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A DADDY FOR CHRISTMAS by Maren Smith, Sue Lyndon, Katherine Deane, Maggie Ryan, Kara Kelley, Adaline Raine (46)


Chapter Nine


Noelle couldn’t help but squirm and wiggle attempting to find a comfortable position. She’d held plugs before, but this one seemed to be growing with every mile they traveled. “How much longer, Daddy?” she asked.

“Why? Do you need to stop?”

She wanted to say yes, to tell him what she needed was for him to take this horrid thing out of her bottom, but knew it would be useless. She’d been awful and was being punished. “No, I’m okay.”

Surprise had her looking at him when he pulled to the shoulder and shut off the engine. “Come here, baby.” He unsnapped her seat belt and helped her move to the center of the bench seat. “Tuck your legs up and lean against me. That should be a little more comfortable.”

Blushing, knowing he was well aware of why she’d been such a wiggle worm, she did as he suggested and was instantly more comfy. “Thank you, Daddy.”

He made sure the center belt was around her waist and then dropped a kiss on her head. “You’re welcome.” When he pulled back onto the highway, he put an arm around her, resting his hand on her hip.

“Wyoming is beautiful,” she said, looking out the windshield. “And snowy.”

“Yes. It’s a good place to grow up.”

“Why didn’t you stay?” she asked. “I mean, if you like the snow, why move to California?”

“That’s where I set up business,” he said. “And that’s where I met you.”

She remembered that day a year ago. Her heart had actually skipped a beat when she’d looked down from a ladder to see this gorgeous man looking up at her and shaking his head. Even then, he’d scolded her about climbing so high. She’d been decorating the offices of a group of attorneys who practiced everything from entertainment to criminal law. She smiled and snuggled a little closer. “I’m glad you did. Tell me more about your family. I’ve never had brothers and sisters. Did you fight a lot?”

“All the time,” he admitted. “I think all siblings fight, but, no matter how pissed off we were at each other, any one of us would drop everything to help each other out. Let’s see, I’m the oldest at thirty and then there’s Paul. Next is Sean and Sarah, they’re twins and finally the baby, Steven who is your age, twenty-three.

“Wow. Your parents had five children in what? Seven years? No wonder you fought. I can’t imagine growing up in a house with five kids. I’m surprised your parents survived.”

Davis laughed. “They didn’t just survive, they thrived. They now have even more kids with the daughters-in-law and Greg who’s married to Sarah. Between them, they’ve added a half dozen grandchildren to the mix. Fair warning, with our brood, you may have to shout when asking for the bread basket to be passed.”

Noelle couldn’t even begin to visualize so many people in one family, much less such a large group who actually wanted to spend the holidays together. Her heart began to race, and as if hearing it, Davis patted her hip.

“Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll make sure you aren’t trampled underfoot, and I promise I’ll keep you fed.”

“Just remember you promised to take me home if I want to go,” she said. She hated to hear the sigh he gave, but wasn’t ready to accept him at his word about a loving family. The ability to procreate did not mean the offspring was truly wanted—just look at her.

“I won’t forget. But you remember you promised to give them a chance.”

“I will.”

A half hour later, he turned off the highway and drove over a cattle guard that had her bouncing a bit. “You grew up on a farm?” she asked as they drove past snow-covered fields.

“No, I grew up on a ranch,” he corrected, lifting a hand to point out the window. “See those black and brown specks in the distance? Those are some of the cattle.”

“Wow, I never figured you for a cowboy. Do you ride horses?”

“I do and I can’t wait to ride and give you a tour.”

“I don’t ride,” Noelle said.

“Don’t worry, you’ll be riding with me. It’ll be fun.”

She didn’t say anything but felt a stirring of excitement deep in her tummy. She’d always imagined galloping across the fields with her hair blowing in the wind, some handsome cowboy chasing after her. In her fantasy, he’d catch her and pull her from her horse, then lay her down in a field of wildflowers and have his way with her.

“What’s so funny?”


“You are giggling and your cheeks are flushed. What are you thinking about?”

“Oh, um, I was just picturing riding through waist high grasses and flowers instead of snow.”

Davis squeezed her leg. “Don’t worry, babygirl. I’ll keep you nice and warm. No frostbite for my girl. Now, are you ready?”


“To meet the family? The house is around this next bend.”

“If you want me to be honest, I’m terrified. Daddy… what if they don’t like me? I mean, I know they’ll be polite just because I’m a guest, but—”

“You’re not a guest, baby. You’re my girl, and instead of worrying about if they like you or not, you better be prepared to be smothered with affection. They are a huggy bunch of people.”

Before she could think of anything else to say, he’d turned the corner and a sprawling two-story house came into view, and she gasped. Smoke was curling out from not one but two chimneys, soft white wisps against the twilight sky. Dark green shutters framed every window, contrasting with the bright white paint of the house. A wrap-around porch, deep enough to hold what looked like a dozen rocking chairs waited to welcome anyone to sit and visit. Evergreen wreaths with big red bows hung from the pillars supporting the porch. Davis’ childhood home could grace the front of any Christmas card, evoking family, memories, and promise.

“It’s beautiful,” she said as he pulled to a stop. “So peaceful.”

“Remember those words,” he said as he unbuckled her belt and his. Climbing from the truck, he lifted her down. At the sound of a screen door opening, he grinned. “Brace yourself, baby.”

Noelle barely had time to look up before she was surrounded by people. Calls of “Welcome,” “Oh, we’re so thrilled to meet you,” “Merry Christmas,” and, “How on earth did Davis snag such a beauty,” filled the air until it all stopped at the sound of Davis’ shrill whistle.

“Good grief, give the poor girl a break,” Davis said, wrapping his arm around her waist. “I promised her you’d all be on your very best behavior. And the first one of you to run her off is going to have to deal with me.” With a huge grin, he looked down at her and then at his family. “Everyone, I want you to meet my Noelle.” An older couple stepped forward, and Davis moved to lift the woman off her feet, placing a kiss on her cheek. “Noelle, I’d like you to meet my mom, Isabel. Mom, this is…”

“Your Noelle. Now put me down so I can give her a proper welcome.” Isabel took Noelle’s hands. “Welcome, Noelle. I can’t tell you how much it means to us to finally meet the woman who has stolen our son’s heart.”

Noelle could feel her face flush, but when the woman pulled her into a hug, she returned the embrace. “Thank you for having me. I’m sorry for intruding at such late notice—”

“Nonsense,” a deep voice interrupted, pulling her away from Isabel. “If Davis hadn’t finally brought you to meet us, we were planning on showing up on your doorstep. Welcome to our home, Noelle.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“A polite little thing as well. Please, call me Martin. Now, come on inside before you freeze. Izzy, how about some hot cocoa and some of those cookies? I’m sure this poor little thing is starving.”

“Certainly, Papa,” Isabel said. “Kids, help your brother with the luggage and for goodness sakes, remember to wipe your feet on the mat before coming inside or you’ll be scrubbing the floor.”

“Yes, Momma,” a chorus of voices rang out, and before she could blink, Noelle found herself being carried along towards the porch. Before she could panic, she felt a familiar arm slip around her.

“Don’t worry, they don’t bite.”

She grinned and shook her head. “Now I know how those cows must feel when they’re being herded.”

She discovered that Davis had inherited his father’s laugh as both men chuckled. The interior of the home wasn’t full of sleek designer furniture and abstract paintings, but filled with couches and armchairs covered in a floral print. There were pictures everywhere, telling of the family’s history, smiling faces peering out from every direction. As they gathered around the fireplace, Noelle found herself seated on a couch and a huge orange tabby cat in her lap. Stroking its fur, she smiled to see that while Davis had no feline on his lap, he held a baby.

“This is my newest niece, Amber,” he said softly.

“She’s beautiful,” Noelle said and meant it. In her sleep, dark lashes laid on the infant’s pale cheeks, and downy brown hair lay in curls over her head.

A little boy came up to lean against Davis’ legs. “She’s loud, Uncle Davis.”

“She is? Well, I remember you being a little loud yourself, Justin.”

The boy giggled and looked at Noelle. “Are you my Aunt Noelle?”

“No, honey, I’m just Noelle. Is Amber your little sister?” At his nod, she said. “Then you must take very good care of her, all right?”

“Okay. Do you want another cookie? I’ll get you one.”

Noelle laughed. “I’d love a cookie. Thank you, kind sir.”

She sipped cocoa and ate her cookie as the others introduced themselves.

“Don’t worry, they won’t expect you to remember their names,” Davis said, finally passing Amber back to her mother.

“That’s right, while you have met a hoard of Waterfords, we only have to remember one name. It’s a beautiful name.”

“Thank you, Susan,” Noelle said. “Your children are adorable.”

Noelle sat back, snuggling into Davis’ side, his arm draped over her shoulders and just listened as the family caught up with each other. She watched and discovered that it didn’t seem to matter which child belonged to which adult, everyone kept an eye on the children, giving soft reprimands when small arguments broke out, or directing them in how to play the game of spoons someone had started.

“I’ll get supper on the table,” Isabel announced, rising from the chair where she’d been knitting.

“Oh, can I help?” Noelle asked.

“Sure, I can always use another pair of hands.”

“I’ll help too, Mom,” Davis said only to be shooed to sit back down.

“How am I going to hear the truth about what you’ve been up to if you’re hanging around? We’ll be just fine, won’t we, Noelle?”

“Um, yes, ma’am.”

Entering the kitchen with the other women who’d also come to help, Noelle gawked at its size. It was huge, but then, she supposed it had to be to accommodate the long wooden table that took up half the space. It reminded her of the one seen on the TV show The Waltons, including the long benches that would provide seating.

“I really wanted to have a few minutes alone to tell you that you’ve made my son a very happy man, Noelle. Every week when he calls, he has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. And now that I can actually see him, well, he has never looked so content.”

“Oh, um, thank you, but the credit really goes to you. You raised a wonderful man, Isabel. Davis is the kindest, gentlest, most patient man I’ve ever known. He is… well, he’s an incredible human being.”

Isabel gave her a hug. “Who has met an incredible woman.” Tying an apron around her waist, she continued. “Now, Davis tells us that you are a fantastic cook, but I don’t expect you to work while you’re here. You just sit right down and keep me company.”

“Please, I really would like to help. Actually, Davis does most of the cooking these days as I’ve been working long hours. I’ve missed the kitchen.”

“Then, by all means, grab an apron,” Isabel said, pointing to the wall where several hung on hooks. “How do you feel about salad duty?”

Noelle not only prepared the salad, she and Colleen, Paul’s wife, had divided dough into rolls and set them aside to rise. “I’ve got a great recipe for monkey bread,” Noelle offered as she swiped a hand across her forehead. She and the other women had been swapping recipes as they worked.

“That will make a wonderful accompaniment to the casseroles for Christmas morning. Oh, no, you don’t need to do that,” Isabel said, taking a pile of napkins from her. “That’s what grandkids are for.” Noelle watched as Isabel stepped to the door and called for the little ones to come set the table. Within moments, dishes, glasses, silverware and napkins were at every place, and people began to fill the room.

Supper was loud and a bit crazy, but when Davis snagged a roll from the basket and presented it to her, she giggled. “Thank you, Daddy.” The moment the word was out of her mouth, she could feel her cheeks heating before she realized the thanks had been given in stereo.

“You’re welcome.”

The words didn’t come from Davis, but from Paul, and Noelle saw Colleen grin, setting down her glass that her husband had just filled with milk.

Colleen leaned close and said, “The Waterford men do make the best daddies, don’t they?”

“They do,” Noelle agreed, and it seemed that the last of her reservations about Davis’ family slipped away.

“I told you.”

Turning to her other side, she saw Davis smiling.

“You did,” she admitted, “I just wasn’t sure whether to believe you or not.”

“Ah, little girl, you should know by now that I would never lie to you.”

After a meal that left her so full she swore she’d never eat another bite, the kids were gathered up and herded off to bed while the adults sipped cups of coffee. After an hour of conversation and laughter, Davis asked, “So, what’s on the agenda?”

“We’re going to the winter festival tomorrow,” Steven said. “Let me and Beth be the first to challenge you two on the slope.”

“Ah, baby brother, I’d hate to embarrass you the first full day I’m here.”

“In your dreams. But if you’re too old and feeble…”

“You’re on. But now, if you all will excuse us, we’re going to bed.”

Noelle was surprised but didn’t protest. Instead, she allowed him to help her up and then said her goodnights. Once they were upstairs, he led her to a door.

“Welcome to my room,” he said, ushering her inside. It wasn’t huge, but it was like stepping back in time. Football trophies were on a shelf stuffed with books. School pennants hung from the wall next to framed awards and his high school diploma.

“Wow, you still have your letter jacket?” Noelle asked, running her hand over a coat hung over the back of the desk chair. “You room is like a time capsule.”

He chuckled. “Yeah, Mom has this thing about mementoes. I know she’d pack them away if I asked, but I’m not here that often and it seems to make her happy.”

“I think it’s sweet,” Noelle said. “But where am I going to sleep?”

“Right there,” he said, pointing to the double bed that was against one wall.

“Davis, I can’t sleep in here! What will your parents think!”

“They’ll think we’re grown ups and they’d be right. Of course, if you’d rather not, you can always join the rug-rats in the bunk room. But, I must warn you, it is right next door to my folks’ room, and the floorboards squeak, so when I come snatch you out of bed when everyone’s asleep, we might get caught.”

Noelle laughed and shook her head. “No, that’s a scenario I’d rather not be involved in. Okay, I’ll sleep in here, but no sex or… or any funny business.”

“Oh, babygirl, there will be sex, and I guarantee there will be a great deal of funny business. Now, grab whatever you need out of your suitcase. The bathroom is at the end of the hall, and I promise you don’t want to be the last in line!”

After gathering her nightgown and toiletries bag, she turned to him. “Um, maybe you can take out the… you know.”

“Plug?” he said, then looked pointedly at his watch. “I’ll be happy to remove it if you need to use the bathroom, but it will go right back in when you’re done. It’s not morning, and you, little girl, will keep it snug up inside your bottom until tomorrow. Now, do you need it removed?”

“No, sir,” she said, resigned to the fact that he wasn’t going to give in. By the time she’d washed her face and brushed her teeth, changed into her nightgown and opened the door, she was shocked to see a line. “Wow, he was serious!”

“Just wait until the morning,” Susan said with a grin. “Don’t be last for the shower or you’ll freeze to death when the hot water runs out!”

“Good to know,” Noelle said. Returning to the bedroom, she found Davis already in bed, propped up against the headboard. He flipped the quilt back and she slipped in beside him. When he rolled her to her back and moved to cover her with his body, she whispered, “How thin are these walls?”

“I don’t know,” he said, sliding a hand beneath her gown to fondle her breast as he dropped his mouth to hers, kissing her until she was squirming beneath him. He lifted his head and sat back, his erection jutting out from his groin. “Arms up,” he ordered, tugging the gown she’d just put on over her head and tossing it to the floor. “And panties down,” he added with a leer, sliding them off and dropping them to join her gown.

“What if someone hears us?” she whispered and then moaned as he slid his fingers through her pussy.

“Then they’ll most likely try to outdo us,” Davis said, bending forward to nibble at her nipples which were rock hard.

“Davis! Are you serious?”

“As a heart attack,” he said, moving his lips to her other breast and sucking hard on its puckered peak, causing her back to arch and a soft moan to fill the room. Lifting his head once again, he grinned. “Oh, and did I forget to mention the Waterfords are a very competitive bunch? So be warned, I’m not one to lose without giving it my best shot! Now, wrap those legs around me, babygirl. It’s time to save a horse and ride a cowboy.”

Noelle groaned and giggled, but wrapped her legs around his waist and within moments no longer cared how thin the walls were or that the bedsprings squeaked beneath them. All she cared about was the man who was turning her into a melting pot of sensations, and when he finally began to slide his cock into her cunny, she gave a little screech. He’d always filled her to capacity before, but with the plug that remained in her ass, he felt twice as big.

“Relax, I’ll fit,” Davis said to which she just groaned in disbelief.

But, just as before, he wasn’t lying. Her body welcomed every single inch. When Davis began to pump the plug in and out of her ass while he thrust his cock in and out of her pussy, each entry and subsequent withdrawal seemed to scrape against every nerve ending in her body.

“Oh, God,” she groaned, her hands clinging to his shoulders. “Please… oh, please, may I come?”

“Not yet,” Davis said, twisting the plug almost completely out and pushing it back in. “I want you to come with me.”

“Please… I can’t… I’m going to come!”

“Hold on, Noelle, just a little bit longer. It will be worth it, and if you come before I say, I’ll spank your sweet little cunny.”

The threat did nothing but ratchet up her arousal, and she met him thrust for thrust. When she finally received permission to come, it was the most intense orgasm of her life, every muscle in her body contracting, including the ones in her ass. Her scream was accompanied by his bellow as they both reached their release at the same time. She buried her face in his neck when he collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing hard. It took her a moment to realize that the sounds she now heard weren’t coming from their room, and she muffled her giggle against his shoulder.

“Yes, definitely competitive,” he said, lifting up to kiss her before rolling onto his side and pulling her to spoon against him.

“You should have outgrown sibling rivalry by now,” she said, lifting the hand that he’d cupped around her breast and giving his palm a kiss. “But I still think we won.”

“Of course we did,” he said.




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