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Cowboy's Best Shot by Lexi Post (10)

Chapter Ten

She was probably trying to swallow her disgust. He’d seen the backs of his legs. They weren’t pretty. After two tours in Afghanistan, two IEDs and a mortar, he had enough scars to qualify as Frankenstein.

His buddies had joked with him that he protected his pretty face, but the fact was, it was pure luck. The back of his head was a real mess.

Adriana’s hand on his ass surprised him.

“Crap, you’re built.” Her voice was husky once again and his cock responded.

He started to turn.

“No, stay like that a minute.” Her hands smoothed over his butt and squeezed.

Again, that human touch after so long had his eyes closing in sheer bliss. Her hands made their way across his thighs, squeezing his tense muscles here and there. When they reached his calves, he held his breath, those and the back of his head were the most messed up.

Adriana’s hands didn’t hesitate, stroking over his muscles there. “Your calves aren’t nearly as bad as one of Kendra’s.”

Surprised by her statement, he turned around.

Adriana’s eyes widened and a guttural moan came from the back of her throat. “Freakin-a, Cowboy. I’m going to come just looking at you.”

She reached for his thighs, but he caught her hands, and pulled her up to stand in front of him. “I want to feel you against me.” He clamped his jaw tight, pissed that he’d said that out loud.

Adriana didn’t give him her usual seductive smile. Instead, she pulled her hands from his and unbuttoned her shorts.

Shit. He hadn’t meant to reveal that particular need to her. She must think him odd for sure.

When she dropped her shorts to the blanket, she was bare.

As much as he wanted to resist the primal need growing inside him, he was weak. He pulled her body against him and held her there.

Every spot where her soft skin touched his hard body burst with joy. It was the least sexual embrace he’d ever had with a woman while naked before sex.

She laid her head on his shoulder, her silky hair falling against his skin and down her back. He stroked it, revealing in its silky texture. He wanted it against him, everywhere.

He closed his eyes, embracing her warmth and feminine curves. His withdrawal from human contact had been a gradual thing and completely unconscious. Now, he felt like a starved man before a banquet. Taking calming breaths, he held it together.

He felt Adriana tilt her head back and opened his eyes to meet her concerned gaze.

“Hey, you okay?”

He tried to push a word past his suddenly closed throat, but it wouldn’t go. He nodded instead and gave her a partial grin.

“Okay, just checking. I wouldn’t want you to pass out or anything.”

At that, he did chuckle. “Not a chance.” Without warning, he scooped her up into his arms and knelt down on the blanket.

“Oh, I could get used to that.” She gave him a seductive smile.

He ignored it. No way he would rush this. He lowered her to the blanket and lay down on his side next to her.

She immediately rolled toward him, hooking a leg over his own. Her shaved mons brushed his cock lightly.

He hardened more, anxious to be inside her but determined to take it slow. He pulled her hair over her shoulder and across his body. It was comforting and titillating all at once.

She leaned in and kissed him, but he wouldn’t let her inside. Instead, he stroked her back.

Obviously feeling thwarted, she pulled away a couple inches and reached for his cock. He caught her hand and rolled her onto her back, her hair sliding off him to fall onto the blanket.

She looked at him from beneath lowered lashes. “Whoa, looks like my cowboy wants to ride.”

The length of his body pressed against hers filled empty places in his psyche, calming his sexual need. He raised an eyebrow. “Looks can be deceiving.” He kissed the side of her neck where he’d sucked so hard last time.

He followed that with a kiss to her collarbone, her breast bone, the side of her left breast. Shit, he hadn’t even touched that nipple last time they were together. He’d have to remedy that oversight now. After licking the underside of her breast, he moved up to lave her areola until it puckered with need.

As he flicked his tongue against the hard nipple, he glanced up at Adriana’s face. Her head lay against the blanket and her eyes were closed. The rise and fall of her chest told him she was excited. He continued his tongue play, circling and flicking.

She arched toward his mouth and her hands gripped his head, sending his hat onto the blanket. “Crap, Hunter.”

He smiled inside. Not exactly an endearment, but he understood what she wanted. Gently, he took her hard nub between his teeth and moved his jaw back and forth. Her hands tried to burrow into his hair, but it was far too short for her to grab.

He nibbled first then sucked her nipple into his mouth, not hard, but enough to cause sensation. Once he had it inside, he flicked it with his tongue again.

She moaned, loudly, still trying to push him to rush it.

Moving to her other breast, he repeated the same process, determined to be fair this time. When he’d finished his attentions to her breasts, she was panting. Pleased he could bring her so much pleasure so easily, he continued to lick down her body. He stopped at her belly button where he sucked for a moment, then after licking at the small indentation, he moved down to her shaved mons.

He paused as he caught sight of a dove tattoo, no larger than the head of his bee tat, nestled down on the right side of her mons. He’d never noticed it before. It didn’t seem to fit her, but hidden away like it was, it could be a hint of the soft side of Adriana. He kissed it as hope kindled a tiny flame in his heart.

He noticed her hands had stopped moving on his head as if she waited with anticipation. Her wait would be a bit longer. He moved lower, forcing Adriana’s hands to drop from his head.

With his hands on the insides of her knees, he spread her legs farther apart. The shade had caught up to their side of the creek, but it didn’t hide the moistness seeping from her nether lips.

His cock, already hard, jerked at the sight.

Adriana lifted her head. “Do you like what you see?” Her attempt at a sexy smile was not successful.

He hoped that was because she was feeling too good to be purposeful in her seduction. “I do, but I’m sure I’m going to like the taste even more.”

“Oh, hell.” She dropped her head back to the blanket.

He grinned.

Leaning over the juncture of her thighs, he started with her outside labia, licking it from top to bottom. He moved inward, licking first up and down one side before the other. Then he explored her opening, pushing his tongue inside her, curling it up and out to noisily smack his lips as her flavor flowed through his mouth. He thrust inside with his tongue again and let his nose brush across her clit. He felt her knees bend even as her pelvis tilted.

Success buzzed through him, a sensation he hadn’t felt in a long time. Bringing Adriana pleasure awakened his instinct to give.

He pulled his tongue from her sheath and licked upward against her clit.

She moaned, “Yes.”

Happy to oblige, he thrust inside again and licked her juices over her clit, circling it this time. The hard nub combined with her taste was an aphrodisiac he couldn’t get enough of.

Again and again he repeated the action, lost in the sensuous moans Adriana emitted. He wanted her to come. As his tongue took time flicking and circling her clit, he slid two fingers inside her. When her sheath tightened around them, his cock leaked pre-come.

Shit, this was harder than he expected. He continued to play against her clit with his tongue, loving the feel of that hard nub but he didn’t move his fingers. Her hips rose off the blanket and her sheath tighten in anticipation of her orgasm.

Quickly, he removed his fingers.

Her hips hit the ground fast, losing contact with his mouth. “Fuck, Hunter. You’re killing me.”

Her brows were lowered in frustration.

He barely kept a smile from showing. “Don’t reach for it. Just relax. I promise, you’ll be glad you did.”

Her raised brow made it clear she highly doubted him, and this time he couldn’t help his chuckle from escaping. “Just lie back and let me do all the work.”

She shook her head but let it fall back to the blanket.

He returned to her clit, licking and rubbing, adding a series of nips every once in a while with no set pattern, loving the intake of breath it caused on her part even as her hips undulated and he used his hand to push them down.

Finally, when she began to emit tiny sounds, he placed his hand against her mons and sucked her clit.

“Oh God.” Adriana attempted to push up, but he held her still.

She started to whimper, her head rolling back and forth.

Pride filled his veins as he increased and decreased his suction, keeping her near the edge.

“Hunter, your fingers.”

He didn’t answer. He wanted her sheath empty to increase the intensity of her orgasm and to highlight the difference when he entered her.

Her moans grew loud, echoing off the ravine walls, filling his soul with satisfaction even though his cock ached.

He sucked her clit hard and let go, letting his teeth glide against it.

She shuddered before a scream tore from her.

He repeated the action again and again as she came apart under his mouth, victory making him feel invincible…alive.

She grabbed his head and tugged up.

“Done?” He watched as she shook from her orgasm.

She nodded, her panting probably made it hard to speak.

When she started to shiver, he covered her with his body to keep her warm, careful not to let his weight crush her.

Her forehead had beads of sweat near her hairline, and he gently brushed a stray strand of hair away.

She opened her eyes. “That was crazy good.”

“That was the intent.”


Adriana’s breath caught at the unguarded look in Hunter’s eyes. It wasn’t need this time, it was caring. Uh-uh, that wasn’t part of the program.

She winked at him. “Mission accomplished.”

He nodded with supreme male ego.

He wasn’t supposed to be that good. He wasn’t supposed to make her feel more than the physical, and she definitely felt her heart jumping up and down.

It had to be respect. No one person had been able to give her an orgasm like that and for that long. And the man hadn’t even come yet. She respected that and his ability to play her body so well.

She pressed her hips toward his. “Your turn.”

He shook his head and gave her that devilish smirk. “Not without you.”

“Again?” The word escaped before she could hold it back, but she clamped her mouth shut to avoid revealing any more. She could always fake it. No need for him to know the chances of her coming again, especially after that amazing orgasm, were nil.

“Yes, again. Do you doubt me?” He did look a little put out.

She gave him a sly smile. “Let’s just say I need to see it to believe it.”

“I plan to make a believer out of you, woman.”

A thrill raced from her brain to her core at his words. She wasn’t sure which part excited her, but she liked it.

Hunter lay above her, his weight on his elbows, his ripped chest brushing her nipples, his abs and pelvis tight against her. She pressed her mons into his hard cock.

He cupped her face and kissed her. It wasn’t the gentle kiss of before, but it wasn’t the hot kiss he’d given her the first time they had sex. Instead, it was sensual as he tangled his tongue with hers and touched every part of her mouth.

He pressed his cock against her as if to tease, moving his hips in the motion he would soon start inside her.

Surprisingly, her body responded, her belly tensing with anticipation. She wrapped her arms around him and lifted her chest against him. His body was so hard, it looked like all his muscles were tensed and it felt too good against her womanly curves.

One minute she was kissing him, his body covering her so nicely, and the next he’d rolled over, taking her with him and she lay splayed over him. Now this was a position she really liked. Actually, she liked them all, so it was technically the truth.

Hunter released her lips. “I’m guessing here, but it looked like you enjoyed riding.”

His wit had her cracking up and she let out a laugh. She made eye contact with him before looking at the horses tied near the stream. “I’m so glad you taught me, but I think I need more practice.”

His chuckle vibrated her chest and a ridiculous sense of happiness suffused her at being able to make him laugh. She was supposed to make him come, not laugh, but it was fun.

He moved his arms from around her back and dropped them to the blanket. “Practice away.”

His grin was catchy and she found herself mirroring it before his words penetrated her brain. “Oh.” She sat up onto his thighs, his cock straight up in front of her.

Damn, the man was hard. How he could think she’d find his body anything besides hot baffled her. Then again he did say she was the first woman to see it.

The weight of those words finally penetrated her brain. Crap, he hadn’t been with a woman since before he went overseas. She was a hundred percent sure Hunter would never cheat.

That meant the day at her casita had been his first time in how long? Suddenly, riding him well became important. He deserved this. He’d served his country, been wounded, and come home to what? What happened to his wife or was she gone before he left?

“Did you need a different stallion?” Hunter’s lips were quirked to the side, but his stormy gray eyes of earlier had lightened and sadness seemed to have pervaded his thoughts.

“Absolutely not. This is the only stallion I want right now. I’m just trying to decide the best way to ride.”

He clearly doubted her, so she pushed those heavy thoughts aside. The only one she kept close was that he deserved this.

She laid her hands over his chest and touched every hill and valley made by his strength. Lacey had once described him as a bow about to shoot an arrow and she was right on the money. And she hadn’t even seen his body.

Stifling the excitement that kept distracting her, she moved her hands over his shoulders and the bulges of his biceps and forearms. This time when she did it, he didn’t capture her hands nor did he close his eyes. Instead, he watched her intently as if he expected her to find something she didn’t like.

Freak, there wasn’t a single part of the man’s body she didn’t like. Even his scarred ass was so taut, it caused her sheath to tighten just from looking at it. But his front was almost scar free and far too perfect to be real.

Hmm, maybe she should taste it to be sure. She leaned forward, bracing her hands on the ground and ignoring the hard cock pressed against her abdomen. She licked the hard nipples on his chest, first one then the other, back and forth.

Just as she took one between her teeth, Hunter’s hand came up and brushed the side of her breast before settling on her waist. His touch was gentle and he held her loosely, not directing or restraining in any way.

It reminded her of some of the couples who came to Poker Flat. As they walked into the dining room, the man would have his hand on the small of his lady’s back. It was a gentle touch, caring, but definitely letting every other man in the room know she was his.

The only other male in the immediate area was Romeo, so she doubted that Hunter was claiming her. She should keep her mind on her task, especially because it was a pleasant one.

Lifting her lips from Hunter’s nipple, she couldn’t help kissing his scruffy chin. Everything about the man was too sexy to ignore. He watched her as if he couldn’t wait to see what she would do next.

She sat up again and felt his thigh muscles shift as her weight pushed down on different places. His thighs were as hard as the cock in front of her, which just made her want him inside her more. So what was she waiting for?

She ran her fingernail along the underside of his erection. He was silky, but his veins stood out as the blood filled his cock to capacity. Moisture gathered between her legs, surprising her. She hadn’t even held him yet.

Not willing to question the unbelievable, she held his cock in her hand and stroked down once. With her other hand, she cupped his ball sac, gently rolling it in her hand. When she glanced at Hunter, she found his eyes closed. She much preferred that.

She scooted her hips closer, so he touched her mons. Unable to stop herself, she pressed his cock against her and rubbed the other side. A ripple across his abdomen was the only response that let her know he enjoyed it. The man’s control was just plain amazing.

She viewed it as a challenge, though he hadn’t said anything to make her think so. Lifting herself up, she pushed his erection forward with her hand, holding the tip and brought her opening to connect with the underside. Then she slid herself forward, brushing her clit over the ridge of his head. Zings of pleasure drove straight to her core and her sheath flooded.

She glided back and moved forward again, enjoying the tease to her pussy, the tingles to her clit and the sight of Hunter’s abdomen tensing and releasing with her movements. His hands gently held her hips, making her feel precious.

To have a man affect her in so many ways was unusual. Maybe she could have a second orgasm. Lifting herself higher, she positioned Hunter’s cock at her opening and waited.

He opened his eyes and looked at her, but didn’t say a word. Instead, his hand squeezed her waist lightly before releasing. It was the green light from him, whenever she was ready. Hell, he was too nice, too caring.

She broke his gaze and looked down at where they would link together. Slowly, she let him glide inside, his hard, full cock spreading her sheath as it moved deeper until she lowered herself to his hilt. She sat straight up, tilting her hips, but he hit her cervix and she leaned forward just a bit to release that pressure. The man was big and leaning forward was better.

With practiced skill, she began a slow movement up and down, loving the control she had as she angled herself different ways, feeling him push against her in numerous places. The hot pleasure that accompanied every downward movement built in her core. It was sex, hot, stimulating, raw…but it wasn’t raw.

Uncertainty filled her at the same time Hunter’s other hand clasped her waist and he pushed his hips up.

“Yessss.” The word slipped out as she leaned forward more and pressed her pelvis against him, the pubic hair around his cock brushing against her clit as he filled her with each back and downward motion she made. She panted as everything inside her prepared.

Hunter’s hand moved up to cup her neck. “Kiss me.”

She let him bring her down against his chest, her nipples pressed into his hard pectorals. She held back even as her pelvis ground against him. He didn’t tug at her.

He waited. Her call. Her decision. But it wasn’t. The connection between them was more than physical and he’d figured that out before her. She loved being held to him while they continued to thrust and move against each other. She wanted to be even closer, be a part of him.

Giving in to her need, she lowered her face and let her lips touch his. The kiss was passionate as he thrust his tongue into her mouth like his cock thrust between her legs. His hand on her neck held her there while his other wrapped around her back, pulling her tighter against him, like he wanted to crawl inside her.

She wanted him there.

Her clit charged and her sheath filled, her body tensed for her ecstasy. But she held back, her pulse pounding as she waited for him. She had to have him with her. She sucked at his tongue and wrapped her hands around his head, like she could pull him inside her.

Hunter’s mouth broke from hers. He grunted once before a yell split the air.

He triggered her orgasm, flooding her with his heat and spinning her world out of control.

She held tight, afraid to let go as elation burst through her like the sun’s rays coming over the horizon, blinding everything its beams touched. Hunter, the only solid thing in her universe as her body dissipated into the air in joy.

As her world slowed and her breathing became more regular instead of desperate pants for oxygen, she opened her eyes to find him staring at her, a slight grin on his face and pleasure in his eyes. The pink sky overhead bathed his skin, making him look flush…and happy?

He cupped her head and brought her lips to his for a sweet kiss.

She broke it and lay her head on his shoulder. It had been different. This, what they did, meant something. It wasn’t supposed to. It was sex. That’s all.

Hunter stroked her hair, the gesture intimate. “You’re incredible.”

Her? No, she wasn’t. She was good—no great—at sex. She didn’t qualify for “incredible.” That’s what lovers said to each other. She and Hunter were…. She searched for a word. Nothing fit.

Desperate to feel normal, she squeezed her sheath.

“Whoa, there. Let a man recover his breath at least.” Laughter was clearly in his voice.

She pulled away and sat up. This needed to stop, whatever it was. But even as she contemplated standing up, his hand came down on her waist again.

“What is it? What’s wrong?”

She glanced at him to find his brows lowered in concern.

“Nothing. Why?”

“You’re afraid.”

“I was just giving you a minute, like you asked.” She gave him her seductive smile. “But if you want to go again…” She winked for good measure.

He scowled. “Stop. There’s nothing wrong with feeling something when two people connect.”

She forced her eyes to widen. “Connect? Oh, you mean this?” She pointed to her crotch. “I think we both felt a lot, don’t you?”

He continued to frown, but disappointment came into his eyes. “No man is an island.”

“What?” Now he was going off the deep end.

“Never mind. We should head back. I need to talk to Mac before I start work.”

His hands left her waist, and she swallowed a moan of disappointment. What was wrong with her? This was what she wanted, for him to keep his distance. Wasn’t it?

She didn’t look at him, not willing to watch his face as she pulled away. She stood, effectively disconnecting them in more ways than one. Looking for her clothes, she found her shorts first and pulled them on, keeping her back to him.

She hadn’t even buttoned them when his arm came around her waist and his hand came over her mouth.

He whispered in her ear, “Shh, don’t move.”

What? If this was some scare tactic…

“Mountain lion.”

Oh, crap. She nodded to show she understood.

When he released her, he walked without a sound to his rifle. The man’s movements were as smooth as any cat she’d ever seen.

Hunter raised his rifle to something behind her, and she slowly turned her head in that direction. Her knees shook and threatened to buckle as she stared at the cat in the growing darkness, sitting on a small outcropping, no more than ten feet away and just above their heads. Fear that it would pounce on her was the only thing that kept her upright.

The shot rang out and a piece of stone split off from the outcropping just inches under the cat. It turned and leapt up the canyon wall.

“Fuck.” She dropped to the blanket, her hand over her heart as she gasped for breath.

Hunter crouched down and laid his hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay, he’s gone.”

She lunged against him, toppling him over, but he grasped her to him as she shook in his arms. She couldn’t help it. The animal was beautiful on television, but up close and personal was more than she could handle.

“It’s okay.” Hunter repeated his words as he rubbed her back with one hand.

Her mind knew that, but her body still needed to catch up. She held on tight, thanking her stars Hunter had thought to bring a gun, had been there, and held her now. What a wimp she was.

She pulled her head back to look at him. “You missed.”

He grinned. “No. I didn’t want to hurt him, just scare him. This is his home more than ours.”

“Oh. Then nice shot.” Her heart started to return to normal. “I wonder if Jorge knows we have a mountain lion nearby. I’ve never heard anyone mention one. I thought you brought the rifle for rattlesnakes.”

“I did.” He smirked. “I’ll tell Jorge and Wade. If a mountain lion has made his home nearby, they may want to close this trail and develop another.”

Feeling a bit more like herself, she finally let go of him. “Who’s to say? It could be a she?” She started to stand up when she noticed two things. He’d already donned his hat and he had a burr stuck on the bottom of his foot. “Wait, don’t move.”

He immediately looked behind him.

“No, nothing threatening. Let me see your foot.”

Hunter bent his foot to look at it himself.

“You’re such a man. Give it to me.” Despite his affronted look, he let her have his foot. With her long nails, she carefully extracted the burr and any leftover spikes. “That would have hurt.”

He pulled her toward him. “I didn’t know you cared.”

His kiss was invasive at first, as if he were mad, but it ended tenderly, once again making her uncomfortable. But before she said something stupid, he set her back.

“Better get dressed. We need to go. It’s getting too dark to be out here without a light.”

That she could understand and quickly pulled on her top, socks and cowboy boots. She picked up her crushed straw cowboy hat. “Guess I’m going to need another one of these. No doubt Lacey will take it out of my pay.” She tried to reshape the straw when she remembered her status with Poker Flat. “Then again, I won’t be around long enough for that.”

Hunter pulled her against him again. “Don’t say that. I’m going to find who’s doing this. That’s why I have to talk to Mac. She was doing some research and we need to compare notes to narrow down our suspect pool.”

She shrugged, not wanting him to know how much she was depending on his abilities. “I’m just preparing for the worst and hoping for the best.” She gave him a fake smile and stepped over to Elsa.

Hunter followed her over and gave her a hand up. Once situated comfortably in the saddle, she looked around for the lion. “Why didn’t the horses warn us?”

Hunter swung his leg over Romeo and pulled him around to face her. Fuck, the man was hot. She wished they could have sex all night.

“The breeze was blowing in the wrong direction. That mountain lion is smart. Now, the horses are skittish because of the gunshot. The sooner we get back the better.”

“Lead the way.” She waved her hand at him and he turned, walking Romeo down the trail.

Elsa followed the big quarter horse, in no hurry to investigate anything else after the excitement they’d had. Adriana felt the same way.




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