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Accidentally Married by R.R. Banks (9)

Chapter Nine




What am I doing? What in the hell am I doing? I just agreed to go back to Brayden's hotel room with him. Although I'm mentally criticizing myself, spouting the usual “I'm not this kind of a girl” drivel, there's still part of me that is – excited.

I look over at the dark silhouette of his strong profile as he drives. His chiseled jawline and strong cheekbones seem almost at odds with the baby-soft smoothness of his cheeks. And yet, it somehow all combines to form one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen.

I have to admit, Brayden is not anything like I initially thought when Gabby first pulled me into his booth back at the club. My first impression was of the arrogant alpha-male, macho type of man's man. I figured he'd be flippant, caustic, and entirely condescending. Dismissive of women - like most disgustingly wealthy, heartbreakingly handsome men are.

Those types of men see women as playthings. As toys that only exist for their own entertainment and pleasure. As objects to be used and then discarded. And those types of men, I can not only see a mile off, I avoid like the plague.

Something about Brayden is different, though. He has some of those alpha-male qualities, that I can clearly see, but those don't define him. More than that, it almost seems more like a facade than anything. I guess a man in his position needs to be seen as the unquestioned leader. As a hard ass. As the man in charge.

Underneath all that though, is a man that's very funny. Goofy, even. He's got a razor-sharp wit and an even sharper tongue. He seems to always have a funny line at the ready. Not only that, he's fascinating and incredibly intelligent. He's a great conversationalist and a lot of fun to be around. And best of all, being with Brayden, just enjoying myself and having fun, allowed me to forget about the shitshow that is my life, for a while. That has to count for something, right?

It's all been very unexpected, to say the least. And I guess I allowed myself to get so caught up in that moment we kissed and in all the thoughts and emotions it set off within me, that I'd agreed to go back to his room with him.

What in the hell am I doing? One part of my mind argues. Why are you even questioning it? The other part counters.

“You okay?” he asks, looking over at me.

I turn to him and feel a ripple of fear mixed with anticipation course through my body. I nod and give him a smile I hope looks more genuine than it feels.

“Yeah, fine,” I say. “I'm good.”

He gives me a gentle smile. “If you're having second thoughts –”

I shake my head quickly, not trusting myself to speak. Truth be told, I passed second guessing this a long time ago. I'm on more like the thousandth thought. All I can think though, is that I deserve this. I deserve to have fun. Even if nothing long term comes of this – which it likely won't – I deserve to have a good time. To enjoy myself. To enjoy my life. I only get one and I should live it how I want. Right?

“You sure about that?” he asks. “Because you're shaking your head yes, but that terrified, deer-in-the-headlights look on your face is saying something else.”

A wry chuckle escapes me, and I just shake my head again. “You'd think I'd never done this before.”

“What, go home with a strange man your friend forced on you at a nightclub just a few hours ago?” he asks, a mischievous grin on his face. “Yeah, me neither. Last time I was in this position, it didn't go all that well. The guy was a real prick about it too.”

I stare at him wide-eyed for a moment and realize he's screwing with me. As his words finally sink in and I realize, I burst out laughing. And as I laugh, I feel the tension that had been building up inside of me dissipate. Gone, like a puff of smoke on the breeze. I laugh until my sides hurt and tears roll down my face.

That goofiness, that sharp wit – it's honestly one of Brayden's most attractive qualities. The fact that he can make me laugh like an idiot – something no man has ever been able to do – is something I appreciate and adore. And strangely enough, it makes me feel extremely comfortable around him. I can't explain why, but it does.

Eventually, my laughter fades and I wipe the tears from my eyes. I look over at Brayden who turns to me, his expression serious.

“Honestly,” he says, “if you don't want to do this, just say the word. I'll take you back to your own hotel. No harm done. The last thing I want is for you to feel pressured or forced into anything.”

I look at him for a long moment, the thoughts and emotions inside of me swirling faster than a tornado. No matter which way I look at them though, they all ultimately lead me to one conclusion.

“I want this,” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper. “I really do.”

Brayden gives me a nod and a smile. “I was hoping you'd say that,” he says. “Because if you hadn't, I've been driving with this really uncomfortable hard-on for nothing.”

I erupt in laughter again and slap him on the shoulder. “You're such a pig.”

He laughs. “Oink oink,” he says.

He pulls the car into the large circular drive of the hotel and pulls to a stop at the valet stand.

“The Bellagio,” I say and look over at him. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Because you recognize class and style when you see it?”

“Yeah, that must be it,” I say and giggle. “Now, come along, pig.”

The valet opens my door and I get out, waiting on the curb for Brayden, who's handing his keys and a tip to the attendant. When he's finished, he steps over to me and I take his arm, allowing him to escort me through the lobby and to the elevators.

As we step into the elevator car, I feel nerves rippling through my belly again. Neither of us speak, but when I look over at Brayden, I see that his face is a little pinched. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he's feeling a bit nervous too.

When he looks over at me again, however, his face is now perfectly composed. Gone is the pinched look of nerves from just a moment ago, and in its place, is a mask of calm certainty. A mask that nearly borders on arrogant. I can tell it's a front, though, from what I'd seen just a moment before. The fact that he thinks he can hide it from me is adorable. It might work well on other people. It probably does. But then again, I'm not those people.

“Listen,” I say. “If you've changed your mind –”

“The only thing I’m thinking about is having you a second time,” he replies, his voice cocky.

I laugh and slap him in the arm again. “Pig,” I say. “Seriously. I appreciate you not wanting me to feel pressured or anything, and I just want you to know, I don't want –”

I let out a small yelp as Brayden cuts me off, pushing me up against the wall of the elevator and leaning in, pressing his lips to mine. Our kiss is slow and tentative at first, but quickly grows in intensity. Our tongues swirl and dance with each other and I feel his hands roaming my curves. He cups my ass before sliding his hands up, leaving them to rest upon my hips.

Pulling back, he looks me in the eye and gives me a small smile. “Do I seem like a man who gives in to being pressured?”

Biting my bottom lip, I give him a salacious smile as I reach down and grab his stiff cock through his slacks. His breath catches in his throat and he lets out a slow groan as I rub and stroke him through his pants.

“Oh, I have a feeling I could – persuade – you to do a lot of things,” I purr.

Grabbing both of my hands with his own large, strong ones, he pins them to the wall above my head and presses himself forward. He kisses my neck, grinding his hard rod against me, drawing a soft moan from me. Feeling how hard and thick he is, pressed against my belly, ignites a fire between my thighs and I feel myself growing wet.

He pulls back and smiles at me. “Oh, you could try,” he says. “And I'll let you try as often as you want.”

The elevator chimes as the doors slide open, revealing us awkwardly standing there in that compromising position. The unlucky onlookers, an older couple probably in their fifties, are staring at us with wide eyes and open mouths, shock etched upon their faces.

Brayden clears his throat and releases my hands, taking a step back from me. I stand up and straighten my skirt, quickly trying to straighten my hair and compose myself.

“First time in Vegas?” Brayden asks the couple. “I only ask because if you've been here before, you've had to have seen weirder shit than that.”

I practically sprint out of the elevator as the couple enters, their faces still stunned – though the woman seems to be at least a little bit amused by the situation. Taking my hand, Brayden leads me down the hall to his room. He uses the electronic key, and when he pushes the door open, allowing me to step inside, my eyes grow wider than I thought humanly possible as my jaw nearly hits the floor. This isn't a room – it's a suite. And an absolutely gorgeous one at that.

Marble tile lines the foyer and the main rooms. There's a small kitchenette and a living room with all the fabrics done in black and gold. On either side of the main room are French doors – presumably leading to the two bedrooms. The lighting inside is soft and the artwork tasteful – surprising for Vegas, given the city's fondness for excess. All things considered, the room is elegant and shockingly, a little understated.

“First time in the Bellagio?” Brayden asks.

I nod. “Oh yeah,” I say. “And let me tell you, this place beats the hell out of the Rio.”

“You're staying at the Rio?” he asks, sounding surprised. “I figured that a girl who comes from money like you would be staying here or at the Wynn or something.”

I shrug. “I came from money,” I say. “Doesn't mean I have it.”

“Fair enough,” he says, a curious look crossing his face.

He wisely decides to not focus on that, but on me instead. Brayden takes my hand and leads me through the common area to the French doors on the left. He opens the doors and ushers me inside, closing them behind us.

“Is your friend here?” I ask, almost nervously.

Brayden shakes his head. “No, I'm pretty certain that he's passed out somewhere with a blonde he met at the club,” he says. “Not sure where they went, but it doesn't look like they're here. Which means we have the place to ourselves.”

I turn to him and smile, that ripple of fear tinged with excited anticipation turning into a wave in my lower belly. Brayden walks over to the fireplace and pushes a button on the wall. The gas fire ignites and immediately gives off a soft, warm glow. I watch as he dims the lights, leaving the only source of illumination in the room the reflection of red and orange flames, dancing on the walls around us.

Brayden leans against the wall, his arms folded across his chest, watching me in complete silence. I can see the light reflecting in his eyes, making them sparkle, and I suddenly understand how a gazelle out on the savannah feels when a beast is stalking them. Only in this case it doesn’t trigger my fear response, it just makes me wet.

I walk across the room, deliberately showing off my silhouette as I stand in front of the windows. Far below us, I see the graceful fountains in front of the hotel; the tourists lined up along the street watching with rapt attention as streams of water shoot high into the air in rhythm with the music.

I hadn't heard him move towards me, but I give a small start when I suddenly feel Brayden's hands caressing me. He runs his fingers up and down my arms as he dots a line of small kisses on my neck. I lean back against him, reaching behind me to take his cock in my hand, but he stops me. I look at him over my shoulder, not understanding why he won't let me touch him. He flashes me a sultry smile and pushes forward, forcing me to brace myself against the window with my hands.

He presses into me from behind and I feel his thick shaft grinding against my ass as he kisses my neck. It feels like an inferno is building between my thighs as he pushes himself against me while slowly sliding the zipper on my dress down.

I'm growing impatient. I want to feel him inside of me. I start to stand up, but he holds me down firmly, keeping me pressed forward, my hands bracing me against the thick pane of glass.

“No,” he says softly and begins kissing my neck again.

The zipper on my dress conquered, he slides the straps down my shoulders and lets my garment fall to the floor, where it pools around my feet. Brayden finally turns me around and presses himself against me. I feel his rigid cock pressing into the flesh of my stomach and feel my panties growing even more soaked than before.

My back is pressed against the glass of the window as he grinds himself against me, and I feel a flutter of nerves flow through me, knowing that only a pane of glass is separating us from a long plunge that's would undoubtedly end in our deaths.

As if reading my mind, Brayden looks at me and grins. “This is thick, double-paned, shatter-proof glass,” he says. “Don't worry. It's not going to break.”

He then presses his mouth to mine, kissing me with a heat and intensity that takes my breath away. I can honestly say that I've never been kissed like this before and it's having a profound effect on me – it's making me wetter than I've ever been. Our tongues dancing and swirling, his hands tracing my flesh, I reach down and try to slide my hand into his pants, desperate to feel him in my hand.

Brayden stops me again though and pins my hands to the window above my head with one of his own.

“Patience,” he says. “Not yet.”

“But –”

He puts his fingertip to my lips. “No.”

Still pinning my hands above my head, Brayden slides his other hand down my body, cupping my breasts. He circles a stiff nipple with his thumb for a moment as he kisses me before sliding his hand down my stomach and slipping it into the waistband of my panties.

He slides my panties down my thighs a bit but leaves them in place. My breath catches in my throat when he slips his hand between my thighs, stroking my wet, swollen lips with his fingertips. I let out a soft cry when he slips a finger inside of me, my pussy is so wet, it makes a sound that seems to echo around the room as he moves in and out of me a few times.

Brayden smiles at me as he takes his digit out of my pussy and brings it to his mouth, licking my juices off completely.

“Delicious,” he says. “You taste so sweet.”

I feel a quiver between my thighs as my heart starts to race. Without another word, he lets go of my hands and falls to his knees before me. Slipping my panties off, he tosses them to the side and raises one of my legs, putting it over his shoulder. He looks up at me, a mischievous smile on his face and absolute hunger in his eyes that leaves me feeling weak in the knees.

“You smell as sweet as you taste,” he says, his voice husky and deep.

I can't think of a single thing to say in return. All I seem capable of doing is feeling. My entire body feels like it's a live wire, with electricity shooting from my every nerve ending. And when Brayden leans forward and runs his tongue around my lips, it feels like a fucking bomb detonated inside of me.

I throw my head back, banging it against the window with a hollow, muted thumping noise, and cry out as Brayden lashes my slit with his tongue. I grab hold of his hair, unconsciously pulling at it and grinding myself against his face at the same time, urging him to shove his tongue deeper inside of me.

Brayden grabs my ass and squeezes it tight, giving it a firm smack as he licks my pussy up and down. He teases my clit with the tip of his tongue and my entire body shudders in response. When he takes my clit into his mouth and starts to suck on it, I call out his name and feel my juices run down my inner thighs.

Brayden slips two fingers inside of me, sucking on my clit and banging me in rhythm. I grind myself against him in time with the fingers pumping in and out of me. The pressure inside of me is building up quickly and I know if he keeps this up, I'm not going to last much longer. It just feels too incredible.

“Oh, God, baby, yes,” I gasp. “Yes, yes, yes...”

Brayden's response is muffled and unintelligible, but I get the feeling that he's loving this. Which is great, because I'm really enjoying myself right now. He licks and sucks on my clit harder and plunges his fingers even deeper into me. I feel my body tightening, the pressure rising to a crescendo and know what is about to happen.

I throw my head back, thumping it against the window even harder than before and cry out as my orgasm crashes down around me. It's so powerful and strong, I feel like my body is going to split wide open. My breathing is ragged, and my heart is racing so hard, I'm half-afraid it's going to burst out of my chest.

“Brayden, oh God, yes,” I cry out.

He holds on to me, continuing to lick and suck on me as my body shudders and shakes, the orgasm sending shockwaves of pleasure coursing through me. Maybe it's because I haven’t been with a man in so long, and my memory of good sex is fading, but I'm pretty sure I've never experienced an orgasm that powerful in my entire life. It takes me several long minutes to stop my body from shaking and get my heart rate down below what seems like a billion beats per minute.

When I've finally composed myself enough, I take my leg down from Brayden's shoulder and stand up – albeit on legs that are incredibly shaky. Brayden stands up and I can see the orange and red glow of the firelight glinting off my juices on his lips and chin. And I find it so irresistibly sexy.

Carnal desire rushes through me like a flash flood. I reach down and start to unbuckle his belt. I have to have him inside of me. I need it. But again, he stops me, taking my hands in his.

“No,” he says again.

“I need your –”

“I'll tell you when,” he says, his voice firm. “Go sit on the edge of the bed.”

I hesitate to move and look at him questioningly. Brayden stares back at me like he expects me to obey his commands. And when I fail to move, he reaches around and slaps my ass firmly, the sound of his skin meeting mine registering only a second before the physical sensation. The sudden crack of him slapping my ass sends a rush of pain through my body – although, I can't say it's not mixed with a solid spike of pleasure as well.

I look at him and can't keep a smile from tugging at the corners of my mouth. I've never been a woman who's into the whole spanking or BDSM thing, and yet, feeling him spank me somehow feels different than what I’d expected. Mixed with the pain is pleasure – and it leaves me a little confused but also excited.

“To the edge of the bed,” he says, his voice commanding. “Now. Sit.”

I jump to do as he says and move over, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking up at him expectantly. Brayden, never taking his eyes off me, moves over to the nightstand, opens the top drawer, and pulls something out. I look but can't quite make it out as he closes his large hand around it. Brayden shuts the nightstand drawer and turns back around to face me.

His crystalline blue eyes pierce mine as he makes his way over to stand before me. Although I'm eye level with his belt, my eyes are drawn to his as he firmly holds my gaze. I realize I'm simply waiting for him to tell me what to do next. Waiting for his next order – my next command.

As if he sees the realization dawning on my face, Brayden shoots me a smile. “Undo my belt,” he says sternly. “And then my pants.”

Without questioning, I do as he asks. I quickly unhook his belt and then unbutton and unzip his pants.

“Take them off,” he says.

I push his pants down, along with his boxers. I shove them down his legs and he steps out of them, kicking them impatiently to the side. When I sit up again, I'm staring straight at his firm, rigid staff. It's so long and thick that I can feel my cunt quivering as I picture having it inside of me.

I look up from his cock. Brayden's eyes never leave mine as he unbuttons his shirt, takes it off, and throws it on the chair next to the bed. And suddenly I'm treated to the sight of his naked body in all its glory. And it is glorious indeed. Brayden's body is all lean muscle – firm and toned. He's got the body of an athlete – but more like a swimmer than a football player. His body is all angles and hard planes, rather than the bulky muscles of a weightlifter.

The man is simply fucking beautiful.

“Open your mouth,” he says.

I obey without hesitation. Brayden steps forward, slipping the head of his cock into my mouth. I tighten my lips and swirl my tongue around the head and grip the base of his shaft with my hand. I look up at him as he gives me a small nod, giving me permission to suck him off.

I work my hand and mouth in unison, stroking and sucking his firm rod hard and fast, like I'm out to prove something. Brayden moans softly and I feel his hands in my hair, gripping the back of my head tightly.

“Fuck yes, Holly,” he gasps. “Fuck yes.”

I don't know why but hearing that I’m giving him pleasure fills me with an insane amount of happiness. It feels amazing to know that I'm able to do that for him.

Brayden's body stiffens as I tighten my grip on his dick and suck on him even harder. His breathing starts to grow more ragged. At this point, I'm pretty sure he's about to come in my mouth and honestly – I can't wait to taste him. Suddenly he steps back, pulling his cock out of my mouth. He looks at me with a crooked smile and shakes his head.

“I can’t come yet,” he says. “Not until I've had you.”

He hands me the object in his hand and I see that it's a condom. I look up at him, tear the wrapper open and smile.

“Put it on me,” he says.

Brayden steps forward again, seemingly back in control of himself, as I grip the base of his dick with one hand and slip the condom over the tip. Slowly and deliberately, I unroll the condom, moving my hand ever so slowly down every inch of his member, still gripping him tightly with the other.

When Brayden looks at me, I can see the flames of desire in his eyes. He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, and it only makes me grow hotter for him. Wetter.

“Get on your hands and knees,” he says.

I turn over and follow his command without hesitation, thrusting my ass in the air toward him. Brayden steps forward and grips my curves with his hands, pressing his fingertips into my flesh.

“Tell me you want this,” he moans.

“I want it, Brayden,” I gasp. “I want you inside of me. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me now, baby. Fuck me hard.”

I'm shocked as I listen to the words coming out of my mouth. I've never talked like that with anyone before and yet, with Brayden, it feels natural. My mind is awash with thought and emotion, but for now, I push it aside. I'll sort through that later. Right now, all I want is that amazing cock in me.

And Brayden delivers. He drives himself into me with one hard thrust, his thick, long cock filling me up and stretching me open. We remain motionless for a moment, both of us getting used to the sensation of having him sheathed inside of me. But then, he starts to move. Slowly at first, he begins pumping his hips, gradually moving faster inside of me, setting off explosions of pleasure as he does.

I cry out as he thrusts hard, plunging his cock deep into me. Brayden grabs a handful of my hair and gives it a firm yank, pulling my head back as he starts to fuck me harder. He drives his thick rod into me harder and faster, penetrating deeper each time.

“You're so fucking tight,” he growls.

“You feel so fucking good, Brayden.”

He gives my ass a firm smack, leaving the flesh stinging. And though I yelp and wince at the sudden pinch of pain I feel, it only seems to enhance the pleasure rushing through me as Brayden moves that thick cock deep inside of me. It's like adding a touch of spice to something that's already good – it makes it all the better.

“Yes, baby,” I moan. “Yes, again.”

He complies and smacks my ass, harder this time, sending a mixed flare of pleasure and pain coursing through my body at lightning speed. Brayden pumps his rod into me even harder, driving himself deeper inside of me until he’s nearly hitting my cervix. He lets out a low moan, softly calling my name as he tugs on my hair.

I feel an orgasm building inside of me once again. The pressure between my thighs grows even greater, as waves of pleasure wash over my body. And when Brayden smacks my ass in time with a deep, hard thrust of his glorious cock, it goes off. My pussy explodes with pleasure as I cry out, my body shuddering, my breathing ragged, and my voice quivering.

“I – I'm coming,” I gasp. “I'm fucking c-coming, baby.”

The muscles inside of me are contracting as I climax, squeezing his prick nice and hard. And that pushes him over the edge. I feel Brayden’s cock throbbing and pulsing inside of me as he lets out a loud cry. His entire body shudders as he blows his load, filling up the condom inside of me. There's a small, animalistic part of me that wishes I could feel his warm, wet seed filling me up, but it's probably better this way. It's safer.

After squeezing the last drop of cum out of his cock, Brayden staggers away from the bed, wiping his eyes, and shaking his head. He looks at me with a lopsided grin on his face, showing off his dimples.

“That was amazing,” he says. “You’re amazing.”

My heart finally under control again, I flash him a smile. “So, I've been told,” I say. “You're not so bad yourself.”

He grins as he slips off the used condom, dropping it into a trash can near the bed. Coming back over to the bed, he flops down on his back and pulls me to him. I lay my head on his chest and listen to the hard thump of his heartbeat. We lay in silence, our bodies intertwined, as I trace my fingertips across the hard flesh of his chest.

I've never been told no in the bedroom before. I've never been managed or handled the way Brayden did tonight. Telling me what I can do and when I can do it. Or, in this case, when I can't. It's unlike anything I've experienced before and not only is it confusing – I'm slightly ashamed to admit that I was aroused by it.

I'm a strong and proud woman. A woman who doesn't like to be told what to do or when to do it. And yet, in a strange way, it was liberating to hand over all my power and control to Brayden. Having him dictate my every move was sexy as hell. I'd be lying if I said it didn't turn me on. Because it did. A lot.

He runs his hands lazily through my hair, neither of us speaking, just enjoying the moment. It's not long though, before I feel my eyes growing heavy. I feel spent and my body is now reminding me of the fact. I hear Brayden's slow and even breathing and know that he's already dropped off to sleep.

I know I should get out of bed, dress, and head to my own hotel. I shouldn't stay. But, there's something about Brayden that makes me feel so comfortable. That makes me feel – safe. It's the strangest feeling in the world and certainly not something that I've ever experienced before.

It feels really good. Completely unexpected and somewhat disorienting, perhaps, but good. Damn good.

But then again, maybe I've had too much to drink tonight. It’s also entirely possible that my head is just fuzzy with post-coital bliss. I don't know. All I know is that I really should get out of here and back to my hotel.

And that's when the darkness creeping in at the edges of my vision, the siren song of sleep echoing out of the shadows, beckons me to sleep. Okay, I'll take a quick nap. Just a short nap to get my head on straight. And then I'll go back to the hotel. I'm sure Gabby is worried about me.

Just a bit of sleep, and then I'll get up and go...









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