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The Bradford Brothers Complete Series Box Set (Bad Boy Military SEAL Romance) by Juliana Conners (126)



As we head to the cafeteria, I tell Taylor, “Oh my god, I feel bad for totally playing my dad… especially when he got all sweet and nice about me.”

Taylor says, “Well, he’s hiding stuff of his own, you know, so I guess it’s even.”

“Really?” I ask.

“Oh come on. He was totally bullshitting about dropping by the lake house to check up on us. I already know that he and my mom have plans for this weekend.”

I don’t say anything at first, so she looks at me and asks, “Didn’t you know that too?”

“Oh yeah, I know,” I lie, laughing. “He must think we’re so oblivious.”

It’s been painfully obvious that my dad and Taylor’s mom have been spending an awful lot of time together recently. It’s kind of weird, since Taylor and I have been friends since grade school and more or less grew up together.

But then again, it makes sense, with both of them having been lonely single parents for so long, and in a way I’m surprised it hasn’t happened sooner.  I guess they were waiting until Taylor and I were both off to college to start flirting and dating and hooking up.

They probably weren’t expecting that we’d both still live at home, but they did want us to go to Calton University. Of course my dad thinks it’s the best school in the world. And college tuition has jumped up so much that it’s much cheaper to stay put and save money on room and board.

I only got a partial scholarship at Calton and Dad said he’d pay for the rest of my tuition and that I could just keep living at home. Although I’d always imagined Taylor and I going off to a larger and further away city for college, this arrangement seemed to make the most sense.

I hate having to abide by my dad’s super strict rules. But it definitely works financially. And I didn’t want to leave my dad grieving for my mom alone. When I’m honest, I know I didn’t want to be grieving for her alone without him, either.

Now that Taylor and I are at least out of high school, I guess my dad and her mom figure it’s safe to hook up now and then without being a bad influence on us. It couldn’t be that they were so busy raising us that they never had the chance to worry about their dating lives until now, because that’s not true for either one of them.

My dad, being the football coach and in good shape for his age, has been pretty sought after and has never had a problem finding a date or a string of casual girlfriends. But he’s told me that no one has ever come close to my mom. He isn’t interested in looking for a replacement because that’s just not possible.

Although it’s a little weird that his current fling is my best friend’s mom, it makes sense that in such a small city they might eventually get around to going out on some dates together. And it also has its perks. Taylor and I know when they’re distracted spending time with each other, and therefore when my dad is less likely to be breathing down my neck.

But I didn’t know they were getting together this weekend. I’m kind of bummed that Taylor knew and I didn’t. I don’t know why my dad wouldn’t just tell me.

“It’s so gross to think of our parents getting it on,” I tell her, to lighten the moment.

“I know! Ewww!” she says. “But it’s clear they also really like each other, and I’m glad my mom is so happy.”

I want to stop in my tracks, but I don’t.

I just say, “Taylor, you know how my dad is. This week it’s this woman, next week it’s another…”

“Thanks for trying to warn me,” she laughs. “But my mom’s a big girl. And she’s not much different from your dad.”

I nod, knowing it’s true. Taylor’s mom is still hot. I’m kind of surprised my dad hadn’t hooked up with her earlier, even with the limiting factor of their daughters being best friends.

“Yeah,” I say. “They’ll get tired of each other’s ways after a while but at least it’ll be fun while it lasts.”

“I think they’ve been seeing each other for longer than their normal track records,” Taylor says, shaking her head as if what I’m saying isn’t making sense. “And it seems to me they’re actually kind of into each other.”

Poor Taylor. Always wanting a father figure. She’s already had my dad to fill that role to some extent, but now she’s clearly trying to project it even further.

I don’t want to crush her hopes and usually it’s her giving me life advice so I wouldn’t know what to say in terms of lowering her expectations even if I wanted to. I decide to just change the subject.

“Well, I’m glad my dad is in a good mood because I’m so glad he said yes to us having the party,” I say, as Taylor and I walk into the cafeteria.

My attention turns away from the conversation. I’m thinking about inviting the new football player to the party, and wondering whether he’ll come, when I see that he’s here eating with Christian.

“Oh my god,” I say, catching my breath.

Taylor follows my line of vision and says, “Uh oh. This can only mean trouble.”

“I’m going over to him,” I tell her, surprised at my newfound boldness.

“Chelsea! Do you really think that’s a good idea…?”

But I’m already walking over to him, and she’s following me. And he’s looking at me, in a way that lets me know he’s happy to see me.

In fact, his look lets me know he wants to do more than see me.

And I’m beginning to think I might just let him.