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A Mate for Titan (The Program Book 7) by Charlene Hartnady (8)


By the time she made it back to the vehicle, he was already inside and on his phone. It looked like he was texting someone, which irritated her some more.

“Listen,” she said as she dropped into the seat next to him and closed the door. “Don’t call me female. I’m Natasha or Special Agent Walters. You can even call me Walters. I’m not female or baby or sugarplum or any of the other ridiculous names I’ve been called in the past. I have to say though, female is new. I don’t like it.”

He continued to type out that text. What was so damn important? Then he put his phone into his pocket and turned to her. Titan frowned. “You are a female, I don’t see the problem.”

“Of course not,” she muttered to herself. “It’s derogatory and I don’t like it.”

“Fine! I won’t call you female again.”

“While we’re being open and honest. I don’t like the way you speak to me either, the whole ‘come female’ bullshit is unnecessary.” She growled the ‘come female’ part, trying to sound like him and failing dismally.

“I am your superior. I was giving you an order.” Titan pulled out onto the road.

“There’s giving orders and then there’s being just plain rude. Please try to remember that although you are my superior and I respect that, I’m also your partner. We need to work together as a team. I’ve got your back and you’ve got mine.”

Titan turned a corner and then glanced her way before looking back at the road ahead. “You don’t need to watch my back. I’m a non-human and a warrior in my prime. I will make sure that nothing happens to you though, so don’t worry.”

She rolled her eyes. “I am an alpha male, hear me roar.” She beat her chest.

Titan gave a snort. “What was that?”

“That was you, or my impression of you.”

He shrugged. “Is that so?”

“You don’t believe I can protect you or that I have any value to you, do you? It’s because I’m a woman, isn’t it?” May as well get it out in the open. It was the elephant in the room. No, it was the brontosaurus in the room.

“You have value.” He didn’t elaborate.

“Yeah right!” It was her turn to snort. “Let me guess, I’m valuable as a mother or to cook someone’s dinner. Let’s not forget laundry and other household duties. I would also be valuable on my back, preferably with my legs open …”

“Hold up! Let’s not bring sex into this … You are a female, which makes you weaker, end of story. It’s a simple fact.”

“I have my Glock and an aim that puts most men to shame. I work out, I finished top in my class in tactical training.” She was the best female candidate but she wasn’t about to tell Titan that because, god-darn-it, she could whip most of the guys’ butts. “I practice every day. I’m smart and more than capable of having your back.”

Titan smiled. He turned to her and freaking smiled. He chose that moment to unleash the most deliciously sexy upturn of that sinful, kissable mouth. He might be a jerk but he was hot and still a distraction. Damn him! The devastating smile lasted all of three seconds before he packed it away and she could breathe again. Thank god! What an ass though. What a bastard! His first smile in over twenty-four hours and it was at her expense.

“You don’t believe me. You’re laughing at me inside, aren’t you?” His mouth twitched and she had her answer. “Maybe you should pull over so that I can prove it.” Natasha glanced out the window. They were driving through a suburban neighborhood. If she wasn’t looking for a spot to go hand-to-hand with the vampire she’d have noticed that Sweetwater had the whole white picket-fence thing down pat. All of the lawns were freshly mown and the flower gardens tended to. Mmmmmm, one of these flat, pristine lawns would do nicely.

“I’m not pulling over,” he announced.

“You don’t think that I can handle myself.”

“Not against a vampire, no. I outweigh you by a—”

“It doesn’t matter, I can still kick your ass.” Shit! What was she saying? He did outweigh her by … he was close to double her size. He was super-human, there was no way she could beat the guy. She didn’t have to though. She just needed to make him bleed a little before he got the upper hand.

He gave a soft chuckle. Why did he have to be so beautiful? The sound quickly dried up as he turned serious. “I was told that you were well-trained and I’m sure you would have no problem taking down a human male. I know you can handle yourself but you can’t handle me.” He glanced her way, his eyes held an intensity.

“I could too.” Her voice was soft and unsure. Dammit! When he said she couldn’t handle him it was like he wasn’t just referring to work. She was reading too much into this though. Best she drop it.

“Whatever!” she mumbled. Natasha looked out her window instead. She noticed that they were travelling through a rural area, probably on the outskirts of Sweetwater. Maybe one of the families of the deceased fascist members lived out here. When they turned off the tar road onto a long gravel stretch that clearly led out of town, she glanced in Titan’s direction and then back down the road.

“Um, where exactly are we going? I don’t remember any of the people on our list living out this far.”

His hands tightened on the wheel. “They don’t.” He paused, breathing out through his nose. Even that was sexy, damn him. “We’re going to the castle.”

“The castle,” she repeated. “As in, the vampire castle, that castle?”

He gave a nod. Holy shit! They were going to the vampire castle. “Why exactly? Not that I mind going or anything.”

“You said I needed a couple of suits.”

“Uh-huh, you do. You need to come across as an FBI agent which won’t be possible if you’re not suited up. We should also find you some casual wear.” She couldn’t help but grin. “Not at Bringmart though.”

“I will admit that Bringmart was a poor choice.”

Sweet progress. They agreed on something. Finally.

The road curved to the left and then to the right. Titan kept his foot on the gas. A few minutes later they pulled up to the main gates.

Two big vampires stepped up to the wrought iron gates. The property was walled for several hundred feet on either side of the gate. The rest was fenced. The entire perimeter ‒ or at least as far as she could see ‒ had electric fencing. There were CCTV cameras pointing at them from either side of the gate. She noticed more at the guardhouse.

* * *

Eliot grinned when he locked eyes with Titan. The male gave a nod as greeting. Titan barely recognized the second male who strode forward as Titan exited the vehicle. It was a male who had applied for Titan’s current position. “Who is the female?” the male asked, his gaze on Natasha, even though she still sat inside the vehicle.

“She’s with me,” Titan growled.

The male shook his head and sniffed at the air. “She is human and will need clearance before being permitted to enter.” He folded his arms.

“I said she’s with me.” Titan stepped forward. “I would not bring her here if I thought she was a threat.”

Eliot looked at the other male. “As you know, Titan is an Elite. If he says that the female can enter then she—”

“I don’t give a fuck who he is.” The male narrowed his eyes. “I am in charge of gate security. This is my watch and I say no clearance, no entry.” He shook his head.

What a little prick. Talk about being on a power-trip. It was almost laughable. There was no way he was leaving Natasha alone at the gate. She might be a sitting duck. There were no humans at the gate for a change, but that didn’t mean that no one was watching … waiting. Fuck that! He leaned back against the SUV and folded his own arms to mirror the fucker blocking them. He tried not to let it get to him too much. Technically, the male was doing his job.

“What are you doing?” the asshole growled.


“Well you can’t wait here.” Another low growl.

Eliot touched the prick on the arm. “Take it easy, Luke.”

That was it, his name was Luke. The asshole narrowed his eyes. “Titan is blocking the main castle gates. It’s against the rules. You will need to move.” He directed the last at Titan. “Now,” he added, his eyes narrowing on Titan. Fucker!

He picked up the scent of female as the vehicle door shut. The sweet scent of human hit his nostrils. Fuck! The scent of her arousal was still evident, but only just. It was tantalizing. It made him want to drool, made him want to part her thighs and stick his tongue … Not going there! Natasha moved in next to him. “Is there a problem?” She was frowning.

The fucker on the other side of the gate gave Natasha the once over. Titan noticed how his gaze lingered on her breasts. He had to suppress a snarl.

Luke breathed out heavily. “She is a decent specimen. I would love to let you in, darling, but …”

“Watch what you say to her,” Titan spoke quietly, his eyes on Luke. The male was still eyeballing Natasha something fierce. It irritated the fuck out of him.

Natasha shook her head and sighed softly. “My name is Special Agent Natasha Walters. I’m Titan’s partner.”

Luke lifted his eyebrows. “His partner you say? Well, Special Agent Natasha Walters, has anyone warned you against this male?” He didn’t just go there. The prick smirked. Shit! The little fucker had just gone there. Luke sucked in a breath, it looked like he was about to say a whole lot more. Not a chance! It was pricks like this who had made his life a living hell.

Titan was off the vehicle in a flash, he grasped the male’s neck and pulled him against the gate. His face made a thudding noise as flesh met with metal. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Blood dripped from one of Luke’s nostrils and his breathing was loud and ragged. He tried to pull back and failed. Little fucker was no match for Titan. “Let me go!” his voice had a whiney edge.

The guardhouse door flew open and a male he recognized jogged to them, closing the small space quickly. Titan couldn’t remember his name. He clutched a piece of paper in his hand. “The female has clearance. Oh shit!” he added when he noticed how Titan had Luke by the throat.

Titan looked back at asshole male. “Watch that mouth of yours.” With extreme reluctance, he released the prick.

Luke staggered back, quickly finding his feet. He wiped blood off of his face with the back of his hand. “You should not have done that.”

Titan couldn’t help but laugh. “Let me guess, it’s against one of your rules.”

Luke nodded. “Manhandling an officer is against—”

Manhandling you say?” Titan asked. This male was a pussy. “I don’t see any men around here. Vampires are made from tougher stuff ‒ at least, they should be. Only a pussy would report me, but you are most welcome to go right ahead.”

“I won’t be intimidated by the likes of you.” Luke put a hand through his hair, then he took the paper from the waiting male and glanced over it. “There is no picture of the female here. No identity number listed. What is this?” He tapped the page. “Who the fuck gave permission based on such limited information?”

“Brant did,” the guardhouse male piped up. “Look at the signature.”

Luke visibly paled. The male swallowed hard. He blinked a couple of times.

Titan pursed his lips together. He had a couple of choice things he felt like saying to the male. Childish things. As much as he longed to command the male to open the gate or to call him a dickwad, he didn’t; he wasn’t one for gloating or goading so he kept his mouth shut.

The male muttered a curse under his breath and turned to the guardhouse male. “Let them in.” He stepped back.

The male gave a nod and strode back to the guardhouse.

Eliot smiled. “Only one day into the investigation and you’re already back.”

The gate opened just enough to accommodate one person. Titan stepped back, he looked Natasha’s way.

“After you,” Natasha said. She was such a hard ass.

He shook his head. “I insist.”

“So do I.” She looked him head-on.

“Can we not do this right now … please.” He added the last through gritted teeth.

“Fine.” The female finally walked through.

He followed right behind, handing his keys to Eliot. “Park the car for me.”

The male nodded. “No problem! So why are you back so soon?” Eliot grinned.

“It seems I under-packed.”

Eliot nodded. “Who’s your friend?” The male looked at Natasha. His eyes tracked her body, his nostrils flared. He tried not to allow it to anger him. Natasha had a wonderful scent. Her earlier arousal had enhanced it. The males could not be blamed. He still had to push aside his irritation.

The ogling continued and for an irrational second he wanted to pull her behind his back. He knew exactly what these males saw when they looked at her. The female was pretty. She had long. almost black, glossy hair. It was tied up in a loose ponytail. It looked so soft. A couple of strands had fallen loose, they framed her face. Her eyes were huge. Although they were a dark brown, there were golden flecks in their depths. Her body. Fuck! He didn’t want to think about it. Refused to look below her neck, which had the most beautiful pulse. It fluttered whenever she became agitated or angry. Maybe he needed to keep his gaze on her face only. Her lush lips, her sassy mouth. No! He wouldn’t look, period.

“Natasha is my partner,” he finally ground out, sounding annoyed.

“Of course she is.” Eliot grinned some more. He knew exactly what was going through the jackass’s mind.

“We have work to do.” The male had it all wrong. Without thinking, he put a hand to her lower back to usher her ahead of him. Titan quickly pulled it away as soon as she started walking. No touching! No looking and no touching! Simple.

“What was that all about?” Natasha asked.

“Just a male wanting to throw his weight around.”

She nodded. “Yeah, I know how that goes. I was stupid to ask.” She smiled. “I’ve dealt with a ton of them at the bureau.”

They headed for the castle. Although many of the vampires they passed looked their way, no one stopped to all out stare. They were getting used to seeing human females about. “Wow!” she gushed. “The castle is amazing. I mean, I knew it was a castle because everyone calls it a castle but I didn’t know it really was a castle.” She chuckled. “I’m sounding like an idiot but I guess I’m a little in awe.”

He tried to see it through her eyes. They had nothing like this in Sweetwater. It was big and bold and quite beautiful in its own way. Even though he had never thought of it as such up until right now.

“The structure looks really old. It even has four towers and flags. No moat though.”

“We have a lake. If you look there,” he pointed, “you can see the edge of the water blinking in the sun.”

“Wow! Are those swans?” her voice was animated. “Yes …” her voice was raised in excitement. “They are swans. How stunning!” Her eyes were wide. “It’s all so beautiful. From the actual castle to the grounds. The gardens are also so well maintained.”

“You should see the ones behind the castle.” Not that he’d ever cared or ever really looked.


He nodded. “There is an orchard and an herb garden.” He shrugged. It wasn’t that big of a deal. “There is also a fountain and beautiful flower gardens.” Why did he keep going on about it?

“I would love to see the grounds.”

For a moment there he was tempted to agree. “Not today, we need to get going with this investigation.”

“Of course.”

“Are we going to your place?” Her cheeks flushed red and she looked away.

“No,” he said a little too harshly. There was no way she was coming anywhere close to his room or his bed. “See that tower over there.” He pointed to the Eastern tower. “We need to visit with Brant.”

Natasha gasped. “One of the kings. Will he be there?”

“He’ll most—”

A male waved his hand. “Titan!” he yelled. “Hey, hi!” It was Drago. One of the newest members of ‘The Ten’. The male had only just made it into the group and was due to meet with the next batch of humans when the next heat of The Program started. The last thing he felt like doing was making small talk, even though Drago was one of very few males he thought of as a friend. Titan waved but kept on walking. They were already at the base of the castle steps. They didn’t have time to dally.

“I thought you were in Sweetwater,” the male went on, stepping directly into their path. “Good to see you so soon.” He grinned broadly, giving Titan a slap on the back. “I am Drago.” He held out his hand to Natasha, who introduced herself.

She shook the male’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine.” The male had the audacity to kiss the top of her hand. Drago was a firm favorite amongst the fairer sex. He was strong, fast and, according to the females, very attractive. Apparently bright blue eyes and black hair was something special. The male was a decent warrior. He was ultimately a good guy. A ‘catch’, as he had heard some of the females call him. Something tightened in his gut.

Natasha didn’t seem too interested, she even pulled her hand out of Drago’s clasp. Still, it was hard to tell, he had no idea when it came to humans. What the fuck did he know?

“We need to get going. I have a meeting with Brant,” Titan said. Drago didn’t budge. His gaze was still on the human. “It was good to meet you.” No response.

Drago had this goofy smile on his face. “I can show Natasha around while you—”

“Not happening.” He failed to keep the growl from his voice.

Drago shrugged. “Why not? I—”

“No! Forget it.” The male was overstepping his mark. It irritated Titan. Natasha was here with him, she wasn’t one of The Program females.

Drago smiled at Natasha and Titan had to keep himself from snarling. “What do you think, Natasha? Would you like to see some of the castle instead of going to a boring meeting?” He winked at the female.

“I think it would be better if I went with Titan, we are working a case together so thanks for the offer, but—”

“Come on!” The fucker rubbed the side of her arm. “I can show you a couple of things that I’m sure you would find much more interesting.” He winked. The fuckface actually winked at her. Titan was sorely tempted to punch that eye closed. There would be no winking for a while after that. He had to remind himself that Drago was his friend. He even clasped his hands behind his back to stop himself from hurting the male.

Natasha took a small shuffling step away from Drago. She looked uncomfortable. Sure, she was a beautiful female but this was just too much. Vampire males lost their brains when they were around human females. It was part of the reason why they had a human guard and why he’d fucked up before. “The female said no.” There was a warning edge to his voice.

She nodded once. “Yup, I really have to—”

“You’re a real beauty, you know that?” Drago’s gaze was on her breasts. He licked his lips. His nostrils flared as he took in her scent.

“Are you fucking deaf? This female is a highly-trained FBI agent. Miss Walters won the national championships for clay pigeon shooting three years in a row.”

Drago’s face turned red.

“At sixteen, she was not only the youngest but the first female ever to win this prestigious title. She qualified top in her class at the police academy and has won several awards since.”

It was Drago’s turn to look uncomfortable. The male kicked at the dirt with the toe of his boot and hooked his thumbs in his pockets. He glanced up at Natasha, swallowing hard.

“She was handpicked by the Federal Bureau of Investigations and selected from over a hundred special agents to assist me on Operation Finding Nemo. Agent Walters is not here to look at flowers with you. Or to do anything with you.” He put emphasis on the word. “Agent Walters is an intelligent female and is here on business. Save your flirtatious behavior for the next heat of The Program. Now, if you’ll excuse us.”

Drago put up both his hands. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone. I apologize Miss Walters.”

Natasha smiled. “Sure. No problem.”

“I’m sorry, Titan.” He looked upset.

Shit! Maybe he had been too hard on the male. “It’s okay,” Titan said. “Don’t do it again though. I will see you soon enough.”

Drago nodded.

They walked up the stairs and although they received a couple of stares and one or two males greeted him, they weren’t stopped again. He walked quickly, making the female practically jog at his side. He was thankful she didn’t try to fill the silence. Titan almost heaved a sigh of relief as they arrived at the tower stairs. He pushed the button on the stainless steel panel. The female would more than likely prefer taking the elevator

“You read my file.” Natasha sounded shocked.

He didn’t respond. The elevator sure was taking its sweet time.

“You actually read my file.” She sounded even more shocked than before and seemed to speak to herself.

“Of course I did. What did you expect?”

“Not that. Not any of what just went down. I assumed you didn’t want to work with me.”

He clenched his jaw.

“I assumed it was because I’m a woman, but I was wrong.” He could hear that she was smiling. Damn. She was smiling, he could see her reflection in the glass. She had a pretty smile, it lit her whole face.

Titan rolled his eyes. “You weren’t wrong. I don’t want to work with you. I don’t want to work with any of you humans. I especially didn’t want to partner with a female.”

She gave a soft laugh. It was breathy. “Liar. I don’t believe you. I’m not saying you’re thrilled with the set-up but you’re not totally against it either. There must be some other real reason for your aversion.”

There was a ding as the doors to the elevator finally opened. Titan stepped inside and pushed the button to keep the door open. Once Natasha was inside, still smiling, he pushed the closed button. Even her eyes were bright and really beautiful.

It was a pity that she had it so wrong. “Look, believe what you want. I don’t particularly care either way.”

She nodded, still grinning. “Thanks, by the way, you’re the first person whose stood up for me in the longest time. I can’t remember when last …” Her eyes clouded. She suddenly seemed sad. “You don’t just see me as these,” she squeezed her breasts through the black suit she was wearing and he had to suppress a groan, “and this.” She pointed at her ass and he almost bit off his own tongue. What the fuck was she doing? “You see me.” She tapped her chest, her eyes seemed to fill with tears. Tears! Not a fuck. Thankfully she blinked them away. “It means a lot to me. Thank you …” She gave the side of his arm a light tap. “Partner.” She smiled, at him this time.

Titan bit back a snort. This female had no idea what she was talking about. None what-so-fucking-ever. He had jerked off last night thinking of how she would look sitting on his dick. He’d pictured how such large mammary glands would bounce with each up and down movement. This morning he’d jerked off thinking about how glorious her ass would look if he took her from behind. How snug her …

Christ! He needed to stop thinking along these lines. He was an asshole. Not the nice guy she thought he was. He was bad. The worst! He hated that she had the wrong idea about him. He hated himself. “You’re wrong!”

“Sure I am.” She winked at him.

“You are,” he ground out just as the elevator doors opened. There were two guards positioned next to the main entrance.

York nodded in each of their directions. One of the males sniffed. The other smiled a little too broadly. “The female is with me so be careful what you say and how you act. I expect for you to show some respect.”

They both stood a little taller. “Brant is expecting you.” The guard on the left looked straight ahead as he spoke.

Titan knocked on the heavy oak door. Soon, there were footfalls that grew nearer. Titan could hear the sound of a child’s laughter.

The queen opened the door. She wore a long, green dress. She chewed her lower lip. “Titan,” short and clipped. She clearly hadn’t forgiven him and who could blame her? Then she smiled warmly as her attention turned to Natasha. “Come on in!” her voice was warm and inviting. The females introduced themselves to one another. Natasha smiled just as broadly.

Titan walked towards the living area where his king had his small son hefted above his head. Little Sammy giggled hard, his face was red. Brant was laughing too. It was strange to see the battle-hardened male so relaxed and happy. Titan felt a pang. He gave himself a mental shake of the head and walked into the room. “Good to see you, my lord.”

Brant gave the young boy a cuddle. He was still smiling, the boy’s giggles became muffled against his chest. “Take a seat.” Brant gestured towards a large sofa.

The females were making trivial small talk. To be more precise, Tanya was doing all of the talking.

Brant placed his son on his lap and sat in a wingback chair on the other side of the coffee table. “What’s this about needing to borrow my clothes?” He frowned. “And what the fuck happened to your hair? The last time I saw you, you were clean-shaven.” Brant’s lip twitched.

Titan shrugged.

“You look like a Neanderthal.” Although Brant looked deadly serious, Titan knew otherwise.

The females walked into the living room just as Brant was speaking. Natasha frowned when she heard what his king had to say.

Brant shook his head. “You’ll scare off the humans looking like that.” His voice held a mocking tone.

“I think you look just fine,” Natasha piped up. Although it warmed him that she felt the need to stick up for him, he inwardly cringed.

The glint that had been in Brant’s eyes disappeared. “Federal agents are always well-groomed.” he added, directing his concerns to Natasha.

“Not field agents.” Natasha shook her head. “Besides, you can have long hair and still be well-groomed.”

Brant looked thoughtful for a moment, then he nodded, looking Titan’s way. “Whatever, just get the job done.” His tone had turned hard.

“Ignore my husband.” Tanya smiled.

“Your mate,” Brant growled.

“Same difference.” Tanya kissed the top of Brant’s head.

“Not even close.” Brant looked up at his mate.

“What evs.” Tanya’s voice was mockingly timid. She leaned in and kissed Brant, who clasped a hand over the back of her head and deepened the kiss in true vampire style.

He could hear Natasha’s heart-rate pick up. The human looked away until they were done. Titan clasped his hands behind his back.

When Tanya came up for air, she slapped Brant lightly on the arm. “Stop it!” She sounded both out of breath and embarrassed, “We have company.”

“I’m hardly ever home during the day.” His king smiled. “Just making the most of it.” His smile all but vanished as he faced them again.

“I’m Natasha. Um …” The human widened her eyes. “Should I curtsy or bow or …”

Tanya laughed. “No! Don’t be silly.”

Natasha stepped forward, her arm outstretched towards his king. “I’m Special Agent Walters.”

“Brant.” They shook hands.

“You can call me Natasha … of course … I mean, you don’t have to use my title or anything. Although …” She kept shaking Brant’s hand. “I can always call you King Brant or would you prefer ‘Your Highness’?” More hand-shaking. “I’ve never met royalty before.”

Tanya laughed. Brant also cracked a smile. “Brant is fine.” He looked down at where their hands were still joined.

Natasha continued to shake his hand like a mad thing. Then her mouth fell open. “Oh! Sorry.” She finally let go.

“Would you like something to drink?” Tanya still smiled.

“A water would be great.”

His queen went into the open plan kitchen. It wasn’t lost on Titan how she hadn’t extended the offer to him.

“Who is this gorgeous little tyke?” Natasha leaned in the young prince’s direction. Sammy was sniffing loudly.

“Hey!” Brant frowned. “It’s rude to sniff someone like that, Sam.”

The young prince sniffed some more despite Brant’s attempts to dissuade him.

“It’s okay.” Natasha gave the youngster’s hair a soft rub. Sammy turned and bit her. Sank his baby fangs right into the meaty part of her palm. Natasha yelped and pulled her hand away.

“Sammy!” Tanya yelled. The queen came running, bottle of water forgotten.

“It’s not a big deal!” Brant sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

“Of course it is!” Tanya sounded panicked “She’s bleeding.”

Natasha used her other hand to cradle the injured one. “I’m fine.” She shook her head. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure?” Titan closed the distance between them. He put his own hand under hers and lifted. There were two small puncture wounds on her soft flesh. Fuck but she scented amazing. Like candy. No wonder the kid had wanted a taste. He had to suppress an urge to lick her wound. His hand tightened around hers for a moment. His mouth watered. Titan let go of her and took a step away.

“Yum,” Little Sammy said. “More … more.” He tried to climb off of Brant’s lap, his eyes were focused on Natasha.

“No … that was a naughty thing to do,” Brant said, using a firm voice.

“You can’t bite people, Sammy,” Tanya added, she turned back to Natasha. Her face was filled with concern. “He’s never done that before. Not that we have many human visitors. I’m so sorry.”

“No problem!” Natasha shook her head. She gave a small laugh, sounding nervous. “Why is the human thing a big deal?”

“Human blood tastes amazing, don’t you think, Titan?” Brant narrowed his eyes on him.

“I wouldn’t know.” What the fuck kind of question was that? Titan folded his arms across his chest.

“Well it does.” He winked at Tanya. “Your scent, your taste, it’s highly appealing.”

Sammy squirmed on Brant’s lap. He made moaning noises, trying to get off his dad’s thighs.

“Okay, but I have to admit,” Natasha looked unsure, “the whole red eye thing was a bit freaky though.” She giggled, sounding nervous.

Red eyes.

Oh fuck!

Brant sprang to his feet, still holding his son. “His eyes were red? Are you sure?” his king snarled.

Natasha swallowed thickly, she stood her ground which was commendable. “Yes, the irises of his eyes flashed with red. It freaked me out just a little but I’m over it.”

“Oh my lord!” Tanya gasped. “Oh no! He probably has bloodlust. He must have inherited it from you. It’s not such a bad thing, is it?” She chewed her lower lip.

Brant looked stricken but quickly pulled himself together. “It’s fine! It’s not an issue.”

“Except that he could end up killing a human if we’re not careful. He might never be able to take one as a mate. What about the tradition?” Tanya’s eyes were wide.

“Calm down,” Brant urged in a soft tone.

“What is bloodlust?” Natasha asked. “It doesn’t sound good,” she muttered.

“It’s nothing,” Brant said.

Like hell!

“My mate is overreacting,” Brant went on, “Bloodlust afflictions can be broken in the long run. I am testament to that.”

This bit of information was new to Titan. The fact that his king even had the affliction was new to him as well.

“This is serious. Am I the only one who’s worried?” Tanya’s eyes were wide.

“We’ll discuss it once our guests are gone. Please take Sammy to the nursery, Cenwein.”

Tanya looked like she wanted to argue.

“Please, my love.” Brant walked over to his mate, handing the child to Tanya. Sammy was almost too big to be carried by the small human.

“It was nice to meet you,” his queen said. “So sorry about …”

Natasha shrugged. “It’s nothing. Barely a scratch.”

“Still …” Tanya’s eyes were wide.

“Really. I’m fine,” Natasha urged.

His queen nodded and left the room. Sammy began to wail but when the door closed, it shut off most of the noise.

Brant gave a small shake of the head. He cleared his throat. “Right, about your wardrobe malfunction. What do you need?”

Titan sucked in a breath. “Suits and ties. I need to blend in and this,” he pointed at his leathers, “won’t do the trick.”

Brant scrutinized him. “We’re about the same height.” He made a small noise that said he was thinking it over.

“It would just be for a week or two, my lord. Three tops, I’m having them made by that Steve person,” Titan said.

Brant smiled. “Steve’s fantastic. The clothing will fit you like a glove.” He scrutinized Titan some more. “Your chest is wider and your arms might be a bit thicker, but I’m bigger everywhere else.” Emphasis on the word everywhere.

Titan had to suppress a smile. Vampires were so effing competitive it was laughable. He didn’t rut anymore which meant that he stayed far away from the masculine displays. His king was mated but was clearly still affected. It might be due to the fact that the two kings had to share Tanya. Testosterone could wreak havoc on a male. Any male. Even the highest-ranking ones. “Yes, my lord.”

Natasha was staring out the window, pretending not to be interested in their conversation.

“Fine! I have plenty, just bring them back laundered when you are done.”

“Of course, my lord.”

“Stop with the ‘my lord’ bullshit.”


Brant almost smiled. “Any progress?”

Titan glanced at the human. “It’s too early but the balls are rolling.”

“As discussed?” Brant raised his brows.

“Yes. As tabled and agreed.”

“Good!” he smiled. “I have all the faith in the world in you.”

“I know my … I know!”

“Good. Special Agent …” Brant glanced at Natasha.

The female turned. “Yes?” A little too animated.

“Please, can you step outside?”

What now?

She gave a nod. Her jaw tightened. Natasha wasn’t thrilled at the prospect.

“It was good to meet you,” Brant said. “Thank you for assisting us on this operation. I’m sure that if you were put forward that you are the right person for this job.”

“Thank you. We will bring those responsible to justice.”

Brant nodded. As soon as the door closed, his king turned to him. “What the fuck were you thinking?”

“Excuse me, my lord?”

“Hold that thought. No …” He paced to the other side of the room before turning back. “Think hard on an answer. What the fuck were you thinking bringing that female onboard?” He strode out of the room. Titan knew exactly why Brant was so rattled. He could understand why the male was so pissed. Brant returned a few minutes later with a couple of suit hangers. “Your clothes.” He handed them to Titan. “A female? You chose to work with a female? Please tell me you didn’t have a choice after all.”

“I had a choice.” He couldn’t lie. Brant growled. Titan went on to list the things he had mentioned to Drago. All of her career attributes and successes. “It would have been wrong to exclude her because of her sex.” He was so full of shit, yet, it felt right somehow to be saying it.

Brant shook his head. “You are making it more difficult for yourself. We agreed that whoever you went with would not actually assist you in the real assignment. That it would be for outward appearances only. Who gives a shit about her resumé?” Hearing Brant say that about Natasha rankled. Natasha was good at her job. She was hardworking.

“My plan is clear,” his king added.

Actually, Titan had devised the whole plan, he knew it backwards. He grit his teeth for a moment instead of correcting Brant. “I know, so who the fuck cares if the person is male or female? It doesn’t matter to me. You know my take on females, you know where I stand.”

“You still have a dick, unless I’m mistaken.” Brant glared at Titan through narrowed eyes. “Do you have a dick?” his king finally yelled.

Really? Was this line of questioning necessary? Brant’s gaze didn’t waver.

“Yes, my lord.” Titan tried not to sigh.

“Just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s not there.”

“I know that,” Titan growled. He knew it only too fucking well. “I don’t plan on using it. Certainly not on some human,” he spat.

“Good! It had better stay in your pants.”

“It will, now can we please drop this conversation?”

Brant stared at him for another half a minute. “Good. I do trust you.” He rolled his eyes. “You, out of all the males. You have a good head on your shoulders. You’re one of my best. Sure, you fucked up but you’ve been given the short end of the stick. For the record, you’re too damned hard on yourself and should put it behind you … just not with her,” he added, unnecessarily.

“Can I change?” The conversation was going on too damned long for his liking.

“Use your own damned apartment.”

Titan sucked in a breath. “It’s on the other side of the castle. I have a human in tow, it would be—”

“Fine,” Brant sighed the word. “Use the bathroom.”

It felt like it took forever to get the snug-fitting clothing on. After trying five times, Titan finally gave up on the tie. He muttered a curse under his breath as he left the bathroom.

“Mmmmm …” Brant nodded. “That’s a decent fit.”

“It’s stifling,” Titan said. “I don’t know how you put up with this.” He pulled at the starched collar.

“Leathers are tighter, so I’m not sure what the problem is.”

“They’re off the neck and arms and fit like a second skin. This is …” he growled instead of finishing the sentence.

Brant laughed. “Allow me.” Within a few seconds the tie was done and pulled so tight around his neck he could feel it close his blood supply off. Okay, fine, it wasn’t that tight but still, it felt restrictive as fuck. He didn’t like it.

Titan left the suit jacket on the hanger. He wasn’t wearing it until he really, really had to.

“You need to get going on this thing,” Brant said.

Titan nodded. As if he didn’t fucking know.

“And if word gets out that I have … had,” Brant emphasized the word, “bloodlust, I will kill you myself.”

Titan wanted to ask the male about it but held his tongue, nodding instead. “Like you said, it isn’t a big deal. Your secret is safe with me.”

Brant looked away before locking eyes with Titan. “It was a mild case. I can only hope that my son is not badly affected.” Worry lines appeared on his forehead. “I need to go and speak with Tanya, she will be concerned.”

“I understand. It seems a little strange though that your son would have bloodlust, considering your queen is human. Sammy drinks from her.” Titan could feel himself frown.

“You must remember that she is no longer completely human. We still need to research the affliction.”

“I’m sure it will all work out.”

“It will!” Brant gave him a slap on the side of the arm. “I … we are all relying on you to find those bastards.”

Titan nodded. No fucking pressure. None at all.




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