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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) by Krista Lakes (44)

Chapter 9


The kiss blew all thoughts out of her mind. The way his lips pressed against hers, the way his hands instinctively cupped her body, and the heat of his touch all had her thinking of only one thing. Ethan.

It threw her off, completely. Despite the snow falling all around her, despite the fact that she had to get back to scold her brother, her thoughts flooded back to that night at the party.

* * *

One year ago...

She pulled him out of the Rocks, Crystals, and Gem exhibit and toward the back of the museum. She'd looked at the maps of the museum when she arrived, and she had a pretty good idea of where she was headed. It was supposed to be up the stairs and by the “Creatures of the Pacific Northwest“ exhibit.

“Where are you taking me?” Ethan asked, his voice amused as they went further into the museum. Most of the guests were either dancing or drinking, so the exhibits were empty and quiet. “I don't know if we should try another exhibit. That security guard is probably watching us to make sure we don't go at it again.”

“I have a better idea,” she said, pulling him down a hallway.

He pulled back gently. “The bathrooms?”

“Better,” she said, motioning to a room just past the bathrooms. “A mother's room.”

“A mother's room?” He frowned slightly but kept following her.

“It's for nursing mothers to have a quiet place to feed their kids,” she explained. She stopped at the door to the mother's room. “But I haven't seen any nursing mothers and their kids here tonight, so we should have it all to ourselves.”

He grinned as she pushed open the door. Inside was a comfortable looking couch, a rocking chair, a changing table, and a sink. It didn't look like it had been used at all.

“No cameras in here either,” he said as he stepped inside. Laura grinned and followed him in. She made sure to lock the door behind her.

The room was quiet, but they could hear the far away beat of the music through the walls of the museum. Laura was glad. It meant that no one would hear them in here over the music if anyone even came up to this level of the museum.

Ethan took off his jacket and loosened his tie while he smiled at her. She grinned back, stepping toward him. His suit gave him an air of sophistication, but it did not to hide his confident, bad-boy smirk. They met in the middle of the small room in a kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck and he held her waist while tasted one another.

He tasted like sweet wine. She couldn't get enough of him. His lips, his tongue, his skin- it all tasted amazing, and she wanted all of it.

Laura wasn't usually the type for one-night-stands with almost-strangers. She was more of a 4th date to get to home plate, and she really had to feel a connection with them. She'd only really been with two other men in her life, and she'd been sure she was in love with both of them.

And neither one of them had made her feel like this. She'd never had this kind of heat coursing through her at just a single kiss. She'd never felt the urge to get him inside of her as soon as possible because it was the only thing that would stop the growing ache between her legs.

This was a one-night-stand, but it was the most turned on she'd ever been in her life.

The back of her legs ran into the couch. She hadn't been aware of even moving. She bent her knees, sitting on the comfortable love seat. Gently, he leaned her back, so her head rested on the seat cushion.

His mouth found her neck, and she moaned low as he nipped at the delicate skin. He kissed down her throat, finding his way to her collarbone and down to the fabric of her dress. He didn't stop there.

With a flick of his fingers, he had the straps of her dress off her shoulders. A gentle tug and the dress was down around her waist, baring her breasts to him in one smooth motion.

He continued to kiss downward, with a low growl of approval at what he found. She arched her back as he kissed her breasts, stopping to lick her nipples until they were hard in his mouth. His face held just the barest hint of stubble that made the sensation of his face against her skin her only focus.

He paused for just a moment to look up at her, a smirk in his eyes as he reached for the hem of her skirt. It didn't take much to push it up to her waist, baring the simple gray thong she'd worn underneath. His fingers danced across the tiny triangle of silky material, and she gasped. Every touch only turned her on more.

Dipping his head, he kissed her again, moving his fingers in slow circles across the tiny fabric of her panties. She gasped, arching her hips into him. “More,” she begged, her voice hoarse with desire. “Don't stop.”

He kissed her again, and hooked his finger under the fabric and pushed it to the side. His thumb found her again, only the bare skin and the heat of his thumb nearly sent her skittering over the edge. She hummed with pleasure as he worked his fingers, pleasuring her with every movement.

Her body started to tense. Her eyes closed and her eyelids began to flutter. She tipped her hips upward, waiting for the sweet release of pleasure she knew was coming, but then he stopped.

“What? Don't stop,” she gasped, opening her eyes and looking down. He simply grinned, his thumb still pressed against her but still.

“Be patient,” he told her. He hooked his fingers around the thin waistband of the thong and pulled down. She pouted, knowing she was so close to orgasming, and yet so far. She lifted her hips, and he slid the underwear off her legs.

Once she was free of her underwear, he resumed the circles with his thumb, only this time, he used his fingers too. First, one finger slipped inside of her, making her gasp, then two. He worked them in and out, still making the circles with the pad of his thumb.

She climbed to orgasm quicker this time, but just as she closed her eyes to find it, he stopped again. His fingers stayed inside of her and his thumb still, teasing her with how close she was. She rocked her hips, trying to finish the last few needed swirls herself, but it was no use.

She glared at him.

“Be patient,” he told her again, his smile far too confident and knowing. She stuck out her lower lip, and he chuckled. “This is the last time, I promise.”

Slowly, he started the motions again. She soared up to climax this time, her body already knowing the way. She froze, her body staggering over the precipice into pure pleasure. This time, he didn't stop. He kept circling his thumb and working his fingers.

The orgasm that followed blew her mind. Stars and galaxies streamed past as her body shook and spiraled with pleasure. It never seemed to end. The bliss just went on for what felt like forever. A forever of absolute perfection.

“Death by orgasm,” she whispered once her body remembered how to breathe again. She opened her eyes to see him grinning. “You were right. It was worth the wait.”

He leaned forward and kissed her, pressing his fingers into her again. She moaned into his kiss, but she didn't want his fingers anymore. She needed him.

“It's your turn,” she said, pushing his hand away. She sat up and shimmied the rest of the way out of her dress while he stood.

She reached for his tie, pulling him into a standing kiss. She stood there in nothing but her heels, holding his tie and kissing him. He wrapped his arm around her, pressing her naked body into his suit. It felt naughty and sexy.

She pushed back and undid the buttons on his shirt as he undid his belt buckle and fly. She pushed the fine blue linen off his chest, and he shrugged out of the arms. The white undershirt was off in a second, leaving only his tie on his perfectly sculpted chest.

She let herself look for a moment as he stepped out of his pants and stood before her in only his briefs and his tie. She knew he wasn't lying about his climbing abilities. His muscles were lean and defined in his arms and chest. His abs tightened as he let a long breath out and she realized that he was looking at her as much as she was looking at him.

“Do you have a condom?” Laura asked, suddenly realizing they hadn't discussed this part yet. If he didn't, she wasn't sure what she was going to do. She wanted this so badly. She was tempted to just go for it anyway. She was on the pill anyway, so she wasn't worried about getting pregnant.

He bent down and fished something from his pocket. He held up a small tinfoil square between his fingers, and she relaxed. It only took him a moment to slide out of his briefs and unroll the condom onto his impressive length. Maybe he was related to a T-Rex, she thought for a moment.

She sat on the couch, watching as he moved, still only wearing his tie. He put one knee on the couch and leaned forward to kiss her. She leaned back, spread her legs and guided him in.

She moaned as he filled her, pushing in deep and slow. He swallowed her cries in a kiss as he began to rock his hips and thrust into her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him ever into her. With every forward motion, he completed her in a way she'd never known possible.

He was powerful and primal. His body matched hers for every movement. Every motion spread pleasure through them both and Laura heard herself cry out with every thrust. Her fingernails dug into the muscles of his back as she felt pleasure overtake her yet again.

He pushed her over the edge of bliss without stopping this time. His hard length pounded into her, filling her in ways she didn't know needed filling. His tongue mimicked his body's movements, claiming her with every thrust.

She felt him swell and arched her hips to take more of him. It didn't take long before he joined her, shuddering in her arms. His arms shook with strength as his body claimed her as his own.

His own.

Something about being his made her heat again, but it was the low, male sound as he came that did her in. Her body reacted with an orgasm to rival the one earlier.

He dropped his head into the crook of her neck. His breaths came hard and fast, his chest rising and falling beneath her hands. She whimpered as her body shook with pleasure. This was better than anything she'd ever experienced.

He lifted his head to see her face. His green eyes were so damn beautiful that she gasped a little before kissing him. He kissed her back before collapsing back onto her. His weight was like a warm blanket that she never wanted to take off.

Laura was fairly sure her legs were now made of jelly and would never work again. Yet, she felt so amazingly good that she didn't care. This was the best sex she'd ever had in her life. Ever. It blew all other sex out of the water.

He stood up slowly and stretched. She liked watching his muscles stretch with him. She could watch him do that all day. It was almost as good as her jelly legs.

“So, can I see you again?” he asked, turning to smile at her when he caught her watching.

“I'd like that.” She shrugged. “Maybe we can go to an art museum or something.”

He chuckled at her joke and leaned over to kiss her. Good lord, he still tasted amazing.

“What's your number?” she asked, reaching to the floor to find her phone. It took her a second to locate it, but he waited patiently.

“555-1978,” he said, making sure to give her enough time to type in each number. She grinned, and his phone chirped from where he had dropped his pants.

He went to pick it up, smiling as he saw the text message. “Sexy Party Girl? That's what you want your contact name to be?”

“What? Like you're really going to remember my real name?” she asked.

“It's Laura,” he said, his lips caressing her name. He said it like it was important. Goosebumps ran down her arms.

“Okay, Ethan,” she replied with a smile. Maybe this was more than just a one-time thing.

He grinned at her. “I'm still saving you as Sexy Party Girl, though,” he said, hitting a button on his phone. “It'll make me smile every time I see it.”

The flutters filled her chest again. He wanted to see her number on his phone again. “I'm okay with that.”

“What are you saving me as?” he asked her, setting his phone down so he could put his pants back on.

“Sexy Party Boy,” she replied, hitting “save contact” on her phone. “I don't want us to get confused.”

He looked at her like she was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. “I am so buying you another drink.”

She grinned and stood up to put her dress back on. “After this,” she motioned to their clothes scattered on the floor. “I'd hope so.”

He chuckled and kissed her before finishing getting himself dressed. She watched, enjoying the view and missing it as the clothing covered him up.

* * *

After making sure the coast was clear, they both snuck back out of the mother's room and back into the museum. Ethan grabbed Laura's hand as the walked, giving her a gentle squeeze as they left the quiet restroom area and rejoined the party.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked, motioning toward the bar.

Laura chuckled. “Are you actually going to get me one this time, or are we heading back upstairs?”

The way his pupils dilated and focused only on her had her heating for him all over again. She was used to having lust fade after a sexual encounter, but this time it wasn't fading. If anything, she wanted him more now than she did ten minutes ago. She wasn't sure how that was possible, but she was going to enjoy it.

“I was planning on drinks, but if you kiss me again, we'll have to go right back upstairs,” he replied, his voice low and deep.

“Just don't walk under the mistletoe then,” she advised.

He glanced up toward the ceiling. “You have no idea how tempting that is.”

She flushed and smoothed her hair back. This party was definitely working out better than she ever could have hoped.

He gave her hand a gentle tug, and together they started walking to the bar.

“Ethan! Ethan!” A woman in a sexy red dress ran over to them, relief on her features. She was beautiful, but the dress seemed a bit much for a company Christmas party. “There you are. You weren't answering your phone.”

“It's a party, Janie,” he said gently. “I turned it off.”

The woman pouted, and Laura wondered what kind of lipstick she used. Whatever it was, she wanted to have lips like that, too.

“Ethan, I've been trying to find you since I got here,” she told him. That's when she noticed Laura. The woman's eyes went to their hands, and she frowned. “Who's she?”

“Janie, this is Laura,” Ethan replied. “Laura, this Janie. We work together.”

“Hmm.” Janie's eyes looked over Laura, and she stuck out her lower jaw, obviously unhappy. She then shook herself and turned back to Ethan. “I've been looking for you. You have an important message from Mr. Williamson. He couldn't get a hold of you, so he called me.”

Ethan's brows came together slightly. “About what?”

Janie shrugged, showing off a perfect creamy shoulder. “He wouldn't say. Just that I needed to find you right away. It sounded important.”

Ethan sighed. “It's probably about the airbags.” He studied Janie for a moment. “And you're sure he wanted me to talk to him now? Not tomorrow?”

“He said 'I need him now,'” Janie told him. “I told him I'd find you right away.”

“Thank you, Janie.” Ethan turned to face her. He took both her hands in his. “I'm so sorry. I just have to make a call. I'll be right back.”

He squeezed her hands once and let go, turning and hurrying up into the museum where it was quieter. Laura stared after him, unsure of what to do next. Should she go get a drink? Find a place to sit? Or just stay here and wait for him?

“So, you two seem cozy,” Janie said, watching her intently. “How do you know Ethan?”

“Um, well...” Laura wasn't quite sure how to answer that question. “We just met tonight, actually. Did you know that he's a great dancer?”

Janie's eyes widened and then narrowed. “He's never taken me dancing.”

“Well, if you work together, why would he take you dancing?” Laura asked. “I don't take my co-workers out dancing.”

The woman let out an irritated huff. “I do more than just work with him. I am so much more than just an employee to him.”

“You are?” Laura's heart started to drop. Was he cheating on Janie with her? He didn't seem like a creep, but who ever did in the beginning? Was she the other woman?

The woman puffed herself up and opened her mouth to answer, but then her eyes widened and her mouth shut.

“I'm so sorry about that, Laura,” Ethan said, returning to the conversation. Janie lost her haughty demeanor and instead fluttered her eyelashes at Ethan.

The sexy dress suddenly made sense to Laura. Janie wasn't his girlfriend. She wanted to be his girlfriend. If they really were involved, Janie would have had no reason to back down as soon as he appeared.

“It's okay, Ethan,” Laura said, purposefully running her hand down his arm. He smiled at her and caught her hand, bringing it to his lips and giving a soft kiss. Laura glanced over to see Janie's eyes light up with jealousy and Laura knew she was reading the situation right. Ethan wasn't seeing her, despite Janie's best efforts. Laura smiled up at him. “We can go get that drink now.”

His smile faltered. “I'm afraid I can't.” He looked down at her hand still in his and his. “There's been a development that I have to attend to. Immediately. I came back to tell you I have to leave.”

“Oh.” Laura's lower lip quivered for a moment. Everything suddenly seemed very quiet, even though the band was still playing.

Ethan ducked his head to get back into her line of sight. “But, I want to see you again. I have your number. You still want to go climbing?”

“You climb too?” Janie squeaked in disbelief. Ethan looked at her, and she quickly put on a smile and shrugged. “That's so awesome. Climbing. Woo!”

Ethan gave her a funny look before meeting Laura's eyes again. She looked up into them. Their light green depths drew her in, wrapped her up, and made her feel warm. If eyes were the window to the soul, then he had the most beautiful soul she'd ever seen.

“Yeah, I'd love that,” she finally whispered. “I'd really love that.”

Light sparkled in the depths of his eyes as he smiled at her. “Good. I'll see you soon.”

“Okay.” She did her best to smile back, but this wasn't how she wanted to end her night.

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek. His lips were smooth against her cheek, and it made her heart skip a beat. She breathed in, smelling his cologne. It immediately brought back a flash of his naked skin against hers, and she shivered.

“I'll call you,” he promised, his lips brushing against her skin as he spoke. She was in a daze of lust, but she could hear his cell phone start to ring. He pulled back and looked at her one last time before picking up his phone. He answered, and his eyes watched her for just a moment longer before he turned and walked away.

“I should go with him,” Janie said, looking smug. “Have a great night by yourself.”

She adjusted her dress to show off her cleavage just a little bit better and strutted after her boss.

Laura watched him navigate the crowds to get to the exit before turning away. She was ready to cry and hated it. She'd known the guy for less than two hours, yet she hated being apart from him. She already missed the way his hand felt in hers.

She didn't feel in a party mood anymore. She looked around, trying to figure out what she wanted to do next. She wanted to do him, but that wasn't an option. There was nothing else here that appealed to her. The bar was too crowded, the music was too loud and not her style, and she'd already looked through most of the museum exhibits.

“This is how the Prince felt after Cinderella left,” she murmured. “All I need now is his shoe.”

She chuckled mirthlessly at her own joke. Somehow, she knew Ethan would have laughed at it. She checked her watch. It was just after midnight, which really fit with the whole Cinderella vibe. She glanced around again and decided she was done with the party.

It took her a little bit of time to work through the crowd to the entrance, but since the party was slated to continue for another two hours, she had no trouble finding a cab. It was a quick ride to her hotel, but she held her phone in her hands the entire way, hoping it would ring. She had this silly hope that his emergency was quickly solved and he'd call her to spend the rest of the night with him.

But her phone stayed silent.




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