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One Final Series: Boxed Set by LK Collins (49)

Chapter 22


I’m still wrapped tightly in Parks’ hold when I wake, which is something I’ve quickly grown to love. I never imagined in a million years this is where we would be, but . . . seeing as how right everything feels, I couldn’t be more settled with our decision.

Quietly, I slip away so I can pee and as I do so, I try not to wake him. He rolls to his back, stretching his huge arm over the top of his head as he readjusts himself. God, he’s so sexy.

After I finish in the bathroom, I pull one of his T-shirts from a hanger in his closet and slip it on. It smells like him even though it’s been washed. His scent is a heady concoction of the crisp ocean and fresh air.

I open the back door to his condo and rest my arms against the balcony. He really does have the best view of Seattle, but this morning, it’s especially calming. As I stand here and look out at the busy world around me, each person in it with their own stories and problems, my hand moves down to my stomach. I try to visualize how motherhood will be. How it will be to take care of a child. Thinking of the responsibility reminds me of the discussion Parks and I had before bed last night. I meant every word I said. I don’t think I ever want to tell Leo. I mean, he’s probably still in jail for what he did to that girl and will be for a long time.

Closing my eyes, I let all the stress release from my body, but I’m startled by Parks. “I don’t like waking up without you,” he grumbles into my ear before kissing my neck.

“Sorry, you were passed out hard.”

“Doesn’t make it okay for you to leave my bed,” he says jokingly and runs his fingers through his messy hair, knowing it’s one of the sexiest things he does.

“Then it won’t happen again.”

“Good. Why are you out here?” he asks, one of his hands continuously roaming my body, causing his cock to grow against my ass.

“Just thinking.”

“About what?” his voice is deep, heating my insides and I know just where this is headed.

“I’ve made my decision, and I’m not telling Leo. This baby is ours—end of story.” As he processes my words, his cock softens and his demeanor changes.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, more sure than I’ve ever been about anything in my entire life.”

“Then I’ll support you, but—” I cut him off, raising my hand to signal him to stop. It’s what is right. I realized that even if Parks weren’t in the picture and I was still in this situation, I wouldn’t tell Leo. Maybe that makes me selfish, but when I think about this baby and imagine what would happen if I told Leo and he ever put his hands on this baby in anger . . . I’d lose it.

I forgave him pushing me that one time. Heck, I even excused his cheating. But even the thought of the possibility of him touching this child in anger sends murderous rage through me. The only way to really ensure that never happens is to never tell Leo.

“I need to do this, Parks.”

He nods, agreeing with me because it is the right decision. I’ve said it before. It doesn’t matter what’s in the DNA; it’s in the love of the family. Together we are going to give this baby everything it could ever want and more. I find confidence in the decision, as I remind myself what Leo did to that poor girl and to me. I won’t put my child in that situation—ever. My mission is to protect this baby with everything I have.

* * *

As Parks and I hike a new trail that we explored and photographed today, he has a tight grip on my hand. The warm sun is on our backs, and as we enter a clearing, I spot a hummingbird floating from flower to flower. Stopping, I let go of his hand and bring my camera to my eye. He gently holds my shoulders, reminding me to stay relaxed and not so stiff.

I zoom in and snap a few pictures, capturing the bird moving in its natural habitat. And as quick as I got the photos, the tiny bird is gone.

“Get any good ones?” I nod and turn the camera so he can see them.

“Hell yeah,” he exclaims. “The shot of the hummingbird will sell in a day.”

“I still can’t believe you sell these for close to a hundred dollars a piece.”

“Well, I do and so will you.”

Parks has space at a few local shops and art galleries. He said it is really where the bulk of his income comes from.

“God, I love you.” He kisses my neck.

“I love you,” I tell him and let my camera hang as he holds me close. “Today has been fun.”

“It has, huh?” I nod, and he wraps his hand around mine as we make our way back to his truck.

“What are you going to get your dad for his birthday?” I ask Parks, as we load our gear. The thought of their birthdays has been looming in the back of my mind, making me stress as I feel I need to spill the news of the baby prior to the party.

“Shit, I don’t have a clue. You?”

“I don’t know. Guys are so hard to shop for.”

“No, we aren’t. What if we bought them matching barbecue grills.”

“That’s what I got my dad for Christmas. You were there, don’t you remember?”

“Uhhh, nope. I was probably somewhere between bailing to save myself from salivating over you or considering saying screw it all and forcing you to your knees.”

“Is that really what you used to think about?”

“My mind was all fucked up . . . it still is.”

“Yeah, why’s that?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just waiting for the day you get sick of me and run out.”

“Ha! Not happening, mister.”


“No way!”

He looks at me, studying my every detail. Then he runs his thumb over my bottom lip and says, “I think I have the perfect idea for them.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

But he doesn’t answer. Instead, he digs through a bag of props he always seems to have in his truck. I watch, waiting for him to find what he’s looking for, which ends up being a chalkboard and a piece of chalk

“What’s this for?” I ask curiously.

“Let’s tell our dads about the baby on there, and then we’ll take a photograph of us holding it.”


“Yeah, I do it for clients all the time.”

Excited about the idea, I snatched the chalk and board from his hand, trying to decide what to write. “Should I write ‘We’re having a baby’ or ‘You’re going to be a grandfather’?”

“I like ‘We’re having a baby.’”

I write the message as Parks gets my camera set up on a tripod. He points it to the right of the trailhead that we just hiked and tells me once I’m finished, “Go stand right by that group of aspen trees.”

I take the board with me, and when I get to the trees, I turn to him and smile.

“You’re gorgeous!” he hollers over to me, looking through the lens of the camera. His words are so sweet as we prepare to take this photo together, celebrating the baby as our own. I truly don’t think I could be any happier than I am in this moment.