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The Landry Family Series: Part Two by Adriana Locke (64)


“Here they are in green,” I say, holding up a pair of yoga pants. “I think she said she has them in a grey now too.”

Joy and I search the racks of Halcyon, looking through Ellie’s new arrivals. Her business is really picking up, and she and her business partner, Violet, have hired a couple of people to help them. They especially need it now that Ellie’s going to be a mama.

“I didn’t know you were here,” Ellie squeals, coming around the corner from the back. “Why didn’t you tell me you were stopping in?”

“It was a last-minute decision,” I tell her. “We were having lunch down the street and decided to come in for yoga pants.”

“I love hers,” Joy gushes. “I need them in every color.”

“There are a bunch in the back that we haven’t put out yet. Let me go see what’s back there.”

She disappears, leaving the two of us milling around with a few other customers.

“How are thing with Dominic?” Joy asks.


“And the lie detector reads that’s a lie.”

“It’s not a lie. They aren’t bad. They’re just … not as great as they have been.”

“What’s going on?”

I shrug again, flipping through a rack of shirts. “I’m mad that this little gym rat keeps hitting on him. He’s mad that Barron asked me to Paris.”

“Barron Monroe? Ew.”

“I know,” I sigh. “I’d never go. But it’s enough to make Dom frustrated and ready to kill.”

“Pardon me for saying this but that would be … oh my God.” Her eyes bug out as she looks over my shoulder. Just as quickly, she goes back to the rack of clothes. “Who in the hell is that?”

Looking back, I laugh. “Hey, Nate!”

“What’s up, Priss?”

“You know him?” Joy hisses. “Introduce me.”

“Nate, this is my friend Joy,” I say as he gets closer. “Joy, this is Dom’s brother, Nate.”

He stutter-steps as he takes her in, a slow grin splitting his cheeks. “Nice to meet you, Joy.”

“Same here. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Is that so?”

“Not really,” she giggles. “But isn’t that what people are supposed to say?”

“Excuse me for butting in,” I say, laughing. “What on Earth brings you here, Mr. Hughes?”

“I saw your car and knew this was your family’s place. It’s driving me crazy hanging on to this check and I wanted to give it to you and not be responsible for it anymore.” He takes an envelope from his pocket and extends it to me. “Thank you again, Cam.”

I take the envelope, but he pulls me into an unexpected hug before I get my arm back. “You are a great friend,” he whispers in my ear. “And you’d be an even better one if you told me Joy doesn’t have a boyfriend. Not that I really give a shit, but I need to know which angle to come at it.”

Laughing, I pull back and shake my head. “Free,” I mouth, watching his eyes light up.

“Joy, do you have any plans for this evening?” he asks, jumping right to the point.

“No. And if I did, it would be nothing I can’t move around.”

He grins. She swoons. I can’t help but giggle.

“Would there be any chance we could hook up and grab some dinner or something?”

“I’d love that.”

I leave them standing by the yoga pants and make a beeline for Ellie as she comes back into the room. “I love watching love,” I sing-song.

“What did you do now?” she asks.

“I didn’t do anything. Fate just swung by and—voila! Dates are being made.”

“Nice,” Ellie giggles.

Nate says something and Joy throws her head back and laughs. His face is lit up like I’ve never seen it and it warms my heart for them both. They exchange numbers and Nate heads for the door, stopping short of leaving.

“I’ll be right back,” I tell Ellie. Making my way across the store, he waits for me. “How’d that go?”

“Lord, she’s beautiful. And funny. We’re going to dinner at six.”

“She’ll love you.”

“Hey, take it easy,” he jokes. “I’m just looking for a lay.”

“You are not, asshole. You need a good girl to settle you down, and Joy might be the one to do it.”

“Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll see.”

“Yes, we will.” I toe at the rug. “So, how’s Dom today?”

“You haven’t heard from him?”

I look at the ground, my heart sinking with it. “He’s irritated with me. I’m irritated with him. I don’t think we’re in full-blown avoidance, but the communication isn’t flowing either.”

“I heard about Hannah,” he cringes.

“I hate her.”

“I won’t fuck her anymore, just for you.”

“You’re such a jerk,” I say, but can’t help but laugh. “But Dom?”

He shrugs. “He’s good. A little grouchy, but he usually is before a fight. And with that rib …”

“He shouldn’t be fighting, Nate.”

“I agree, but he’s going to regardless of what we say, so it’s always better just to support him and try to help him not get hurt.”

“Is that what you suggest I do? Just support him?”

“Always, Priss. Always.” He looks at his watch. “I gotta go. I have a few errands to run and then I take over for Liz at the bar. Need anything, call me.”

I watch him walk out and jog to his truck. As I watch him climb in, I take my phone out and type a quick text.

Me:I miss you.

Dom:Going into gym. Talk soon.