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The Summer of Secrets: A feel-good romance novel perfect for holiday reading by Tilly Tennant (34)


A whirlwind summer was already playing its encore as Pip hugged Harper and Kristofer in turn. The months had passed in a happy blur, despite Shay’s best efforts to cause trouble between Harper and Kristofer, or Allie and Greg – in fact, just about anyone who was happier than he was. But it had come to nothing; Harper and Kristofer had grown closer and stronger than ever, while Allie and Greg, though not together, had come to a new understanding. Harper often shared a private hope with Kristofer or Pip that they’d make it eventually.

Allie, meanwhile, had settled into life at the farm and was now ready to take Pip’s place as Harper’s right-hand woman. She seemed content, despite the moments when her gaze would go slack and her mind would be in another place or time. But Harper understood that she missed not only Greg, but Josh as well, and it would take a lot more than a summer for her to adjust to her new life. Harper and Allie had become close, drawn together by their shared betrayal, and there were times when Harper felt almost guilty that her own luck had changed so dramatically while Allie still waited for her break. So when the time came for Pip to go back to Esther for good, Harper was more than happy to offer her position at the farm to Allie, and Allie seemed happy to accept.

Harper stood in the tearoom now, watching as Pip lugged her suitcase out to her car. Business was closed for today, which was lucky because Harper was in no state to make afternoon tea for anyone. She glanced up at the vase Will had given her, now displayed on a high shelf. Pip had told her again, only that morning, that she was daft not to sell something that was so valuable – it would change her life in so many ways. And yet Harper couldn’t bring herself to part with it, certain that the money would only bring change of the worst kind. Besides, she didn’t want her life to change – it was perfect just as it was. And her beautiful vase reminded her of that every time she looked at it.

‘Is that all of her belongings?’ Kristofer asked.

Harper nodded and gave him a watery smile. ‘I think it might be. Let’s go out to her.’

Hand in hand, they followed Pip out to her car.

‘You’re all done?’ Harper asked as she turned to face them.

‘Yep.’ She looked at Kristofer. ‘You’d better look after my bestie,’ she said, prodding a finger into his broad chest.

‘I will,’ he said, laughing. ‘I am afraid to do anything else.’

Allie strolled out to join them now, wiping her hands on a dishcloth. ‘You’re all set?’ she asked Pip.

‘Looks that way,’ Pip said. She pulled Allie into a hug too. ‘Look after yourself.’

‘I’ve got Harper for that,’ Allie said as they broke apart. ‘My guardian angel.’

‘Don’t be daft,’ Harper said. ‘If anything, it’s the other way around.’

Pip let her gaze wander the glass walls of the tearoom. ‘I’ll miss this place.’

‘You’d better not be gone for good,’ Harper said. ‘I want regular visits – Esther too. There’s plenty of room for you to stay awhile. And don’t forget you have to come back for the grand opening of Silver Hill House. You can’t miss that.’

‘That’s a year away!’ Pip laughed. ‘I can’t believe how excited you are. God help the workmen if they go past that schedule.’

‘They’ve started already,’ Harper said. ‘I saw the vans go up there yesterday.’

‘That’ll make Cesca happy – she’s been like a sparrow on a pylon since they announced the plans.’

‘She wants it to be right – she and Will have a lot riding on it,’ Harper said.

‘I’m sure I’ll hear all about it…’ Pip collected a holdall from the floor beside her, the last bag to go in her car.

‘You will. Every day, in mind-numbing detail. In fact, when Will and Cesca come for dinner at the weekend we’ll FaceTime you and they can put you to sleep with talk of lintels and roof slates and National Trust board meetings.’

‘Can’t wait,’ Pip grinned. She paused and held Harper in a fond gaze.

They were stalling, putting off their goodbye, and Harper was determined she wouldn’t cry first. But then her vision blurred and the tears began. Hastily, she rubbed her eyes clear.

‘I said I wouldn’t cry, didn’t I?’ she sniffed.

And then Pip began, and she dropped her bag to pull Harper into another hug. ‘Take care,’ she whispered, holding her tight. ‘Be happy – if anyone deserves happiness, it’s you.’

Harper dragged a sleeve across her eyes and forced a smile. ‘How could I be anything other than happy? I have the love of my life right here with me, new and wonderful friends just up the road, lovely Allie…’ she turned to Allie and shot her a fond smile, while Allie began to tear up too, ‘and all the excitement of seeing Silver Hill House finally restored.’

‘And you can be proud that’s down to you.’

‘Not just me,’ Harper said.

Kristofer put his arm around Harper and smiled. ‘Mostly you,’ he said. ‘You are a remarkable woman.’

Harper nudged him playfully and laughed through her tears. ‘Stop it – I might start to believe it if you keep saying it.’

‘Right,’ Pip said briskly, wiping away her own tears. ‘This time I’m going, or I might never leave.’

Harper leaned into Kristofer as they watched her throw her last bag into the boot of the car and slam it shut. She hardly knew how to feel – so much had changed in her life in such a short time she barely recognised it. Kristofer kissed the top of her head, and she gave him a teary smile. Pip started the car and waved as she pulled away. She was finally making a life with the woman of her dreams, and though Harper would miss her, she understood now more than ever how important that was. To find the one soul that mirrored yours in a perfect reflection, that was rare, and it was to be treasured at any cost.

There had always been treasure at Silver Hill Farm, but it wasn’t the sort money could buy. There was a magic about the place, an unnameable something that had called to Harper when she’d needed help – the same magic that had brought Cesca to Will, the same magic that would heal Allie’s wounded soul and bring her peace – perhaps even bring Greg back to her. Harper didn’t know what the future held and what the old farm had planned for her, she only knew that it was a future she was bound to, and it was filled with hope.

If you fell in love with the romance and sunshine of The Summer of Secrets then you’ll love available to order now!