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Rage's Redemption (Wild Kings MC Book 7) by Erin Osborne (5)


I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW FAST TIME is flying by. We’ve been playing in the snow, spending time with everyone in the clubhouse, and now we’re planning for Thanksgiving in a few weeks. I’m excited because it will be my first celebration with family. In the month that’s gone by, every single one of these individuals have become my family.

At the same time, I’m trying to slowly ease back into spending time with Riley. Things aren’t the same as it used to be, and honestly, I don’t know that they ever will be again. She’s been trying to tell me what exactly happened and what made her change her mind. While I appreciate that she’s trying to be honest now, I think she should’ve been honest from the very beginning. We could have come up with a game plan back then.

Today, I have to take time away from helping the rest of the girls plan for Thanksgiving. Rage and I are going to see Doctor Sanchez. He’s really concerned about how tired I am and the way that I’m still getting sick. Honestly, I am too. Bailey and the rest of the girls have talked to me about this and they’ve all told me that they think I’m carrying multiples. They just aren’t sure if it’s twins or more. That thought scares the ever-loving shit out of me honestly.

“Are you almost ready firefly?” Rage asks, coming in our room.

“Yeah. I just need to brush my hair and we’ll be ready to head out.”

“I’ll be in the truck waitin’. I’m just gonna drop Kasey off in the game room with the girls.”

Rage gives me a kiss and then walks out of the room. It’s probably a good thing because I’m distracted to the point that I’m forgetting things this morning. I went to take a shower, and I forgot all my clothes in the room. Thankfully, I locked the door before I got in, so I didn’t have to worry about anyone walking in. But, first I forgot that I was making Kasey eggs and toast this morning and completely burned everything. It was insane. We had to open all the windows and doors to get the horrid smell out of the clubhouse.

It doesn’t take me long to get done brushing my hair. So, I grab my purse and head out to the truck. Rage bought one a week ago. He decided that we needed something better for the winter months. Especially with the baby on the way. The car that I’ve been driving is good enough with the three of us, but not now that there’s at least one more baby on the way. I haven’t even told him about the possibility of there being more than one baby in there.

On our way to the doctor’s office, he holds my hand. I’m not sure if he’s trying to calm me down or calm himself down. I know he’s been worried about how sick and tired I’ve been. It’s something that we’re going to talk to the doctor about today. Rage and I talked about it last night and I agreed that we need to find out what’s going on.

Today is the first time that I’m walking into a doctor’s office with Rage. He doesn’t let me go to the counter alone or anything. The entire time, he’s right by my side. Especially when I finally got called back to go in the exam room. I’m not going to do a single thing alone during this pregnancy. It’s refreshing to know that I’m not going to be alone.

“How has everything been going?” the nurse asks me.

“I’ve still been really sick and I’m sleeping a lot. I know I’ve heard that you get tired in the beginning of your pregnancy, but the way I sleep is insane. It’s all I want to do.”

“Well, we can do some blood work and an ultrasound. Then we can try to figure out what’s going on and what we need to do next,” Doctor Sanchez tells me.

“Sounds good,” Rage answers.

As soon as I got on the exam table, he pulled the chair up by my head and hasn’t moved from that spot since. He’s not going to be going too far from me if he doesn’t have to. Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to like the attention, I figured I’d feel suffocated. The opposite is actually true. I feel so loved and wanted, like he’s true when he tells me that he’s going to be by my side and protect me, and our family, no matter what.

Doctor Sanchez does what she has to do as far as my exam goes. Once she’s done, she makes the arrangements for me to have an ultrasound done. She wants it done today with the way that I’m feeling. Having a doctor that is going to go above and beyond to make sure that I’m okay is amazing. I’ve heard horror stories where the patient could barely get a word in about something that was going on. I don’t know what I’d do if I ended up with someone like that.

“Okay, stay right here,” she tells us coming back in the room. “The technician will be here shortly. On your way out, make sure that you make an appointment for another month from now.”

We thank the doctor before she leaves the room. Once again, she makes sure that I have the medicine I need to stop feeling so nauseous. It helps a little bit, but I can’t constantly take it, so there’s going to be times that I’m going to have to deal with it.

“Are you excited to see the baby?” I ask Rage.

“Yeah. I know it’s not goin’ to look like much since you aren’t that far along, but it’s better than nothin’,” he answers.

I can see the excitement in his eyes. It makes me wonder if he got to go through anything when his ex was pregnant with Kasey. If he didn’t, my heart breaks for him. Rage is such an amazing man and a wonderful father. Our little boy or girl is going to be so loved and cherished. This pregnancy also makes me realize that I wasn’t anywhere near ready to have a baby when I was pregnant before. I’m glad that I get to experience this with the man at my side and not someone else.

“Can I ask you something without upsetting you?” I ask him hesitantly.

“Of course, you can. Don’t ever be afraid to ask me anythin’ firefly.”

“Did you get to go through this with Kasey’s mom? Were you still together when she was pregnant?”

“No. She wouldn’t let me around her. I got told she was pregnant through a text message. Once in a while I’d get an update, but that’s it. Hell, I was barely there when Kasey was born. If it wasn’t for my mom, I wouldn’t have known at all.”

“I’m so sorry,” I tell him, my heart breaking.

“Nothin’ to be sorry about. It’s in the past and I have Kasey all to myself now. Plus, I get to experience it with you now.”

“I would never hold this from you. No matter what happens between us, I’d never have kept your baby from you.”

“I know firefly.”

Before anything else can be said, there’s a knock on the door and it’s opened. There’s a technician wheeling a big machine in behind her. I’m not sure exactly what I’m supposed to be seeing here, but I’m sure she knows exactly what she’s doing. Rage has a confused expression on his face too. We look at one another and I know that we’re both clueless in this moment.

“How are you today?” the tech asks.

“We’re doing good,” I answer, noticing that she’s not looking in my man’s direction at all.

“Okay. This is going to be an internal ultrasound. Have you heard of that before?”


The technician explains what’s going to happen. I watch as Rage’s face pales. If I wasn’t so worried about what’s going on, I’d laugh at him. But, this is to make sure that our baby is fine, so I just grab his hand and hold on tight. This makes Rage look at me and I know he can see the concern I have for him. So, he leans over and kisses me gently while she gets everything ready.

Once she’s ready to go, she tells me to push my pants down. Once I have them removed, she does what she has to do so we can see our baby on the screen. The only reason I know this is because she told us that’s what was going to happen. Within a minute there’s a picture up on the screen and I’m staring at it in fascination. Even though I have no clue what I’m looking at, I know that our child is in there. A child that was created out of love.

She points out different things and then my man asks the question that was in my head. “Um, why does it look like there are two tiny blobs in there?”

“That would be because there are two in there. It looks like you’ll be having twins,” the technician tells us.

I glance over at Rage and he’s staring at me with love shining from him. I’m not sure what’s going through his head right now though. Personally, I’m scared shitless knowing that we’re going to be bringing two little ones into this world. Our family is getting bigger than we anticipated, but I know that with him by my side, we’ll be more than fine. Rage isn’t going to be an absent dad that expects me to do it all on my own. He’ll be there for the midnight feedings, the dirty diapers, the crying, the first moments such as their first smile, walking, crawling, and talking. We’re going to go through the hard times and the good times as a unit.

As we’re walking back in the clubhouse, Rage is staring at the pictures from the ultrasound. He’s been so quiet on the way here and I don’t know how to take it. I’m sure he’s surprised just like I am, but him not saying a single word is unnerving. If I weren’t just as shocked, I would probably be upset right now.

“Are you okay?” I finally ask him.

“Yeah. I’m shocked, surprised, happy as fuck, and scared,” he tells me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in for a delicious kiss.

“Should we tell Kasey?”

“Yeah. Let’s find her and let her know. Then she’ll let everyone else know.”

That’s another thing that I’m so happy about. We are including her in every part of this. We’re not excluding her or making her feel like we’re trying to replace her or anything. Kasey will be a part of this every step of the way. It’s the only way that she’s not going to feel anything bad about it. And, if we’re going to be a family, I want her included in everything. I already love her so much and feel like she’s my daughter.

“Keegan! Daddy!” we hear shouted from the hallway. “You’re back!”

Kasey comes running up to us and if we didn’t know, we’d have missed catching her as she threw herself into our arms. This is what she always does though, so we were both ready. After hugging her and placing kisses all over her little angelic face, we tell her that we have some news for her. Rage walks us over to a table in the corner, so we can share this privately.

“Do you want to see somethin’ amazin’?” he asks her, holding the pictures close to him.

“Yeah!” she says, bouncing in her seat.

“These are pictures of the babies growing in Keegan’s belly,” he tells her, placing the pictures on the table in front of her.

“Why is there two Keegan?” she asks, looking up at me.

“Well, that’s because we’re going to be having two babies,” I tell her, waiting to hear what she’s going to say to that.

After pausing to think about it for a minute, a smile breaks out on her face. “You mean I get to be a big sister to two new babies? At the same time?”

“Yes, sweet pea,” her dad answers her.

“This is so exciting! Can I tell? Please daddy? Please Keegan?” she begs us.

“You can. Wait until dinner when there’s more people here. Can you do that honey?” Rage asks.

“I can daddy!”

Kasey gets up, hugs, and kisses us both before pausing in front of me. She’s staring at my stomach, so I spread my arms wide. As soon as she has room, Kasey leans in and presses two little kisses to my stomach. Looking at Rage, I have tears glistening in my eyes at the sweetness coming from this amazing little girl standing before me.


Hearing that we’re having twins was definitely a shock to the system. That was honestly the last thing I was expecting to hear today. I’m honestly excited at the aspect of having two new additions to our family. No matter what anyone says, we are a family. Right now, we’re a family of three, soon we’re going to be a family of five. And then, we’ll be a bigger family eventually.

After Kasey, I never really thought about having more kids. Once I knew that I wanted Keegan in my life as something more than a quick fuck, I knew that I wanted her to have my babies. As many as she’ll give me. I want to watch her grow round with baby’s that we created from love and passion.

I know that we haven’t said that we love one another, I don’t want to scare her away. But, I know deep in my heart that I love Keegan. She loves me too, even if she hasn’t said it. Firefly shows me every day that it’s true. It’s in the little things she does, the way she treats my daughter, and the way that she is with my brothers and old ladies in the club.

“Rage, I want to tell you something,” she suddenly says, breaking me from the thoughts going around my mind.

“What’s up firefly?” I ask, hoping that everything is okay.

“I know it’s soon, but I can’t hold it in. The time that I spent away from you and Kasey proved to me what I already knew before I took off,” she begins, playing with the hem of her shirt. This is a sure sign that she’s nervous. “I love Kasey and you. You two have become my entire world and I don’t know what I’ll do if anything ever happens to either one of you. It’s soon, and I’m sorry for springing this on you, but I need to say it. These two new babies were created with the love we share. You don’t have to say anything…..”

I cut my girl off by placing my finger over her delectable lips. There’s no way I can allow her to think that I don’t feel the same way about her. If she honestly feels like I don’t share her love, then I need to step up my game and make sure there’s never a doubt in her mind.

“Firefly, I love you. At the current moment, there are four people I would lay down my life for with no second thoughts. That’s Kasey, you, and the two new baby’s you’re carryin’. Eventually, we’ll have more kids. I don’t want anyone other than you. In the short amount of time we’ve known one another, you have become as important as Kasey to me. You guys are my entire world and if I were to lose either one of you, there wouldn’t be anyone stoppin’ me from goin’ off the rails. I would destroy anyone that hurt you, and anyone that got in my way. I love you and one day I’m goin’ to marry you.”

Keegan has tears in her eyes, something that happens a lot these days. She gets up from her chair and makes her way over to me. So, I push my chair back and allow her to straddle my lap. This is not the time to be starting anything, but my cock has other ideas as it grows painfully hard underneath Keegan. Firefly starts placing little kisses all over my face until she makes her way to my neck. Once there, it’s all over. I need my girl now and we need to get to our room. Hopefully I can make it there.

I carry Keegan to our room and slam the door shut behind us. Making my way over to the bed, I gently lay her down so that I can undress her as I worship her body. No matter how hard or fast I want to take her right now, I need to show her how much I truly love her. So, I’ll let her know through our bodies. Words will only do so much to convince her of the love I feel for her.

As soon as I have my girl naked and laying in the middle of the bed, I take a minute to stare down at all that belongs to me. Keegan is squirming on the bed under my heated gaze. Her hair is fanned out behind her and the love she feels is radiating from her entire body. Finally, I can’t take it anymore and I get naked as quickly as I possibly can.

Crawling up the bed between her silky thighs, I kiss, lick, and nip every inch of her. This only serves to make my girl squirm and pant even more. Reaching my destination, I take a minute to look at my pussy. Just as I go to take my first taste of the day, I look up in Keegan’s eyes so she can see everything I’m feeling in this moment. As my tongue swipes through her folds on my way to her clit, Keegan gasps and arches up off the bed. She is so responsive to my touch and has no problem letting me know what she likes, what she doesn’t, and what she needs. Perfection is laying under me.

As I pay close attention to her clit, I slide two fingers in her. Her greedy pussy is trying to suck them in and not let me pull them back out. We’ve just started and she’s already so close to cumming. It amazes me sometimes that I am lucky enough to have this girl in my life. Keegan is panting and moaning as I continue to work her over, getting her ready to take me.

When I can’t stand it anymore, I make my way up her body. Keegan is so close to finding her release, but it’s not going to be by my tongue and fingers. I stop and pay special attention to her tit’s. She’s always been sensitive there and it’s only gotten worse since she got pregnant.

“I love you firefly,” I tell her as I slide inside where my cock loves to be.

“I love you,” she pants out.

I slowly slide in and out of her, keeping my gaze on her. We stare at one another and there’s no doubt about the love we both feel. This moment is ours. Keegan starts to meet every thrust. She’s getting so close and I know that it’s only a matter of time before I feel her clench around me, trying to draw every last drop from me.

Leaning up, Keegan starts to kiss my neck and chest. She’s running her fingers through my hair and I love the feelings she’s creating in me. Every little sensation she makes me feel is magnified this time. I’m not sure if it’s because we declared our love for one another or if it’s because of everything that we’re going through right now. I’m not going to question it though.

“So. Close,” she pants out.

“Give it to me,” I growl out.

Keegan reaches down between us and starts frantically rubbing on her clit. She’s pinching it and pulling it as much as she can. Knowing that Keegan has no problems making sure that she reaches her release turns me on like nothing else. Especially knowing that she’s going to do what she has to do to make sure that I enjoy myself and find mine too.

“Aiden!” she screams out as her body arches off the bed.

I feel her muscles squeezing me and I know that I’m not going to last any longer. “Keegan!” I growl out.

As we both come down from one of the best orgasms I’ve ever had, I roll us onto our sides and don’t let go. These are some of the best moments with my girl. She’s satisfied, happy, and laying in my arms. We run our hands up and down one another in a loving way as our breath slows down. Keegan is looking up at me as she cups my cheek, letting every single emotion flood from her into me. I’m so glad that I found the love of my life. I’ll spend every day I’m alive cherishing her and making her feel what I feel for her.

“I love you so much firefly,” I tell her, placing a kiss at her temple.

“I love you more than you know,” she tells me right back.

Dinner time has finally arrived, and Kasey is bouncing around the clubhouse. Everyone is trying to get it out of her what she’s so excited about. Kasey is keeping her lips sealed about our secret though. She knows when it’s time to let everyone in on it.

“Daddy, is it time?” she asks, running up to me as I’m making her a plate.

“It’s time,” I tell her, looking around to see most everyone already eating.

So, I place her back up on the bar while Keegan comes up to stand with us. I pull her in close and keep my arm wrapped around her. My other hand is on my daughter so that she doesn’t fall in all of her excitement. Once I know we’re ready, I whistle to get everyone’s attention. Kasey is looking to make sure everyone is looking at her.

“Keegan and daddy are gonna have two babies!” she shouts out, making sure to accentuate ‘two’. “I get two little babies to love!”

Once again, everyone starts cheering and coming up to congratulate us. Keegan and I are brimming with happiness, and I know moments like these are few and far between in our world. Our family is surrounding us as we get to celebrate adding to our family. For now, the threat of her dad and Sam are forced to the back of our minds. Having twins and celebrating is the only thing we’re thinking about right now. I wish we would’ve taken a little longer to be surrounded by our family and loved one. However, you really don’t know what’s going to happen at any given second.




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