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Accidentally Married by R.R. Banks (15)

Chapter Fifteen




The show was somehow even more amazing than I thought it was going to be. I've wanted to check out one of the Cirque shows for a long time. It's one of those things I just never got around to doing. Always too busy with work, with socializing, with – whatever – and never made the time for it.

But, having the opportunity to see Holly for another evening made it seem like it was time to finally go see it. And I'm glad we did.

“That was incredible,” she beams as we make our way out of the theater.

I nod. “It really was,” I say. “I enjoyed the hell out of that.”

“How did you manage to get such amazing seats?”

I arch an eyebrow at her and smile. “How many times do I have to tell you that I always find a way to get what I want?”

“Oh, right,” she says and laughs. “How could I forget?”

We head back through the casino and out onto the street. The night air is a tiny bit chilly and I feel Holly shudder beside me. Quickly taking off my suit jacket, I drape it over her shoulders. She looks up at me with a grateful smile.

“Thank you,” she says. “A gentleman to the end.”

“I have my moments.”

The car is waiting for us at the curb and I escort her to it, helping her into the back before sliding in behind her. When we're settled in, I take her hand and lean over, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

“Thank you,” I say.

She looks at me, her expression perplexed. “What are you thanking me for?”

“Well, among other things, for reminding me how to go out and have fun again,” I say. “For helping me feel like an actual human being. It’s been a while.”

“Well, then, you're welcome,” she says.

The car pulls out into traffic and I look over at Holly, feeling arousal growing within me. Growing quickly and strong. I'm half debating whether I should take her in the limo or wait to get back to the hotel. That show was definitely sensual and erotic, and I am most certainly in the mood.

Of course, we could have simply taken a ride in an elevator and I'd probably be in the mood. Something about Holly just fires up the desire inside of me. When I look at her, I can't help but want her. Right then. Right there. She flips the switch in me almost effortlessly, without even trying.

She looks at me and I can see her eyes glittering in the light filtering in through the tinted windows. Not even the obnoxiously loud, garish neon lights of the Strip can diminish the beauty of that face. And when her eyes meet mine, I see her own desire and lust reflected at me.

“Is it me or was that show really sexy?” she asks.

“It was,” I say. “But, not nearly as sexy as you.”

“Always the silver-tongued devil,” Holly moans.

“Let me show you just how good I am with my tongue.”

She leans forward and presses her mouth to mine. Our lips part and our tongues begin a slow, sensual dance of their own. I slide my hand up her smooth, soft leg, tracing my fingertips along her thigh. I feel her body shudder as our kiss intensifies and the passion between us begins to grow.

Holly slides her hand up my leg and grips my cock through my pants, which is already rigid, ready for her. I moan softly as she rubs and strokes me through my pants, my hunger for her becoming powerful and overwhelming.

That settles it. I can't wait to get back to the hotel. I need to be inside of her now. I lean forward, pressing my body to hers, moving my hand up beneath her skirt, relishing the softness of her inner thighs. I touch her through her panties and I feel the heat radiating from her- how damp her panties already are.

But then she pulls away from me, looking into my eyes with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Wait,” she says.

“What is it?”

My cock is straining against my pants, so hard that it's nearly painful. I don't want to wait. I want her. Now.

“We're in Vegas,” she says. “I want to do something wild. Something crazy. Something I've never even thought about doing before.”

I give her a devilish grin. “And fucking in a limo while cruising down the Strip doesn't make that list?”

“It's on the list,” she says and smiles. “But, it's not at the top of it.”

I sit back in my seat and chuckle. “Okay, well, what's on your list then?”

“Give me your phone.”

“What's wrong with your phone?”

“I'm not using it right now.”

I laugh again. “Why not?”

I see a shadow cross her face and can sense her starting to shut down. That's the last thing I want to happen right now - so I dig out my phone from my pocket and hand it to her. The smile returns to her face and the shadow vanishes just as quickly as it appeared. She pulls up the Internet search engine and taps in a few keys. I watch as she scrolls through the page, the glow of the phone making her already fair skin glow even whiter.

She's gorgeous. Sexy. And I want, more than anything else in this world, to be inside of her right now. But, she seems to be very eager and excited about something, so I decide to let it play out. If she's up for something wild and crazy - I'm all for it.

She hands me the phone. “Can you have the driver take us here?”

I look at what's on the screen and then back up at her. “Seriously?”

“Serious as the proverbial heart attack,” she says.

A slow smile spreads across my face. This is going to be a very interesting evening.




I pay the cover charge and we walk into Velvet and Leather, one of Las Vegas' many swinger's clubs. I've never been in a sex club before, so I don't know what to expect. My first impression, though, is that it's not actually as seedy as I anticipated. For some reason, I expected to walk into a place that's dirty, filthy, covered in cum, and filled with drug-addled degenerates. But, this place is actually tastefully furnished, at least appears to be clean, and is filled with well-dressed, professional looking people.

I'm still in shock that Holly would choose to come to a place like this. She definitely doesn’t come across like the sex club kind of girl to me. But hey, if this is what's going to get her off tonight, I'm not going to stand in the way of a good time.

We walk through a lounge done up in red velvet. It's gaudy and has a French bordello theme going on. There's an elaborate chandelier hanging in the middle of the room, antique-looking sconces on the wall with simulated flames inside, and plush booths everywhere. A long oak bar runs the length of one wall and the two bartenders manning it are busy.

The lounge is packed with people. The buzz of conversation in the room drowns out the soft piano music being supplied by a man in a tuxedo playing in a corner of the room. It all looks very sophisticated, very classy. But, like everything else in Vegas, I'm sure it's a facade. I have a feeling that once we go through the double doors on the far side of the room, things will be very different. Things will become rawer and far less refined.

For her part, Holly seems to be bouncing on her heels, giddy with excitement and anticipation.

“What made you want to come here?” I ask.

She shrugs. “Like I said, I wanted to do something a little crazy,” she says. “Something totally outside the realm of normal for me.”

“Well, you happened to pick something well outside the norm for me too,” I say and chuckle.

She cocks her head. “If you're uncomfortable, we can –”

I put my finger to her lips and smile. “I'm intrigued,” I say and press my body close to hers, so she can feel the erection she's given me. “And very aroused.”

She smiles and gives me a quick peck on the lips. “I should thank you,” she says. “You've helped me remember a lot of things – like how to enjoy my life and be a real human again too.”

I smile and lean down, giving her a passionate kiss, trying to convey everything I feel for her through my lips and tongue. A moment later, I step back and smile.

“I'll go get us a drink,” I say. “Cosmo?”

She nods her head. “That would be great.”

I make my way over to the bar and flag down one of the bartenders, placing my order. I turn around and lean against the wood, watching Holly wander around the lounge, looking at the paintings and absorbing the atmosphere. I have to wonder, as I’m observing her, why she's avoiding looking at her phone. I wonder what's going on in her life. And I find that not only do I want to know whatever is troubling her, I want to help her fix it and make it right. More than anything, I want Holly to be happy.

It's a strange thought and one I've never had about a woman I've only known for a couple of days, but something about Holly is different. She makes me feel emotions that I've never experienced before. See things in an entirely new way. I know our time in Vegas is coming to an end – probably sooner, rather than later – but I don't want it to. I want us to stay in this bubble. Together.

“She's a gorgeous woman,” says a guy standing next to me. “You're a lucky man.”

I turn and look at him, immediately feeling my hackles rise. I feel oddly protective and possessive of Holly and don't like the thought of other guys checking her out. But, I fight it back. I rein in my temper and all the other feelings of jealousy. I tell myself that if I'm going to fight every man who looks at her in a way I don't like, I’ll be fighting all day, every day.

The fact of the matter is that Holly is a beautiful woman and she's going to draw attention wherever she goes. It's just how it is. And as I clear my head of irrational, emotional thoughts, I can tell that the guy isn't being creepy or perverse about it at all. He's simply paying her a compliment.

“She is,” I say.

“Married?” the guy asks.

I shake my head. “No,” I chuckle. “We only met a couple of days ago.”

“Huh,” he says. “Interesting. Because the way she looks at you, I would have sworn you two had been together for a while.”

“What makes you say that?”

He shrugs. “You can practically see the cartoon hearts floating above her head when she looks at you,” he says and chuckles.

“Think so?”

He nods and takes a pull from his bottle of beer. “I'm a relationship psychologist,” he says. “I'm pretty well versed in the tell-tale signs of love – or lack of love.”

“Really?” I say, taken a bit aback.

I know how I feel about Holly. Well, sort of. My feelings for her are – complicated. Complex. Partly because I know that what we have going on has an impending expiration date, but mostly because I don't know how she feels about the situation. There's a part of me thinking that she's here to cut loose and step outside of her comfort zone. To have some fun with no strings attached. To simply do something wild and crazy before going back to her real life.

“Oh yeah,” he says. “I'd say that woman has some very deep feelings for you. Like I said, you're a lucky man.”

I give him a smile. “I suppose I am.”

“What brings you two here?” he asks.

I shrug. “I don't know, honestly,” I reply. “She wanted to do something outside the norm for her, I guess.”

He nods. “Nothing wrong with that,” he replies. “Sexual experimentation is healthy. Opening yourselves up to new experiences and sharing them together is a sure way to develop a deep bond. You find out what you like, and what you don't like. Perfectly normal.”

I chuckle. “I don't know if this is exactly normal.”

“First time here, huh?”

I nod. “That obvious?”

“Well, you seem tense,” he replies.

“Yeah, I guess I am.”

A man walks up and stands next to the shrink, giving me a warm smile. He looks me up-and-down much in the way the waitress had the other night and it hits me – they're together.

“Did you find us a new playmate?” the newcomer asks.

The psychologist laughs. “You wish,” he says. “This one is as straight as they come. And he's with that redhead over there.”

The newcomer looks over and sees Holly talking to the man at the piano. He smiles wide and nods approvingly.

“Oh, she's a stunner,” he says.

“Isn't she?” the shrink asks and then turns to me. “Look, this place is simply for fun and fantasy. You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. Think of it as living, breathing porn, or a mutual sex toy. Something that you can both enjoy. Just relax and do what comes naturally. Don't force anything. Just remember that you're here to have fun and bring pleasure to each other. That's my advice anyway.”

I nod and extend my hand, giving him a firm shake. “I appreciate that,” I say. “That helps a lot.”

He nods. “Enjoy yourselves,” he says as he walks away with his partner. “I know we're going to.”

I drop some cash on the bar and pick up our drinks, making my way over to Holly. She looks at me and smiles as I approach.

“Make a new friend over there?” she teases.

“Yeah, he wants to know if we're up for a four-way,” I say and laugh.

She shrugs. “As they say, what happens in Vegas –”

I hold up my hand and shake my head. “Some things are not happening in Vegas,” I say. “Besides, you don't have the right equipment for those two.”

“I can watch.”

“You are such a dirty girl.”

She steps closer to me and I can see the arousal in her eyes. “You have no idea.”

“No, but I hope to find out.”

“Well then,” she says, taking her drink from me. “Let's go find out.”

She walks toward the double doors, as bold as you please, and I have to hurry to catch up to her. We step through and find ourselves in a long, wide hallway decorated in a similar style to the lounge, but with far dimmer lighting. There are half a dozen doors on either side of the hall, and one at the end. The air is saturated with the powerful aroma of sex as the hallway reverberates with the sounds of fucking.

I hate to admit it, but I begin to feel slightly turned on. I clear my throat and we give each other a look, then burst out in nervous laughter.

“What are we doing?” she asks, her voice low.

I shrug. “Something different and outside of our comfort zones?”

She takes a long drink of her Cosmo, seeming to be fortifying her courage. I follow suit and before I know it, we've drained both glasses.

“We're probably going to need more of those,” I say.

“I was just thinking that.”

We step back into the lounge and grab a seat in a booth. Over the next half hour or so, we power down a few more rounds until we are both starting to feel tipsy - which is probably the state of mind we need to be in if we are going to do we came here for.

“One for the road?” I ask.

“Couldn't hurt,” she replies.

I flag down the waitress who brings us one last pair of drinks. I slide out of the booth, dropping some cash, and take Holly's hand. Together, we walk back through the double doors and start once more down the hallway. Soft music is playing, but the echoes of moaning and dirty talk overpowers it.

We stop at the first doorway and see a woman bent over a table, bound by leather straps. A man in a leather mask smacks her ass enthusiastically with a paddle, while another man stands over her, sliding his cock in and out of her mouth. A small cluster of people stand in the shadows of the darkened room, watching. I see a few people engaging in various sex acts while they watch the performers on stage.

I look down at Holly and she gives me a shake of the head. “That’s a little too heavy on the bondage for me,” she says.

I nod. “I was just thinking that.”

We move on to the next doorway and find another stage with a couple locked inside of a large steel cage. The woman is pressed against the bars, exposing her flesh, and they're banging away to a crowd of people who, just as in the first room, are engaged in sex acts of their own.

“A little too wild,” I say.

We pass several more doors, not really finding anything that gets us going – though, it's obvious to me that both of us are growing aroused. I'm hornier than hell and can't wait to be inside of her and judging by the way Holly keeps looking at me, licking her lips, and brushing my cock with the back of her hand, I'm pretty sure she's thinking the same thing.

We stand in the doorway of another room and find that it's sparsely filled compared to the others. On stage, there is a couple – the girl looks a few years younger than Holly, while the guy looks to be about my age. The woman is wearing thigh-highs, a plaid skirt, a white button-down shirt, and black patent-leather shoes while her partner is wearing slacks and a shirt and tie. Typical schoolgirl fantasy stuff.

Still, it's hard to not notice some of the parallels between Holly and I – younger woman, older man. Our age difference isn't that great, she's twenty-four and I'm thirty-three, but it's still large enough to cause me to slightly cringe at the scene before us.

Holly, however, looks transfixed. Maybe it’s because of those parallels - I don't know. But, she grabs my hand and leads me into the room. There are only half a dozen people in the room, which is surprising. I figured the schoolgirl fantasy thing would have rated way higher than leather, cages, and whippings – but, what do I know?

On stage, the girl is down on her knees, sucking the man's cock. His head is thrown back and he is moaning loudly. I look around, somewhat uncomfortable in a group – even as small as this one – where guys are stroking their own cocks or have a woman down on her knees before them, almost acting out the scene on stage.

“Over here,” Holly whispers.

She leads me back to a corner of the room where there's a soft, padded bench. We sit down, and she drains the last of her drink. I follow suit and we set our now empty glasses to the side. On stage, the man is gripping the girl's dark hair, pumping his hips, slamming his cock into her mouth. I see a couple sitting on a chair, the woman straddling her lover, riding him for all he's worth, both of their gazes fixed on the stage.

It's then I realize that no one is even paying attention to us. I'm the only one looking around. Everyone else is either riveted by the two fucking on stage or are focused on what they're doing with their partner. Or partners. It's almost like we're invisible.

I lurch forward when Holly suddenly starts using her hands to massage my cock through my pants. She rubs and strokes it, never taking her eyes off the people on stage. It's not long before I'm rock hard and feel my inhibitions starting to fade. The voice of the psychologist in the lounge comes back to me, reminding me to have fun. That it’s healthy to loosen up and enjoy each other.

I fumble clumsily with my belt and zipper, but I eventually manage to get them out of the way. Grabbing Holly's small, delicate hand, I force it around my cock. She squeezes it eagerly, stroking and jerking me fast and hard. A groan passes my lips and as I watch as Holly grows more aroused, fixated on the couple on stage, I think I am more turned on at this moment than I've ever been in my entire life.

Onstage, the girl gets to her feet and the man grabs her roughly. He bends her over a desk and pushes her skirt up above her waist, exposing a tight, toned ass. My first thought is that, while it may be nice, Holly's is nicer. My second reaction, as I watch the man drop to his knees and start to eat her pussy from behind, is that I want to taste Holly again, right now.

I get to my feet, pulling my pants up, then get Holly on her feet. I push her against the wall, so she can continue watching the show as I drop to my knees before her. Pushing the skirt of her dress up, I pull her panties down, slipping them into my pocket. My cock strains painfully against my zipper as I listen to the “schoolgirl” moaning loudly behind me.

Leaning forward, I bury my face between Holly's thighs, lapping up the juices dripping from her pussy. I push my face forward, her soft patch of hair - groomed into a neat strip - tickles me, the sweet scent of her drives me crazy. She lifts a leg and drapes it over my shoulder, giving me a better angle to her wet, tight opening.

I cup her ass with my hands, squeezing tight as I slide my tongue into her. Her breath catches in her throat and her body tenses as I start to vigorously fuck her with my tongue. The sound of the woman moaning behind me blends with Holly's voice, spurs me on, and I lick and suck on her sweet pussy harder and faster. I can't get enough of her. The scent and the taste of her is heady, intoxicating, and it makes me want more.

I run the tip of my tongue around her swollen lips, nibbling on them softly, drawing a low moan from Holly. I slide two fingers into her tight little slit and start banging her rhythmically as I take her clit into my mouth and suck on it furiously. She gasps and cries out softly, pulling at my hair and grinding her pussy against my face. I drive my fingers in deeper, sucking on her clit harder, and feel myself going fucking crazy with desire.

“Yes, Brayden,” she whispers. “Oh fuck, yes. Just like that.”

I look up and see that her gaze is still locked on the couple onstage. I hear the woman moaning and the man's muffled groans, so I assume he's still eating her out. Whatever they're doing certainly has Holly's attention. She's hot, wet, and grinding her pussy against my mouth, taking my fingers deeper inside of her. I lick and suck on her clit, giving it a nip that draws a muffled yelp from her as I relentlessly bang her pussy with my fingers.

I can feel Holly’s body beginning to tense, her breathing growing more ragged by the second. When I suck hard on her clit and drive my fingers as deep into her as possible at the same time, she cries out with release. I look up and her head is pressed against the wall, eyes closed, a look of pure rapture on her face as she comes all over my mouth.

I get to my feet as her orgasm subsides and she looks wobbly, but there is a sparkle in her eyes. She grabs my hand and pulls me over to a chair. She quickly unfastens my belt and drops my pants, pushing me down into a sitting position. She leans forward and bites my earlobe.

“I've been looking forward to having your dick in my mouth all fucking night,” she whispers. “I'm going to suck you so fucking good, baby.”

Before I can say a word, she drops to her knees and swallows my cock. She takes it all the way into her mouth, tightens her lips around it and starts bobbing her head up and down, gradually moving faster. With one hand, Holly squeezes, and then massages, my balls. Her other hand finds its way to my cock and she wraps it around the base of my shaft, squeezing it tightly. She starts to move her hand and mouth in unison, stroking and sucking me for all she's worth.

And holy fuck, does it feel amazing. I lean my head back as powerful waves of sensation shoot through my body. I look up to the stage and see that the man still has the girl bent over the desk with her skirt above her waist, but he's fucking her from behind. He's pounding her with his cock. The noise of their flesh slapping together echoes around the room, blending with the sounds of the audience fucking and sucking the hell out of each other.

It's a carnal symphony and visual feast that's taking the intensity between Holly and I to a whole different level. I look down and see her staring at me, her eyes locking onto mine. A playful smile tugs at her lips and she takes my cock out of her mouth, still squeezing my shaft good and hard.

“You like watching?” she moans. “You like watching him fuck her?”

“I like it when I'm with you,” I say.

She bends down and runs her tongue across my balls, stroking me at the same time. She sucks on my balls for a minute, her eyes never leaving mine.

“Do you want me to dress up for you, Brayden?” she asks, her voice low. “Do you want me to be your naughty schoolgirl?”

She runs the tip of her tongue around the head of my cock, teasing that sensitive spot on the underside.

“Yes,” I moan. “I do.”

“I'll be whatever you want me to be, baby,” she moans.

She goes back to working my hard rod with her hand and mouth. I feel my balls tightening and the pressure building up within my lower body. I know that if I let her continue to suck my cock, I'm going to lose it before long. I look down again and see Holly slip her hand under her skirt. She starts touching herself, her moans vibrating my cock as she keeps sucking on me.

The sight of her fingering herself while she blows me almost pushes me over the edge. So, I stop her before she ends up with a mouthful of come. As much as I'd love to come in that beautiful mouth, I want her. I need her. Have to be inside of her.

“Fuck,” I mutter. “You are killing me, Holly.”

“What a way to go though,” she whispers.

I reach down to my pants and quickly fish a condom out of my wallet. My hands are so unsteady that I have trouble getting the wrapper open. Holly laughs softly and takes it from me, opening it up and handing it back to me.

“Thank you,” I say, a wry chuckle escaping me.

As I pull the condom out and roll it down the length of my dick, Holly stands before me, one hand under her skirt as she continues touching herself, her other hand cupping and squeezing her tits. I can't believe what's come over her, but I like it. I really fucking like it.

When I have the condom in place, she pulls her hand out from under her skirt. Her fingers glisten with her juices in the dim lighting. As she steps forward, I grab her hand roughly, drawing a surprised squeal from her. I slip her fingers into my mouth and lick the last bit of her juices off. She gives me a sexy little smile as she starts to straddle me on the chair, but I stop her.

“No, not like this,” I say. “Turn around. I want you to watch them while you fuck me.”

I can tell this idea turns her on and she quickly complies, turning around and pulling her skirt up, giving me a view of that tight, glorious ass of hers. She lowers herself down, taking my cock into her inch-by-inch. When I'm fully sheathed inside of her, she leans back and starts to rock her hips back and forth, sliding on my hard rod.

I reach around and start to play with her clit, pumping my hips at the same time, driving myself into her as deep and hard as I can. With my other hand, I caress her breasts, both of us moaning and groaning. On stage, the girl is on her back, her shirt off, her legs up on the man's shoulders. Her tits bounce in time with his fucking, and her moans fill the room. All around us, I hear men and women crying out in pleasure, and it spurs me on.

I pump my hips harder, driving my cock into her faster. Deeper. I rub her clit with my fingers, drawing whimpers from her that are growing louder.

“Fuck me, Brayden,” she moans. “Fuck me, baby.”

On stage, the woman is talking dirty to the man, telling him exactly what she wants in very descriptive and arousing terms. It's improbable but I swear, as I listen to the woman on stage while pumping inside of Holly, I feel my cock grow even stiffer.

I lose my rhythm and nearly slip out of Holly's pussy when she squeezes her muscles, gripping my cock tight.

“Fuck,” I say.

Holly looks back at me and smiles as she leans forward and starts to grind up and down on my cock. I grab her hip with one hand and slap her ass hard with the other. She cries out and keeps impaling herself on my dick, harder and faster. I feel her body tense and know she's getting ready to come for me again. I see Holly raise her head, watching the action onstage as she continues fucking me.

On stage, the man is gripping the girl's thighs hard, his head thrown back, his cries mixing with hers as he pounds his cock into her like a jackhammer. Holly drives herself down on me once more, taking my cock into her as deep as it will go, and pauses. Her body violently shudders as Holly comes hard, screaming out.

I yank on her hair, pulling her head back as I thrust my hips upward, driving myself fully into her one more time, intensifying her orgasm. Holly practically collapses, falling to her knees to the ground in front of me. I'm on my feet and get her up again quickly. Her breathing is ragged, and her body is still trembling. Holly looks up at me, her eyes sparkling, her body shaking, and a wide smile on her face.

“That was fucking incredible,” she gasps. “Fuck, Brayden. I've never come so hard in my life. I thought my heart was actually going to stop there for a minute.”

She kisses my lips, her tongue darting into my mouth. A moment later, she pulls back and gives me a sultry smile.

“Your turn, baby,” she whispers.

Holly drops to her knees and yanks the condom off me, tossing it on the chair behind us. She leans forward and devours my hard prick. She moves her mouth, sucking hard, jerking me off at the same time.

I watch as the man on stage pulls his cock out of the girl and takes a step back. She quickly gets off the desk, falling to her knees in front of him. Just like Holly, the woman swallows the man's cock, working hard to get him off.

Holly is looking up at me, obviously turned on that I was watching the couple onstage while she was blowing me. She tightens her mouth around my cock and squeezes my prick even more tightly, jerking me harder as she sucks me.

“Fuck, Holly,” I say.

My balls tighten, and I know it's only a matter of seconds before I come. On stage the girl leans back, jerking the man off. He throws his head back and cries out as he comes, shooting it all over the woman's face, tits, and hair. I hear a couple of the men around us getting off at the same time as the “teacher” and have no doubt that if I were to turn around and look, I would see a lot of men finishing in the exact same way.

Holly gives me one last hard tug and sends me over the edge. My body is awash in sensation as I come. My cock pulses and throbs as I blow my hot seed deep into her throat. Holly keeps stroking me, milking every last drop from my cock, before swallowing the entire load.

She gets to her feet, a devious grin on her face as she licks her lips suggestively.

“Delicious,” she says.

I pull her to me and kiss her deeply, our tongues dancing and swirling. And although my cock is deflating, the desire I feel for her hasn't diminished in the least. My head is filled with thought and emotion as I look into her eyes and yet, I can't seem to get a single coherent word out.

Holly grins as she smooths her dress and pulls it back down. I grab my pants and quickly dress as the dimmed house lights become gradually brighter. The message clear - the show is over. There is a smattering of applause from the audience and the performers take a bow.

“Thank you for coming out and giving us your energy,” the man says with a laugh. “There will be another show in thirty minutes.”

“Please make sure you clean your areas,” the woman adds, her voice high and sweet. “And tips are always welcome and appreciated.”

I fish a couple hundreds out of my wallet and walk up to the stage, dropping it into the box. The woman looks at me and smiles. Seeing the man's seed still in her hair makes the fire within me for Holly burn once more.

“Thank you,” the actress purrs.