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A Mate for Titan (The Program Book 7) by Charlene Hartnady (28)


Three months later

Titan laid into the big guy. His blade glinted in the sun as it moved from side to side in wide arcs. He moved gracefully, so light on his feet. Almost too quick for her eyes to register.

Her senses had sharpened in the months she’d been there. She was stronger and getting even more powerful by the day.

Her mate.

A rush of emotion welled in her. A week yesterday. If it had been up to them it would’ve been sooner but as it turned out, beating bloodlust was tough. Really tough!

She couldn’t believe how brave he was. How hard he fought for her. For them. Her eyes filled with tears. She’d had to shoot him four more times.

All kill-shots.

When under serious threat ‒ and let’s face it, a vampire in the throes of bloodlust was as serious as it got ‒ when in that type of situation, she didn’t know how else to shoot. Her aim automatically lined up for the kill. So many years of training meant that she never missed at close range. Titan still had to work hard to fight his lust for her human blood. Every day. A work in progress. It was easier now that they were mated. Would get easier as she got even stronger. As she took on more vampire traits. Her blood was changing.

Call her crazy, but his bloodlust was one of the things she loved about him. Titan didn’t do things by half-measures. Not even close. He was passionate and fierce. His bloodlust was a symptom of that.

In the end, Tessa had grabbed at a deal with both hands and had named ‒ shock and horror ‒ none other than Richard Evans as one of the people involved. Just when they thought they would have to let the asshole go on grounds of it being her word against his, bartender, Simon, had IDed him in a line-up as the unidentified male who had been with his father in the hardware store. This event had taken place just prior to Jenna’s kidnapping. Richard Evans was suspended from the Bureau pending the investigation and it looked like they might just be able to secure a conviction. It was amazing how many women had come forward accusing Executive Assistant Director Richard Evans of sexual harassment, and in some cases even assault. This included her ex supervisor Kimberly Stewart. Her old boss had been quite emotional about the years of abuse she had suffered at the hands of Evans and even broke down on the stand. So, it seemed, that even if they couldn’t tie him to the vigilante groups, he would most likely go down for more than one case of sexual assault. The bastard!

Titan and the other guy clashed blades, bringing her back to the present. Sparks flew. The other guy ‒ much bigger than her mate ‒ staggered back. Yeah!

“Get him!” she shouted. “Take him out!” she added.

Titan went at the brute but he used his strength against Titan and managed to connect a fist to his face. It was Titan’s turn to stagger back. Dammit!

“Get him!” she yelled, clasping her hands around her mouth. “Cut off his head,” she urged.

Titan choked out a laugh, almost getting brained by the giant.

“Hey!” she shouted. “He was distracted. No fair!”

Titan put a hand on the big guy’s arm. “I’m sorry.” He was laughing so hard he shook. Titan finally looked her way. “You can’t say things like that, love.”

“Why not?”

He was grinning broadly. Looking so hunky she felt like she should pinch herself to remind herself that he was hers. Especially his heart. She owned that sucker. Titan lowered his blade. “Um … taking off a vampire’s head actually kills them … we’re sparring, remember? We’ve gone over this.”

“So, death and dismemberment are allowed but no decapitation?”

“Yup. That about sums it up.” He walked over to her.

“You are seriously hot when you’re fighting. Did I ever tell you that?” she said, under her breath.

“Most days.” He sheathed his sword and then picked her up. Natasha hooked her ankles around him.

Titan turned back to the brute, who was waiting patiently. “Why don’t you go and check on your mate, Lazarus?”

The big guy grinned. It was scary to see. Like he was getting ready to kill you but with a smile on his face. “Yeah! I’d like that, thanks. Little Luke and Kyle are the cutest. You and your mate should come ‘round some time.”

“Yeah, sounds great,” Titan nodded.

“Cheers!” the big guy shouted as he lumbered off.

“Lazarus’s mate just had twins. So …”

He found a mate?” She looked after his retreating back. “That big brute actually found someone to procreate with?”

“Every now and then, miracles happen.” Titan shook his head.

“I’m joking. He seemed sweet.”

Titan looked at her like she had lost her mind. “Lazarus is nowhere near sweet. Enough with the small talk. Come sex slave, let’s go and get some good use out of you.” He tightened his arms around her and began walking back towards the castle.

Natasha looked at her watch. “I have a meeting with Brant in half an hour.”

Titan smirked. “I can make you come about four or five times in a half an hour.”

“You so cannot and I thought you were my sex slave. It was a part of our agreement.”

“We are each other’s sex slaves. And I definitely can make you come … let’s make that six times in a half an hour.”

“Bullshit. Do you want to bet?”

“Yes.” He couldn’t help but grin. “I love you so damned much.” He turned towards their apartment and took off in an all-out run.

Dear Reader,

Hope you enjoyed A Mate for Titan. I ended up loving him to death - literally. LOL!!

I decided not to put my next book out on pre-order this time around. Next up is Keto’s story – Book 7 of The Chosen Series. This book will be out beginning of August, so not too long to wait. Please look out for it. I would suggest that you sign up for my newsletter to stay informed - . I send out freebie, sale and latest release emails – so, in other words, no spam. You’ll only hear from me if I actually have something to say.

Thanks for all the support!


P.S. I included ‘A Mate for Brynn’ as a little bonus novella to say thank-you, so keep reading…