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Montana Ranger's Wedding Vow (Brotherhood Protectors Book 8) by Elle James (13)

Chapter 13

Dallas floated through the cooler shadows and into a patch of sunshine, enjoying the way the water buoyed both her body and spirit. She’d done physical therapy in a pool, learning to swim with only one leg. Now, she reveled in the cool water, letting all of her worries about her new job, her new partner and her new life float away.

A rippling motion in the water made her peek one eye open. When she didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, she closed it again and lifted her face to the sunshine.

Eventually, she’d have to head back to the barn. Viper would probably have returned, wondering where the hell she’d gone. She couldn’t put off their wedding planning with only a day to spare.

Too bad he couldn’t find her there in the pool and join her. They might bring a whole new meaning to the word partner.

Again, the water rippled around her body.

Dallas opened both eyes but didn’t see anything in front of her. She straightened, treading water, letting her foot drift beneath the surface.

“Hey,” a deep, familiar voice said from behind.

For a moment, Dallas thought she’d conjured the man of her thoughts. She spun in the water and slipped beneath the surface.

Arms went around her and brought her back up into the sweet mountain air.

She sputtered, pushed the hair out of her face and stared into Viper’s clear blue eyes.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded. “And h-how did you find me?” His hands on her skin made fire burn through her veins, turning up the heat at her core.

“Apparently, you split up an equine romance by taking Little Joe out without Blondie. They’re a pair. Or at least, Blondie thinks so. She brought me straight here.” He nodded toward where the two horses were grazing on the long, green grass by the shore, several yards away.

Her cheeks heated, and she crossed her arms over her chest, covering her bare breasts. “But you can’t be here.”

“I already am.” He held her at arm’s length, with their legs intertwined. Her smooth thighs slid against his thick, hairy ones.

Her insides tightened, desire roaring to life. This reaction couldn’t be good. “I mean, I didn’t expect anyone else to be out here. In case you didn’t notice…I’m naked.” She lowered her voice and whispered the last word.

Viper laughed out loud, the sound echoing against the creek banks.

To Dallas, nothing was funny about being naked with Viper. She wasn’t ready to expose her body and lack of a leg. What if he was repulsed? Her belly knotted.

“Dallas.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re frowning.”

“You can’t be in here with me.”

“Why?” He kissed her cheek and drew her body closer. “Give me one good reason.”


He nibbled on her earlobe, and their chests brushed against each other.

Dallas moaned, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders and her hips nudging his.

His erection nudged her belly, tempting her to throw her misgivings and caution to the Montana wind.

Maybe, if they remained in the water

“Why couldn’t you stay back at the barn?” she said, her mouth moving over the stubble along his jaw. She liked the way it abraded her lips. Liked it so much, she brushed across his chin again, angling toward his mouth and the promise of a kiss.

“I was worried about you. The guys said you left alone.” He kissed one eyelid and then another. “You shouldn’t ride by yourself.”

“I wouldn’t have found or made use of this pool if I’d been with anyone.”

“And I wouldn’t have found you naked if you hadn’t gone off by yourself. Hell, anyone could have come looking and found you like this.” He brushed his lips across hers, his hands slipping down to cup her buttocks.

Dallas’s legs wrapped naturally around him, her sex sliding across his length. She swallowed hard to dislodge the breath caught in her throat. “I’m glad you were the one to find me, and not someone else.”

“Me, too.” He captured her mouth with his in a kiss both gentle and demanding.

Dallas gave back all she got, meeting his tongue with her own. She threaded her hands in his hair, deepening their kiss as his cock nudged her entrance.

“I want you, Dallas.”

Tired of second-guessing herself, she threw caution to the winds. “Anything stopping you?” she said, against his mouth.

“No protection.”

“I’m clean, and I’m on the pill.”

“I’m clean, and I can’t resist. Are you sure this is what you want?”

She quivered all over and then kissed him hard before saying, “Yes.”

Viper thrust upward, impaling her with his thick, hot staff.

She eased down, taking all of him.

He held her close, letting her channel stretch and accommodate his girth. Then he slid in and out of her in excruciatingly slow movements.

She didn’t want slow. Pressing her cheek to his, she whispered into his ear, “Faster.”

His feet planted firmly on the bottom of the pool, Viper increased the speed and pumped in and out of her, splashing water between them.

Dallas gripped his shoulders and rode him hard, loving the way he felt inside her, loving how he filled the void and then some.

Her body tightened with his as she flew into the atmosphere, her core bursting into flame, shooting electricity to the far extremities. She floated for a long, sweet moment in the heavens before she drifted back to earth and into the water with Viper.

He thrust one last time, his cock pulsing inside her.

She kissed his lips, his chin and his neck, hungry for him, not wanting the magic to end and real life to intrude. Alas, her skin was pruning and reality set in as her skin cooled. A shiver racked her body from head to toe.

“Oh, sweetheart, we need to get out of the water and dry off.”

She shook her head, still hesitant to let him see all of her. “I’d prefer if you got out and went back to the barn. I’ll be right behind you in a few minutes.”

He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not leaving without you.”

Her lips pressed together. “I’m not getting out of the water until you leave.” She shivered again. “Which puts us at a stand-off.”

“Only one way to settle this,” he said.

Bobbing in the water, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, yeah? How?”

Viper scooped her up in his arms and strode through the water and up onto the shore. He didn’t stop until he’d laid her on the huge rock beside her clothes and prosthetic.

Dallas’s cheeks burned, and she sat up on the smooth, stone surface, covering her stump with her other leg. “You’re impossible,” she said through gritted teeth.

“I’m a realist.” He dropped down beside her, grabbed his own T-shirt and used it as a towel to dry her body.

“I can do that myself,” she said as he worked his way over her back, her breasts and down her torso toward her leg. “Please. Don’t do this,” she whimpered, hating how pathetic she sounded. “I didn’t want you to see me like this.” She finally covered her face with her hands.

“Why?” He pried away her hands and kissed each palm before resuming his work. “You have a beautiful body. I want you to know how much I appreciate it.” He dried her intact leg and worked his way over to the other.

Shame, self-loathing and fear warred for top emotion inside Dallas. “But, I’m not…”

“Not shy when it comes to sex in the water?” He glanced up and smiled. “I can live with that.”

“You know what I mean.” She watched in horror as he dried her thigh and then the smooth skin of what was left of the lower portion of her leg below her knee.

“Don’t sell yourself short, Dallas.” He leaned over and kissed the scars. “You are beautiful inside and out. And you don’t scare me in the least.” Then he laid her back on the rock and showed her how beautiful he thought she was by making love to every inch of her body, one kiss, one caress and one nibble at a time.

By the time they came together again, Dallas held back nothing. She gave him everything she had.

When they finally came back to earth, Viper helped Dallas reposition her prosthetic, asking questions and showing an interest that didn’t make her squirm. Instead, his attitude made her love him all the more.


Was that emotion too soon? Could anyone know something that important after only a few days together?

Dallas couldn’t be certain, but the way her heart swelled in her chest each time she looked at Viper had to indicate something special. Only time would tell.

The ride back to the ranch was deliciously uncomfortable after making love so many times. But she couldn’t complain. In fact, she was looking forward to spending the night in bed with Viper, making love until the wee hours of the morning.

When they trotted into the barn yard, Percy met them, wearing a frown. “You have company. I’ll take your horses.”

Concerned by the expression on Percy’s face, Dallas hurried toward the house.

Viper caught up and took her hand. They entered the ranch house together.

Sadie, Daisy, Lori and another woman waited in the living room with Franklin, Vasquez and Young.

Daisy stepped forward. “You had me worried. I thought you and Vince had decided to elope after all.”

“Where were you?” Lori asked.

Dallas averted her gaze. “We went for a ride to blow off some steam.”

“Or make some of your own?” Chuck Johnson stepped into the living room with Swede, Kujo and Hank.

Hank pulled the new woman forward. “Dallas, meet my little sister, Allie. Allie, these people are Dallas and her fiancé, Viper.”

Allie shook hands with Viper and hugged Dallas. “Hank’s told me all about you two. We’re happy you decided to have the wedding at Bear Creek. I hardly recognize the barn. You’ll be pleased with the decorations. We have a few more to place before we’re done.”

“Thank you so much for hosting our wedding there,” Dallas said, more guilt rising up her throat. These people had done so much for her and Viper, who were barely more than strangers.

Daisy clapped her hands together. “Well, let’s get going. We have a rehearsal to conduct.”

“Followed by the bachelor party,” Chuck interjected.

“Rehearsal, yes,” Viper agreed. “Bachelor party?” He shook his head. “I don’t know about that.”

“Don’t worry, the ladies are taking Dallas out for a bachelorette party. We’re having them both at the Blue Moose Tavern. We have the bottom floor, and the ladies have the second-floor meeting hall.”

“We have your bag packed for the night,” Daisy said. “Your dress will be delivered to Bear Creek Ranch this afternoon and the cake and flowers will be there in the morning.” She smiled. “We’re all set.”

Dallas frowned. “What do you mean, my bag is packed for the night?”

“You’re staying with Allie tonight.” Sadie gestured toward Hank’s sister. “Besides, you’re not supposed to see the groom on the wedding day until you walk down the aisle.”

Dallas had no choice but to go along with the ladies planning her wedding. She cast a longing glance over her shoulder at Viper. Her heart filled with hope and optimism for the future.

Viper’s gaze was on her as she left.

Hopefully, tomorrow they’d catch the wedding saboteur and then they could decide just where they fit in each other’s lives, besides being partners on an assignment.