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Abandon by St. Claire, Gisele (6)

Chapter Six


The last few months had been a whirlwind. If I’d thought I had been busy before, it was nothing at the side of the work undertaken to get the new floor and apartments completed, alongside training new staff and schmoozing prospective clientele. Aidan had insisted on me staying at The Global and I had to say it had been a blessing, being able to relax in luxury when I was eventually able to leave work.

Lucas had proved to be an excellent support and held the reins of Abandon with ease. We’d become firm friends and thank fucking God he had not detected the giant crush I appeared to have developed on him. I was embarrassed at my own behavior, prettying myself up for work, getting into bed at night and replaying every conversation we’d had where he might have smiled at me a little or said something complimentary. He never crossed a line, remaining strictly professional at all times. Unfortunately the more I knew I couldn’t have him, the more I wanted him. I tried to tell myself that it was just the fact I’d had no time for a relationship. Maybe if I just put myself out there again, had someone take me to bed and satisfy my sexual urges, my libido might calm down when I was in Lucas’ vicinity.

I knew that there was no way he’d been a saint since he got here. He must have dated or slept with women surely? But he gave nothing away, kept that side of himself private.

I’d dated no one, throwing myself completely into work, and now the fruits of our labor were here. I was stood at the bar in Abandon XL waiting to welcome the first proper client, a rock star called Denver Lomas. Den was the lead singer of F-Higher (pronounced fire), who were setting the charts alight and currently held the top 5 positions on the American Billboard Chart.

Denver was living a life of excess, in a world where no one currently wanted to say no to him. He’d paid me three times the usual fee to secure the very first use of Abandon XL. We’d donated the extra to Aidan’s charity.

I wasn’t all that interested in music but you’d got to be dead not to have heard of Denver or F-Higher, and when he walked in his charisma hit me with such force I felt I could have flown backward. They say people have the X-factor, this guy had the whole fucking alphabet.

He held out a hand and I reached out my own to shake with his but he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. The smell of his musky aftershave mixed with that of cigarette smoke and bourbon. It was a heady mix. He let go of me and gave me a cocky grin.

“I’m about to let loose in your sex club, didn’t seem right just shaking your hand.”

I guffawed with laughter. “Well I’m certainly not about to shake anything else.”

His jaw dropped open. “Oh my God, that’s not how I meant…”

I held a hand up. “I’m messing with you. Now we’ve already talked about all the rules. Just to remind you that no one will be admitted without their invite. If they left it at home, they’ll have to return for it. They’ll be searched at the door and any electronic equipment will be confiscated. We have signed confidentiality agreements from all participants so all I have left to say is thank you for choosing Abandon XL for your entertainment and let me know if there’s anything else you need.”

“I don’t suppose your personal cell number is available?” He winked at me.

“Afraid not. I don’t mix business and pleasure.”

“Shame. Oh well, if you change your mind, you’re welcome to come play.”

With that he ordered a drink and the evening got underway.

The next few hours passed smoothly apart from a small drama at reception when someone didn’t want to be separated from the narcotics they’d tried to bring in. After some time in the office I decided to walk around the club and witness it’s first use. I figured it would help me see if any tweaks were needed with the design.

In the orgy room they’d laid fruit out on a models body and were eating it from her flesh. They were also playing with her, licking her nipples and between her thighs. To me this was so cliche and I couldn’t help but feel bemused that even at this level of VIP there seemed to be a limited number of ideas for enjoyment.

My biggest surprise was in the harem room. There I discovered Denver with three other women. Their scenario was being played out on the movie screen watched by around seven other people. I stood in the shadows and watched.

I don’t know why but I’d imagined Denver letting all the women service his every need, but that wasn’t what happened. They were a tangle of arms and legs and everyone was being brought to the dizzy heights of climax. Not one of them was left out or there to put on a show for others. It was the true purpose of the harem room, for multiple people to mutually enjoy themselves and I was pleasantly surprised to see it being used properly. As a rock star I’d imagined the cliche of Denver having his cock sucked while he watched the two other women feast on each other. Maybe I shouldn’t be so judgmental.

“How’s it all going?” A gruff voice appeared beside me and it made me jump and move forwards.

I put a hand across my chest.

“Lucas. Jesus, you gave me a heart attack.”

“Transfixed were you?” He smirked.

I folded my arms across my chest. “I’m just walking around seeing all the rooms in action. I think it’s a success. No one has raised any issues so far.”

“With your meticulous planning it couldn’t fail to be anything else.” Lucas whispered, mindful of the other viewers.

I’d failed to realize that I had moved from the shadows out more into the room until I watched on screen as Denver leaned back and pressed his intercom button.

“Well, Ms. Jenson. I hope you’re enjoying the show. You’re more than welcome to join us.” He beckoned with his index finger.

I shook my head. “Thank you, but I’m still working.”

“Pity.” Denver replied, “This is what you’re missing.”

He preceded to flip one of the women over onto her back and then he pushed her thighs apart, running his thumb over her flesh and nub so we were witness to her glistening pussy, and then he put his head down and feasted there. By the look on the woman’s face, Denver had a talented tongue. I felt a little stab between my legs and I swallowed, my throat dry.

“The guy’s a dick.” Lucas almost growled. “Ignore him. He should respect your professional boundaries. That’s the trouble with rock stars, they think they own the world.”

“He’s harmless. He asked for my number earlier.”

I felt Lucas’ shoulders stiffen at the side of me. “Did you give it him?”

I sneered at him. “Don’t be stupid. I’m not some schoolgirl with a crush. I’m the General Manager of Abandon.”

Lucas shrugged. “He’s a good looking dude, nothing to stop you dating him outside of the club.”

“He’s not my type.” I told him and I turned and left the room.

Annoyingly, Lucas followed me.

“Have you not got your own floor to watch over?” I asked a little abruptly.

“It’s fine and I have my cell and pager as you well know. What’s bit your ass? I only came to see how your first proper night was going.”

I sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just still a little on edge about tonight being a success. You know how much I’ve been worrying.”

Lucas placed a hand on my arm, I could feel the warmth transmit through my skin. “Look around you, Ash. Does it look like it’s not going well?”

“I can’t help it.” I told him.

“Look. Why don’t we take a bottle of wine and go up to my apartment? We have our pagers and the staff are more than capable of doing their jobs. You don’t have to be here all the damn night. Let’s go have a toast to the first official night of Abandon XL.”

I toyed with my lip looking around. “Hmmmm, I don’t know.”

Lucas huffed in frustration. “Ash, you’re like three minutes walk away, one minute if you run.”

“Okay, God you’re such a nag. I’ll get a bottle of red, hold up.”

As soon as I got through the door of Lucas’ apartment I flopped onto the sofa and kicked off my heels. We’d done this for a while now, chilled out in each other’s company. It was familiar and nice. “Christ my feet are killing, frikkin new shoes were a mistake. I should have worn them in first.”

He passed me a glass of wine. “Here, that’ll make it all feel better.”

I took a sip and my eyes closed as I took in the flavors. “Mmmm, that is just what I needed.” I opened my eyes. “Thank you.”

Lucas was looking at me strangely. Like he was a little uncomfortable.

“Is something wrong?”

He shook his head. “No. I was just enjoying watching you enjoying the wine.”

My face flushed. “Oh my God, was I that bad?”

He laughed. “I wondered if the wine had been laced with oysters.”

I threw a cushion at him. “Jerk.”

He threw it back, “You love me really.”

I stared at him. There was something different tonight in the air. Had been since we’d been in the room watching Denver. He stared back at me. I saw his eyes flicker over my breasts, back up to my mouth, my eyes. My breathing increased just a fraction and I was aware that I was sprawled across Lucas’ sofa, my dress having ridden up my thighs slightly. I’d been too tired to notice.

“You should start dating. You need a life outside the club. Maybe one date with Denver could be fun?” Lucas said and it was like he’d thrown a bucket of ice cold water over me.

I sat up abruptly on the sofa, drained the rest of my wine and reached over for my shoes, quickly placing them back on my feet.

“I thought Denver was a dick?”

“Maybe I was being judgmental and stereotypical? I don’t actually know the guy. I shouldn’t assume.”

“Thanks for the drink. I’m going to go make sure everything’s okay and then I’m going to head to my own apartment.”

“Okay. I’m tired. Going to turn in myself.”

I left Lucas’ apartment wondering what the hell had caused his sudden changes in personality. For a moment there I’d been stupid enough to think he might have actually been a little interested in me. I could have slapped myself in the face. He was my colleague. I needed to stop being an idiot. Perhaps it really was time to start dating again. Was I going to let my last romance be with the douche who went off with my friend? I smacked my purse into the wall, not caring if anything inside broke. I was done being a victim. Lucas was right, the business was running smoothly. It appeared a success. Maybe it was now time to have a little of a life myself. I thought back to what Jess had said about Masquerade nights. There was no reason why I couldn’t just enjoy some casual sex for a while, or go on dates with rock stars. What was stopping me? It certainly wasn’t Lucas Hall.

I stomped back across to the club.

“Hey, pretty lady. I thought you’d abandoned me. Get it?” Denver was sitting on a sofa surrounded by the rest of his group, no sexual exploits in sight.

“Stick to the life of a rock star, and don’t try for comedy will you?” I winked.

“Sit, sit.” He tapped the sofa at the side of him and made his band mate shuffle over. “I like this one.” He told his band mate. “She doesn’t take no shit.”

I sat alongside him and caught the eye of one of our bartenders. “Can you bring a tray of tequila? We’re doing shots.” I told them.

I spent the next hour having fun with the band. Denver told me he’d had a great time but there was only so much sex he had the energy for in one night, but that they’d definitely book the venue again, and tell their friends. I couldn’t ask for more. I let myself go a little until I was feeling a looser. This was so unlike me, to let my mask of professionalism slip, but tonight I just didn’t give a damn. I was celebrating the success of the new venture.

I’d thought Aidan might have popped by, but he seemed happy these days to leave things to the team. He and Lori were planning their wedding so I guess he had his hands full.

We called time on the proceedings and as usual with Abandon it took a while to get people out of the building. As we were leaving, I stayed in the lobby as Denver called the elevator.

“Goodbye, beautiful. I’ll book XL every night if it means I get to see your gorgeous face.” He slurred.

I laughed. “Maybe one day I’ll let you take me on that date.”

He grabbed my hand and went on his knees, kissing the back of it. “It’ll be the date of a lifetime, I promise.” He said. Then his security detail encouraged him into the car and he was gone with a ‘call me’.

I wandered back into the club and gathered the staff around. “Tonight has been amazing. Drinks anyone?” We partied for the next hour letting our hair down. We all deserved it.

The best thing about being a little wasted when you leave a club is if your apartment is only a few minutes walk away. The only problem was I couldn’t quite get the door open. After a few minutes I decided that I could sleep on the floor with my head against the door and it would be perfectly acceptable, given the hallway had a plush carpet. I even could use my purse as a cushion for my head. I’d just closed my eyes when the door nearby opened.

“What the fuck?”

Footsteps moved nearer to my body, but I didn’t open my eyes.

“Ash, why are you on the floor?”

“Jesus, trying to sleep here.” I told him.

“Are you wasted?” Lucas asked me.

“I’m just a little tired and my door is broken.” I told him.

He moved my head forward to get to my purse.

“Hey, that’s my pillow.”

I finally managed to open my eyes to see him rummaging through my purse bringing out some keys. He fitted one in the lock and holding my shoulder he opened the door. I was glad he had hold of me because I think I would have just fallen backwards. I didn’t see the need to get on my feet so I turned over and crawled across the floor towards my bedroom. I swear I could hear a chuckle as I did so.

“What’ve you been drinking?” A voice came from above. I moved to the end of my bed and sat with my back against it.


“Right. With Denver.” He said, his jaw jutting out.

“With Denver, and his band, and then with my staff.”

I sat and cackled to myself.

“What?” Lucas said seemingly getting angrier with every passing second.

“I’m like that one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor, because I’m on the floor.” I burst into noisy laughter and I found it funnier and funnier. I couldn’t stop.


I closed my eyes.

“Ash, you aren’t going to sleep there. I’ll get you into bed and then I’ll make you some coffee.”

“No man has got me into bed in a long time.” I told him and started laughing again.

His arms went under mine and he lifted me up and moved me onto my bed where I slumped. It was the comfiest thing ever. I mean I knew we’d purchased the best mattresses and bedding but right now I really appreciated just how comfortable it was.

“Lucas. Get on this bed, it’s so comfy.” I said, staring at the ceiling.

Lucas dragged me up the bed until I was at the headboard and he propped me up. I looked down at my legs and saw that my dress had ridden up all the way to my waist and my red lacy panties were currently on full display.

With a strangled groan Lucas threw a robe over my legs.

“I’m not that heavy,” I huffed. But he’d already left to get the coffee.




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