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Make It to the Altar by Fiona Cole (5)



I blinked against the light shining in through the windows, cursing Kevin for opening the blinds so early. Stretching my arm out to feel for him, I was met with nothing but a warm, empty bed. The sounds from the kitchen reached my ears and I relaxed knowing he was probably getting the coffee started. Bless him.

He owed me after last night.

I smiled remembering everything he’d done to me. I clenched my sore muscles and stretched, raising my arms toward the headboard, pointing my toes, and moaned as I felt the stinging between my legs.

“Now there’s a sight to be greeted by.”

Kevin walked in with a tray in his hands and heat in his eyes. My breasts had peeked out above the sheet when I’d stretched. I kept my arms above my head, loving the way his brown eyes grew darker and scanned my body, leaving heat in their wake as if he’d actually touched me.

“I’d show you more if you say that coffee is for me,” I said, taunting him and inching the sheet down with my feet.

“You’d show me more if I told you to.”

Butterflies fluttered low in my stomach, and blood rushed to my cheeks. After so many years, this man still made my heart race with excitement. It almost brought tears to my eyes knowing how long I had gone without his control when it had been here the whole time.

“I love you,” I breathed the words softly, but heavy with meaning. We’d needed last night. I’d needed last night. And as always, Kevin knew what was best for me.

“I love you too,” he said, perching the tray on the bed. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine before handing me a coffee mug, the light-colored liquid letting me know he’d made it just the way I liked it.

“Are you sore?” he asked as he leaned down to place a peck on my nipple.

“Yes,” I answered with a smile.

“Good. It will give you something to think about all day whenever you move.”

He stood and walked to the dresser to grab his laptop before coming back to settle himself on the bed. He set the computer on his lap but didn’t open it.

“What are you doing?” I asked, chuckling at his odd actions. His Adam’s apple bobbed on a heavy swallow as he stared at his lap, his thumb tapping against the black plastic.

“Anabelle.” My name came out gravelly and filled with nerves. I pulled the sheet to my chest and sat up straighter. His uncharacteristic nervousness was concerning me.

I didn’t want to ask, but I did anyway. “What?”

His hand moved to push his hair back and he looked at me with a solid, steady gaze. “Let’s get married today.”

My shoulders dropped, and I exhaled in frustration, wanting a little bit longer to not talk about the wedding. “Kevin, I don’t even want to think about the wedding right now. I just can’t think about all that has gone wrong.”

“Then don’t.”


“Let’s get married today.” He said it again and the words hit me again. Each one. Before, all I heard was married and felt dread at the decisions ahead of me. But now, I paused when I heard “today.”

Let’s get married today.

“What?” I was so confused.

“Fuck all of this, Ana. I got online last night and searched the courthouse’s hours and what we’d need. Let’s go to the courthouse and get married. Simple. Easy. Just you and me.”

Tingles broke out across my body, my mind struggling to keep up. “But the wedding. All the stuff we have. My dress, the guests, the

“We can still have the big wedding, but we can do it knowing we will be together and nothing else matters. We can have our Catholic wedding when we planned, but let’s go to the courthouse today. No more stress.”

A soft laugh slipped from my lips as I processed. He looked at me with pleading eyes, needing me to understand, but it was all so much.

“How does this stop all the stress?” I asked, shaking my head. The thought of saying “fuck it,” and just marrying this man today was almost too big to imagine. My heart kicked up and I almost smiled at how happy the thought made me. All I wanted was Kevin. All I ever wanted was Kevin.

His large hand enveloped mine, infusing warmth and strength. “Because if the wedding is a shit-show, and nothing ever really comes together, it won’t matter.” He smiled at me with adoration and love before lifting my hand to his lips and nipping at my fingers. “It wouldn’t matter because you’d already be my wife. And that’s all that really matters.”

Tears burned the backs of my eyes at just the words my wife. That’s all I wanted. “Kevin,” I choked past the lump in my throat.

“I have tickets for Jamaica right here. We can leave tonight for our honeymoon.”

My mind scrambled. “But work. . .”

“I called this morning and told them I wasn’t coming in. I wanted to be here with you today regardless. But maybe I was hopeful you’d agree to this crazy plan.”

I couldn’t stop the smile stretching my lips. He scooted closer and framed my face with his hands before placing gentle kisses to my mouth.

“I want you as my wife. I’m done waiting, Anabelle.” His forehead pressed to mine. “I’ve waited my whole life for you. I want you now. Give yourself to me.”

The warmth of his hands seeped into me, his words brushing against my lips, pushing inside to sink deep into my heart. A tear broke free and he caught it with his thumb before bringing it to his lips to lick it off.

With a trembling breath shuddering out of me, I nodded my head. “Yes. I’m yours. Always.”