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A Rose for Max (Moosehead Minnesota Book 3) by ChaShiree M., MK Moore (6)



Stretching my arms above my head, I can’t help but marvel at the difference a few days can make, two to be exact. I have been content since I have come here to Moosehead, a job I like, and made friends with two of the coolest chicks in this town. But somehow, I always felt like something was missing and couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Until, I met Max. I pushed against it for a while because I was freaked out about the feelings he provoked in me, and as a virgin and a young woman who has never been in love, I wasn’t sure I liked the feeling. His persistence though paid off and the fact he was there for me, when my whole life changed was a plus. Now as I roll over and look at this beautiful specimen of man, I cannot imagine my life without him.

Spending hours upon hours in bed, letting him do unimaginable things to me, has definitely helped my good mood. Shivering with the memory, I fight to hold back my desire to wake him with my mouth on his delicious cock, like I have every time we wake from our sex induced sleep. The problem is, if I do that right now, we won’t be getting out of the bed again for the rest of the day other than to eat and shower. Today, we can’t do that.

It has been two days since Ava and Ham had their babies and it is time for their welcome to the family party. I promised Deb, Max’s mom, that I would be there to help get the party setup. So with reluctance, I kiss my beloved on the chest, give my lips one long, arduous lick as I stare transfixed by his glorious morning wood, and trudge myself away from my favorite morning indulgence. I go to the closet and take out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. As I go into the bathroom I remind myself not to forget to grab my red dress out of the closet to change into before the party.

Luckily we took showers before passing out last night, so that’s done. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and comb my hair. While I am getting dressed, I look at myself in the mirror and see the evidence of all we did last night. There is literally not a place on my body that doesn’t have a mark from him. Whether it is from him nibbling on me or from his fingerprints as he held me so possessive and tight. Running my hands along my breasts reminds me the way he suckled and bit them, until I moaned and shook with need for him to finish me off. Even now, just thinking of it, my nipples are getting hard, sensitive, and I can feel the moisture collecting between my legs.

Get a grip Rosa. You have shit ton to do today, that don’t involve sitting on Max’s face. But fuck was that amazing.

Shaking myself out of my memories, I finish getting dressed and sneak past my lover. When I make it downstairs, I am thanking the heavens I remembered to set the coffee maker last night, because caffeine will be my friend today. Right as I finish putting it in a travel mug, my phone rings. Looking at the screen, I see it is Kennedy calling. Kennedy. The other bright spot dropped on me in the past couple of days. I have a sister. Like a real life sister. And how awesome is it that I also have an abeulo that is nice and kind.

“Good morning Kennedy. How are you today? How’s the belly?”

“Good morning, Sis. I am great and the belly is fantastic. Growing and kicking. I was just making sure you were on your way, because Deb is already in frenzy and there is only so much I can do.”

“Yep. No worries. I was actually grabbing my purse and on the way. I should be there in about 10 minutes. See you then.”

I grab the keys to Max’s sedan and head out. The drive to the Crawford house is pleasant and filled with all the dreams I have for my life. It is also filled with the hope that Max will be a part of it because I already feel as if we are building a life together and I want it to continue.

Pulling up to the house, I walk in and Holy moly baby central has thrown up in here. There is pink and blue stuff everywhere. I find myself being a little envious. This family is warm and welcoming, and they love each other beyond reason. Even, Ava and Kennedy. It’s beautiful to watch and makes a girl want to wish upon a star.

“Rosa, come on in. There is so much to do.” Deb says. “I could just kill Hamm and Ava for not telling us it was twins. I could have planned this better and with more stuff. That damn boy. Always, the difficult one. Now Rosa I need you to work on the party favors. Just take off the stickers and stick them on the side of each bag. The stickers have the names of the guests and I don’t want to forget anyone.”

“No problem. I will be happy to do whatever you need me too.” I don’t know how long I sit, putting people’s names on these bags. The good news is I recognize everyone on the list except two people. A woman named Kitty and a guy and Eldridge. This makes me feel better. It means I won’t feel so out of place and awkward.

By the time I am finished, and have helped with about 100 other things, it is a half hour before the gathering. I run into the bathroom, change into my dress, do my makeup, and brush my hair out again. Wandering back into the dining room, I’m starting to miss Max something horrible. As if he could hear my thoughts, I feel him wrap his arms around me and kiss my neck.

“I didn’t like waking up to you not in my arms baby. I should spank your ass right now for not waking me before you left.” He says and nibbles on my ear. All the willpower I could muster is what it takes to suffocate the moan threatening to leave my mouth with the room quickly filling up with people.

“I’m sorry Maxy. You looked so peaceful and I was already running late. I know if I woke you, there is no way I would have been able to make it here to help.” I say to him, hoping my pouty face works on him. Though I have to admit, the thought of him spanking me, is making me wetter and wetter by the second.

Pulling me flush against his chest and kissing me like he hasn’t seen me in months, he whispers in my ear, “I’ll forgive you this time baby. But don’t let it happen again.” He pops me on the butt, as I wink at him and begin to walk away. The euphoric feeling begins to creep upon me and I know without a shadow of a doubt, that this man will be my future.