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Accidentally Married to the Billionaire Box Set by Sierra Rose (43)


A year later

Brandon and Marj sat in two leather chairs holding hands on the left side while the Wicked Queen sat on the right-hand side. Behind the desk was the lawyer giving them the final verdict.

“Brandon, you followed the terms of your father’s wishes. It’s officially all yours.”

The Wicked Queen scowled. “No, they weren’t really a couple! Sources tell me they hatched this up in a bar only hours before the deadline. Marj was paid to be Brandon’s pretend bride. The whole thing is a sham. They’re pulling the wool over your eyes.”

The lawyer looked at her. “Fake? Really? Because Marj is six months pregnant.”

“What? She doesn’t even look it!”

Marj smiled widely as she lightly patted her stomach. “Well, I am.” She reached into her purse and held up the sonogram. “Wanna see?”

“She’s probably screwing other men. Did anyone ever think about that?”

The lawyer peered at her. “We had an amniocentesis done. The DNA confirms it’s Brandon’s baby. It doesn’t matter how they met. It doesn’t matter if they got married by Elvis in Vegas. Brandon got married by the date his father requested. They stayed married, and they shared marital relations. That’s what was required. There is nothing you can do to challenge this will. I don’t care how many lawyers you hire. It’s over. You lost. Now move on to something else to take up your time.”

She let out a loud huff.

“Have a great life, Mom,” Brandon said.

“You always were a rotten son,” she responded. “I hope your son is just as rotten as you are.”

“That won’t happen,” Marj said, touching her stomach. “We’re having a girl. Her name is Emma Caroline.”

Rolling her eyes, the Wicked Queen rushed out as the lawyer laughed.

“And the Wicked Queen was banished from her kingdom forever,” Marj said.

Brandon squeezed her hand. “And they lived happily ever after.”

Marj grinned.

The lawyer shook his head. “Well, this isn’t a traditional fairytale. The prince met the princess in Vegas and hooked up to scam the system, but Cupid struck his arrow, and they accidentally fell in love.”

How did he know? Neither one of us had said a word. But he had somehow figured it out.

“I hope the Wicked Queen stays out of my fairytale,” Marj said. “This king and queen would like to raise their princess far away from evil and darkness.”

“Lena won’t be a problem,” the lawyer said. “The will is ironclad. You got married before the date and stayed married. And the child, ‘little baby Emma,’ proves you weren’t doing this in name only. The only way she could’ve won is if she would’ve chased Marj out in the early stages of the marriage.”

“She sure tried,” Brandon said. “And came pretty close.”

“But she wasn’t successful,” the attorney answered. “So you’ve won. How does it feel?”

“Wonderful,” Brandon said, flashing his big smile at Marj.

“We just saved Brandon’s company and all those people who work there,” Marj said. “So yes, it feels fabulous to help so many people and see Brandon not lose his company he has worked so hard for.”

“Enjoy your victory,” the lawyer said.

Marj and Brandon thanked the lawyer and left his office feeling overjoyed.

“We did it, Mr. Cates!” Marj squealed.

He wrapped his arms around her. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

She cupped his face. “You know, you’re officially free to leave me and have your life back. I mean, that was the original plan.”

“Leave? Are you kidding me? Not a chance!”

“I know ‘really’ getting married wasn’t what you planned.”

“Marj, it’s the best thing to have ever happened to me.”

“You didn’t know that at the time.”

“But I know now. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.”

“I really love that you give me top priority now.”

“You do the same thing for me.”

She smiled. “Things couldn’t be better between us. You come home at a normal time. You don’t work weekends. I can’t thank you enough for working so hard on our marriage.”

“I was missing out on life, and you opened up my eyes. I want a wife and a family. I want to be a dad. And I don’t want to be like my workaholic father. I want to be there for our kids. I swear I’m going to be the best dad and the best husband. I promise to never let you down. I love you and our baby so much. You two girls are my world.”

“We’re going to have a great life together.”

“Yes, we are. Six children, right?”

She playfully nudged him. “Three.”

She wanted to start a family with him and be the best wife and mother she could possibly be. And he wanted the same thing too. He wanted six children. Marj had said no way. So they’d compromised and decided on three. They had both vowed to be better parents than what they both grew up with. Their children would have stable lives and be raised in complete love.

“I’m so glad I woke up accidentally married to a stranger,” Marj said. “It was a total game changer.”

“Yep. Waking up in the morning hungover and married worked out just wonderfully for me. I’d highly recommend it to all bachelors.”

She laughed. “So you learned a valuable lesson. Get married first, then laid, then date and get to know each other.”

They both chuckled.

“I’m just glad you didn’t give up on me,” he said on a more serious note. “You chose me to spend forever with. And I’m never going to let you down.”

His mouth captured hers in another glorious kiss. Marj loved Brandon with her whole heart. It was a bumpy road she traveled, but in the end, she finally had her own happily-ever-after.

And nothing was more glorious!