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Chained by Love, Vol. 1: Angel (Vegas Billionaires) by Alexia Praks (6)

Chapter 6


Fuck! William knew he was acting like a jerk, but he couldn’t help himself. What the fuck was wrong with him? He should be grateful to the little mite who had voluntarily helped him after such a severe beating. Not that he was the one who had been beaten, of course, despite that the little darling thought otherwise when she saw him lying there on the ground, unmoving, like a dead person in the dark street in this notorious part of the town.

He had merely been exhausted, that had been all, after he had enthusiastically crushed ten members of a disreputable gang who had the gall to double-cross him. Of course, those ruthless fuckedheads should count themselves extremely lucky this time; it had only been him who was teaching them a valuable lesson. If his friends were to aid him, they would have gotten more than just a beating as a souvenir.

James Maxwell and Matt Caine would have made sure those bastards couldn’t get out of the hospital for at least a month. Those two were the most notorious of the five friends. Mark Sinclair and Tory Masuda, on the other hand, were more levelheaded and took things more logically, preferring to keep things low-key. Whereas William himself was a bit more of a hothead where keeping his territory and family business were concerned. Making his statement clear was important to him, if he wanted them to respect him.

His mind flicked back to the little brunette, and instantly, he swore fluently under his breath.

“Fuck! What the fuck!” he growled again.

God, it wasn’t like he owed her a great deal. He hadn’t even needed help. All he had needed was another five minutes to get his bearings back. All he had wanted was to be alone; basking in the pain that was coursing through his body from the bashing and kicks he had received in retaliation from the gang members. But he didn’t even get to enjoy that, the glory of winning a fight and claiming his throne, this territory that was now under his control as the new head of the Bosworth’s Group.

No. Not even one minute of peace, for the little mite had barged into his life and demanded that he was severely injured and needed her help, pronto.

And where the fuck were her parents, anyway? What were they thinking? Leaving a teenaged girl as skinny and small as a starving rabbit to look after herself in this type of neighborhood?

It was then that he was reminded of the way she had looked at him. Those large eyes staring at his naked body as if she had never seen a man in the nude before in her life, as if he were a piece of very desirable meat. Not that he minded, as he had gotten used to it.

Since he had been a teen, women had drooled over his good looks. The older ones had begged him to fuck them, which he had always politely rejected, while the younger ones stalked him for a date or two. Of course, William himself had had numerous flings, enjoying the frequent sexual intercourse with the opposite gender, provided he found her attractive and that she was a willing participant.

William sighed deeply, more than a little frustrated at how his night had turned out. He had never intended to be helped. He had never intended to meet such a willful little rabbit, whose every word and action surprised and pleased him like this…just like a breath of fresh air.

Fuck! But she was cute. So fucking adorable, and now she was pissed with him. She must have thought him an ungrateful bastard, and William had no one to blame but himself.

He merely wanted her to stop giving him that fucking lovey-dovey look that he found irritating, and cute, and adorable, and fucking sexy all at the same time.

She was a fucking teenager. She was probably underage. And he already fucking liked her.

He liked her a fucking lot.

He normally didn’t like any female this quickly. Attraction at first sight. Never. Ever. But there was always a first time, wasn’t there?

He stood, and with a flick of his hand, the towel fell to the floor. He picked up the jeans and put them on, pulled them up his legs and onto his waist. They kind of fit him, barely. They were too fucking tight. The little rabbit’s father must be on the small size, then. He wasn’t surprised, since she herself was small.

So fucking small. And flat-chested. And skinny. And so fucking cute it did those disgustingly fluffy things to his heart.

He growled again and quickly pulled the hoodie over his head. Once properly dressed, he headed toward the corridor.

Yes, he’d have to buy her dad a new pair of jeans and hoodie in repayment. Preferably in this particular style. Dull color and in poor taste. Cheap stuff. Not the usual type he’d wear.

He went past the bathroom, ignoring the opened door and the prominent sight of the mess he had made there, as he headed straight to the room at the end of the hallway.

There, he stopped and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and then knocked gently.


He knocked again, in threes this time around. Still silence.

“Hey, are you in there?” he asked loudly. “Look, I’m sorry. What I said earlier was uncalled for. I’m a jerk, and I apologize for that.”


He knocked again. “Are you in there? If you don’t answer, I’m coming in.”

A sharp voice came his way. “You wouldn’t dare! I’m upset with you, remember? How can you say such things like that to someone who just helped you?”

There, William thought. It came out. She did view him as an ungrateful bastard.

“I said I’m sorry. I’m sorry I acted like a jerk. Please accept my apology.”

Fuck! Did he actually just apologize to a teenaged girl? He had never apologized to anyone before in his life. Ever. But there was always a first time, wasn’t there?

William heard the stomping of footsteps, and a moment later, the door was flung open. A small female figure stood before him, glaring up at him with intense fire in her eyes.

“You mean it?” she asked, her cheeks bright red.

Fuck oh fuck! She was so fucking cute.

William felt his throat tighten, and he gritted his teeth. “Yes, I mean it.”

Her face brightened up immediately at his confirmation. Suddenly, she cast her eyes downward and murmured softly, “Sorry I acted like a jerk, too.” She licked her lips and tucked her hair behind her ear. “I mean, you know, getting upset so easily. I’m not usually like this. Getting upset with people so easily…” She raised her eyes to his and gave him a tentative smile. “How’s your wound doing? I mean do you need help putting the ointment on?”

William shook his head. “No,” he said. “It’s all good now. And I never said this before, but…thanks for helping me out back there.”

She smiled brightly at him. “That’s okay.” Then she looked rather worried again as she asked, “Are you going to go now?”

William thought about this for a moment.

Yes, he should really get going now. He had important business to attend to in the morning. Such as running a multibillion-dollar corporation that required his full, undivided attention. Like guarding his territory like a fucking alpha wolf. Like keeping those ruthless fuckheads of gangs under control.

Besides the fact that he didn’t know much about this teenaged girl, whose parents had irresponsibly left her to her own devices during a time like this, when family was supposed to be together, he shouldn’t inconvenience her and intrude into her life. Helping him without his consent was more than enough already.

Yes, he definitely should get going. Joseph, his doting butler, would wonder where the fuck he was by now. In fact, the very capable man had probably been worried sick since early this evening, when he had disappeared from the penthouse without informing the man of his whereabouts. He hadn’t even taken his personal bodyguards with him. Of course, it wasn’t like William needed babysitting, but it was a fact that Joseph needed to keep tabs on William’s whereabouts because of the numerous attempts on his life. This couldn’t be helped. William was filthy rich, arrogantly powerful and influential, which, not surprisingly, made almost every man in America green with envy, and undoubtedly, want him dead.

Fuck! But being the head of the Bosworth Group wasn’t easy, and William hated it sometimes. But, of course, that couldn’t be helped either, what with him being born into the Bosworth family, one of the most influential families in America, and furthermore, an only child. It was his responsibility to carry on the family’s wealth, business, and all that came along with it.

Yes, he should be leaving. But why was he stalling? What the fuck was wrong with him?

Slowly, he shook his head. “Can I stay the night?”

Fuck, oh fuck! Where the hell did that come from? Why the hell did he want to stay the night in this shithole? Why?

Because he fucking wanted to spend more time with the little brunette, that was fucking why. Because he fucking liked her a lot, that was why.

He noted her blinking a couple of times and then blushing profusely. Oh, for fuck’s sake. God, please have mercy, because he knew it wasn’t going to be easy staying close to this little beauty and not kiss her.

He cleared his throat and continued, “I’m in no condition to walk home tonight.”

It was a lie. Plain and simple. All he needed to do was call Joseph, and the capable man would be here within a blink of an eye, fixing him up and taking care of him, like the talented, proper butler that he was.

“You’re right,” she said, nodding her head furiously in agreement. “You need to rest up. I mean, you looked awfully pale before.” She opened the door wider and offered. “You can sleep on my bed, if you’re okay with that.”

William cocked his head to one side. Fuck! Was she really that innocent, or was she trying to tease him?

She explained further, “I’ll sleep in the living room. I won’t bother you, I promise.”

William shook his head and chuckled lowly. “I’m not about to take a comfortable bed from a teenaged girl. I’ll take the couch in the living room.”

She nodded again. “Okay. But tomorrow, don’t say I didn’t warn you that the couch is super uncomfortable.”

William waved her concern aside. “I’ll survive,” he said, chuckling.

Just then, a grumbling noise made itself known.

“I’m hungry,” she said, grinning. “I’ve got some pies. Do you want some?”

William agreed and nodded his head.