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SEAL Daddy Next Door by Kara Sparks (4)





Chance is skittish at first, but she agrees to let me give her a ride home. I shouldn’t have acted so forward back in the classroom - it was too much. She probably doesn’t even think of me that way.

I got too close, I did too much. I don’t know what’s coming over me, but I feel like I can’t help myself around this girl, and I get the impression that she feels the same way too.

Call it instinct, call it luck - I knew the second I saw that car, that it wouldn’t survive long enough to get her home. Chance even looks grateful when I offer to give her a ride.

We drive back most of the way in relative silence. It’s strange, but it’s a comfortable silence, the kind you have when you’ve known some one for years. I turn the corner onto our street and Chance finally breaks the silence.

“This is a nice car Rogan. Sure makes my crap heap look a lot worse.”

“I’m not normally one for big flashy cars. I was going to pick something a little smaller, when Ashlee pointed and said she wanted this one. I laughed at first, but it kind of made sense. If anything bad should happen on the road, I know this baby will protect the two of us.” I slap my hand on the wheel and smooth my fingers across the leather. The four by four is basically a luxury tank.

“You’re awful protective over your daughter.” Chance looks over at me from the passenger seat and smiles. “It’s kind of sweet.”

“Only the best for Ashlee. She’s the most important thing in my world since Karen…” I break off, realizing immediately that I’ve said too much. I look at Chance and see her staring at me curiously. She looks away quickly. I pull up on my drive and kill the engine.

“Sorry for giving you a hard time earlier with that meeting. I get the feeling I might have been a bit inappropriate. I want you to know that… I’m not usually like that. I brush a hand over the back of my neck and undo my seatbelt. I don’t know why the heck I feel like I have to explain myself to this girl, but I want Chance to know that I don’t go around hitting on every pretty little thing with long legs.

“I didn’t think that.” Chance says. “It’s alright. You don’t have to apologize. I actually…”

This time Chance is the one to break off mid-sentence. I swallow at something in my throat. I’d give up my entire damn fortune just to know the end of that sentence. Did she like it? Does she want me? Chance’s attention is on something outside, and she changes the subject rapidly.

“You really have the biggest house on the block don’t you? I thought I was lucky to inherit Joe’s house, but it’s nothing next to your palace.”

I shrug. “It’s just a suburban mini mansion. Nothing too fancy. I’ve got nicer places.”

Chance raises her eyebrows. “Places? Plural?”

I nod my head. “I’ve been fortunate with my line of work and able to provide a good lifestyle for my daughter. Everything I do is for Ashlee.”

“Speaking of Ashlee. Where is she tonight? And where’s that little devil pup of yours?”

I laugh. “Milo? He and Ashlee are having a sleepover at my sister’s tonight. She likes to look after Ashlee once or twice a week, and Milo doesn’t like being apart from Ashlee. They’re a package deal.”

Chance smiles and brushes a strand of her beautiful blond hair off her face. “He’s a feisty little dog. I’m sure he keeps things interesting for you.”

Chance undoes her belt and climbs out the car. I follow after her quickly.

“He certainly does.”

And God knows things have been dull enough around here until you showed up.

I try to summon the words that have been hanging on my lips the entire ride, but nothing comes.

“Well goodnight Rogan. Thanks for the ride.”

She flashes that perfect smile at me and turns to walk back to her house when I shout it out. I blurt the words out like a nervous teenager on a first date.

“I was wondering if you want to come in for a drink?” The words are fast and mumbled. I take a deep breath and try to remind myself of who I am, what I am. I’m a goddamn ex SEAL. I’ve been in life and death combat situations and yet - I’ve never been more terrified than I am right now.

Chance turns on her heels and flashes a look at me.

“You know… why the heck not? It’s been a long day and I could use some company. Just promise no shop talk.”

I hold my hand up in the air. “Hey, I’m game if you are.”

I take a breath and remind myself to stay calm. Play it cool Rogan - remember who you are.


Chance and I head into the house and I give her a brief tour of the downstairs area. The bottom half of the house is split into three long sections, a living room, a hallway, and a dining room which backs onto the kitchen. The kitchen snakes around the back of the house to meet up with the living room again.

Chance kicks off her heels and grabs a stool at the breakfast bar in the kitchen while I fix us some drinks. “This place is breathtaking Rogan. I hope I can afford to fix Joe’s place up to look like this one day.”

I walk over to the liquor cabinet and come back with a bottle of wine. I open it and pour two glasses.

“About that. I’m sorry to hear about Joe’s passing. He was a good buddy of mine. It was sad to see him go.”

Chance nods and takes a long sip of her drink. I join her.

“He was old. He had a good life. I miss him though. I didn’t get to see him much because I lived so far away. Once he told me that he was ill, I started coming down to visit him more often. I wish the bastard had told me earlier. I would have spent more time with him.”

I chuckle at her words. “That was the Joe I knew. Stubborn old bastard, but one hell of a guy. And a SEAL too, just like I was.”

“He was a good guy. To Joe.” She lifts her glass in salute and I join her. We both set our glasses down and stare at each other in comfortable silence. For a minute neither of us says anything. Then she asks me the question.

“Why do you still wear your ring? If you don’t mind me asking? Forgive me if it’s rude.”

Chance glances at the ring on my finger. The wedding ring from when I was married to Kate. I twist the ring between my finger and thumb subconsciously.

“No, that’s okay. You can ask. My wife Kate died of cancer shortly after Ashlee was born. For some reason I just kept the ring on, and I never really took it off. It helps in that it keeps the women away. I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve done well for myself and there are plenty of women in this neighborhood here who want to sink their teeth in.”

“I see.” Chance says. “So you’re not engaged or anything like that? Not seeing anyone?”

I shake my head while leaning against the counter opposite the breakfast bar. Part of me wonders why Chance really wants to know.

“No.” I say. “There’s only one girl in my life at the moment.”

Chance swallows at something in her throat and sits up straight. “Oh?”


She breaks into a relieved smile and swivels away from the breakfast bar. “Of course.” Chance gets up from the stool and walks around to the opposite side of the breakfast bar to stand in front of me. She holds my gaze for a second as she walks around, and then she turns to the wine and the empty glasses on the counter. She picks up the bottle. “Refill?”

“I’m okay I think. Help yourself though.”

“Actually. I’m good too.” Chance turns and places her palms on the counter. She lifts herself up and sits on it. There’s a trace of her smile on her lips and I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful she is. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but everything this girl does makes me wild. I push myself off the counter opposite and take a step toward her.

“What about you?” I ask. “What are you doing down here? Why did you end up moving down?”

“Well… Joe passed away and he left me the…”

“No, I know all that.” I wave my hand through the air dismissively. “You already explained that. Why come down here though? You could have sold the house surely? Why move halfway across the country to start a new life? Is there nothing for you back home?” I take another couple of steps until I’m just inches from the counter. Chance keeps her eyes trained firmly on mine. She sucks at her lip and brushes at her hair out of instinct.

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “When I got the call I thought it over and decided moving down here would be a good fresh start.” She looks at me and momentarily sucks her delicious lower lip between her teeth. “Maybe I made the right decision?”

“Maybe you did.” I take another step closer and I’m pressed firmly against the counter now. Chance parts her legs and I’m stood inches from her face. I rest my hands on her knees and she inhales shakily. Her voice drops to a whisper, and it makes me harder than anything.

“I like you Rogan. But… I don’t know if we should do this…”

My hands move up her legs, pulling gently at the fabric of her dress. My fingers slide over the soft curve of her hip and stop at the crest of her waist. I look into her eyes, and her eyes flick up and down to my lips. She looks back at me with nothing but want. I squeeze my fingers against her gently, and slide her across the counter until her body touches mine.

I drop my hands down a little until they’re hugging the sweet curve of her behind and I find her eyes again. She’s staring back at me like a deer in the headlights. Her lips are inches from mine.

“Well… I think we should.”

I lean in and kiss her. A second later all the tension is gone and she melts in my arms. My hands move over her like lightning, aching to explore every inch of her as fast as possible. She places her hands on my chest and pulls me closer to her. I nibble at the sweet flesh of her full lips and move down, planting a hot trail of kisses from her mouth down to the crook of her neck.

Chance moans with each kiss, threading her fingers through my hair as I worship her. She’s leaning back, aching for me to climb on top of her, but there’s no way the counter is wide enough for my frame. I keep one hand behind her while my other hand smooths over the gentle bump of her breasts.

“We should move somewhere more comfortable.” I growl and move my lips back up to hers and find her mouth again. She hooks her hands around the back of my neck and slides herself against my body. Her stomach presses up against mine, and a warm dampness between her legs presses up against the raging erection that is fighting to get out of my trousers.

“No we-” She tries to protest at something, but her body doesn’t give her the chance. A couple seconds later she does it again. This time she manages to break apart our collective fervor long enough to say what’s really on her mind.

“We can’t do this Rogan.” Chance pushes me back firmly and before I know it she’s squirmed off the counter and is standing a couple of paces away from me. Her dress has twisted and slanted to one side, baring one of her shoulders. There’s a glimpse of a thin black bra strap, probably the same one I saw her in this morning. My cock lunges at the thought again. I push my palms down onto the counter and my head sags between my shoulders as I breathe the frustration out.

“I’m sorry Rogan. Please don’t hate me. But it’s just too messy. I’m your daughter’s teacher for goodness sake. And…”

I look up at her and see her twisting her fingers together as she thinks. “And what?”

“Nothing.” She shakes her head and brushes a lock of hair off her face once more.

I hate that she’s so damn adorable.

“You probably hate me right now. It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have come in here, I shouldn’t have acted this way around a parent.”

My heart drops at her comment, and I realize that’s all she sees me as. I’m an older guy. Another random suburban dad who is past his prime.

“I get it.” I turn from the counter and face her, running a hand through my hair. “I’m way too old for you, It’s creepy. I get it. I’m sorry.”

“No, no!” Chance closes the distance between us immediately and puts a hand on my chest. She plants a solitary kiss on my lips and steps back again. “It’s not that. Honestly. I don’t care about age at all. There’s just… there’s a lot about me that you don’t know Rogan. My life is complicated and getting involved with you… it will just make your life complicated too.”

“Complicated? I thought you said there was no one at home.”

“There’s not.” Chance says, stressing the point doubly so. “There’s other stuff though. I don’t want to get into it. Just trust me. You’re probably better off staying away.”

I pause and try to figure out what Chance is hiding. I know all I have to do is open my laptop up and run a couple of deep searches to find the secrets that she’s hiding, but I told myself I wouldn’t that this time. If I want Chance to open up to me, then I’m going to do it the old fashioned way. I’m going to make her want me.

“Actually Chance. Before you go. There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” I pause and wonder if I really want to say what I’m about to say.

“I know you’re in trouble financially.”

Her whole body goes tense at the comment. She stands up straight, crosses her arms and turns her head. “I’m sorry… what did you say?”

“I know you’re in trouble financially.” I say again. “Joe was a good buddy of mine, I knew him better than anyone else - and I also know how terrible that guy was with money. I never met a SEAL addicted to QVC until I met Joe. Terrible with cash.”

“That’s got nothing to do with me.” Chance says defensively. “I inherited his house. Not a lot of nineteen year olds can say they have a home.”

“Exactly. You inherited his house and you inherited all his debt along with it. Joe told me that his sister was just as broke as he was. I saw all those bills this morning… you can’t tell me you’re gonna keep up.”

Chance’s eyes narrow and I can tell my comments are starting to work her up the wrong way.

“You had no business looking at them, and I’m fine actually thank you very much. I have a job now. Remember? Goodnight Mr. Rogan. I think we’re done here.”

Chance starts for the front door via the living room. I follow after her as we go. “Look I’m just saying, I know how much debt Joe is in and I know how much you make.”

Chance stops and turns at me in disbelief. “And how would you know that exactly?”

“I’m one of the principle funders for the school Chance. I know how much all the new teachers make. After repayments, you’ll barely have enough left in your salary to eat. Let me help you.”

“And how are you doing to do that?”

“I can pay it off you. I can help you, I’ve got money-”

“Out of the question Rogan.” She turns again and is off through the living room. My eyes see it happen before it does. Chance puts her foot down in the wrong place and catches it on one of Ashlee’s toy cars. Her leg splays to the right and her body turns through the air as she hurtles to the ground.


Before she can hit the ground I jump forward and hit the ground with one knee. I cradle her upper body with my right arm as my thigh catches her butt. My other hand is on her waist. She’s in my arms again and it feels amazing. Her chest is racing, my chest is racing. We stare at each other and say nothing.

“Sorry about that.” I laugh, helping her up. “It’s an absolute nightmare trying to clean up after Ashlee. It’s the one discretion I tolerate. She’s only a kid after all.”

That’s when the idea hits me.

Chance is up on her feet and walking to the door while I formulate the plan. I open the door for her and she steps out onto the porch.

“I can’t take your money Rogan. I barely know you - it just wouldn’t feel right.” She sighs as if she’s about concede something. “You are right about the bills, but don’t worry about me honestly, I’ll find a way to survive. I’ve been doing it my whole life.” A sadness fills those beautiful blue eyes and she turns to walk home.

I make a promise to myself that I never want to see that sadness again. I run off the porch and walk beside Chance.

“Chance wait!” I catch up to her and she carries on walking while I talk. “How about this? You’ve seen what a dump my house is… like I said it’s a full time job trying to keep up with Ashlee, doubly so now that Milo is involved. What if you come to the house a few nights a week and help me keep it clean? I’ll pay you.”

She stops on her porch and seems to think the idea over while she rummages through her bag for her key.

“I’ll have to think it over Rogan, I don’t know…” She finds the key and opens the door, steps in and looks back out at me. “Thanks for everything tonight. The lift, the drink, the…”

Chance steps forward and kisses me. I wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tight. She feels so good, I never want to let her go. But I do.

“Thanks for the offer. Let me sleep on it. I don’t know if it’s weird cleaning the house of one of my student’s parents. Good night Rogan.”

“Good night Chance. Sleep tight.”




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