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A Bitten Curse: A Darkness Bites Paranormal Romance Novel by Nicole Marie (16)


It didn’t take long for his slow teasing to drive me absolutely crazy. It was good thing he tied me up, otherwise I would have torn the clothes off his body right away and demanded he take me right then and there.

My body squirmed under his weight as he kissed, nibbled, and licked his way down the front of me, pulling my clothes partially off with his teeth as he moved. He finally made his way down past my bellybutton and bit the top edge of my jeans. He gave them a tug with his teeth, and I moaned and pushed my hips up suggestively, hoping he would tear them off me. But he didn’t. He continued kissing down my leg to my feet, and nibbled playfully at my toes.

“Just take my clothes off, already,” I said desperately. I tried to pull my hands free, but they were bound tightly.

He laughed but ignored me. He kissed his way back up my other leg, and I could barely feel it through my jeans. I wanted so desperately to feel his lips on my body, and this just wasn’t cutting it. The desperate need deep inside of me was building, and I didn’t know how much more that I could take.

Finally he made his way back up my body and kissed me on the lips gently. “Ready?” he finally whispered.

I nodded desperately and bit my lip, waiting expectantly for him to tear off my clothes. But again, he didn’t. I felt him push himself off the bed, and I lied there alone for moment. “Take off my fucking blindfold,” I growled. “I want to see your naked body.” I was surprised when he obeyed and pulled the blindfold off my face.

I looked up into his eager eyes, which looked down at me with so much devotion. I knew shifters often devoted themselves to one person, and there was that whole thing of them mating and whatever, but I never expected to be involved in any of that. I didn’t even know it worked between a shifter and a human.

“No one’s ever looked at me that way before,” I finally said.

He looked mildly embarrassed for a moment and then he shrugged. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked at anyone this way before,” he replied honestly. He leaned down and kissed me, so deeply and so passionately that our night together was beginning to feel like so much more than simply a night of passion.

If anyone would have asked me a week ago if I would have been comfortable being seen as someone’s mate, I would have laughed and probably punched them the face. The way that he looked at me, though, made my heart swell inside my chest and made my stomach knot up as if a thousand butterflies were inside.

“James?” I whispered quietly.

He pulled away from my mouth and looked down at me with concern. “Yeah, babe?”

“We haven’t even known each other a week.”

He considered that for a moment and then shrugged. “Does that scare you?” He ran his fingers through my hair and brushed a strand away from my eyes.

“I…” I began, but then closed my mouth. I didn’t know what to say, and I hardly even knew what I was feeling. All I knew was that I wanted his body, and I didn’t want to share him with anybody else. I wanted him to be mine, and I felt more for this man than I had for anyone else before. Despite only knowing him a week.

“It’s a done deal, babe. I’m yours, whether you like it or not.”

I bit my lip and nodded as I knew nothing I said would’ve been able to match the passion that I saw in his eyes.

“Take me,” I finally whispered. “I’m yours.”

James looked down at me for a moment in silence, and then a fire ignited between us like I’d never experienced before. He growled deeply and he tore my shirt off with one loud rip. He tossed it aside and did the same with my bra. His strength was incredible, and the fabric tore as if it was nothing.

He bent down and took a nipple in his mouth, and he sucked and nibbled almost painfully. I moaned under him, and my body quivered uncontrollably. He reached down and undid the zipper on my jeans, and then he pulled them away and tore them off me too. I was lying there naked, apart from my panties with my hands tied up beside my head. I spread my legs wide and arched my back, waiting for him to come back down and run his hands all over my body.

“You are beautiful,” he said, his voice raspy with passion. He pulled off his sweater and unzipped his pants. I watched him as he got naked in front of me, and bit my lip as he revealed himself, hard and erect, pressed up against his stomach, eagerly waiting for me.

I thrust my hips up again, desperate for him to tear the black lace off me. His eyes went down to between my legs and he reached forward and did exactly as I hoped. With a small rip, he tore them off and threw them aside and stepped on the bed and straddled me. He ran his hands up my stomach, and the heat from his fingers felt amazing against my skin. He massaged my breasts as he moved his hands upward and then bent forward and kissed me passionately. His strong, hard body pressed firmly against my own.

“I want my hands free,” I whimpered. “I want to be able to touch and feel your body.”

He grinned at me and winked. “All in good time, baby.”

I groaned, wrapping my legs around him tightly as it was the only freedom I had with my body at that moment.

He pushed my legs down, though, and began kissing his way down the front of my body again. I squirmed beneath him as the sensation of his soft lips tickled my skin. He nipped at my nipples as he made his way down farther, and paused at my bellybutton to kiss circles around it. I moaned in desperation, eagerly waiting for him to go farther.

He then scratched his nails down along my thighs and spread my legs wide, as his kisses slowly made their way between my legs.

He kissed right above my sweet spot, and then slowly made his way down this time and played with the soft flesh between my legs. He ran his tongue up and down along the folds, teasing me delicately with his tongue. He nibbled and pulled until I moaned so desperately that he couldn’t help but laugh at my need.

He worked his tongue back and forth and up and down, and then plunged it deep inside of me. I tossed my head back and moaned loudly, and push my hips in response. He held my legs down firmly with his hands, though, and I couldn’t move no matter how hard I tried to push back. He worked his tongue in and out of me fiercely, flicking it in circles deep inside of me, touching places I didn’t even know were capable of being touched. He then pulled out of me and made his way up to my clitoris, and began sucking so violently that an orgasm instantly flashed through my body, unexpected and aggressive.

I pressed my hips up to him as he pushed back with his mouth, his tongue unrelenting and unstopping. The pleasure was so fast and so intense that I couldn’t help but scream through it, biting my lower lip to try and muffle the sound.

It lasted a long minute, and he didn’t subside once. The pleasure finally began to ease as he slowed his pace and his touch became more delicate.

“Holy fuck,” I panted. “That was so not expected.”

I squirmed and writhed under him as the final waves of pleasure coursed through my body. He pressed his lips between my legs and laughed, the vibration from his voice felt amazing against my flesh.

I could feel myself absolutely drenched, and he slowly kissed back up along my stomach. He lingered on both breasts, spending a few minutes licking, sucking, and biting each nipple as I moaned under him. He finally made his way back up to my lips and plunged his tongue into my mouth. He tasted sweet and salty, and we kissed each other passionately.

“Are you going to fuck me now, or what?” I desperately needed him inside of me, and it didn’t matter what he did to me with his tongue, it wouldn’t quench the need I had to have the full-length of him deep inside of me.

“Not yet,” he whispered into my ear as he nibbled my earlobe.

I pulled my head sideways away from him. “Don’t fuck with me now. I swear to God I’m going to explode.”

“I want to taste every inch of you,” he whispered into my neck. “I told you I want to savor every last moment.”

“You can savor me as you fuck me,” I moaned. “I need you inside me.”

I pressed my hips up and rubbed up and down against his hard flesh. The passion burned between us and my need for him grew. He pressed himself back against the front of my body, and we both writhed together on the bed. He pumped his hard erection along the front of me, and the friction felt so good. I could feel another orgasm beginning to bud, and I plunged my tongue back into his mouth as I kissed him passionately as our bodies thrusted together. It didn’t take long for the sensation between our two bodies to bring me to orgasm, and I moaned into his mouth as I pressed my hips up against him in response.

I then tossed my head back and tried to catch my breath. “Okay, I don’t know how many of those you can give me before it’s your turn.”

“How high can you count?” he teased.

I laughed and rested my cheek against his face as he nuzzled into my neck. “I have a feeling tonight is going to be exhausting,” I laughed. “Beautifully exhausting.”

His chest vibrated against me as a deep growl made its way from inside of him. “Oh, baby, you have no idea.”

He then reached up and untied my hands from the headboard and flipped me over onto my stomach. I reach back to grab him and pull him forward, but he lifted my arms up again and tied them back. I lay sprawled on my stomach with my hands tied again, unable to move with his weight on top of me, pressing me down.

I felt his body warm against my back, and I raised my ass against him and spread my legs. He had a lot of restraint, but I knew a man could only hold himself back so long. I curved my hips up and pressed my ass into his hard flesh, pressing up and down, building friction between the two of us. I could feel myself so wet and so ready, I so desperately needed him inside me.

He dug his nails into the back of my neck and scratched down my back, leaving long lines of stinging flesh in their wake. I moaned under his touch and my body quivered, but he didn’t relent.

He ran his hands down my entire body, kissing and tasting my skin as he went. He worked for my shoulders down to my ass, down the back of my thighs to my feet and back up again. Only then, when he finally made his way back up to my neck, did he give any hint that he was ready to take me.

He pressed his body up against me, mounted behind me like an animal. He wrapped his arms around me, and I used every ounce of my strength to keep my hips up in the air, supporting his weight. His hands grabbed my breasts and massaged them deeply as he pulled my body against his. He then worked his hands down between my legs, his fingers running circles around my clitoris as his other hand pushed his fingers deep inside of me. “Oh fuck, baby. You’re so wet.”

I moaned at the sensation of his fingers working inside of me, and I push my hips back against him. “For the love of fucking God, James. Fuck me already.” I bit the pillow as I tried not to scream in frustration.

“Well, if you say so.”

He then pushed himself up off me, ran his hands down my ass and grasped my hips, and with one swift thrust he pushed himself inside of me completely. The sensation took me off guard, and I wasn’t expecting him to be so forceful. His entire length consumed me, filling me completely, and he pressed his body so hard into me that I felt like he was going to split me in two.

He then wrapped his hands around my hips and pulled me into him even deeper as he rotated his hips and gyrated inside me, without so much as pulling out an inch. I moaned loudly into the pillow, the noise of my hot deep breaths and mild screams muffled by the fabric. He then pulled himself out slowly and slammed back into me, and I screamed. When I finally caught my breath, he’s pulled himself out again and began picking up a slow rhythm, in and out and in and out. He poked me from behind so deeply that I wanted to cry with relief.

He ran his hands around my ass in the front of me, his fingers rubbing my clitoris as he thrusted inside me. The pleasure grew inside of me and I knew I was going to climax again. “If you keep doing that I’m gonna come,” I said into the pillow.

“Perfect,” he purred behind me. His rhythm picked up from the wetness around my clitoris in swift motion. I pressed my hips back into him as we moved as one, and as the pleasure built, he worked harder and harder with his fingers and plunged deeper and deeper with his cock. The orgasm hit me as I shoved my face back into the pillow and screamed, and he brought it long and hard and kept pumping into me, unrelenting. It is my third orgasm of the night, and it was the most consuming. I felt it from the tips of my toes all the way up into the my shoulders, and my body shuddered under his weight. When the waves of pleasure finally subsided, I collapsed onto the bed, and he slowed his pace. My mind was fuzzy, and I lay there completely like Jell-O. The soft music played in the background as he reached up and untied my hands. While still inside me and thrusting slowly at his own pace, he massaged my back and I moaned into the pillow with pleasure.

It was then that the chatter in my mind picked up again. And my stomach growled again. “Still hungry?” James asked from behind me. I turned my face back into the pillow and nodded, hiding my face slightly. Anger flared up inside me at the thought that Erik was still inside my head, feeding. The hunger and need for red meat consumed me again, and I knew I was feeling his desperate hunger.

You have no business here, I thought to myself. Get the fuck out of my head and out of my body. I don’t want you, I’m spending tonight with someone else, I thought loudly in my own head, desperate for him to hear me.

James flipped me over onto my back just then, and kissed me deeply as he pressed himself back inside of me. I wrapped my legs around him as I tried to push the thought of Erik from my mind. He didn’t answer me and hadn’t heard him communicate all day. But I could feel his hunger, his desperate need for blood. It made me angry, absolutely livid. I wasn’t going to let it ruin my night with James, though, as I focused on his hot naked body fucking me. I looked into his eyes and let the thoughts of how much I cared for him fill my mind, hoping that my affection for James would be enough to push Erik from my mind. If the sex wasn’t enough to scare him away, maybe the deep emotional feelings I felt for him would push him over the edge. Vampires had no heartbeat, so how could they feel? I let my emotions and feelings for James consume me, and the hunger in my mind subsided. I couldn’t help but smile as my plan worked, I knew I’d gotten to Erik and I could now spend the night focused solely on James.

I took James’ hands into mine and looked deep into his eyes. “I want to feel you come inside of me,” I whispered to him and then bit my lip. The deep feral growl that came out of his throat nearly threw me over the edge, and by the look in his eyes I knew that I had him completely. He bent forward and kissed me passionately as he quickened his pace, thrusting harder and harder. He was completely unrelenting and his stamina blew me away. He fucked like this for what felt like the best part of the night. And finally, just when neither of us could take it anymore, with one final thrust he pushed me over the edge, into my final climax. He rode me deep and hard as I felt him release inside me. We pressed her bodies together and rode a long waved orgasm together, our bodies completely intertwined, our tongues deep in each other’s mouth, as we rode each other as one to the end of what was the most intense orgasm I ever felt in my life.

When it was all over, we both laughed into each other’s skin, and laid there, panting together in silence. Without another word, or another thought, we both closed her eyes and fell asleep, intertwined in the bed, sweaty, physically tied together as one.




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