * *

Instead of another round of exploring their bodies, the morning brought loud thumping and yelling from the room next door. Sean resigned himself to more sex not happening until they arrived in Arcos de la Frontera later that day.

“Do you think they heard us last night?” Jenna whispered as she packed her pyjamas into her bag.

“We weren’t that loud.” He was pretty sure, anyway. She blushed in a way that made his blood redirect, and he pulled her into his arms. “They’ll never see us again, but if it makes you feel better, the next place is a private apartment. Lots of space. Very thick walls. And I can motivate you to be quiet.”

She laughed and kissed his cheek. “I wasn’t thinking about me, Mr. Groaner. But that’s a good idea. I’ll make you cover your face with a pillow the next time I go down on you.”

If she kept talking like that, he’d be shouting like their next door neighbours, damn the consequences. “Tease.”

“Come on,” she whispered. “Let’s go drive through some mountains.”

Before he’d had a taste of Jenna, he’d had the crazy idea to spend the day in the national park south of Seville before going to Arcos.

Now he just wanted to haul her back to bed.

Not that spending time out of bed was any kind of hardship.

She was funny and sexy and patient with their glitchy GPS. They stopped in the first town they passed and bought a more detailed road map as a backup, and she carefully folded it out on her lap as he climbed one precarious hill after another. The drive was pretty epic, made even more so by her oohs and ahs over the scenery.

They stopped for a quick lunch, then got back on the road and decided at the last minute to take a scenic detour from the national park to Arcos, a decision he was regretting three hours later when they were climbing what felt like an endless hill. The GPS was glitching more often than it was working, and he had a sinking feeling they weren’t actually as close to Arcos as the device promised, because they’d already hit two dead end roads and needed to double-back.

“It should just be over this hill,” Jenna said as he slowed even further. The switchback was getting tighter and tighter. Not the worst thing he’d ever driven, but pretty narrow.

It would be fun to drive if he weren’t starving for dinner and the woman beside him, in whatever order she preferred. He’d had an epic day, but he was ready for it to be over.

“Okay, the GPS says there’s one more turn and then there’s a straight cut down the hill.”

Sean twisted the car around a bend of trees, gunning it a bit to make the climb. But instead of the crest of the hill, he found a tunnel—gated off and not passable. Another dead end.

The GPS was a damn liar.

Beside him, Jenna shook with silent laughter as Sean braked hard and swore under his breath. “Where the fuck is this place?”

On the screen in the dashboard, it looked like they were nearly there, but…they were nowhere.

“Come on, let’s get out and stretch our legs,” she said, patting his thigh. Her fingers were light and nimble, and it was so damn unfair they weren’t in their apartment yet, because he wanted to feel them on his bare skin.

He caught her hand in his and turned it gently, kissing her fingertips. Her gasp was quiet, but still like a match that lit a flame inside him. He glanced at her face. “We could stretch our legs,” he said, his voice gruff. “Or we could sit right here for a minute.”

She shifted closer. “Right here sounds good.”

One good thing to be said for a dead end at the top of a secluded foothill…it was damn private. For the first time all day, Sean didn’t feel like he had to hold back.

So he didn’t.

Her lips parted for him and he took the invitation with greedy abandon. She tasted like lemons and warm sunshine, like happiness wrapped in the sexiest laughter he’d ever heard.

He kissed her until they were both breathing hard. Then he kissed her again, tugging on her hair because he wanted to hear another gasp, and when he got it, he rewarded her with his mouth lower, on her neck. She tasted good there, too.

“Sean…” She made an adorably frustrated sound and pushed him away, only to chase him again for another kiss on the mouth. When she pulled back, she was grinning.

He dragged in a ragged breath and tried to think non-X-rated thoughts so his brain would unscramble.

“Come on,” she said, her breath brushing against his cheek as she stretched before leaning away from him. “Let’s get out for a minute.”

He grabbed the paper map and followed her out of the car. She turned in a slow circle. “This definitely isn’t it.”

He laughed. “No.”

“So where are we?”

He unfolded the map onto the hood of the car and she crowded close. When she brushed against him like that, he didn’t care where they were. He just wanted to press her against the car and kiss her again, over and over until she begged him to take her to bed.

Right, a bed. That’s why they needed to find Arcos de la Frontera. They had a bed waiting for them. Two of them, in fact, but he really hoped they’d only muss up one of them.

“This road should continue,” she said, tracing her finger over the faint line the GPS had sent them down. “Although…” She ran her fingertip back and forth over the switchback. “This doesn’t look as sharp as what we just climbed, does it?”

It didn’t. Sean darted his gaze over the map, looking for another hill climb. “There.” He stabbed at the map. “We turned too soon.”

Jenna nodded, then twisted around, shielding her eyes from the sun. “I bet the town is just over that ridge, then.”

“Only one way to find out.” He took her hand and pulled her toward the rise. She laughed and sprinted past him.