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A SEAL's Christmas Surprise (A SEAL Team Alpha Novella) by Jennifer Lowery (4)

Chapter 4

Mike tapped his thumb on the table, rattling silverware. He’d never been so nervous about having dinner with a woman. Then again, Lizzie wasn’t any other woman. She was the mother of his child.

A cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The same as it had every time he thought about becoming a father.

“Dude, you’re shaking the table.”

On Jack’s comment he forced his hand to be still. Where were the girls? Had Lizzie refused to come? After the way he treated her he wouldn’t blame her.

Guilt tore at his chest. He didn’t know how to make things right with her. Yet. They both knew he wasn’t father material, but he took care of his responsibilities. As soon as he saw Lizzie he owed her an apology for not contacting her the past couple days. Training occupied most of his time. Not that he hadn’t thought about her. He had. More than deemed safe. His mind needed razor-sharp focus when he worked. Distractions could get someone injured. Or worse.

“You told them five o’clock, right?” He asked Donovan.

“It’s only ten after. They did have a shop too close. Relax. She’ll be here.”

Mike pursed his lips. He didn’t like owing anyone an apology. Hell, it was more than that. He couldn’t wait to see Lizzie. She’d been beautiful before. Pregnancy made her downright gorgeous. Filled out her curves. And her breasts…Dear God. Raking a hand through his hair, he leaned back in his chair. How was it possible to want a woman as much as he wanted Lizzie?

Feeling like a jackass for his inappropriate thoughts he picked up his water glass and took a long drink. Lizzie deserved more than his indecent thoughts.

“You’re wound tight, Kreegan.”

Mike glanced at Grey who lifted a brow in emphasis. “I can call Reganne. Find out what’s causing the delay.”

“Don’t have to. Here they are.” Jack rose from his chair to greet his wife, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

Cloe moved to sit next to Donovan. But Mike’s gaze was trapped on the brunette standing a few feet from him. Not hesitant, but wary.

He rose and stepped closer so no one would overhear. “I’m sorry.”

Her pretty green eyes met his with challenge. “For what?”

“For walking out like I did.”

Her brow quirked.

“And for not calling. It wasn’t for the reasons you think.”

“You don’t know what I’m thinking.”

The corner of his mouth twitched. If only she knew how well she wore her feelings on her sleeve.

“Let the lady sit, Kreegan.”

Mike threw a grinning Taggart a look before he pulled out a chair and helped Lizzie sit. As he helped her slide closer to the table he whispered in her ear, “You look beautiful.”

The startled look in her eye made him grin. Surprising Lizzie wasn’t an easy thing to do, but he tried every chance he got just so he could see her eyes sparkle with that little hint of vulnerability so unlike her. She truly didn’t realize her appeal.

He sat next to her.

“You going to introduce us to your lovely lady?” Donovan asked, smiling at Lizzie.

Demarco wasn’t a player, but his charm enticed many women. For the first time it annoyed Mike. Especially when Lizzie returned his smile. Ridiculous because Demarco was head-over-heels in love with his wife.

Not letting his jealousy take root, he motioned toward Demarco. “Lizzie, meet Donovan Demarco, part owner of this restaurant. You’ve met his wife, Cloe.”

Lizzie said hello, smiling broader when Donovan leaned over the table to kiss her hand. Mike rolled his eyes and indicated Taggart. “This is Jack Taggart, Darci’s husband.”

Jack grinned and winked at Lizzie. More to piss Mike off than anything. Mike shook his head, unoffended. He trusted these men with his life. And his woman.


Lizzie wasn’t his. After the way he treated her she probably never would be. Not that marriage was an option for him. It suited the other guys but not him.

“And, this is Grey Stone, Reganne’s husband.”

Grey stood and shook Lizzie’s hand.

“Brogan and Myranda wanted to be here but he’s picking her up at the airport.” He turned to the group he’d lay down his life for. “Guys, this is Lizzie Lawson.”

A chorus of ‘nice to meet you’ echoed around the table. Lizzie returned the sentiment, not at all uncomfortable. He’d always admired the way she fit naturally in with a crowd. He wasn’t ready to analyze why he wanted her to fit in with his teammates so badly.

Donovan’s youngest sister, Angela, arrived to take their orders. He introduced her to Lizzie also, noticing how Lizzie shifted in her chair when she looked at Ang. Self-conscious? Not his Lizzie.

He watched her hand move to her belly, almost as if she were trying to cover it. A rock dropped in his gut. She wasn’t self-conscious. She was embarrassed. About her pregnancy. And carrying his baby.

* * *

Feeling full and happy, Lizzie said her goodbyes to Michael’s friends as they parted ways for home. None of them had judged her or treated her like an outsider. In fact, they’d all been welcoming and open. For a night she’d actually felt like part of the group. Something she hadn’t expected. She and Michael weren’t anything except friends. Friends expecting a baby, but nothing more.

Even Donovan’s incredibly beautiful family had welcomed her. Of all the brothers and sisters, she’d met tonight not one of them had been short of can’t-stop-staring gorgeous. The mix of Italian and Irish produced a stunning clan. Next to them she’d felt like a beached whale. Not at all attractive.

Michael had shut down before they got their meal. No-one else probably noticed but she did. She had known Michael for a long time. He hid his true emotions well but she’d always been able to read him. Although tonight she couldn’t be sure what had caused his withdrawal. He’d seemed fine before they ordered.

Her stomach dropped. Oh God. What if he’d been put-off by how much she’d eaten. She’d been careful, only ordering the caprese. It had been delicious. The tomatoes tasted fresh off the vine and she’d swear the mozzarella had been freshly made. For a light dish she’d filled up quickly.

She worked hard to eat right, exercise and follow doctor’s orders, but this last trimester felt like she’d gained a ton. Her doctor told her she was a bit on the low-weight side and to cut back her hours at the shop but that wasn’t possible. If she didn’t make the business a success she would disappoint her family. She’d done enough of that growing up. She wouldn’t let it happen again.

Heart at her feet at the thought of Michael’s reaction at dinner, Lizzie pushed back her chair. Michael had gone over to talk to one of the Demarco sisters. The breathtakingly beautiful one with mink brown hair that fell in luscious waves down her back and Donovan’s Irish blue eyes. Not to mention her perfect 10 body. Angela, if she remembered her name correctly. Why wouldn’t Michael be talking to her? She was just his type.

Happy mood vanished, Lizzie pushed to her feet, grabbed her purse and headed for the door. As tired as she was she decided to walk home, which was a tiny apartment right above her shop which was right around the corner. Some fresh air would do her good. Help clear her head. Rid her mind of the disturbing images of Michael with another woman.

She’d almost reached the door when a strong hand closed around her arm.

“Hey, wait up.”

Michael’s sexy voice sent a tingle down her spine. He’d always been able to set her hormones on fire with a single word.

Traitorous body, she groused silently. No doubt he’d made plans to take Angela home after her shift. Resisting a scowl at the thought, she turned to him. Trying not to let his sparkling blue eyes get to her.

“Let me give you a ride home,” he said, stepping in front of her to open the door.

As much as that sounded good since her back ached she didn’t want to keep him from his late-night plans. “No, I can walk.”

He stepped into the seventy-degree weather alongside her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever get used to a green Christmas and not wearing boots and coat during the winter months. Or palm trees sporting Christmas lights. She’d had to have a blue spruce shipped to her for her shop just to have a real tree.

“I insist. Come on, my bike is right here.”

Realization of what he’d said registered on his face. He rode a Ducati. Hot as hell and faster than the devil. They’d sped down the coast eight months ago, the wind in her hair, pressed intimately against Michael’s back, the thrill of the ride exhilarating. And a huge turn-on. They’d stopped at a deserted park and went at each other like animals on that speedy bike. God, she hadn’t come like that—ever. The things Michael did to her body that day…

“Shit. I’m sorry.”

Michael’s low curse snapped her out of her thoughts. “Don’t worry about it. I’m fine walking.” She forced a smile and started walking down the sidewalk. There was a time she’d fit on that bike. Not now. Not with the baby growing in her belly.

He fell into step beside her, not saying anything. The silence continued until they reached the back entrance to her shop. Unused to uncomfortable silences with the man she’d known since childhood, she dug the key out of her purse. “Thanks for dinner.” He had insisted on paying for her meal like they were on a date. Except they weren’t. They’d never been on a real date.

She went to insert the key into the lock, but it slipped from her fingers and clattered to the ground. Crap. Bending the best she could she attempted to retrieve them. A twinge shot through her back and she let out a gasp, her hand going to her lower back.

“Here, let me.” Michael retrieved her keys, used them to unlock the door and pushed it open. “Are you all right?”

The genuine concern in his voice softened her mood. “I’m good. Just forgot I can’t move like I used to.”

“You sure? Sounded like more.”

His endearing frown caused the rest of her anger and dang it—jealousy—over his attraction to Angela evaporated. “It’s nothing. Really.”

“Then why are you holding your back like that?”

Of course he’d noticed that. He didn’t miss a thing. Never had. “Pregnancy woes,” she said. “A warm bath and I’ll be all set.”

Something flared in his eyes, catching her off guard. Her body responded right on cue. But, no, she must be reading that wrong. Michael wasn’t attracted to her. Not anymore.

Flustered, she said, “I’m pregnant. Long days make my back hurt. What do you want me to say?”

“Say you’re not embarrassed to be carrying my child.”

Startled by the unexpected request she met his gaze. He was serious. Where had that come from?

Putting a hand on his arm, she said, “Michael, I love this child. No matter where we stand I will always love him or her. I could never be embarrassed by that.”

Relief flickered in his eyes. Which made no sense. He had always been confident, never a doubt to what he wanted. What had given him the idea she was embarrassed to be carrying his baby? She’d been in love with him forever. And that secret she would carry to her grave. Michael would run and never be seen again if he found out. He’d never been silent about his wants and needs. Being a father was on the top of his ‘never’ list. She got that, but it wouldn’t change the way she felt about his baby. It was the part of him she could keep forever.

He started to say something but his cell rang. Her spirits fell. Probably Angela letting him know she was off work. “Goodnight, Michael,” she said when he reached for his phone and checked the number with an apologetic look.

“I have to take this,” he said and turned away to speak to the caller.

Lizzie made her way up the stairs, his voice fading behind her. His carefree laugh followed her into her apartment. With sadness in her heart she closed the door on the one man she would never have.