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One Week in Greece by Demi Alex (19)

Chapter Nineteen



“You look gorgeous,” Christo breathed against Bethany’s ear. “Certain body parts of half the bar patrons are standing up and saluting.”

She smacked his bicep, but couldn’t keep from giggling. “I feel sorry for any woman you set your sights on. She won’t stand a chance against that panty-melting grin.”

“Spent years perfecting the technique,” he teased, snaking his arm around her lower back. Pressing his chest to hers, he dipped her, and covered her body with his, as the dance ended.

Bethany liked him, really liked him, and so she didn’t like the way her thoughts pulled her out of the moment with this great guy and kept veering to two stubborn-ass men that had her insides tied in knots. She also didn’t like the idea of possibly leading Christo on, even if he was the mastermind of the dance scene and had insisted he knew where her heart was.

“Hate being a cock block,” she said in his ear. The music was loud and the massive amount of voices in the air weren’t conducive to a civilized conversation.

“Did you say cock block?” Christo asked, smirking and failing to control his laughter. He smoothed his large hands down her arms and pulled her into a tight hug. “You’re too cute. I can totally understand why those malakes are overwhelmed.”

“I’m serious. I feel bad,” she said, but didn’t take her hands off his muscled arms. “There are a lot of beautiful women here. You’re single. I’m the cock block, because I’m standing in the way of you having a good time tonight.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, koukla. I’m having a wonderful time.” He smoothed a thick finger over the bridge of her nose and kissed the tip. “I’m enjoying getting to know you. You are a pleasure. Have a sister for me?”

“Ha! Sure do.” Sheridan would drive the big Greek he-man insane. She spun to the rhythm of a catchy new song, sang hey nah nah nah nah, and tossed her hair over her shoulder as she threw him a playful kiss.

Christo pretended to catch the kiss in mid-air, place it inside his shirt, close to his heart, and then danced up behind her, fitting his groin to her ass and flattening his large palms over her the top of her pelvic bone.

“They’re here, aren’t they?” she asked, feeling the tingles move up her spine.

“They sure are,” he confirmed, smoothing her hair off her shoulder and nuzzling her neck. “I suggest you blush prettily, koukla.”

“Done, kouklo.”

“No.” He stopped dancing, turned her against his body and looked down at her. “You don’t call me kouklo.”


“It’s too pretty. Don’t like it.”

“Okay, stud.”

“Better,” he said, fitting his thigh between hers and moving them to the rhythm.


* * *


“Fucking shit. They’re grinding like there’s no tomorrow. There. By the DJ,” Justin said, making to walk past their selected table and to the dance area.

Paul reached for his arm and held him back. “Wait. Something is off.”


“Trust me, Justin. Let’s sit down and order our drinks.” Paul motioned for Justin to slide over the plush loveseat. “Think about it. Has Christo ever shown such blatant interest in a woman?”

“She’s not a normal woman,” Justin argued. “If he played it cool, someone else would swoop right in and steal her from under his nose.”

“Bingo!” Paul pointed his index finger at his cousin. “He’s keeping the other guys away. And he’s trying to tell us something, and he’s not being as ‘almost-subtle’ as he was yesterday.”

Years of summertime “watch-and-learn how the ladies should be treated” instruction flashed through Paul’s mind, and he was certain that his cousin wasn’t moving in on his woman. Christo was keeping her safe while forcing Paul to come to his senses.

“It’s one of Christo’s lessons,” he said

“His notorious Romeo lessons?” Justin asked, realization dawning on his face.

“Exactly.” Paul stretched his arm over Justin’s shoulders and played his fingers through the hair at his nape. “And it fucking worked. It got us worked up and worried.”

“And it got us here,” Justin said, nodding in agreement.

“Sit back and enjoy the show, babe. We’ll never have a sweeter view of that dance floor. She sure looks good out there.” He adjusted the room in his pants, placed his right foot on his left knee, and pulled Justin in for a kiss.

“I’m so freaking blessed you walked into that cafeteria all those years ago.”

“Back at you,” Justin said, brushing his lips over Paul’s mouth. “Love you, Paul.”

“Love you more.”

They settled back on the seat and watched Bethany work the dance floor like she’d been dancing in Mykonos’s hottest clubs for years. Her shorts rode up just right, showing a perfect amount of rounded ass cheek. The tank didn’t allow for a bra, so her breasts bounced beautifully with the music, and as the night heated up, a slick sheen of perspiration coated her freshly tanned skin.

“She’s so damn beautiful,” Justin said, biting his lower lip. “It’s not about being jealous of someone else having her anymore. I want her with us.”

“I’m right here with you,” Paul agreed. “She’s safe. And she’s having fun. Give her a few more dances and we’ll go get her.”

The Adele song “Send My Love to Your New Lover” played, and a shot girl sidled up to Paul, blocking his view of the way Bethany’s curves carried the tune. Paul waved off the artificial DDD blonde, who didn’t take no very well, but he managed to finally shift her to the side by slipping a five into her tip belt. He looked past her, once again connecting with Bethany swaying her hips and singing the chorus.

She looked straight through the crowd and into Justin’s eyes.

Bethany wiped the back of her hand beneath her eyes, and he realized she wasn’t wiping at sweat. She was crying.

“Go,” Justin said, as Paul rose from his seat and raced to the dance floor. “I’m not letting go of anything.”

Christo had already gathered her into his arms and was kissing the top of her head, when Paul reached her and closed his fingers around her wrist.

“Come over here. You don’t get to send it. Give him your love yourself.” Paul cupped her head, held her against his heart, feeling guilty for loving the way she fit to him as her body trembled.

Justin smoothed his knuckles down her cheek, and urged her to look at him.

“No tears, love. No more tears.” Hauling her against him, he cupped her face, bent his head, and claimed her mouth, crushing her lips and thrusting his tongue past them, leaving no question on how much he truly wanted her. “Tears were the only reason I stayed away, love. The only reason. So no more tears. Please.”

Paul looked at them, really looked at them, and everyone else faded away. His partner placed little kisses along the line of her lips, licking over every swollen bit, and finally sinking into her pretty mouth with tenderness only a true lover possessed. Tenderness Paul knew, and tenderness he wanted for Bethany.

Justin lifted his head and met Paul’s gaze, communicating their agreed intent and desire. If she wants our love, we’re going to love her.

He turned Bethany toward Paul, and Paul placed his hands over Justin’s, their fingers spread and alternatingly stroked over the softness of her jaw as Justin slipped his hands down the side of her throat and moved to her shoulders.

Paul lowered his head, slowly sweeping his tongue over her lips, gently closing his mouth on hers, and pulling her quivering body into his embrace.

“Come home with us, baby. We have things to see to.”

She nodded.

“Love, I’m trusting you to know what you want on this one.” Justin brushed his thumb over her cheek and swept away the last tear. He tucked her against his side, his lips on her hair. “Because I want everything. And I want anything you want. Anything.”

With those loaded words, Paul knew his partner had placed his heart on the line for all to see. Justin loved her. He’d do anything for her. Including risk his own heart.

Paul glanced at his cousin, who lifted his chin in understanding. They said goodbye in Greek, and Paul followed Justin and Bethany through the crowd.

Once outside, Paul lifted Bethany into his arms, cradled her against his chest, and carried her to the car.

“I can walk,” she whispered. “I’m okay.”

“I’m not,” he admitted. “I need this.”

Handing the keys to Justin, he gathered her close and folded his body into the back seat, fitting her in his lap, and instructing Justin not to force the gears since they were driving downhill.

“I got this,” Justin replied, starting the car. “Take care of Bethy.”

“Done,” he said, smoothing back her hair and touching his lips to her forehead. “You see what you do to me, baby? I’m letting Justin drive just so I can keep touching and holding you.”

She laughed and kissed the underside of his jaw. “Thank you. You’re truly sweet and brave.”

He’d never been called sweet, so he wasn’t sure how accurate that was. And as Justin stepped on the gas and the car lurched, he wasn’t so sure how brave he was either. He questioned his sanity over letting Justin drive. He chuckled and lowered his face between her breasts.

“Or maybe I need a lobotomy.”

“It’s less than a mile,” she said, her voice soothing, and her fingers playing with the hair at his nape. “I kind of like where I am.”

“Me, too, koukla mou.” He sank his hands into her hair and pushed it off her beautiful face. “I’m sorry, but I’m not strong enough to keep our agreement and give you the space you asked for. Agreement or not.”

“An agreement made without my input,” Justin said from the front seat. “Sweetheart, we’ll take anything you give us.”

“We can’t give you any more space. My body knows what it wants, Justin knows what he wants, so I really hope your body still wants the same.”

“No more talk. Let him drive,” she said, burrowing into him and confirming they were all on the same page.


* * *


Justin drove into a parking spot and pulled on the hand brake. He would take anything they gave, for as long as they were willing to give it, to have them together. But fuck, it sucked to be so out there, heart on the chopping block, body vibrating with need, and without one bit of control over his own fate.

He rubbed the heel of his hand in the center of his chest, hoping Bethany and Paul would come to the realization that they could make being together work beautifully if they only tried.

Fuck society. Fuck obstacles. He’d make it happen. He loved them.

“I want us on common and neutral ground,” Justin admitted. “Just the three of us, and nothing else present.”

“Sounds perfect to me,” Paul said.

“Me too,” Bethany added.

“Good, sweetheart.” He raised his finger and waved it side to side, aching to touch her lip and prevent her from worrying it. She did that when she was nervous.

He didn’t want her nervous, didn’t want any doubt between them, but even Paul showed signs of defensiveness. Paul held her close, as if shielding her from any hurt Justin would cause, and that’s when the complete picture materialized.

Justin, the one who had held out from the friends with benefits relationship, was the common denominator.

She and Paul had looked to him to make it okay. He’d held back, concerned about the asinine remarks some of the staff had made.

Had they outgrown each other?

Was she the beard in their relationship?

Maybe it was summer spice?

Were they not enough for each other anymore…

None of the fucking above.

Paul and Bethany needed to know that they were each more than enough on their own, but together, the three of them were so much more.

They’d both stepped back and waited on him. It was his move. He either accepted them or he didn’t. No time frame. Nothing. Just them.

Only true love and caring allowed another person power over you. And they had so much power over him because he loved them. But fuck, they loved him too. Their love for him was the very reason for the protective wall they’d built around themselves.

They really loved him, so Justin possessed the power to actually wound them.

He never would. Never.

Actions speak louder than words, he thought, steeling his resolve and walking behind the car to meet them.

He was not one to shirk responsibility or shy away from a challenge, and this relationship was his greatest challenge; he was more than willing to carry the weight and take a risk.

He bent and kissed Bethany while Paul held her in his arms, and in the same breath lifted to Paul and kissed him.

“You two are my greatest desire,” he said, running his palm over Paul’s chest and bringing it to rest on Bethany’s abdomen. “Will you give me tonight?”

Bethany sighed her acceptance. Paul nodded.

“Good. The only thing I ask is for each of you to walk into tonight on your own.” He smoothed his hand over the side of Bethany’s thigh, lingering where Paul’s arm held her. “Please put her down. Each of us walks in on our own.”

Paul gently placed Bethany’s feet on the ground, keeping his hand on her lower back. She reached across him and squeezed his hand.

Justin smiled. “I like that. You’re here for each other, and I’m here for you.”

“We’re here for you, too,” Paul said.

“I know. But you gave me tonight. Good?”

“Okay,” Bethany whispered, the spot at the base of her throat exposing how quickly her heart beat.

“Perfect,” Paul said, the muscle ticking at his jaw giving away his excitement.

Justin had made the right decision, and seeing how they responded only reinforced his eagerness to build a physical gateway that would blow their minds and refute any objections.

“Let’s go, loves. Walk on into our courtyard.” He stepped aside and motioned for them to walk ahead of him. He thought aloud as he watched them. “Paul, you shared what you want to do for Bethany in your dreams. I want those dreams to become reality.”

Justin thought he heard Paul groan, and seeing how Bethany leaned into him and curled her fingers around his bicep, he was sure he hadn’t misheard.

“Bethany, a long time ago you whispered a hidden wish in my ear. That wish has starred in my dreams for years. Tonight it will also become reality.”

She glanced over her shoulder at him, her cheeks flushed and her eyes big. But she bit her bottom lip as she nodded.

They entered the courtyard and walked to the closest door—Bethany’s door. But he didn’t want it to be her room, her hospitality, and him and Paul as visitors.

They all had themselves to offer.

Nothing more. Nothing less. Common ground, he kept repeating.

He held out his hand and asked for her key.

Bethany searched her pocket, produced the key, and handed it to him.

He unlocked the door, reached his arm inside, and turned off the exterior light.

“Give me a minute. I’ll meet you by the chaise lounges. The far end of the pool. Place them together, and wait for me.”

He opened the door to their room—and that was the problem, it was Paul and Justin’s and not also Bethany’s room. He tossed the key on the table and walked to the bathroom. He grabbed the clean bath towels, swiped the covers off the bed, and headed back to the lounges.

Stepping into the dark night, he glimpsed the shadows in the reflecting light of the stars, and his chest barely contained his happiness. Bethany stretched to meet Paul’s kiss. His hands pulled her up his body and on to her toes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him. They met soft, gentle, and sensuous as all hell.

“Nice,” Justin said to himself in a low tone. “So freaking nice.”

He quickly made up the chaises by placing towels over the cushions, stripped out of his clothes, and entered the pool. Barely disturbing the water, he swam close to where they stood, watching Paul and Bethany tangled in each other’s arms the whole time. “Damn, you could kiss.”

“Damn, you look kissable,” Paul echoed, a satisfied grin on his face.

“Then I suggest you lose the clothes and join me,” Justin said.

Positioning himself at Bethany’s back, Paul snaked his hands around her waist, and worked the button on her shorts. He lowered the zipper, slowly skimmed his hands inside the denim, and pushed the shorts down her legs. He left her in a thong and the tank. “I’ve been thinking of seeing you in this shirt, all wet, all night long. Mind going in dressed like this?”

Hearing Paul voice his desires, Justin wanted to cheer in victory. Paul had never been the bystander type, but he’d held back where Bethany had been concerned. Now he was actively in.

Bethany let out a soft breath and sat on the edge of the pool. But Justin smiled at the irony of the relief pictured on her pretty face. She didn’t know how visual Paul was in his sexual preferences. He’d want her walking around in tiny little see-through outfits all the time.

Shit, she was beautiful.

Justin swam to Bethany’s side, fit himself between her legs, and raised his chin to Paul, indicating he expected him to strip and then join him.

“Wouldn’t do it any other way,” Paul said, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it aside. He stepped out of his pants, and then jumped in, feet first, right beside where Bethany sat. He reached for Justin and cupped his nape, pulling him in for a kiss. “I said you look kissable. Kiss me, Justin.”




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